East Coast Spinners / new spinners?

  1. mhig
    Date: Sun, Sep 14 2008 06:30:04

    i really want ECS to grow.. looking at WCS and then looking at ECS.. it's a BIG difference guys.. let's try recruiting some people happy.gif i really want some new spinners to take on pen spinning smile.gif

  2. -JC-
    Date: Sun, Sep 14 2008 07:39:21

    can you take a screenshot of the wcs board's topics or something =\ i'm curious to see how active they actually are.......

  3. Stormcannon1
    Date: Mon, Sep 15 2008 10:26:31

    or how good they are

  4. nada
    Date: Mon, Sep 15 2008 21:36:21

    the people I know IRL who actually penspin are already here (stickytak/lim yo hwan, & luke)

  5. Apple
    Date: Fri, Sep 26 2008 23:52:54

    I'd try to get my friends from school to start pen spinning but they think its gay... i wanted to take my pen and jam it in their eye socket rotfl.gif

  6. David G.lanz
    Date: Sun, Nov 23 2008 20:08:28

    yea, pen spinning is kinda exclusive to people who don't get frustrated easily, and are bored in class happy.gif