Tutorials Pending Approval / Kuma♥ Mod

Improved TUT

  1. Kuma
    Date: Mon, Oct 6 2008 03:23:49

    ALL PENS AT WALMART Some at CVS/ Pharmacy occationally Rite Aid and Target
    All american pens FYI not a ZT

    Name Kuma♥ Mod
    COG: COP
    Length: 19.6
    Weight: KtStyle: Double sided
    Writing-Mechanism: pen
    Ink-Type: Gel Ink
    Estimated-Cost: 12$
    Materials List:
    2 Zebra F-301 Compact
    2 Pentech Syntech


    Whole 2 f-301 compacts
    1x syntech barrel
    2x syntech grip

    Barrel to the left grip to the right


    Step 1&2
    Pull out clips on F-301 compact pens completely and put the syntech grips on the caps

    Step 3
    Put the pen parts into the barrel


    To make it compact just pull it apart

    to slightly extend it pull it out a bit

    Make it lighter just dont spin it with caps


    American Pens
    Super Easy
    Easy to change color combinations

    I made it
    No asian pens
    Writes in Pen


    Q: How do the F-301 pens go in the barrel?
    A: They slide in perfectly if needed add teflon around the F-301 black part that slides in, most likely you won't need it.

    Q: I bought a syntech with a square cut from the barrel wtf?
    A: Make sure to buy the mp version or just look and make sure there is no cut on the barrel because these ones are smaller.

  2. Mike
    Date: Mon, Oct 6 2008 03:26:57

    Looks like a ZT.

  3. Kuma
    Date: Mon, Oct 6 2008 03:38:51

    i made it like 9 months before the zt was created the original name i called it was z-tech but too similar to zt

  4. Sankaku
    Date: Mon, Oct 6 2008 03:52:19

    So it's like a writeable ZT?

  5. Sfsr
    Date: Mon, Oct 6 2008 12:54:16

    It's not even made with telescoping pens, so no.

  6. Kuma
    Date: Tue, Oct 7 2008 00:13:37

    i never had the intention of making it similar to a zt and i said i made it 9 months before the zt
    i never copied any1's ideas and the slightly extention i noticed 3 months ago

    Just wanted to post the tut cause more people have the f-301 compact pen laying around.
    Other than that just to remind people that i made it

  7. Kuma♥
    Date: Fri, Dec 26 2008 00:55:24

    Changed the tut made some improvements cleaned it up a bit

  8. David G.lanz
    Date: Fri, Dec 26 2008 01:41:08


  9. Ryukis
    Date: Sun, Jun 7 2009 01:20:19

    does anyone know if you can get these pens in canada? more specifically B.C.?

    thanks =)

    dont really want to wait till i go to the states again ><

  10. dbspinner
    Date: Sun, Jun 7 2009 03:21:32

    too short for me
    the name is too similiar to a kuzu mod