Forum Games / Forum WARS!
Free for all!
Date: Tue, Oct 7 2008 12:35:57
Just pick a weapon, (or go bare handed) and start attacking people.
Rules: Just no killing everyone at the same time.
Doesn't matter if someone attacks you until you're dead.. just come back to life and kill him.
What's the point of killing the person if he can come back to life?
A: so you can kill him again.
What weapon can we use?
A: Just make up your own.
Who can I attack?
A: Anyone on the forum.
Example of game:
Glamouraz takes an axe and hacks off the head of __________
______ takes a granade and chucks it towards glamouraz.
Glamouraz kicks the granade back at him and it blows up in front of his face.
Have fun!
Lets start!
Glamouraz throws a fan of knives around him in all directions. -
Date: Tue, Oct 7 2008 13:01:44
Arnold grabs them and throws them back at Glamouraz.
Date: Tue, Oct 7 2008 13:12:56
Glamouraz whips out a AK-47, aims at arnold and pulls the trigger..
Date: Tue, Oct 7 2008 13:39:14
Grab the gun from Glamouraz's hands and whacks his bloody big head.
Date: Tue, Oct 7 2008 14:27:58
gets glamouraz's bloody head and bowl it down the bowling alley and hit the pins which fly in all directions
Date: Tue, Oct 7 2008 15:41:10
Grabs the pins and shoves them up kazeikan's.... figure it out.
Date: Tue, Oct 7 2008 22:42:45
... nostrils.
I take my trusty big stick and poke the corspse before beggining to feast on kazeikan brain. -
Date: Wed, Oct 8 2008 00:50:31
then i take whats left of my brain and throw it at Sidewinder's face
Date: Wed, Oct 8 2008 06:11:14
I take a hammer and smash the brain deeper onto/into his face.
Date: Wed, Oct 8 2008 06:13:06
i grab his body and teabag it
Date: Wed, Oct 8 2008 06:29:30
i take a knife and cut open kazeikans brain and deep fry it and feed it to kazeikan
Date: Wed, Oct 8 2008 06:43:14
I join in the battle by taking a hand grenade and throwing it into all the confusion
Date: Wed, Oct 8 2008 11:29:47
/me gets a holy hand grenade and kills you all
:> -
Date: Wed, Oct 8 2008 11:36:34
ok, war continues in heaven.
/me takes a holy bow and shoots an arrow through minches wings, she falls. -
Date: Wed, Oct 8 2008 11:39:57
wip out a
and shoot the brains out of cy-spinn
Date: Wed, Oct 8 2008 11:51:14
I enrage God causing him to wreck havoc in heaven and kill everyone, again.
(sorry if this is racist) -
Date: Wed, Oct 8 2008 12:03:27
And then everyone falls out of heaven and lands back on the place where they died.
Date: Wed, Oct 8 2008 12:24:33
then "the" kazeikan gets the kaze krew and kaze attack all you all and you fall down more of where you guys died
Date: Wed, Oct 8 2008 12:24:47
*shoots with a bazooka to a crater of holy hand grenade (the place where you all are at)*
Date: Wed, Oct 8 2008 12:34:28
Open Xternal's mouth and bazooka missles are swallowed by Xternal.
Date: Wed, Oct 8 2008 12:59:24
gets xternals ass and rockets come out of there aiming at glamoraz
Date: Wed, Oct 8 2008 13:14:06
[Edit]didnt notice kazeikan posted . sry.
But glamouraz ducked and it hit kazeikan who was behind glamouraz -
Date: Wed, Oct 8 2008 14:21:29
... but explosian was big enough to kill glamouraz too.
Date: Wed, Oct 8 2008 14:24:55
PS: so glamouraz out of the game? lol JK.
The explosion was so bad, it caused Xternal to fall over a cliff which was 300 metres behind him. -
Date: Thu, Oct 9 2008 02:34:39
i get these dudes to stab you all -
Date: Thu, Oct 9 2008 03:26:18
i dont see what lukes reply continues the story with. so shall continue with arnold.
but I suddenly had wings spurting out of my back and i flew back up and threw arnold off -
Date: Thu, Oct 9 2008 03:53:52
I shove a dildo bomb up in Xternals ass.
It blew up and all this blood with AIDS covered UPSB.
Then every member of UPSB is infected with AIDS. -
Date: Thu, Oct 9 2008 05:46:47
Luckily, arnold was sprayed with anti-everything defence lotion before battle, so he wasnt affect by AIDS. Then he gathered a puddle of Xternal's blood poured in onto Cybrax's body.
Date: Thu, Oct 9 2008 09:43:53
then kazeikan got a everything proof armor suit 12 feet high, it had no weaknesses and was armed with unlimited weaponry and unleashed it powers on all of upsb
Date: Thu, Oct 9 2008 10:25:25
Arnold used "nothing" on the "everything" proof armor and it shattered. xD
Date: Thu, Oct 9 2008 10:56:06
kazeikan got a M24 sniper and headshotted arnold and headshotted xternal for a double kill and headshotted glamoraz for a multi kill xD
Date: Thu, Oct 9 2008 13:40:48
luke gets an iron man suit and flys around shooting everyone
Date: Thu, Oct 9 2008 14:20:25
Luke crashed onto a bird and his suit broke down and he fell onto the ground in pieces.
Date: Fri, Oct 10 2008 21:06:04
and lands on arnold
Date: Sat, Oct 11 2008 06:06:52
kazeikan got a fat man and unleashed its fury on all of you and caused earthquakes which made us fall into hell
Date: Sat, Oct 11 2008 13:08:22
The devil used his fork staff poke Kazeikan's and luke's butt and unleashed his reign of babes upon arnold giving him high pleasure.
Date: Mon, Oct 13 2008 02:36:34
and traps arnold there for all eternity so he cant do shit
Date: Mon, Oct 13 2008 04:18:57
then somehow kazeikan got an ion cannon and blasted you out of hell to outer space so the battle continues in space with everyone nuded xD
Date: Mon, Oct 13 2008 10:20:22
Arnold floats towards Kaze, using his long hairy monster to hit him, causing him to faint. haha
Date: Mon, Oct 13 2008 12:01:53
/Slaps luke and blasts the whole battlefield with extreme rock music through
99 gigawatt Speakers.. shaking the whole area.
All your bones are rattling... WHAT ARE YOU GONNA DO NOW!!! I OWN MUAHAHAHAAAAAA!!!!
O shit is that someone with earmuffs?! -
Date: Mon, Oct 13 2008 13:52:03
I have prepared myself for everything you can throw at me, currently its this earmuff..
I overcome the force of the blasts and shoots a cannon of white stuff right ionto your face, Glamouraz! You are stricken wit fear..
Date: Mon, Oct 13 2008 13:58:59QUOTE (arnold @ Oct 13 2008, 06:20 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>Arnold floats towards Kaze, using his long hairy monster to hit him, causing him to faint. haha
i said u were stuck in hell..... -
Date: Mon, Oct 13 2008 14:24:14
I nuke everyone, end
Date: Tue, Oct 14 2008 07:45:50
but the nuke malfunction and blew loansharkinto millions and millions of particles which can never be recovered and out back again so loanshark shall never exist anymore but reincarnated onto arnold and out popped loanshark on arnolds shoulder xD owned
Date: Tue, Oct 14 2008 08:42:12
Yanos' weapon, the CHUCK NORRIS
kills kaze mwuahahhhhhaaaaaaaaaaahaaaa
Date: Tue, Oct 14 2008 10:47:43
Borrows a little bit of power from Zombo, kills all
Date: Tue, Oct 14 2008 10:58:41
combines kam's, eso's, and erirror's pen spinning abilities to create the almighty ZOMBO FORM which kazeikan equips and uses it overwhelming powers to destroy u all and blast you from outer space to planet neptune MWHAHAHAHAHAHAHAAH
Date: Tue, Oct 14 2008 12:39:26
Changes hell to
Now everyone in hell is stuck in!!! Muahahaa.. am I evil?!
Yuck.. that white stuff.. tastes.. weird...
No wait.. im actually becoming stronger!
I now control chuck norris! muahahaa...
Chuck norris round house-kicks Yanos back in time back to the second post.. -
Date: Tue, Oct 14 2008 13:58:31
Yanos sexayness controls Rick astleyy and just rickrolled glamouraz
Date: Wed, Oct 15 2008 02:00:58
You know what? I'll just go simple.
Takes a club and smashes Kazeikan's head. -
Date: Wed, Oct 15 2008 07:26:17
kazeikan frowns at wats happening and how he got into this instead he takes a AK47 and headshots everyone down
Date: Wed, Oct 15 2008 08:02:25
Wait.. what is arnold not prepared for? -
Date: Sun, Oct 19 2008 10:25:23
Then, Arnold shoves a sledge hammer into Glamouraz's ass, creating a huge vortex of fart. -
Date: Sun, Oct 19 2008 16:55:55
and i use a move... a secret weapon.. something that can only be blocked if you had prepared nothing, but since arnold did not prepare nothing.. HE DIES AND GOES TO!!!!!!!!!! Muaaaaahahahahahhahahahahaaaaaa91
Date: Mon, Oct 20 2008 02:08:59
i send everyone to and none of u can get out so i win!!!!!!!!!!!!
Date: Mon, Oct 20 2008 02:10:10 is inspiring!
Date: Mon, Oct 20 2008 04:34:46
I use the back button and get out of this topic before being transported to!
Date: Mon, Oct 20 2008 08:12:05
i hack and it is then change to which tells you how great i am ^^ and since ur stuck there u listen to me talking bout how awesome i am and you suffer a great deal of pain......
Date: Mon, Oct 20 2008 11:34:46
i just hit ALT+F4 lol!..
All of you stuck in, try hitting ALT + F4! it works! -
Date: Mon, Oct 20 2008 13:16:31
but kazeikan hacked the site so everytime you get out of 100 trojans come to your computer and screw your comp up hehe
Date: Mon, Oct 20 2008 17:44:46
i had no choice but not to look at all these and do nothing
so i took out a remote, press it and the whole area explode -
Date: Mon, Oct 20 2008 17:52:49
Wtf?!? trojans?!
I have southern (pun intended) anti-virus that not only clears viruses.. it clears their users too!
Muahahaa... now your monitors shoot lasers at their users!
Die people!!!! GET STUCK IN!!! -
Date: Fri, Oct 24 2008 17:22:36
I use an anti anti virus that is strong enough to overcome Glam's anti-virus,
which can make the first virus stronger, apart from destroying the anti-virus,
to destroy a bigger area. lol -
Date: Sat, Oct 25 2008 01:35:37
kazeikan points a laughs as pointing kills fairies and since you are in now "anything is possible in" u guys are turned into fairies and die from my finger pointing
Date: Sat, Oct 25 2008 04:21:33
i cut of all of kazeikan's fingers so you can't point * i save the rest of you!!!* lol
Date: Sun, Oct 26 2008 18:44:55
Cool. Thanks.
Takes a knife and stabs ttwbioraka!!!!! muahahahahahaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaalalalalalalalalalalalalalal
alalalalalalaaaaaaaaaaaaaa -
Date: Sun, Oct 26 2008 19:05:03
I hack Sadistic before he presses the back button and locks his computer, making him suffer to listen to Zombo.
Date: Mon, Oct 27 2008 09:40:31
Nice job.
*Starts laying land mines at random parts of the battlefield.* -
Date: Mon, Oct 27 2008 12:34:53
*attaches sensitive mines to everyone so when you move they explode* teeheehee
Date: Tue, Oct 28 2008 04:08:05
Ha! luckily im a block so i can't move.
Date: Tue, Oct 28 2008 06:53:39
*pushed glamouraz over with a 100m stick* haha u moved so u die !!
Date: Thu, Nov 27 2008 00:54:32
*kills everyone here with a toothpick
Date: Thu, Nov 27 2008 03:59:31
*comes back alive and kills who ever killed me with a toothpick with a toothpick
made no sense at all -
Date: Thu, Nov 27 2008 06:35:43
*poke* *poke* *poke* *poke* LOL LOL LOL LOL LOL LOL
kazeikan makes a bomb and gives it to xternal as an early birthday gift and glamouraz was there too and they both die =] -
Date: Fri, Nov 28 2008 13:31:35
but i got a special berry that once eaten.. goes straight to heaven a fall down again lulz..
Hammers a nail in kazeikan's head. -
Date: Mon, Dec 1 2008 12:08:16
Date: Mon, Dec 1 2008 12:18:20
Date: Mon, Dec 1 2008 12:20:12
Unfortunately those bananas has bomb inside of it, and ellusion go BOOM!
Date: Mon, Dec 1 2008 12:21:42
i watch in silence.
Date: Mon, Dec 1 2008 12:22:36
Throws grenade at Glamouraz
Date: Mon, Dec 1 2008 12:24:02
*died...and need someone help to kill fatalxfury..
Date: Mon, Dec 1 2008 12:25:31
lol fatalfury forgot to pull the pin?!
I pull the pin and throws it back at fatalxfury!
Lalalalalalalalalalalalalaaaaaaaaaaaa -
Date: Mon, Dec 1 2008 12:27:46
Pee on ellusion
catches bomb and eats it -
Date: Mon, Dec 1 2008 12:28:00
*become ghost and disturd fatalxfury life....
Date: Mon, Dec 1 2008 12:28:28
grenade explodes in fatalxfury.
Date: Mon, Dec 1 2008 12:29:46
becomes ghost too and pokes ellusion's eye
Date: Mon, Dec 1 2008 12:33:32
*blind and waiting somebody to donour a new eye's for him
Date: Mon, Dec 1 2008 12:35:52
gives a tennis ball to ellusion
Date: Mon, Dec 1 2008 12:41:48
wtf?!?! that's too big.
Here's a marble. -
Date: Mon, Dec 1 2008 12:42:41
throws tennis ball at Glam
Date: Mon, Dec 1 2008 12:44:33
*tennis ball goes through him*
I died earlier i think. im ghost now. you cant hurt me.
But i can hurt you.
Ghost is fun. -
Date: Mon, Dec 1 2008 12:46:12
Im a ghost too you know
Date: Mon, Dec 1 2008 20:56:19
*Sh!ts out a resurrecting gun, with resurrecting ammo, then Anemia shoots all the ghosts which brings them back to life.
Date: Mon, Dec 1 2008 21:16:50
i put my mx in the head of Anemia cus i like ghost any body kill me so i can be one
Date: Tue, Dec 2 2008 09:05:13
pick ups the resurrecting gun and shoot it to anemia
Date: Tue, Dec 2 2008 09:30:46
kills ping pong balls and throw the ghostly balls at ghosts.
throws normal tennis balls at fatalxfury. -
Date: Tue, Dec 2 2008 09:51:35
Grabs a baseball bat and hits tennis balls, tennis balls hits Glam
Date: Tue, Dec 2 2008 18:35:54
from glams head its bounches of too fatal fuxy
i use ghost grenade -
Date: Wed, Dec 3 2008 00:59:01
Since the granade was dead, it was ghostly and that means when it explodes it only kills ghosts, but since they are dead, no one gets hurt. So Anemia runs into a corner and starts drinking coffee, he then gets up to 100 cups, so Anemia can now slow down time. Anemia slows down time, and runs in a circle creating a vortex which snaps everyones neck.. even the ghosts.
Date: Thu, Dec 4 2008 20:34:30
since ghost cant break necks duhu 0.o they servive and kill anemia
than i use ghost gun and shoot al ghosts -
Date: Thu, Dec 11 2008 17:56:25
nukes edor
Date: Mon, Dec 15 2008 09:40:51
Nukes luke
Date: Mon, Dec 15 2008 11:54:55
shoots glamouraz with AK-47
Date: Mon, Dec 15 2008 23:04:50
Takes out a Dr. Kt with razor blades and does an infinity combo in front of k-ryder.
Date: Fri, Dec 19 2008 01:07:02
Steals the Razor-KT and throws it at Funanah
Date: Fri, Dec 19 2008 23:57:54
Dodges and throws mud pie.
Date: Sat, Dec 20 2008 00:56:57
Eats mud pie.
Places at 3000*f under a box propped up with a stick and string to lure Funanah. -
Date: Sat, Dec 20 2008 03:23:11
Uses magical powers to grab the 3000*f from a safe distance.
Date: Sat, Dec 20 2008 06:00:17
Baits noobs with comssas in the same box. *cough cough* glamouraz *cough cough*
jk -
Date: Sat, Dec 20 2008 06:07:23
*Gives a stick of dynamite to Pillars*
Date: Sat, Dec 20 2008 17:56:58
*Takes dynamite and disguises it as a RSVP MX made by Kam*
*Puts it under his box trap* -
Date: Sat, Dec 20 2008 20:45:22
*Kicks box trap and takes out the dynamite. Lights the dynamite and throws it at Pillars.*
Date: Sun, Dec 21 2008 00:59:33
Made an anti-virus and pwned all those frikken' trojans, somehow got to crash while everyone was still in there
Date: Sun, Dec 21 2008 02:54:13
omega says "WTF" killing someon with the engraved words....who knows?
anyone.... -
Date: Sun, Dec 21 2008 05:03:05
*Redirects dynamite stick with a Korean Backaround*
*teams with funanah* -
Date: Sun, Dec 21 2008 05:05:08
*Stands around* -
Date: Sun, Dec 21 2008 05:29:45
*Chats with Awesome to keep him entertained*
Date: Sun, Dec 21 2008 05:31:55
*Is happy that someone is talking to him, but is already entertained by the vilence already*
Date: Sun, Dec 21 2008 05:43:03
*Shares a bag of butter popcorn with Awesome*
Date: Sun, Dec 21 2008 05:48:14
*Thanks Funanah, and eats some*
Date: Sun, Dec 21 2008 05:55:07
*Accidentally spills popcorn on Awesome*
Date: Sun, Dec 21 2008 06:16:48
*Eats all the buttered popcorn and gives Awesome and Funanah a Comssa as a compensation*
"Truce?" -
Date: Sun, Dec 21 2008 10:26:02
*forgives PillarsOfValhalla and Funanah*
"yeah, truce" -
Date: Sun, Dec 21 2008 16:40:57
"Truce" *Takes the Comssa and starts spinning it* "Who else is there to attack?"
Date: Sun, Dec 21 2008 18:29:29
*Spins Comssa, as well*
I don't know. Maybe Glamouraz? -
Date: Tue, Dec 23 2008 02:46:42
Snipes Awesome,Funanah, PillarsofValhalla From a building roof
Date: Tue, Dec 23 2008 02:54:18
*Eats the bullet and flyhax up to Stars to punch him*
Date: Tue, Dec 23 2008 03:10:25
*Materializes behind GoldStars and makes him eat the Sniper Rifle.*
Date: Tue, Dec 23 2008 03:51:13
*Gives Pillars a high five*
Date: Tue, Dec 23 2008 04:05:05
*High Fives him back*
Sits down and starts spinning, not minding the war going on around him. -
Date: Fri, Jan 2 2009 12:03:58
Is this dead?
*Takes a kt and throws it at pillars, impaling him on the wall* -
Date: Fri, Jan 2 2009 14:09:27
screams "I HATE YOU ALL!!!!!"
Date: Fri, Jan 2 2009 15:29:26
screams "BLEK"
Date: Fri, Jan 2 2009 16:42:24
Says "Ouch" and asks Xternal to *kindly* remove KT from my arm.
Date: Tue, Jan 6 2009 09:13:16
I am ALIVE!!! muaahaahahahahahaaaaaa
Throws another KT at pillars. -
Date: Tue, Jan 6 2009 09:26:59
Throws a KT at Glamouraz
Date: Tue, Jan 6 2009 13:34:37
grabs Glamouraz by the neck, takes him home and cooks him for dinner along with Dark Angel-REX as a side dish =D
Date: Tue, Jan 6 2009 13:50:22
wheres the soup?
Date: Tue, Jan 6 2009 14:14:47
uhh.. *grabs loonwern93* there you go! pikachu soup! shocking to the spine
Date: Tue, Jan 6 2009 14:45:34
ok. im ineditble with loads of poison more potent that a cobra's bite.
good luck -
Date: Wed, Jan 7 2009 01:48:51
Finally someon posted in this.
Wait, now i have 2 Kt's in me.
Anyone want to help?
*Yells for help* -
Date: Wed, Jan 7 2009 04:57:56
*Taunts Pillars but takes Kts out*
Date: Thu, Jan 8 2009 10:11:29
snatches KTs and puts them back in.
Date: Thu, Jan 8 2009 23:15:54
This still isn't good.
How about we be friends until the Podcast is over then fight again. -
Date: Fri, Jan 9 2009 03:18:03
or i can put three more kt's in you.....
Date: Fri, Jan 9 2009 03:33:09
You could or we could wait until after the podcast.
Date: Sat, Jan 10 2009 00:17:58
*Leaves KTs in Pillars and eats a cake* -
Date: Sun, Jan 11 2009 03:25:42QUOTE (Funanah @ Jan 9 2009, 07:17 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>NO.
*Leaves KTs in Pillars and eats a cake*
I like cake.
What if i give youRemove the KT's.
Date: Sun, Jan 11 2009 16:10:05QUOTE (PillarsOfValhalla @ Jan 10 2009, 10:25 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>I like cake.
What if i give youRemove the KT's.
*Takes out ONE KT* -
Date: Sun, Jan 11 2009 16:20:40
*takes out a KT and runs*
Date: Sun, Jan 11 2009 18:09:47
gets his mx and throws at awsome
Date: Sun, Jan 11 2009 18:27:23
*Throws a blueberry at Shawny*
Date: Sun, Jan 11 2009 18:31:01
*Catches the MX and is pleased that he got 2 pens today and continues running*
Date: Sun, Jan 11 2009 20:08:18
stands around and asks if anyone wants an alliance to build a death star
Date: Mon, Jan 12 2009 02:44:28
Accepts offer and builds Death Star that destroys everyone's pens except ours.
Date: Wed, Jan 14 2009 04:43:23
too bad. i got your pens and the death star doesn't know which pens belong to who and yours got destroyed too.. aaaahahaaa..
*throws devil stick at the paladin* -
Date: Wed, Jan 14 2009 05:04:58
No pens!?
What now? -
Date: Wed, Jan 14 2009 13:54:58
i got swords.. they aren't as mighty as pens but who cares?
*stabs pillars* -
Date: Wed, Jan 14 2009 21:34:02
Good Glamraz is here theres nothing he can't revive
Date: Thu, Jan 15 2009 00:16:04
The sword is not mightier than the pen.
*Runs away to find a pen* -
Date: Mon, Feb 16 2009 11:15:24
/me summons Zombo to deletes this thread and banned you all
Date: Mon, Feb 16 2009 16:52:38
*Summons hax*
Date: Mon, Feb 16 2009 16:57:15
Date: Tue, Feb 17 2009 01:48:24
Date: Tue, Feb 17 2009 03:15:21
Just so every one knows, I have god powers in this game...
Date: Tue, Feb 17 2009 12:50:49
/shoots Awesome.
Date: Thu, Feb 19 2009 14:49:13
shoots awesome again with my shotgun, except supa sharp ass shit comes out
Date: Thu, Feb 19 2009 18:48:47
kills everyone on upsb then uses a regen shield so no one can kill him for 1,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000 years
Date: Thu, Feb 19 2009 21:34:33
N ope, apparently I don't have permission to carry out that function, I guess I was wrong >_<
Date: Thu, Feb 19 2009 23:11:07
Anemia uses a spell to go 1,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,001 years into the future, then snaps Blank's neck 3 times. Then Legally changes Awesome's name to Sexual Chocolate.
Date: Fri, Feb 20 2009 01:03:56QUOTE (Anemia @ Feb 19 2009, 07:11 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>Anemia uses a spell to go 1,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,001 years into the future, then snaps Blank's neck 3 times. Then Legally changes Awesome's name to Sexual Chocolate.
Runs away.
Date: Fri, Feb 20 2009 02:06:03
chases dwon pillars of valhalla and snaps his neck then burns down the forum so this can stop forever
Date: Sat, Feb 21 2009 01:08:30
Un-burns the forum and unsnaps his neck. *Anyone who says that can't happen can kindly
Kicks K33NAN in the throat. -
Date: Sat, Feb 21 2009 07:30:58
Reads the dictionary to pillars of valhalla and bores him to death
Date: Sat, Feb 21 2009 17:23:59
Enjoys listening to the Dictionary being read to him.
*Knows every word in the English Language* -
Date: Mon, Feb 23 2009 02:33:23
erases pillars mind and kicks him in the throat then reads him the korean dictionary and he is forever asian.
Date: Mon, Feb 23 2009 04:09:45
Sneaks up behind K33NAN
pulls out 7 katanas (one at a time) and stabs them into the gut of K33NAN, while slicing with a slightly larger Katana in his left hand and then decides to feed all the small bits of K33NAN ( After Shishkabobing them over an open fire) to Pillars of Valhalla saying they are the small bits of potato and meat.
Date: Mon, Feb 23 2009 21:56:33
pulls out sharp Dr. KT and throws back at HKspinner while deftly swiping a flamethrower from his local convenience store to burn him to a crisp
<--------- (your body like this)
Date: Tue, Feb 24 2009 01:50:30
Speaks fluent Korean and confuses Dev. Silently places 6 tons of C4 on Dev, HKSpinner, and K33NAN, kicks them all in the throat and detonates the C4 in one fluent motion and dematerializes to Russia. Overthrows the current government and destroys all rebellion to start......
â˜â˜â˜â˜â˜The Neo Soviet Union â˜â˜â˜â˜â˜
"Yes" All hail the glorious Neo Soviet Union!
I win.
Оклик -
Date: Tue, Feb 24 2009 23:54:37
You cannot beat the Neo Soviet Union.
Date: Thu, Feb 26 2009 02:49:50
Ooooooooooooooooh really?????
Dev swiftly forms and underground revolution called: YR Soviet Union and works for years to destroy your neo soviet union. and then hires an assassin to eliminate you by poisoning your afternoon tea. (beat that) -
Date: Sat, Feb 28 2009 02:03:30
That was great. If you were allied with us we could rule this galaxy
Secretly breaks into your house and replaces all the silverware with business cards that have an address on them.
You go to the address and walk into the dark room. You switch on the lights and the room is covered with C4. The C4 detonates and I win -
Date: Tue, Mar 3 2009 02:35:19
Are you sure about that.. . . .. . .. . . . . . . in the aftermath of the explosion you see a charred figure. as you move up to the figure you see it is a body. it appears to be dead. But before i went into the room i checked for anything dangerous in the room with my handy little x-ray i carry around. seeing the C4 i put on an explosion-proof suit. So as you look down at the charred and disfigured figure it jumps up and grabs you by the throat, while pulling out several hundred of my own little business cards and replaced all the things in your pocket with them. (The business cards were to a small chinese resteraunt on the east side of town.) When you wake up from my chokehold you are in your home in bed. Finding the business cards to Happy's Chinese Buffet, you figure you will go there for lunch today. When walking in you find yourself in a small empty resteraunt. with a creepy man
saying, welcome to happy's chinese buffet, how may i kill you when hearing that you go to run for the door, it is locked the man slowly creeps up behind you and knocks you out with some kind of chinese herb thing. I then walk out from the kitchen were i was working and poison you. Mwuahhahahhahahahahhaa
Holy crap thats a bit of a story. have fun beating this!
lol now I really am in the â˜â˜â˜â˜â˜NEO SOVIET UNIONâ˜â˜â˜â˜â˜ HAIL!!
dont know what those symbols are just copied and pasted them they just show up as a box with numbers in it someone should really tell me what they are. -
Date: Wed, Mar 4 2009 06:51:37
Sadly, Dev administered the wrong herb. It turns out to be a strength potion!
*Recovers and breaks the nearest window, jumps out, and runs away* -
Date: Thu, Mar 5 2009 00:14:07
FrozenIce = Pure Win
*Escapes with FrozenIce* -
Date: Thu, Mar 5 2009 00:22:22
Swipes a large handful of the "uber strength" herb located in his employee locker jumps out the window and eats part then feeds the rest to his trusty four legged cucumber
*quickly gains on Frozen Ice and Pillars Of Valhalla. -
Date: Thu, Mar 5 2009 00:29:38
NoobishPenspinner stands in the corner and picks his nose while watching this
Date: Thu, Mar 5 2009 01:30:33
Conveniently finds
Gives him 6 tons of "Supa-Herb" and makes a getaway with FrozenIce -
Date: Thu, Mar 5 2009 08:23:04
Dev's cucumber horse thing has met its match!
A fight begins.
Dev ========><============PoV and FrozenIce
Date: Thu, Mar 5 2009 14:47:41
*Dev gives a right Roundhouse to PoV's neck
*PoV and Frozen Ice start running away.
*Dev pulls out his handy sniper rifle and carefully takes aim. . . . . . . . . . . .
<=============P.o.V. and Frozen Ice
Date: Fri, Mar 6 2009 00:02:38
PoV and Frozen Ice ------>
"You missed"
*FrozenIce and PoV hop on theand escape
Date: Fri, Mar 6 2009 01:02:41
/me gets 3 tons of super herb and smokes it, becomes indestructible, and nukes everyone
Date: Fri, Mar 6 2009 04:51:05
NoobishPenspinner stares at his toes and sees that he has an in-grown toenail and bends down to pick at it just as the nuke misses him :]
Date: Fri, Mar 6 2009 15:20:10
*Dev sees the nuke decides to join forces with PoV and Frozen Ice so he jumps on the
and speeds away
Date: Sat, Mar 7 2009 03:26:53
takes us to
Date: Sun, Mar 8 2009 18:35:41
*Dev is scared of
Date: Sun, Mar 8 2009 18:37:04
Runs from
Date: Sun, Mar 8 2009 21:28:03
Date: Sun, Mar 8 2009 22:38:47
Date: Sun, Mar 8 2009 23:30:40
omg its
everyone lets go ----> -
Date: Mon, Mar 9 2009 00:03:00
Trust me, I drive that thing for a living.
Date: Mon, Mar 9 2009 01:15:12
Hops into the
with Anemia.
Date: Mon, Mar 9 2009 21:32:20
runs after the
yelling stop then looks to the side while the bandwagon stops
*Dev runs into bandwagon. . . . . . . ouch. quickly jumps on while it is stopped. -
Date: Mon, Mar 9 2009 21:40:05
I stop for no one.
Date: Mon, Mar 9 2009 21:43:47
i'll just grap my msxa and challange you all for a sword fight!
Date: Wed, Mar 11 2009 02:25:02
Tell Anemia to run him over in the
Date: Wed, Mar 11 2009 12:22:22
Throws the hammer of thor at the pillars of valhalla
Date: Wed, Mar 11 2009 16:04:57
*Fires Anemia*
Date: Wed, Mar 11 2009 20:27:41
blows up
Date: Wed, Mar 11 2009 22:52:47
Saves POV.
Date: Wed, Mar 11 2009 23:02:02
Thank you
Runs with HKspinner to the nearest used car salesman who happens to be Digital Love
Purchases a newfor only $79.99 (plus tax).
Date: Fri, Mar 13 2009 01:56:54
Uses the bazooka POV gave and blows up the bandwagon
Date: Fri, Mar 13 2009 02:11:09QUOTE (Wind @ Mar 12 2009, 06:56 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>Uses the bazooka POV gave and blows up the wrong bandwagon
Wind blows up his own bandwagon.
*Jumps onto the PoV's bandwagon* -
Date: Fri, Mar 13 2009 02:40:12
Escapes with everyone on the
Date: Fri, Mar 13 2009 19:50:39
*Dev and the people in the
do a drive by paintball shooting of the people in the "new members" group
Date: Tue, Mar 17 2009 02:44:09
Drives the
50 miles over the speed limit.
Date: Tue, Mar 17 2009 03:40:53
-dead- hoping someone would revive
Date: Tue, Mar 17 2009 04:04:37
shoots the bandwagon with the ultimate weapon of bwahaha bwahaha because i felt like it
Date: Tue, Mar 17 2009 08:12:21
LAZER! on mhig revives
Date: Tue, Mar 17 2009 12:30:16
wedgy Edor so there will be someone I can laugh on
Date: Tue, Mar 17 2009 12:58:54
Revives wind.
Destroys all bandwagon on battlefield.
Throws grenade at bandwagon shop.
Useson myself.
Grows large.
Touches small kids.
Date: Tue, Mar 17 2009 15:41:58
nukes PoV -
Date: Tue, Mar 17 2009 22:50:12
takes my Dr. KT and stabs it into Eric's eye
Date: Tue, Mar 17 2009 23:43:08
Performs a rain dance and ressurects self.
Ressurectsand escapes.
Date: Wed, Mar 18 2009 04:33:24
The grenade destined for the bandwagon shop was a dud. =/
The bandwagons Glamouraz set out to destroy may have been destroyed (redundancy), but the people inside in it were left standing.
*Jumps on thePoV resurrected*
Date: Wed, Mar 18 2009 10:46:50
crashes into the wall I built.
Blows wind away.. -
Date: Wed, Mar 18 2009 12:18:47
flies away
Just because my name is Wind, you think I get blown away easily?!
nukes the bandwagons -
Date: Wed, Mar 18 2009 23:48:23
Runs from the
and dodges the nuke then bottles Wind and ties bottle to rock then throws the bottle connected to the rock 100 miles out at sea.
Ressurects FrozenIce and PoVgives them both one of Dev's famous four legged cucumbers.
Gets on his four legged cucumberand charges off.
Date: Fri, Mar 20 2009 02:32:43
Escapes on his
faster than a speeding
with FrozenIce and Dev
Sendsafter Glamouraz.
Date: Wed, Apr 1 2009 21:54:16
Feeds Mach 5 to his
and steals his Dr. KT from out of Eric's eye................... -
Date: Wed, Apr 1 2009 23:09:20
Escapes on his
and goes to the nearest used car department.
Edit: Spelling -
Date: Thu, Apr 2 2009 17:35:50
waits for POV to get to the car department then throws a giant atomic bomb at the car department
Date: Thu, Apr 2 2009 22:17:53
feeds microman to his
Date: Thu, Apr 2 2009 22:46:13
Sees the charred remains of the used car department.
Eats them. -
Date: Fri, Apr 3 2009 05:25:34
Chobi throws a exploding purple banana that tastes like pie at Pillars.
Date: Sat, Apr 4 2009 03:41:46
throws up a force feild, the banana is reflected back at chobi, then tells POV to stop eating the used car department
Date: Sat, Apr 4 2009 03:43:38
Stops eating the car department.
Finds aand escapes.
Date: Sat, Apr 4 2009 03:46:12
jumps on POV's bandwagon, then shoots at Dev with a sniper rifle
Date: Sat, Apr 4 2009 03:47:22
Drives the
to the nearest Office Max and purchases all their pens.
Date: Sat, Apr 4 2009 03:49:44
when POV gets back to the
he makes him a few mods to spin, makes a KT spins it does an arieal then the pen hits micro in the eye ball
Date: Sat, Apr 4 2009 03:57:25
Drives the
away at turbo speed.
Date: Sat, Apr 4 2009 03:58:57
carefully takes the KT out of his eye, puts a bandade on it. gets thrown to the back of the
because of gravity and POV's recluse driving
Date: Sat, Apr 4 2009 04:02:21
Narrowly avoids all traffic and breaks 62 laws in the timeframe of 8 seconds while driving the
Date: Sat, Apr 4 2009 04:03:20
tells POV that he might have broken a record just now.
Date: Sat, Apr 4 2009 04:05:13
Broke 12 National records and 3 World Records.
Date: Sat, Apr 4 2009 04:06:06
tells POV to slow down some
Date: Sat, Apr 4 2009 04:21:24
Does not slow down.
Date: Sat, Apr 4 2009 16:44:23
the sniper bullet /misses
Dev chases theon his
and catches up to the
when i reach it i jump in the back..
while jumping histrips and gets beat by a few people chasing him
Roundhouse kicks microman in the neck for trying to snipe him -
Date: Sat, Apr 4 2009 16:45:29
Continues driving the
Date: Mon, Apr 6 2009 20:27:28
continues riding the
and also continues to roundhouse microman
Date: Mon, Apr 6 2009 22:31:23
Shoots Dev with a glock 45... simple but effective
Date: Tue, Apr 7 2009 00:33:46
stabs Dev in the leg with a knife, and then tryes to pry it out with another knife
Date: Tue, Apr 7 2009 04:44:55
Kicks everyone out of the
and drives away.
Date: Tue, Apr 7 2009 22:32:31
starts to run after the
screaming with a sawsall
Date: Tue, Apr 7 2009 22:34:20
Drives the
to Russia.
Date: Wed, Apr 8 2009 00:25:13
starts to get tired of running, then stops in a desert. gets really hungry after a few weeks then takes the sawsall with the little battery it has and cuts his arm off to eat
Date: Wed, Apr 8 2009 00:54:28
Drives the
back, picks up microman, and gives him a prosthetic arm.
Date: Wed, Apr 8 2009 01:37:06
Joins the
Date: Wed, Apr 8 2009 01:49:21
Greets FrozenIce and drives the
Date: Wed, Apr 8 2009 02:14:12
thanks POV for his kindness in picking me up, and giving me a arm. and says hey to Frozenlce
Date: Wed, Apr 8 2009 04:53:38
Says hi to microman.
Date: Wed, Apr 8 2009 04:54:08
Still drives the
Date: Thu, Apr 9 2009 02:55:02
/ drinks full rejuvination potion and apologises to microman about roundhouse kicking him..... but is mad at BSG Fanatic... then decides to forgive him
Runs to the nearest Neo Soviet Union office/rest stop and finds theparked there sneaks on board and sees Microman and Frozen Ice, says hi and takes a nap.
Date: Thu, Apr 9 2009 03:11:38
/ greets Dev and drives everyone away in the
Date: Thu, Apr 9 2009 03:16:52
tells POV to stop at the gas station for drinks, goes to get a monster then the lady tells me that there will be a law coming out saying you have to be 18 to buy energy drinks becasue of a little alcohol in them
that actually happend -
Date: Sun, Apr 12 2009 02:17:52
buys a half pepsi half dr. pepper fountain drink... mmmmmmmmmm........ Dr. Pepsi
Date: Sun, Apr 12 2009 10:20:02
Knocks away Dev's Dr. Pepsi, push him onto the floor and say...
Hiya! -
Date: Sun, Apr 12 2009 12:38:06
tells Dev he had a good choice of drink. kicks Shrouded Figure in the stomach haha
Date: Mon, Apr 13 2009 22:33:51
takes a sip of his Dr. pepsi, thanks microman, and gets up and commences to "jump" Shrouded figure.....
Date: Mon, Apr 13 2009 22:44:49
Runs over Shrouded figure in the
Date: Mon, Apr 13 2009 22:59:57
feeds whats left of Shrouded figure to his
Date: Mon, Apr 13 2009 23:21:34
Runs over Dev in the
Date: Tue, Apr 14 2009 01:12:55
*sob*.............. /FULL REJUVINATION AWESOMENESS (side-effects: even more awesomeness... in some cases may add majesty to name)
\ \ | | | / /
-- DEV --
/ / | | | \ \ .......................oh look majesty.....
Shoots PoV<-------PoV
then feeds him to his
Invites microman to join him riding off on a pair off -
Date: Tue, Apr 14 2009 06:05:14
Yes! Shrouded Figure's remains was eaten by a
, the
doesn't like it and spits Shrouded Figure out in one piece!
Shrouded Figure lives!
ThenDev and POV, and feed their heads to my
, and then
until my
spits their heads out on to a random
Date: Tue, Apr 14 2009 06:25:23
A new challenger has appeared!
Pandubear smashes Shrouded Figure's skull in with a block of cheese! -
Date: Tue, Apr 14 2009 06:31:07QUOTE (Pandubear @ Apr 14 2009, 02:25 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>A new challenger has appeared!
Pandubear smashes Shrouded Figure's skull in with a block of cheese!
Shrouded figure's skull has no use, so he rolls it like a bowling ball and bursted on impact on Pandubears feet. -
Date: Tue, Apr 14 2009 09:28:17
ï¼ Throws Dr Gipr tip @ every1's i.
Date: Thu, Apr 16 2009 01:55:03
eats the cheese
then spits it out because its got pieces of skull in it
Date: Sat, Apr 18 2009 03:40:51
Is even with PoV and asks [PoV] and Pandubear to form an alliance...
Stabs Shrouded figure in the heart with a fragment of his own exploded skull -
Date: Sat, Apr 18 2009 03:49:50
Forms an alliance with Dev and hails the Neo Soviet Union
Date: Sat, Apr 18 2009 04:02:25
Asks everyone to please help him and points at his sig.
Er... and points a railgun at them and says VOTE ******* -
Date: Sat, Apr 18 2009 10:54:50
/killed pillars with my ass
Date: Sat, Apr 18 2009 15:44:22
says that is pretty much impossible
/rips out Yanos' jugular vein with his bare hands.... -
Date: Sun, Apr 19 2009 01:13:48
Shisaki uses his amazing necromancing skillz and revives hitler as a zombie and he disembowels dev with his own tonsils. Then hitler turns against shisaki and decapitates him with a toenail.
Date: Mon, Apr 20 2009 03:35:37
* Dev undisemboweles himself
finds necromancy scroll on Shisaki's dead body.
*raises Shisaki
has shisaki immobilize the hitler zombie....... THEN sics Shisaki on Yanos (with the ripped out jugular vein)
*Shisaki feasts on Yanos' flesh
Date: Wed, Apr 22 2009 05:54:08
Then shisaki pees on dev's eyes which slowly burns out his eyes. After that shisaki throws a needle into dev's bloodstream which then travels into the heart thus puncturing it to make the blood pour out slowly and drowning dev with his own blood inside his body.
Date: Wed, Apr 22 2009 08:40:13
Shrouded Figure then chase everyone around on his
and throws Dr. KTs at every1
Date: Wed, Apr 22 2009 21:37:36
/turns corporeal and transfers into one of his other dev bodies he keeps lying around his house in case some thing like that ever happens
/eats shrouded figures
picks up the Dr. KT's and sells them all to some n00b -
Date: Wed, Apr 22 2009 22:22:21
Kills the noob as he is about to buy Dev's KT and steals his moniez.
Tears out Dev's intestines and hangs him with them (why he is still alive and the intenstines still attatched)
Puts all of Dev's spare bodies into a large furnace fueled by Shrouded Figure's rotting carcass.
Puts Zombie-Hitler into a concrete box that is 4x4x4 -
Date: Thu, Apr 23 2009 14:41:19
Shisaki uses his amazingness to break open the concrete box setting hitler free. Then hitler eats devs intestines and regurgitates them on pillars. Shisaki again used his necromancing skillz to bring back shrouded figure only to kill him once more
Date: Thu, Apr 23 2009 23:24:30
Wipes off Dev's remains and traps everyone inside a large dome made of steel and concrete with 6 tons of explosives about to go off.
Date: Fri, Apr 24 2009 16:17:43
/shoots pillars with a bb gun, pillars survived.
but I shot him again but with my AK47 that shoots telephones instead of bullets. pillars is now dead.
then I put pills of steriods in his mouth for no apparent reason -
Date: Fri, Apr 24 2009 22:02:08
then slaps Yanos in the face haha. gets some steriods and becomes big and strong
Date: Sat, Apr 25 2009 03:50:25
then trtr20 wipes all u out weith a
Date: Sat, Apr 25 2009 15:31:26
misses the
then takes a knife to trtr20
Date: Sun, Apr 26 2009 05:18:47
Because microman took steroids he now has a small area down where the sun dont shine.......
Dev goes to his other house to get a body out of his store of other bodies.
/eats pillars
punches microman in the balls but he missed because they got so small.... so he stabs him instead -
Date: Sun, Apr 26 2009 07:16:07
SF is alive again, brought back by some n00b asking me what a comssa is, SF being so shocked, uses a comssa cap to shove it up in the noob's nostril.
He then shouts...
to everyone, and dips the people into a huge boiling bowl of coke slurpee -
Date: Mon, Apr 27 2009 01:02:30
tells dev that my balls grew bigger but besides that. i miss the knife that dev threw at me and use my flamethrower to melt dev.
Date: Mon, Apr 27 2009 03:42:22
Then shisaki made a horse bite off microman's balls and drank dev becuz he's melted. For no reason at all shiaski tortured microman slowly with his own eyes by pulling them out thenn sticking them back in his head so far it went into his brain. After that shisaki stuck a lit cigar into micromans empty eye socket and the fumes somehow choked his brain and it exploded into tiny bits that started to crawl around.
Date: Mon, Apr 27 2009 17:14:29
*goes to heaven, and waits for someone to revive me
but then strikes shisaki with a lightning bolt -
Date: Tue, Apr 28 2009 04:39:57
Alliances with everyone, and we get in our uber uber awesome spaceships that fires an unlimited ammo of DR.KT's, and goes out to outer space, and start conquering the solar system and farther.
Edit: Oh yeah, and I revive microman_32245, and anyone else who died, to come with us to our space conquest. -
Date: Tue, Apr 28 2009 13:54:59
pwns with the spaceship alliance
Date: Tue, Apr 28 2009 14:55:19
thanks llbiStarz for him reviving me. throws some buster cyl's at earth and pokes people's eyes out :/.
Date: Tue, Apr 28 2009 16:24:49
We meet some aliens, and we shoot DR.KT's at them. They catch them and they start spinning. What happens now?
Date: Tue, Apr 28 2009 22:21:05
/eats the aliens
Date: Tue, Apr 28 2009 23:22:12
dodges the knife from microman and starts throwing kts with sharp tips at him
Date: Tue, Apr 28 2009 23:23:34
the aliens start dropping the KT's and we catch and leguin them
Date: Wed, Apr 29 2009 00:32:59
Look guys! I found a
in space! Let's all go driving in a
! Now what.
Date: Wed, Apr 29 2009 00:53:44
Drives his
with illbiStarz
Date: Wed, Apr 29 2009 02:53:50
floats into the bandwagon, then kicks trtr20 out
Date: Thu, Apr 30 2009 02:09:05
trtr20 starts shooting pistols at microman and calls for llbistarz for help and he will help and then trtr20 kicks microman out
Date: Thu, Apr 30 2009 03:04:43
gets an dooms day lazier and shots it at trtr20
Date: Thu, Apr 30 2009 03:40:58
sabotages microman_32245's lazor to back fire
Date: Thu, Apr 30 2009 03:53:52
uses chaos control to warp from the lazor. then gets a chaos cannon and shots RH
Date: Thu, Apr 30 2009 04:11:07
sabatage microman_32245's chaos cannon and make it disintegrate when fired, then stab to death w/ a KT
Date: Thu, Apr 30 2009 04:54:05
joins the aliens spinning and has a battle with them, but lost
edit: lol messed up on smily -
Date: Thu, Apr 30 2009 05:16:33
Lol trtr20 is my friend. Decides not to help him, and kicks trtr20's but with the help of microman. I realize that we can't breath in space, and everyone realizes we can't too. So we all die, and get revived back on earth.
Date: Thu, Apr 30 2009 13:55:09
Sabotages RH's life.
*RH is pretty much dead along with all people immediately in his bloodline. -
Date: Thu, Apr 30 2009 14:04:59
/ sacrifices Dev to the sun god.
Date: Thu, Apr 30 2009 21:39:39
*meets the sun god, then makes friends with him...........
*sun god gives him ultimate power and immunity to EVERYTHING!!!!!!!!!
Dev strikes down all who oppose him, and thanks PoV for sacrificing him. -
Date: Fri, May 1 2009 00:01:30
/knew that would happen all along
Date: Fri, May 1 2009 00:10:16QUOTE (NoobishPenspinner @ Apr 30 2009, 12:54 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>joins the aliens spinning and has a battle with them, but lost
edit: lol messed up on smily
hate u llbtars takes out a tazer and shoots him -
Date: Fri, May 1 2009 00:50:19
uses chaos control to warp in front of trtr20 and uses chaos cannon
Date: Fri, May 1 2009 01:48:54
/asks Dev to smite everyone with his new-found powers vested to him by the sun god.
Date: Fri, May 1 2009 02:00:09
drops a nuke an ur all dead
Date: Fri, May 1 2009 02:03:19
oh oops my bad forgot no killing evry one
take supr sharp pens and jabs evryone in da eye -
Date: Fri, May 1 2009 02:17:22
RH rebirth's as god's will and strips dev of his immunity then kill him and remain god's will for the future
Date: Fri, May 1 2009 03:57:50
*askes RH to be a water god
Date: Fri, May 1 2009 04:11:01
trtr20 throws gernades at microman
Date: Fri, May 1 2009 04:11:57
gets my giant turtle to eat trtr20
Date: Fri, May 1 2009 16:30:58
Gets MY giant turtle to eat Trtr20.
Date: Sat, May 2 2009 00:49:50
steals llbiStarz's turtle
Date: Sat, May 2 2009 10:23:19
kill microman_32245 for stealing
Date: Sat, May 2 2009 17:34:30
/ Dev is immortal and cannot be stripped of his powers given to him by the mighty sun god! Then laughs at RH for his failed attempt at stripping me of my AWESOME POWER!!!
/Saves Pillars of Valhalla from imminent death -
Date: Sat, May 2 2009 17:49:51
Shoeman6 takes shoe of sexiness and kills everybody in thread.
*exits* -
Date: Sat, May 2 2009 21:27:40
/eats shoeman6's shoe.
Date: Sat, May 2 2009 22:01:30
laughs at Dev's failed attempt and smites him with RH's own powers because God>Sun God
Date: Sun, May 3 2009 22:04:29
askes dev to revive me
Date: Sun, May 3 2009 23:01:28
you guys cant do that I already ate you.
Date: Sun, May 3 2009 23:22:44
Date: Sun, May 3 2009 23:28:17QUOTE (shoeman6 @ May 3 2009, 06:01 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>you guys cant do that I already ate you.
i am god's will remember i am immortal
/revive Microman -
Date: Sun, May 3 2009 23:40:45
already stated he is immune to any power stealing/taking away and just decides to write up a truce of godly powers and hands it to RH and asks him to sign it so we can coexist in dominating the UPSB.
/Smite shoeman -
Date: Sun, May 3 2009 23:41:47
/eats the treaty and makes a new one
/signs the treaty and blows up shoeman6 -
Date: Sun, May 3 2009 23:45:18
/signs the new treaty
Date: Mon, May 4 2009 00:02:16
/ signs treaty and kills POV
Date: Mon, May 4 2009 00:03:08
But I signed the treaty O_o
Treaty voided!
/eats RH even though I am supposedly dead. -
Date: Mon, May 4 2009 00:08:15
Says "Hi".
Date: Mon, May 4 2009 00:08:56
/kicks him in the face.
Date: Mon, May 4 2009 00:46:18
said haha and left
Date: Mon, May 4 2009 01:06:31
revives POV and burns the treaty making all signers the only signers
kills trtr20 for leaving -
Date: Mon, May 4 2009 20:46:58
Kills Trtr20 again. Says "Hi" again.
Date: Mon, May 4 2009 22:10:09
Hi IlbiStarz
and mutilated trtr20's remains.......... -
Date: Mon, May 4 2009 22:20:47
Hi Dev, shoots trtr20's remains w/ god's fiery arrows
Date: Mon, May 4 2009 22:54:37
All above is void as you guys are already dead...
Date: Tue, May 5 2009 01:22:30QUOTE (shoeman6 @ May 4 2009, 05:54 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>All above is void as you guys are already dead...
no dev and i are the will of gods so we are immortal and i ressurected POV so hes also alive
shoot shoeman6 w/ fiery arrow for being incorrect -
Date: Tue, May 5 2009 01:38:40
says haha and stays and gets runk goes crazy and laghs hehe dis tyme
Date: Tue, May 5 2009 01:49:31
wants super powers
Date: Tue, May 5 2009 02:00:12QUOTE (microman_32245 @ May 4 2009, 08:49 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>wants super powers
/ asks god to grant microman_32245 super powers, god approves
/ kills microman_32245 and revives as a water god -
Date: Tue, May 5 2009 02:02:38
start gretting more drunk jump and jump
Date: Tue, May 5 2009 02:02:50
Kills everything and voids l powers mortal and immortal
Date: Tue, May 5 2009 02:05:21
turns everyone into water O_o
Date: Tue, May 5 2009 02:13:49
/ boils the water w/ fire
Date: Tue, May 5 2009 02:16:58
*is lucky that he didnt turn him self into water
creates more water from nothing -
Date: Tue, May 5 2009 14:12:12
your all dead so it doesnt count
Date: Wed, May 6 2009 03:06:59QUOTE (shoeman6 @ May 5 2009, 10:12 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>your all dead so it doesnt count
no dev, microman, and i are the will of gods so we are immortal and i ressurected POV so hes also alive
burns shoeman w/ holy fire -
Date: Wed, May 6 2009 03:12:38
You can't burn something that really isn't there =O
And God's are just figments of human imagination so you never existed and don't exist thus all the actions you and microman partake in are void. -
Date: Wed, May 6 2009 03:32:35QUOTE (shoeman6 @ May 5 2009, 11:12 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>You can't burn something that really isn't there =O
And God's are just figments of human imagination so you never existed and don't exist thus all the actions you and microman partake in are void.
no... you are there because u were here to write this message therefore you are thereand all actions exist for a reason
Date: Wed, May 6 2009 03:51:13
haha burn lol
QUOTEAnd God's are just figments of human imagination so you never existed and don't exist thus all the actions you and microman partake in are void
but this is the forum wars were anything can happen. so you my friend are wrong haha -
Date: Wed, May 6 2009 04:13:25
back to the fite:
/summons chuck norris and he pwns u all -
Date: Wed, May 6 2009 04:33:10
*uses his water god powers to make a water sword and chop chuck norris in half
Date: Wed, May 6 2009 05:00:32
Uses shoe powers to destroy all the gods...
Date: Wed, May 6 2009 05:13:04
chuck norris roundhouse kicks shoeman6's ass
Date: Wed, May 6 2009 12:22:53
chuck norris is dead.
Date: Wed, May 6 2009 13:08:47
so are you
Date: Wed, May 6 2009 21:58:06
/ resurrect all dead ppl(exept shoeman)
Date: Wed, May 6 2009 22:53:40
/summons jackie chan and jet li and they join chuck norris as they kick everyones butts
Date: Wed, May 6 2009 22:59:04
/ kills N00b
Date: Thu, May 7 2009 00:43:31
/ gives PoV power over wind for being a signer of the gods' treaty
Date: Thu, May 7 2009 00:44:11
/ uses his new power to cause it to rain forever
Date: Thu, May 7 2009 01:31:42QUOTE (PillarsOfValhalla @ May 6 2009, 06:44 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>/ uses his new power to cause it to rain forever
wow that really makes sense wind powers make it rain.......
well anything can happen so i guess it works.
curses shoemans soul to its core so he can never be brought back again. (plus you keep on trying to kill everyone read the first freaking post stupid)
P.S. Hi PoV and RH -
Date: Thu, May 7 2009 01:34:18
/sees theres a last spot on the god's treaty and quickly signs it, praying the gods will give him power
Date: Thu, May 7 2009 01:37:11
/ grants N00b the power of obesity
Date: Thu, May 7 2009 01:43:01
/uses my fatness to squish POV into the ground
then farts in his face till he passes out :\ -
Date: Thu, May 7 2009 01:45:30
/regains consciousness and ties N00b to a rock at the top of a mountain for betraying him.
/tears our his intestines and hangs him with them, after which burning the remains to RH -
Date: Thu, May 7 2009 01:49:59
lolz if u tear out ur intestines, u auto die, but ah well
/comes back to life and shoots POV with a super bazooka and directs my gang of three (jackie chan, jet li, and chuck norris) to beat u up
/then jumps into, finds out hes too fat to fit in, so just bounces away
edit: btw my name isnt N00b, thats someother guy, im NoobishPenspinner -
Date: Thu, May 7 2009 02:48:41
You are dead. No coming back to life for you, noob
Date: Thu, May 7 2009 03:36:42
/says hi back
/ condemns shoeman's soul to burn in the depths of hell for the rest of eternity w/ no escape -
Date: Thu, May 7 2009 03:37:43QUOTE (NoobishPenspinner @ May 6 2009, 09:49 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>lolz if u tear out ur intestines, u auto die, but ah well
/comes back to life and shoots POV with a super bazooka and directs my gang of three (jackie chan, jet li, and chuck norris) to beat u up
/then jumps into, finds out hes too fat to fit in, so just bounces away
edit: btw my name isnt N00b, thats someother guy, im NoobishPenspinner
he cannot be killed, he is also a will of a god -
Date: Fri, May 8 2009 11:56:57
Became God and killed NoobishPser and sends an incurable sickness and went on a elevator going down to hell and teams up with Satan and Satan sends a whirlwind of fire to everyone (except me) and went up to heaven again and sits down on my chair with Satan on my left hand and traps you an a star going to explode!!!!! HAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHAH Jesus is like
no offense God and jesus -
Date: Fri, May 8 2009 13:51:01QUOTE (theFEARLESSone @ May 8 2009, 07:56 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>Became God and killed NoobishPser and sends an incurable sickness and went on a elevator going down to hell and teams up with Satan and Satan sends a whirlwind of fire to everyone (except me) and went up to heaven again and sits down on my chair with Satan on my left hand and traps you an a star going to explode!!!!! HAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHAH Jesus is like
no offense God and jesus
lol u cant be a god XD u didnt sign the treaty XD.
burn w/ holy fire calls on micro to drown the ashes, and asks PoV to blow them onto a star thats about to go supernova -
Date: Fri, May 8 2009 14:01:06
/gently picks them up and carries them to the nearest star. places them down and sings them a bedtime story after which leaving before the star explodes in a violent supernova.
Date: Fri, May 8 2009 23:16:16
/ thanks PoV
Date: Fri, May 8 2009 23:41:04
Mwuahhahahahahhahahaaaaaaa the treaty of the gods is ALL POWERFUL
Date: Fri, May 8 2009 23:54:07
Yes it is
/eats IAmTheMrGuy -
Date: Sat, May 9 2009 01:35:26
/ waits for PoV to digest. then burns the waste containing IATMG
Date: Sat, May 9 2009 01:36:24
/uses telacaniesis (spelled wrong) and hides himself in a n invisible barrier.
Date: Sat, May 9 2009 01:38:23
finds cecil w/ his god given pwrs and gives him chinese water torture 0_o
Date: Sat, May 9 2009 01:45:35
/swallows some water then makes a centar call. (all centars are fighting with me now). we team up and stampede RH.
Date: Sat, May 9 2009 02:03:02
/ throws a Psi ball at cecil, killing him instantly.
Date: Sat, May 9 2009 02:50:44
/thanks PoV for for saving me even though it was unnecessary(yay immortality?)
Date: Sat, May 9 2009 02:51:32
/ summons the
Date: Sat, May 9 2009 04:57:21QUOTE (PillarsOfValhalla @ May 8 2009, 10:51 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>/ summons the
/ questions why, but gets on anyway -
Date: Sat, May 9 2009 06:01:13
/wears everything resistant armor and shoots bazooka at the
and the
exploded with PoV & RH in it.
Date: Sat, May 9 2009 12:31:18
/survives by faking his death and saves RH and pov from the exploding
Date: Sat, May 9 2009 15:43:15
/ is saved
/sends lightning toward theFEARLESSone, electrocuting him -
Date: Sat, May 9 2009 16:40:31QUOTE (PillarsOfValhalla @ May 9 2009, 11:43 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>/ is saved
/sends lightning toward theFEARLESSone, electrocuting him
/while theFEALESSone, is imobalized, stabs a steel rod through his head using his telakaneesis. -
Date: Sat, May 9 2009 16:46:55
burn the corpse, sends it to the sun, retrieves the ashes blows up everything of a trace of fearless w/ C4
/ thanks cecil even tho he would have lived (immortality ftw -
Date: Sat, May 9 2009 18:04:17
/turns his back on RH and sprays really cold stuff on him, therefore freezing him.
Date: Sat, May 9 2009 21:00:43
/uses the power of wind to freeze cecil.
/puts RH in the microwave for 2 minutes, on high, thus defrosting him.
I sense sides emerging in forum wars -
Date: Sun, May 10 2009 00:13:20
defrosts, thanks pov, and then thaws out cecil and cooks at 9000 degrees until black
Date: Sun, May 10 2009 00:13:29
/shrugs off the black ash and causes a whirlwind whitch engulfes everyone and causes everyone to go blind.
Date: Sun, May 10 2009 00:16:50
exhales and the whrilwind goes away from the wills of gods. and pwns w/ mah flames of fury
Date: Sun, May 10 2009 00:21:30
/summons a laviathin, to cause a tidal wave witch sorrounds me. allowing no fire in.
Date: Sun, May 10 2009 00:48:28
evaporates tidal wave w/ heat. drags laviathan into space where it then explodes
Date: Sun, May 10 2009 03:06:45
/grabs RH and fly's him to the moon. then drills him to the center of the moon, and duct tapes the hole closed.
Date: Sun, May 10 2009 03:15:39
/ crawls out. burn through duct tape finds cecil and gives him eternal sleep(not death)
Date: Sun, May 10 2009 04:50:44
/inject swine flu
Date: Sun, May 10 2009 13:52:31
/needs someone to awaken him.
Date: Sun, May 10 2009 17:13:15
/ wakes up cecil gives him food
/ heats the world to 200 degress celcius for 1 sec killing any trace of germs
/ ends world hunger because he can -
Date: Sun, May 10 2009 23:42:45
/thanks RH, then doesnt know what to do because there is no one to fight.
Date: Mon, May 11 2009 00:13:18
/attack cecil with rubik's cubes
Date: Mon, May 11 2009 01:43:19
/grabs the rubicks cube, takes it apart, and uses telakeneeses to shoot the peices through lanaro.
Date: Mon, May 11 2009 02:12:50
/enable uber fast regen
/disable "/" functions for cecil -
Date: Mon, May 11 2009 02:42:15
/ kills lanaro for Hp hack
/ reenables "/" commands for cecil -
Date: Mon, May 11 2009 02:51:33
/enable shroud, prevent me from being targeted by commands.
/warp RH into hell -
Date: Mon, May 11 2009 03:04:56
:/ i would be the one that makes it rain lol.
Date: Mon, May 11 2009 04:03:55
/pull microman with a gravitational force into the air.
/instantexpand so that all the organs rain onto the earth. -
Date: Mon, May 11 2009 04:10:03
/takes a large amount of water and condenses is into a small area making a high density water ball that hits Lanaro and blows up
Date: Mon, May 11 2009 04:12:47
/enablelogic, you can't compress/condense water
Date: Mon, May 11 2009 04:19:49
how come -
Date: Mon, May 11 2009 04:49:04
I don't know, I learned it from school
Date: Mon, May 11 2009 04:49:42
/ is a god and is immortal
/ yes you can compress, but not condense -
Date: Mon, May 11 2009 05:13:46
/Drinks the water because he is thirsty
/Thanks microman for the drink
/summons Lord of the Leviathons to swallow Lanaro for trying to enable logic (seriously who needs it!) lol -
Date: Mon, May 11 2009 05:49:48
/beg for mercy D: -
Date: Mon, May 11 2009 10:16:36
/orgasms but has no direct effect on the current fued
Date: Mon, May 11 2009 11:57:40
/had already summoned a leviathin before but doesnt care.
/Teams up with RH and does the fusion dance. -
Date: Mon, May 11 2009 12:03:12
*runs around
*takes out gun
*Loads in Dr. KT ammo.
EDIT: I'm leviathan. -
Date: Mon, May 11 2009 18:45:34
Throws a Smoke grenade, like always, and they are filled with cyanide so PillarsOfValhalla can't eat them
Date: Mon, May 11 2009 19:44:58
/tells dev np
/makes a sheild of water and then freezes it. then gets some frozen water knives to throw at IATMG -
Date: Mon, May 11 2009 21:11:15
/Is merciful........
/takes out cyanide from the smoke grenade and gives them to Pillars of Valhalla so he can eat them. -
Date: Mon, May 11 2009 21:13:04
slaps Dev with a 2 by 4 and puts the cyanide back into the smoke grenades, this time duct taping the pills inside the canister
Date: Mon, May 11 2009 21:14:07
/sits on POV with his fat body to protect everyone else from suffering the smoke grenades
Date: Mon, May 11 2009 22:46:39
/rents a cranes to lift noobishpenspinners fat body off the greandes so everyone can suffer.
Date: Mon, May 11 2009 22:52:22
/eats the smoke grenades so nobody suffers.
Date: Mon, May 11 2009 22:58:28
tells PillarsOfValhalla that they are filled with cyanide, so he dies
Date: Mon, May 11 2009 23:03:02
/crawls into a ditch and attempts to survive the anthrax grenades.
Date: Mon, May 11 2009 23:08:10
/tryes to do something but cant think of anything
/but then suddenly thinks of something that will happen later on -
Date: Mon, May 11 2009 23:35:59
/ performs surgery on PoV, remove grenades and lock in vacumn chamber and burn(unnecessary as PoV is immortal)
/kills IATMG for phailing at killing an immortal -
Date: Mon, May 11 2009 23:44:48
/tells RH that you can still feel pain when your immortal
/starts making lots and lots of water -
Date: Tue, May 12 2009 00:04:57
/summons a massive ball of fire to evaporate all the water.
Date: Tue, May 12 2009 00:20:44
/throws ice water spikes at cecil and makes more water
Date: Tue, May 12 2009 00:41:35
/ kills cecil w/ his own holy fire, cremates the corpse, then collects the ashs and scatters them across the ocean where microman then forms into a ball and compresses it until ill is gone
Date: Tue, May 12 2009 00:52:01
/does what RH said
/due to the emense shrinking the water has now formed a black whole smaller than an atom, due to being so tiny it evaporates -
Date: Tue, May 12 2009 01:13:46
/reforms his body in space and becomes a mix of goku in super saiyen 3, L, and sidoh.
/now looks really cool. -
Date: Tue, May 12 2009 01:22:28
Sidoh is an idiot
L is the definition of awesomeness.
/writes cecil's name in the Death Note -
Date: Tue, May 12 2009 01:54:06
/ takes death note to teh devil
/devil fulfills deth ntoe -
Date: Tue, May 12 2009 02:13:19
What do you mean by fulfills?
/hails the Neo Soviet Union -
Date: Tue, May 12 2009 02:58:15
/tells cecil that vegito could kick super saiyan 3 gokus bung hole
Date: Tue, May 12 2009 12:35:50
/gets the ruler of the shinigami realm to bring him back to life.
/tells microman that super saiyen has golden hair.
/eats pov with sidohs awesome mouth. -
Date: Tue, May 12 2009 12:56:06
I opened a dorito shop.
Date: Tue, May 12 2009 13:55:43
/purchases Doritos from Glamouraz.
Date: Tue, May 12 2009 14:29:08
/tells cecil to f*ck golden hair haha
Date: Tue, May 12 2009 17:24:58
/whips around his golden hair, therefore slamming microman into a canyon wall.
/steals doritos. -
Date: Tue, May 12 2009 17:26:28QUOTE (cecil @ May 12 2009, 01:24 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>/whips around his golden hair, therefore slamming microman into a canyon wall.
/steals doritos.
grabs cecil steals the doritos he stole and shoves his grip averer through his head -
Date: Tue, May 12 2009 17:28:53
dop kicks tornnadorp into a trash can hobo living inside steals his mode and casatrates him
Date: Tue, May 12 2009 17:29:01
/ steals Chris' golden hair and tells him off
/ kicks lubin's a** til he runs home to his mommy -
Date: Tue, May 12 2009 17:29:15
/tells lubin, he no longer uses a grip avaire.
/flys lubin, up to the moon, then throws him into the deepest trench on earth. -
Date: Tue, May 12 2009 17:30:06QUOTE (Tornadopr @ May 12 2009, 01:29 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>/ steals Chris' golden hair and tells him off
/ kicks lubin's a** til he runs home to his mommy
mommy grabs RPG and shoots tornadarop in the A** -
Date: Tue, May 12 2009 17:33:17
/ Takes a thong and tightens it around lubin's mom
/ She cries to Daddy and i woop his a**
/ Beats cecil upside the head with a baseball bat -
Date: Tue, May 12 2009 17:33:17
chops off tornadrop fingers and toes so he cant spin hobo then eats his chopped off fingers and toes
Date: Tue, May 12 2009 17:35:05QUOTE (Tornadopr @ May 12 2009, 01:33 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>/ Takes a thong and tightens it around lubin's mom
/ She cries to Daddy and i woop his a**
/ Beats cecil upside the head with a baseball bat
dad moons collin
collin looks at it and his eyes dissolves -
Date: Tue, May 12 2009 17:35:46
/grabs bat, snaps it in half
/grabs a peice of titanium.
/slams at lubin repetatively. therfore drilling him into the ground. -
Date: Tue, May 12 2009 17:37:10
/ gets titanium fingers and toes
/ punches lubin in the arm therefore drilling him into the Berlin Wall. -
Date: Tue, May 12 2009 17:37:24QUOTE (cecil @ May 12 2009, 01:35 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>/grabs bat, snaps it in half
/grabs a peice of titanium.
/slams at lubin repetatively. therfore drilling him into the ground.
cecil doesn't realize he was hurting a hologram lubin sneaks up behind and sticks his pen mode up cecils a** -
Date: Tue, May 12 2009 17:39:28
/takes out the the mod.
/uses his sidoh power to chew on lubins shoulder.
/kicks lubin with his fist. -
Date: Tue, May 12 2009 17:39:45
/ lubin get buttraped in the mouth and he finds out that he's gay
/ cecil gets his namae mod snapped in half by my big, juicy, d*c* -
Date: Tue, May 12 2009 17:40:39QUOTE (Tornadopr @ May 12 2009, 01:37 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>/ gets titanium fingers and toes
/ punches lubin in the arm therefore drilling him into the Berlin Wall.
lubin hides nuke inside collins titanium fingers when collin punches lubin collin blows up into a firery inferno the devil rejects him and sends collin back to heaven -
Date: Tue, May 12 2009 20:52:06QUOTE (lubin @ May 12 2009, 01:40 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>lubin hides nuke inside collins titanium fingers when collin punches lubin collin blows up into a firery inferno the devil rejects him and sends collin back to heaven
tells nazis tornadopr and cecil are jews they are burned at stake -
Date: Tue, May 12 2009 21:21:51
/says that im emune to golden hair
Date: Wed, May 13 2009 01:55:49
/tells microman that nonone is immune to golden hair.
/eaisily kills all the nazis with his sidoh part, because they cant see him. -
Date: Wed, May 13 2009 01:59:46
/tells cecil that i am the only person that is immune to it :/
/is glad he isnt a nazi... -
Date: Wed, May 13 2009 02:01:55
/sits in a chair as L, therefore mesmarizing microman with his cool sitting powers.
Date: Wed, May 13 2009 02:03:55
/tells cecil that sitting powers do not effect me
/ turns cecil into a body of water -
Date: Wed, May 13 2009 02:06:24
/ boils body of water at 9000 degrees celcius
Date: Wed, May 13 2009 02:07:11
/water evaporates into outer space...
Date: Wed, May 13 2009 02:11:26
trtr20 gets a Gernade launcher and shoots RH
Date: Wed, May 13 2009 02:12:02
/tells trtr20 that RH is immortal
Date: Wed, May 13 2009 02:12:17
/ burns grenade into dust b4 it touchs or explodes near me
/ shoots a barrage of fire arrows at trtr20 -
Date: Wed, May 13 2009 02:12:57
/lands on a planet just outside o the milky way galaxy, where he lives in his evaporated body until the people of sidohville use a ritual to reform his body.
/ is now weak and untrained. over the course of the several months is retrained to be come an experianced shinigami warrior.
/is now ready to fight again.
/teloports back to his original planet. -
Date: Wed, May 13 2009 02:13:05
then starts shooting frozen water darts at trtr20
Date: Wed, May 13 2009 02:13:18
trtr20 says haha and joins RH's team and turns immortal
Date: Wed, May 13 2009 02:14:02
/tells trtr20 that u can only be a god if RH allows it :/
Date: Wed, May 13 2009 02:15:08
asked RH if trtr20 can be god
Date: Wed, May 13 2009 02:16:30
/uses his shinigami claws to rip out trtr20's gulblatter.
Date: Wed, May 13 2009 02:16:43
/askes RH if he can also grant god powers as RH can
/starts fighting cecil -
Date: Wed, May 13 2009 02:17:03
You request is being processed. You will receive confirmation within 2-3 business days.
Date: Wed, May 13 2009 02:17:40
/tells POV that he is very funny, very funny indeed
Date: Wed, May 13 2009 02:19:49
asked RH to come right now!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
and also rips cecils liver out -
Date: Wed, May 13 2009 02:20:48
/laughs at pov then cnstricts him with shinigami claws.
egad!! mah liver! -
Date: Wed, May 13 2009 02:22:58
starts to get drunk again and says haha and runs away
Date: Wed, May 13 2009 02:24:24
/tells trtr20 that getting drunk is bad :/
/drinks some freshly created water -
Date: Wed, May 13 2009 02:27:33
/irrigates his nose with some salt water.
Date: Wed, May 13 2009 02:28:16
/ flees because somebody cannot get "cnstricted"
Date: Wed, May 13 2009 02:29:15
/traps POV in a ball of water
Date: Wed, May 13 2009 02:29:51
/stops pov before he can leave
o whops u already stoped him. -
Date: Wed, May 13 2009 02:30:29
/tells cecil that i trapped POV in a water ball
Date: Wed, May 13 2009 02:38:30
/ grants trtr20 as a god of earth(ability to move rock and crap)
/ kills any threat to the gods 0_o -
Date: Wed, May 13 2009 02:38:31
/get a knife and kills himself o.0
Date: Wed, May 13 2009 02:41:59
/tells RH that i dont think crap is a part of earth
Date: Wed, May 13 2009 02:49:51
/ summons roflcopters to defend the castle of gods 0_o
Date: Wed, May 13 2009 02:59:34
/asks RH who is attacking the castle?
Date: Wed, May 13 2009 03:27:21
/respond "I am attacking"
/die to roflcopters -
Date: Wed, May 13 2009 03:48:11
/stands in a courageous pose on top of the castle of the gods.
Date: Wed, May 13 2009 04:30:12
/attack PillarsOfValhalla with giant sword -
Date: Wed, May 13 2009 09:52:10
/ burns large sword thats in his hands b4 he gets there
/ teles him back to earth -
Date: Wed, May 13 2009 11:14:19
/restocks doritos.
Date: Wed, May 13 2009 15:07:45
/ kicks Glamouraz in his butt
Date: Wed, May 13 2009 17:24:55
/hijacks a roflcopter and flys it into the castle of the gods.
Date: Wed, May 13 2009 17:25:09
tells barney and santa cecil is gay cecil gets raped
Date: Wed, May 13 2009 17:26:17
@lubin thats retarded.
/flys his roflcopter into lubin. -
Date: Wed, May 13 2009 17:27:44QUOTE (cecil @ May 13 2009, 01:26 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>@lubin thats retarded.
/flys his roflcopter into lubin.
you thinks it retarded because you liked it
/ shoots rpg at roflcopter before it could reach him
cecil gets blasted to china -
Date: Wed, May 13 2009 17:29:04
/tells lubin that roflcopters cant be affected by rpg's and that the castle of the gods is not on earth.
Date: Wed, May 13 2009 17:30:33QUOTE (cecil @ May 13 2009, 01:29 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>/tells lubin that roflcopters cant be affected by rpg's and that the castle of the gods is not on earth.
/ roflcopter's engine stops cecil and copter fall into a toster and gets eaten by a giant -
Date: Wed, May 13 2009 17:31:48
/didnt know that giants exist in toasters.
Date: Wed, May 13 2009 17:34:19QUOTE (cecil @ May 13 2009, 01:31 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>/didnt know that giants exist in toasters.
toaster exploded then
Date: Wed, May 13 2009 17:35:28
/is a shinigami and shinigamis dont die.
/is still alive. -
Date: Wed, May 13 2009 17:36:34QUOTE (cecil @ May 13 2009, 01:35 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>/is a shinigami and shinigamis dont die.
/is still alive.
/ straps cecil to a bed fram then electrocutes -
Date: Wed, May 13 2009 17:37:02
/stands still. very still
Date: Wed, May 13 2009 17:38:53
/snaps of the straps, pins lubin to wall, and rips out his galblatter.
@nick, even though u cant see me ill give u a break because u dont know anything about being a shinigami. -
Date: Wed, May 13 2009 17:39:57QUOTE (cecil @ May 13 2009, 01:38 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>/snaps of the straps, pins lubin to wall, and rips out his galblatter.
@nick, even though u cant see me ill give u a break because u dont know anything about being a shinigami.
/ silly chris gull bladders aren't vital orgens
/steals his gullblader
Date: Wed, May 13 2009 18:33:23
/rips lubin's stomach out
Date: Wed, May 13 2009 20:41:31QUOTE (microman_32245 @ May 13 2009, 02:33 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>/rips lubin's stomach out
thanks for helping
/cover microman in his stomach acid and watches him dissolve -
Date: Wed, May 13 2009 21:09:14
/rubs lubin's face in microman's dissolving balls
Date: Wed, May 13 2009 22:10:49
/tells everyone that im immortal :/. but it still burns
/tells Kari that that is nasty -
Date: Wed, May 13 2009 22:33:19
/ gives his powers away to RH and leaves forever
Date: Wed, May 13 2009 22:53:14
/thinks is lubin is foolish because shinigami dont have any organs.
Date: Wed, May 13 2009 23:09:10
Date: Wed, May 13 2009 23:18:58
/doesnt understand what pov means.
Date: Thu, May 14 2009 01:23:18
/Uses Excorcism on Cecil (because he is shinigami)
/buys some doritos........mmmmmmmmmm............ doritos -
Date: Thu, May 14 2009 02:11:00
/doesnt like exercise
Date: Thu, May 14 2009 02:24:19
/autoban anyone who comes near me
/create dark hole killing everyone including myself -
Date: Thu, May 14 2009 02:55:32
/steals Dev's doritos LOL
/thinks about flooding the earth in water
/says "ha im immortal no such thing can destroy me" -
Date: Thu, May 14 2009 06:06:20
/steal doritos you stole <3
/erase all knowledge in your brain so your just a floating vessel -
Date: Thu, May 14 2009 11:49:43
/hits cecil in the head to make him lower the price on his grip aviare
/therefore lowering it to 4.00
/He doesn't lower it so I have to pull out a bag of spicy doritos and shove them in his mouth -
Date: Thu, May 14 2009 11:51:27
/Lubin tries to save the day but he gets his A** kicked and runs home to mommy.
/Daddy tries to moon Tornadopr but he is to busy looking at the holographic me so I sneak up behind him and punch him in the face -
Date: Thu, May 14 2009 15:16:18
/lowers prices of doritos.
Date: Thu, May 14 2009 16:13:16
/buys a bunch.
Date: Thu, May 14 2009 21:34:37
/buys more than kari
/doesnt think anyone in this forum knows what excorcism is....... -
Date: Thu, May 14 2009 21:52:31
regains his knolegde over 1 year and strikes Lanaro dead
Date: Thu, May 14 2009 23:31:55
Date: Thu, May 14 2009 23:47:04
/tells POV that his sig has been removed
Date: Fri, May 15 2009 01:28:29
/ returns after a 5 days vacation to hawaii w/ limited flavor doritos
Date: Fri, May 15 2009 01:45:50
/asks RH if his vacation was fun
Date: Fri, May 15 2009 01:51:17
/ is writing a Spanish essay whist hailing the Neo Soviet Union.
Date: Fri, May 15 2009 01:53:20
/is tired of the Neo Soviet Union thing
Date: Fri, May 15 2009 02:43:01
/ is also tired
Date: Fri, May 15 2009 02:49:35
/restore everyone from fatigue
Date: Fri, May 15 2009 03:00:11
/tells Lanaro that im not fatigued
Date: Fri, May 15 2009 03:16:52
/restore microman from fatigue five hundred more times
Date: Fri, May 15 2009 03:38:38
/is bursting full of energy
Date: Fri, May 15 2009 04:12:35
/slaughters microman.
Date: Fri, May 15 2009 04:30:10
/doesnt die because he is immortal :/
/starts pumping water into POV's mouth -
Date: Fri, May 15 2009 05:50:59
/pumps more water into POV's mouth
Date: Fri, May 15 2009 05:54:11
/tells Lanaro that i was the one doing that... but then says he can join
Date: Fri, May 15 2009 12:55:43
/sends people spam mail!
Date: Fri, May 15 2009 13:50:43
/tickles the spam mail
Date: Fri, May 15 2009 14:06:05
/burn spam mail
/remove Glam from society for spamming -
Date: Fri, May 15 2009 14:11:03
/tells Glam to FU, cuz i hate spam
Date: Fri, May 15 2009 14:31:30
/Sends more. -
Date: Fri, May 15 2009 14:41:20
/tells Glam that everyone hates spam mail,sees if everyone wants to get in a gang and beat Glam up for his wrong doings
Date: Fri, May 15 2009 21:33:48
Date: Fri, May 15 2009 21:57:47
/deletes all spam mail
Date: Fri, May 15 2009 22:05:28
/creates more
Date: Sat, May 16 2009 03:34:19
/infect all spammers with virus
Date: Sat, May 16 2009 03:37:03
/closes dorito shop for no reason.
Date: Sat, May 16 2009 04:24:39
/create dorito shop with mexican workers -
Date: Sat, May 16 2009 04:28:59
/ deletes all spam mail and viruses
/ buys doritos, gets food poisoning, then gets cured by PoV and burns the store down -
Date: Sat, May 16 2009 04:34:20
/cries, because all his money went to the store
/exit game
/press new game -
Date: Sat, May 16 2009 04:39:10
/ gives lanaro a lottery ticcet
/ he wins and get 1000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000 euros -
Date: Sat, May 16 2009 04:41:05
/buys all the pens in the world
/buy RH a country -
Date: Sat, May 16 2009 05:21:55
/ eats a country.
/purchases Pringles o_O -
Date: Sat, May 16 2009 05:50:08
/ forces PoV to regurgitate the country
/ steals some of PoV's pringles as punishment -
Date: Sat, May 16 2009 05:57:16
/ runs
Date: Sat, May 16 2009 06:27:26
/take pringles and search for doritos -
Date: Sun, May 17 2009 01:39:40
*invites chuck norris into battlefield.
He obliterates everything except me!
Date: Sun, May 17 2009 03:14:23
acually only the mortals r which means me,dev,microman,trtr,PoV and sum1 else i think are still alive as we r emortals
Date: Sun, May 17 2009 03:22:35QUOTE (RH @ May 16 2009, 08:14 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>acually only the mortals r which means me,dev,microman,trtr,PoV and sum1 else i think are still alive as we r emortals
im the obese-ness god
do i count? -
Date: Sun, May 17 2009 04:19:27
/debates w/ other gods(your godnessness will be decided by majority vote)
Date: Sun, May 17 2009 04:29:37
Date: Sun, May 17 2009 04:39:04
/play dead, really good
Date: Sun, May 17 2009 06:01:07
/vomits, eats vomit, vomits vomit.
muahaha beat that -
Date: Sun, May 17 2009 06:48:57
/force vomit out of tushix's throat
/shove vomit down into the depths of hell -
Date: Sun, May 17 2009 16:31:48
/ seals tushix's mouth close w/ godly glue
Date: Sun, May 17 2009 16:48:13
/points and laughs
Date: Sun, May 17 2009 16:58:33
/laugh all over floor like i'm having a seizure
Date: Mon, May 18 2009 15:52:00
/gets back from his vacation
Date: Mon, May 18 2009 23:16:21
/welcome microman back
Date: Mon, May 18 2009 23:34:20
/tells Lanaro that even know you welcomed me i will still kick your but if i have to
Date: Tue, May 19 2009 02:34:38
/use super uber fast reflex to deflect your assault
Date: Wed, May 20 2009 04:04:50
/wants a super duber car
Date: Thu, May 21 2009 06:27:27
/reject super duber car request
Date: Fri, May 22 2009 04:25:19
/ nulls request
/ makes it rain soda and chips -
Date: Fri, May 22 2009 15:10:16
/drinks all the soda rain
and eats the chips
Date: Fri, May 22 2009 20:48:51
/dug all the junks outta ur mouth and mash them in ya face.
Date: Sat, May 23 2009 03:10:24
Nukes the ground
Date: Sat, May 23 2009 04:20:47
/ground is charred
/ calls on all the gods to 1. water the ground, 2. plant lots of seeds(for flowers/grass), 3. blow teh clouds away so there will be sun
/ all that crap happens and earth is pretty -
Date: Sat, May 23 2009 04:52:13
/slashes RH
Date: Sat, May 23 2009 05:18:52QUOTE (Glamouraz @ May 23 2009, 12:52 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>/slashes RH
i am immortal remember
/ gives glam a cookie and sends him 2 his happy plaec -
Date: Sat, May 23 2009 05:38:50
/slice RH
Date: Sat, May 23 2009 23:19:46
/ sword breaks on contact
Date: Sat, May 23 2009 23:21:32
/farts into RH's and ends him 4ever
Date: Sun, May 24 2009 03:36:40QUOTE (buhryan @ May 23 2009, 07:21 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>/farts into RH's and ends him 4ever
/ blows away the dirty air
/ burns buhryan into ash -
Date: Sun, May 24 2009 06:50:11
/collect ash
/throw ash into RH
/create dragon -
Date: Mon, May 25 2009 00:11:53
/wants doritos, and chops Lanaro's head off
Date: Mon, May 25 2009 02:39:33
Date: Tue, May 26 2009 00:16:43
/goes to Glamouraz's dorito shop and sees a closed sign
Date: Tue, May 26 2009 00:44:07
/open doritos shop
/hire dude with turban so doritos are free -
Date: Tue, May 26 2009 00:59:52
/annexed Doritos shop
/builds watch towers
/hires snipers
/kills dragon -
Date: Tue, May 26 2009 19:36:43
/gets plenty of doritos for a few years, shoots Kuro's
, with my
Date: Wed, May 27 2009 01:38:57
/cry for killing dragon
/respawn dragon -
Date: Wed, May 27 2009 02:14:22
/mind controls Larano's new dragon
/burns Larano alive
/kills dragon slave out of boredom -
Date: Wed, May 27 2009 17:52:28
/throws some KTs at everyone except RH, poking them all in the eyeballs
Date: Wed, May 27 2009 17:56:50
Date: Wed, May 27 2009 17:57:44
"takes the KT out of my own eye, snap it half and start stabbing everyonw with my KT
Date: Wed, May 27 2009 18:01:07
/drowns KPS in a pond of water
Date: Wed, May 27 2009 22:30:59
/Rescue KPS
/Drowns microman_32245 -
Date: Thu, May 28 2009 00:26:16
makes all the water go away
Date: Thu, May 28 2009 02:46:32
/dehydrate microman
/suicide -
Date: Thu, May 28 2009 02:50:23
/prevents suicide
/kills Larano -
Date: Thu, May 28 2009 04:31:12
/ kills every1 execpt gods w/ fire
Date: Thu, May 28 2009 06:41:00
/ is a god
Date: Thu, May 28 2009 09:23:03
/comes in and does nothing
Date: Thu, May 28 2009 20:31:12
/ stands next to Kazeikan doing nothing too
Date: Thu, May 28 2009 21:26:09
/conjures a hovering hammer and sickle and uses his awesome communistic powers to move them around slicing and pounding all the mortals.
Date: Fri, May 29 2009 03:06:12
/turn mortal yay
/create book to read -
Date: Fri, May 29 2009 03:07:51
/ burns the book.
/eats spaghetti -
Date: Fri, May 29 2009 03:09:42
/vaporize spaghetti
/create and read book -
Date: Fri, May 29 2009 05:41:09
/summons X-man.
Date: Fri, May 29 2009 05:45:04
/ summons the brotherhood to fight the xmen.
Date: Fri, May 29 2009 05:56:26
/ is not an X-Man
Date: Fri, May 29 2009 07:50:39
/says hey to POV, and then gets in his own
going to Europe
Date: Fri, May 29 2009 21:47:04
/ Throws grenades at bus
Date: Sat, May 30 2009 03:25:03
*summones Y-men
a.k.a. women. -
Date: Sat, May 30 2009 04:25:45
/ pwns y-men w/ godly fire
Date: Sat, May 30 2009 04:28:38
/ says hello to RH and walks to mcdonalds
Date: Sat, May 30 2009 04:32:08QUOTE (Kuro @ May 29 2009, 09:28 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>/ says hello to RH and walks to mcdonalds
Blows up the mcdonalds with C-4's -
Date: Sat, May 30 2009 05:09:28
/ stands next to the mcdonalds that got blown up and scream NOOOOOOOOO!!!! at the sky
Date: Sat, May 30 2009 05:29:35
/rebuilds mcdonalds w/ healthy food(if possible)
/ burns czy until crisp black -
Date: Sat, May 30 2009 06:01:35
/respawns and brings my new friend Chuck Norris to help me round house kick RH in the face
Date: Sat, May 30 2009 07:27:17
/ Chuck Norris realizes that he doesn't needs friends so he roundhouse kicks CzyMF 562 in the face
Date: Sat, May 30 2009 08:29:30
after the kick my head goes flying and hits Kuro right in the chest ripping a whole right through him.
Date: Sat, May 30 2009 11:45:34
after czyMF's head goes through kuro i catch his head and shove a stick of dynamite in each ear, then light them and throw his head as high as i can in the air!
Date: Sat, May 30 2009 17:53:40
/ fuses phail
/ tells every1 for the 7th time that he is immortal
/ kills chuck norris
/ hands out ice cream w/ sprinkles:D
Date: Sat, May 30 2009 18:23:03
/takes a nap, then wakes up five hours later to discover... he lives in the space colony ark
Date: Sat, May 30 2009 21:16:56
/locks RH into a pit of despair with no chance of escaping....ever. Leaving him to live alone forever since he is immortal.
Date: Sun, May 31 2009 01:30:57
/burns the pit with fire that cannot be extinguished and let RH burn in pain forever.
Date: Sun, May 31 2009 01:35:28
/Pushes Buhryan into pit of flames
Date: Sun, May 31 2009 22:11:28
/catches buhryan just in time, but fell into the pit of flames.
/clasped to Kuro
/ and Kuro die in the pit of flames -
Date: Sun, May 31 2009 23:35:26
/enters the playing field
Date: Mon, Jun 1 2009 06:41:33
There's no playing field. This is a WAR!!!
Blows everyone to zombocom. -
Date: Tue, Jun 2 2009 20:13:20
/was already at zombocom because zombocom is where its at
Date: Tue, Jun 2 2009 21:49:09
/Uploaded a virus at zombocom
Date: Wed, Jun 3 2009 09:14:59
/gives Kuro a handjob
Date: Thu, Jun 4 2009 05:47:15
/realizes that Sidewinder is actually a man and freaks out.
/runs away in boxers -
Date: Thu, Jun 4 2009 05:48:31
/ null
Date: Fri, Jun 5 2009 04:01:46
WOW..................... just WOW............................ quickly slices off sidewinder's hand and makes kuro a eunich (if you know what i mean)
Date: Fri, Jun 5 2009 12:17:41QUOTE (Dev @ Jun 5 2009, 12:01 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>WOW..................... just WOW............................ quickly slices off sidewinder's hand and makes kuro a eunich (if you know what i mean)
i dont know what u mean. -
Date: Fri, Jun 5 2009 15:04:07
/ locks all the non immortals in a sound proof box
/ goes to hawaii and relaxes -
Date: Fri, Jun 5 2009 16:09:50
/goes to hawaii with RH and chills with the hot chicks on a beach side resort.
Eunich - a castrated man -
Date: Fri, Jun 5 2009 19:16:02
2 months later
/ NON IMMORTALS die of hunger
/ is still in hawaii w/ dev having fun -
Date: Fri, Jun 5 2009 19:22:45QUOTE (RH @ Jun 5 2009, 03:16 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>2 months later
/ NON IMMORTALS die of hunger
/ is still in hawaii w/ dev having fun
I escaped before then -
Date: Fri, Jun 5 2009 19:25:08
/ sends IAMTMG into space where he blows up
Date: Fri, Jun 5 2009 19:47:06
/returns with a vengeance and kills everyone with a pair of chopsticks.
Date: Fri, Jun 5 2009 19:50:25
/grabs chopsticks snaps
/ burys Kuro in a coffin made out of pure diamonds -
Date: Fri, Jun 5 2009 19:56:08
/Use instant transmission to escape the coffin and teleport into space
/Use Kamehameha to destroy the Earth
(dbz reference)
Date: Fri, Jun 5 2009 20:01:45QUOTE (RH @ Jun 5 2009, 03:25 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>/ sends IAMTMG into space where he blows up
/is safe because I'm IATMG -
Date: Fri, Jun 5 2009 20:27:27
/ pieices earth bak together
/ kills IAMTMG and Kruo
/ stuffs bodys in a sauna in a volcano on the sun -
Date: Fri, Jun 5 2009 21:01:51QUOTE (RH @ Jun 5 2009, 04:27 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>/ pieices earth bak together
/ kills IAMTMG and Kruo
/ stuffs bodys in a sauna in a volcano on the sun
failed at my name twice in a row XD -
Date: Fri, Jun 5 2009 21:23:13
lol srry
/buys IATMG a Ferrarri to make it up -
Date: Fri, Jun 5 2009 21:30:01QUOTE (RH @ Jun 5 2009, 01:27 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>/ pieices earth bak together
/ kills IAMTMG and Kruo
/ stuffs bodys in a sauna in a volcano on the sun
You misspelled my name too (i think he's doing it on purpose)
/Stabs HR in the chest with a Dr.KT -
Date: Fri, Jun 5 2009 21:32:18
/ heals
/apologizes as he was rushing
/ buys kuro a porshe to apologize -
Date: Fri, Jun 5 2009 21:34:19
/Accepted apology
/travels back in time to prevent myself from stabbing RH with a Dr.KT -
Date: Fri, Jun 5 2009 22:36:37QUOTE (RH @ Jun 5 2009, 05:32 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>/ heals
/apologizes as he was rushing
/ buys kuro a porsche to apologize
fix'd -
Date: Sun, Jun 7 2009 02:31:48
/ is bored
/ makes it rain $100,000,000,000 for 1 hr -
Date: Sun, Jun 7 2009 09:51:18
Date: Sun, Jun 7 2009 10:45:50
revives glam
Date: Mon, Jun 8 2009 23:50:36
/grabs a shit load of money, then goes and buys his brand new skyline gtr r34
Date: Tue, Jun 9 2009 00:39:46
/Grabs even more money than Micro Man
Date: Tue, Jun 9 2009 00:41:30
/kills everyone and takes all the money
Date: Wed, Jun 10 2009 04:08:31
/ is STILL IMMORTAL!!!!!!!
Date: Wed, Jun 10 2009 04:32:46
/ spins his Waterfall mod.
Date: Wed, Jun 10 2009 04:49:11
/ makes PoV"s mod into the god's waterfall 0_o
Date: Wed, Jun 10 2009 04:50:48
/ spins with the water from the waterfall xD
Date: Thu, Jun 11 2009 00:17:47
/ is bored
/ makes it rain pens 4 modding(they dont break on impact) -
Date: Thu, Jun 11 2009 02:05:41
/grabs a few good mods and runs off
Date: Thu, Jun 11 2009 02:20:54
/uses magic to make it rain Dr. Kts instead of mod parts
/Laughs maniacally but gets stabbed in the process -
Date: Thu, Jun 11 2009 02:40:39
Um.. this is a war. YOu're supposed to kill people. not make posts that you're doing something else. For referrence, read pages 1-3.
*Shoots kuro.
*lasers a hole in RH
*Tears apart dev. -
Date: Thu, Jun 11 2009 03:53:29
Dev and i are immortal therefore we just regenerate'
/burns glam into dust -
Date: Thu, Jun 11 2009 04:07:39
/Takes glam's ashes and pours them into an incinerator.
Date: Thu, Jun 11 2009 04:13:20
/ burns Gods' Treaty thus nullifying our immortality
/chokes Glam.
/shoots Dev.
/spin kicks Kuro.
/shakes hands with IAmTheMrGuy.
/eats pie.
Edit: Spelling -
Date: Thu, Jun 11 2009 04:20:38
You guys are screwed -
Date: Thu, Jun 11 2009 04:22:00QUOTE (Glamouraz @ Jun 10 2009, 09:20 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>failed image
You guys are screwed
Oh noez -
Date: Thu, Jun 11 2009 05:51:56
the treaty was alrdy burned by we are still gods therefore immortal and i and/or dev have the ability to take away ur powers(but not each other's)
/ takes away every1 but dev's, myself's (PoV's is on a 3-day ban)
/ makes it rain kts
/ kts hit everyone w/ hi impact and every1 bleads 2 death -
Date: Thu, Jun 11 2009 06:38:13
/wonders why he cannot remove others powers
/creates a time portal that takes him 4 days in the future
/is now immortal again
/eats ice cream
/punches Kuro -
Date: Thu, Jun 11 2009 06:42:42
/Flushes everyone down Mashimaro's toilet XD
Date: Thu, Jun 11 2009 06:43:57
/ hugs Mashimaro
/saves Kuro
/kills Glam -
Date: Thu, Jun 11 2009 10:05:06
Date: Thu, Jun 11 2009 16:36:46QUOTE (PillarsOfValhalla @ Jun 11 2009, 01:38 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>/wonders why he cannot remove others powers
/creates a time portal that takes him 4 days in the future
/is now immortal again
/eats ice cream
/punches Kuro
1. cuz i gave u ur powers
2. u cant open portals
3. ur not immortal yet
/ give PoV's his powers back
4. now ur immortal
/ gives pov more ice cream
Date: Thu, Jun 11 2009 17:54:53
snipes people from hilltop
Date: Thu, Jun 11 2009 17:59:46
/knives kinkai from behind
/runs away -
Date: Thu, Jun 11 2009 18:00:58
pulls out knife and throws it at fusionnoble
Date: Sat, Jun 13 2009 00:23:45
/ stops nife in mid air
/ disinigrates nife
/ drowns kinokai -
Date: Sat, Jun 13 2009 00:32:23
/Clones RH
/Throws original RH into a sacred volcano that nullifies all powers and immortally
/Brainwash clone to work for me
/Commands clone to go on a killing spree.
/Sits on a throne on top on a pile of copses. -
Date: Sat, Jun 13 2009 00:46:58
lol i can tele u no
/ teleports out of volcano
/ makes kuro god of terra(fancy 4 earth)(not the planet. rock)
/kills my own clone
/ announces: that dev, mine, kuro and PoV's powers cannot be strpped(except povs and kuros but thats only 4 me and dev) -
Date: Sat, Jun 13 2009 12:06:27
/ joins the fray
/ gains immortality and powers cause RH posted before me
/ makes it rain every pen used for modding (for everybody)
/ joins Forumwarz (there's a real game actually)
/ joins a gang of hackers
/ infiltrates system where RH's power originated
/ sabotages that system
/ sabotages everybody else's
/ turns back time so that everything becomes normal again
/ leaves and goes to live in peace/ -
Date: Sat, Jun 13 2009 12:07:00
/ joins the fray
/ gains immortality and powers cause RH posted before me
/ makes it rain every pen used for modding (for everybody)
/ joins Forumwarz (there's a real game actually)
/ joins a gang of hackers
/ infiltrates system where RH's power originated
/ sabotages that system
/ sabotages everybody else's
/ turns back time so that everything becomes normal again
/ leaves and goes to live in peace/ -
Date: Sat, Jun 13 2009 12:07:31
/ joins the fray
/ gains immortality and powers cause RH posted before me
/ makes it rain every pen used for modding (for everybody)
/ joins Forumwarz (there's a real game actually)
/ joins a gang of hackers
/ infiltrates system where RH's power originated
/ sabotages that system
/ sabotages everybody else's
/ turns back time so that everything becomes normal again
/ leaves and goes to live in peace/
EDIT: sorry. Triple posted. Take action necessary if needed)
Date: Sat, Jun 13 2009 12:07:32
/Appears as a fearless spartan and lops everybody's head off.
/slurps up all the blood afterwards and roars -
Date: Sat, Jun 13 2009 12:08:59
oops, i was about to post mine but chris beat me to it.......
no happy ending....... -
Date: Sat, Jun 13 2009 12:27:08
/ goes back in time to the time before what HT_PS has done, then wash away his memory and sends him away
/ leaves and lives peacefully again
All things are back to normal -
Date: Sat, Jun 13 2009 17:14:28
lol chris u phail
1. my powers cannot be taken away
2. they were given by god
3. u dont have powers only dev, and i can give pwrs
4. u phailed
/ kill chris 4 being phail -
Date: Sun, Jun 14 2009 03:29:23
/ came back to life
/ lived in peace
/ became immortal
/ says RH's power came from UPSB, not God
/ keeps quiet
/ goes away
/ lives in peace -
Date: Sun, Jun 14 2009 03:38:28
/ feels nice
/ makes Chris the god of water -
Date: Sun, Jun 14 2009 03:55:44
/turns into thunder god by accident, electrifies himself, owned/pwned. peace bibi
Date: Sun, Jun 14 2009 04:17:55
/runs mhig over with his avatar
Date: Sun, Jun 14 2009 05:15:06
/waves to everybody
Date: Sun, Jun 14 2009 10:48:13QUOTE (RH @ Jun 14 2009, 11:38 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>/ feels nice
/ makes Chris the god of water
/ is happy he is appointed as the god of water
/ lives peacefully once again. -
Date: Sun, Jun 14 2009 16:10:03
/ makes it rain KTs which stab and kill all not immortals( if you are not dev, myself, PoV, or Chrisps then ur mortal)
Date: Sun, Jun 14 2009 16:12:16
I don't need to be immortal. Being immortal is boring. Being mortal makes you think about what you do
Date: Sun, Jun 14 2009 16:29:27
/ gives IATMG 999999999999999 euros 4 being morally correct
Date: Fri, Jun 19 2009 15:15:07QUOTE (RH @ Jun 15 2009, 12:29 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>/ gives IATMG 999999999999999 euros 4 being morally correct
/ agrees with RH
/ adds another 999999999999999999999999999999 euros to IATMG.
/ goes to live in peace. -
Date: Fri, Jun 19 2009 18:46:53
/ takes chris to hawaii
/ evil tiki monster shows up :[ -
Date: Fri, Jun 19 2009 20:54:38
/comes out of nowhere
/throws tiki monster into a volcano
/teleports to Florida
/goes to Disney World -
Date: Fri, Jun 19 2009 21:07:08
/ thanks kuro
/ goes to Disney world w/ kuro and enjoys watching some 3 year old beat up mickey mouse -
Date: Sat, Jun 20 2009 09:48:47
/ joins with RH and Kuro.
/ made a boy out of water
/ sends the "water boy" to beat up mickey along with ze 3 year old.
/ LOLs -
Date: Sat, Jun 20 2009 17:41:07
/ rofls
/ watches as mickey mouse gets pwned
/ sends 3 year old and water boy 2 go beat up goofy
/ goofy gets pwned -
Date: Mon, Jun 22 2009 06:27:28QUOTE (chrisPS @ Jun 20 2009, 01:15 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>/ agrees with RH
/ adds another 999999999999999999999999999999 euros to IATMG.
/ goes to live in peace.
/Slaps chris out of his peaceful life
/steals those 999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999euroes from IATMG
/spends money instantly on goodies
/appoints self as immortal -
Date: Mon, Jun 22 2009 18:13:47QUOTE (Star @ Jun 22 2009, 02:27 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>/Slaps chris out of his peaceful life
/steals those 999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999euroes from IATMG
/spends money instantly on goodies
/appoints self as immortal
lol obviously u havent read the thread.
you cannot appoint yourself as an immortal ONLY DEV AND I CAN!!!
so in this case
this is star: / steal euros from IATMG, /spends money
this is me:/ takes goodies from star and gives to IATMG, /pwns star for phailure to read the thread -
Date: Mon, Jun 22 2009 19:29:58
/enter the area
Date: Mon, Jun 22 2009 21:18:39
/enters with Lanaro
/sees there's nothing to do
/leaves -
Date: Mon, Jun 22 2009 21:21:57
/drags Noobpenspinner back into the arena
/waves at larano -
Date: Tue, Jun 23 2009 00:58:21
/runs back out again
Date: Tue, Jun 23 2009 02:57:50
/ warps noobish into a plasti-glass box inside the arena
/ watches as ppl try to pwn noobish inside his box
/ 3 year old from disney crawls in and pwns noobish
/laughs more -
Date: Tue, Jun 23 2009 08:41:46
...grr -.-
/grabs 3 year old and puts him inside his OWN plasti-glass and traps him inside forever
/gets mickey mouse to pwn HIM
/gets super bazooka and blasts myself out of box
/takes RH and flings him across the solar system
/sun's gravity takes RH back to earth.
/scowls and gives up... -
Date: Tue, Jun 23 2009 08:45:27
/ enters the battlefield
/slaps Noobish
/ kills Noobish
/goes to Taco Bell -
Date: Sat, Oct 24 2009 05:28:18
/enters battle field
/slaps POV
/steals his taco bell
/bombs his house -
Date: Fri, Dec 18 2009 00:03:55
/IS BACK!!!!!
/eats gerb
/ steals taco bell back for him and POV -
Date: Fri, Dec 18 2009 02:31:19
Date: Fri, Jan 22 2010 22:26:06
/ revives thread.
/ remembers he is water god
/ drinks water
/ relaxes -
Date: Fri, Jan 22 2010 23:06:50
/casually walks into the street and spots an abandoned lion.
/befriends the lion.
/Chills with the the lion in the south african safari. -
Date: Sat, Jan 23 2010 03:12:44
Shoots lion
Snipes cecil
Nukes safari
Evaporates the water god.
OWNS!! -
Date: Fri, Jan 29 2010 04:58:11
/ revives himself.
/ turns emo. -
Date: Fri, Jan 29 2010 10:59:19
i still don't understand how to play this game =x
Date: Mon, Feb 15 2010 02:55:42
Hippo2626 takes a water gun and squirts at zuolin!
Date: Fri, Feb 19 2010 03:56:56
ugh havent use my god given powers in a while so...
/ ignites everyone who is not a god
/points and laughts at the burning people
/ puts the ashes 9001 feet under the ground -
Date: Fri, Feb 19 2010 04:16:03
/pokes RH in the eye which causes him to go berserk igniting himself in the process
/grabs duct tape and creates a ash-tape ball -
Date: Fri, Feb 19 2010 05:05:54
/throws some angry derivations on PSnick until only 0 remains
Date: Fri, Feb 19 2010 06:34:18
/Drops a Dr. KT until the tips perices Deutherius
Date: Sat, Feb 20 2010 03:21:28
lol im an immortal demi-god so i cannot be injured w/ a poke to the eye. so
/ causes psnick to explode spontaneously
/ sits and laughs -
Date: Sat, Feb 20 2010 04:18:28
/enters the Human World after his trip to the Shinigami Realm
/writes Ryan Huang in the Death Note
/laughs as RH perishes and can only be revived if he forfeits his god powers to me
BWAHAHAHA only a God can kill another God
/Becomes God of the New World as a Shinigami King -
Date: Sat, Feb 20 2010 04:47:48QUOTE (CaptainGolfBall @ Feb 19 2010, 11:18 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>/enters the Human World after his trip to the Shinigami Realm
/writes Ryan Huang in the Death Note
/laughs as RH perishes and can only be revived if he forfeits his god powers to me
BWAHAHAHA only a God can kill another God
/Becomes God of the New World as a Shinigami King
lol ur semi new to fourm wars so only demigods may give rise to other demigods (like i gave dev, PoV, chris, etc. power)
/ laughs at CGB's failed attempt
/ makes CGB a god -
Date: Sat, Feb 20 2010 05:04:18
Now that RH has granted me Demi God Powers, (even tho I already had them cuz I am a Shinigami)
QUOTE (CaptainGolfBall @ Feb 19 2010, 08:18 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>/enters the Human World after his trip to the Shinigami Realm
/writes Ryan Huang in the Death Note
/laughs as RH perishes and can only be revived if he forfeits his god powers to me
BWAHAHAHA only a God can kill another God
/Becomes God of the New World as a Shinigami King
No one knows the way to kill a Shinigami anyway. Bwahahahah -
Date: Sun, Feb 21 2010 00:03:07QUOTE (CaptainGolfBall @ Feb 20 2010, 06:04 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>No one knows the way to kill a Shinigami anyway. Bwahahahah
Shinigami cannot be killed(easily), however...
/Seals CaptainGolfBall into a stone, leaving him powerless for eternity can be made meaningless -
Date: Sun, Feb 21 2010 00:21:01
/Wedges his hand through the crack in the stone.
/Laughs at Deutherius's attempt to leave CGB powerless.
/Uses his Shinigami eyes to write Deutherius's name in the Death Note.
/Kicks Deutherius in the shin as he is having a heart attack.
/Sits back down into the throne that once belonged to RH, but now belongs to the God of the New World....ME!
/Laughs Maniacally -
Date: Wed, Mar 3 2010 05:29:58
/is yagami san...
/makes shinigami fall in love with a human about to die... -
Date: Wed, Mar 3 2010 05:39:19
/ kills said human.
Date: Wed, Mar 3 2010 05:46:35QUOTE (Dev @ Mar 2 2010, 09:29 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>/is yagami san...
/makes shinigami fall in love with a human about to die...
I do not fall in love with that Human and since that Human has been killed by PoV, I shall kill you instead.
/writes Dev's name in the Death Note and watches him die slowly.
/absorbs the remaining life for my own.
/shaves off Colton's afro.
/sits back down onto my throne as God. -
Date: Wed, Mar 3 2010 06:23:42
Margareth cast lightning bolt to! !!!BOOM!!!
Date: Wed, Mar 3 2010 14:32:41
I'm a shinigami, that cannot even hurt me a little bit.
/Laughs at Margareth's failed attempt.
/Writes his name in the Death Note and watches him die.
/Throws his corpse into the pile with the other garbage. -
Date: Thu, Mar 4 2010 03:23:29
Captain sadly you do not know my real name...
/jumps out of the pile of garbage and corpses using his ghost buster weapons to subdue the shinigami that is captain golf ball. -
Date: Thu, Mar 4 2010 03:25:28
What part of "I'm a shinigami" dont you understand?
/tells Dev to watch DN episode discussing Shinigami Eyes.
/Laughs at his 2nd failed attempt at trying to disprove my powers. -
Date: Fri, Mar 5 2010 00:50:16
No one dare question my powah!!!!!!!!
Date: Fri, Mar 5 2010 01:27:07
/strips CGB of his powers
/ locks CGB in a vacuum sealed chamber full of hydrocloric acid
/ brings CGB's ashes to the earth to be burned until there is nothing left
(btw CGB Dev has more power than yousince he is my co-demigod)
Date: Fri, Mar 5 2010 03:26:48
Sorry RH but your time has come and gone.
/Simply passes through the vacuum due to a lack of a physical body.
/Laughs at RH.
I am a Shinigami, RH. You can't strip me of my powers because I already had them.
/Drags RH out of his chair.
/Shoves RH into the vacuum, and sits in MY chair.
Behold Mortal Naves, as the God of the New World, CGB, takes his throne. -
Date: Fri, Mar 5 2010 03:28:13
-Sits and eats popcorn while waiting to become the demi god-
Date: Fri, Mar 5 2010 03:37:29
RH cannot defeat me, for I am a Japanese God of Death, which of course common sense tells us, is much better and much more powerful than your puny demigod status RH. It is impossible for you to conjure up some tool of destruction because you cannot kill a God of Death. That is impractical. Your reign of your puny demigod status has come to an end. If you beg, I may even spare you to allowing you to continue the practice of COPROPHAGIA.
Begone RH, for the new God has arrived. -
Date: Fri, Mar 5 2010 07:28:59
since when have you seen my face CGB? hmmmmmmmmmmm? never! so you cant know my name to right it into your death note... you failed, in fact you forgot to see that tiny detail in that everyone you have "killed" so far isn't really dead, unless you have seen a picture of their REAL face, or know their name and face.
/thanks RH for the reminder
/promotes wind to demi-god of well... wind...
/uses excorcism on CGB to banish him from this world -
Date: Fri, Mar 5 2010 08:08:05
/is an atheist, thus no gods exist for him. No, not even the anime ones.
/kills CaptainGolfBall with a simple sword strike.
Be gone, false god, who, in fact, could not do anything apart from writing names, ruining the game for everyone by trying to be the ultimate power. Lame. -
Date: Fri, Mar 5 2010 14:30:59
@Dev, do you really think that my powers are strictly limited to the rules of the Anime?
And that excorism isnt working on me due to the fact that I am not possessing anyone. Plus, I'm a Shinigami. That poor little form of Human Intervention always fails.
/is still alive.
@Deutherius, even if you don't believe in me, you cannot simply kill me with a sword strike. I am a Shinigami. That cannot kill me.
/remains God of this world. -
Date: Sat, Mar 6 2010 05:40:42
agrees with deutherius...
/pisses on CGB's grave... because yes he is finally dead, and he was indeed faking the whole shinigami act, his real name is KC.
(but who knows he may come back to life soon) -
Date: Sat, Mar 6 2010 17:43:10
/is angry.
.....I am alive.....
/pisses on you.
/goes to the Dark Side with DarkGenesis -
Date: Sat, Mar 6 2010 18:51:41
.... CGB you cannot be alive because i have striped you of ur demigod powers, therefore you are mortal. which means you died. yes you do have shinigami but you can be killed by real gods since anime gods do not exist. so...
/ RH uses his powers to drain the oxygen from CGB's lungs and suffocates.
/ gives CGB a nice burial. -
Date: Sun, Mar 7 2010 02:12:56
shinigami are real, idiots.
/goes to Taco Bell. -
Date: Mon, Mar 8 2010 03:53:05
/resurrects CGB cuz i like taco bell
/runs to get a cheesy bacon gordita crunch wrap -
Date: Mon, Mar 8 2010 05:22:49
/ is still water god!!!
/ treats everyone to tacos
/ goes bored. -
Date: Mon, Mar 8 2010 05:58:25
/ Hands everyone of UPSB 5 layer burritos.
/ Pulls out his Death Note
/ Writes down the name of the fool behind the counter due to him confusing my order with someone elses.
/Gains 24 years of life. -
Date: Wed, Mar 10 2010 04:00:07
/eats the death note...
Date: Thu, Mar 18 2010 02:41:41
/revives thread
/gags Dev's stomach for my Death Note
/makes a UPSB team called The Dark Side
/remains as a Shinigami and decides to take it easy and relax with some apples. -
Date: Sun, Mar 21 2010 05:02:09
good luck writing on soggy chewed up paper.....
/presses up up down down left right left right B A start -
Date: Sun, Mar 21 2010 06:28:52
Konami Code does not affect me.
Kthx bai