Ladder: Archive / [Ladder-x] Foofdude vs. Nova
Date: Sat, Oct 6 2007 03:14:46
Theme: 2 hands. People don't use both of their hands enough when penspinning, so that's the theme. Try to make a creative combo that involves both of your hands in some way.
Due date: Monday October 8. (can be extended if it's too close)
Do you accept? -
Date: Sat, Oct 6 2007 04:11:48
Now this battle is really going to be interesting, especially with the theme
Hope Nova accepts because I know he can come up with something really creative. Good luck both of you, IMO the due date should be extended since this is going to be a hard battle..
Date: Sat, Oct 6 2007 06:02:27
sorry my friend.
i've got exams for the next month until 12 november.
some other time? -
Date: Sat, Oct 6 2007 15:12:43
That's fine. I'll just battle someone else.
Date: Sat, Oct 6 2007 19:33:52
I'd be willing to battle you.