PID: 2.6
Project description: since the HGG is going extinct soon, i was thinking of ways to copy or create our own HGG grip lookalikes.
Why: HGG grips are a large part of pen spinning. they are a standard in which all grips are measured. then they are gone, a large portion of pen spinning history will leave. i am hoping to help preserve the HGG grip, and hopefully create a method of grip manufacturing that will be economical and easy for everyone.
Project leaders: Dr1v37h38u5

List of topics attached to it: None.

Use this thread to discuss the general concept of this project, what needs to be done (brainstorm), request new topics and consolidate topics results. This is the general thread for the whole project.

example: i have thought about using plasti dip in a mold of an HGG grip. i have not done any actual experimentation.

Original Thread