Major Collaborations / ã€PSH】We are one.
we are one.
Date: Sat, Nov 15 2008 16:11:42
freaking awesome
This gonna be my new favourite collab!
i'm totally a PSH fan-- Answer -- xD
very nice collab!!!
Wow that was fantastic. Full of awesome, but not too long, nice. By the way what mod was that at the end of the video?
it's called tornado mod.

is there a tut on it

Answer has a really cool style. I liked 3shines combo, but his pen seemed really thin. Looked funny.

i remember seeing one on psh
i doubt u can get the materials tho
wow @ 2:00 - 2:01 ....whats that called btw? o-o i wanna learn that xDD
the starting was so cheesy lol
PSH's collab are always crazy, good job^^
freaking amazing
One of my favorite collabs, all the spinners were so smooth
i doubt u can get the materials tho tut
It's an old trick that was popularized during the Asia Cup.
It's a palm-down FL Pinkyaround Rev 34-12 > FL IA Rev. I believe that's it. I remember showing someone how to do it....
It's a palm-down FL Pinkyaround Rev 34-12 > FL IA Rev. I believe that's it. I remember showing someone how to do it....
hate to be picky but
wasnt it popular even before?
people just sorta used it alot during asia cup
i guess what i mean is
"that was popular", not "that was popularized"
One of my favorite collabs, all the spinners were so smooth
Absolutely. PSH spinners are just pro. Those wipers and stuff

I really like the fact that the editor did not put the names of the spinners while they were spinning, but only after an interval.
This is really 1 of the best collabs i enjoyed watching.
wasnt it popular even before?
people just sorta used it alot during asia cup
i guess what i mean is
"that was popular", not "that was popularized"
is there a tut on this?
prolly not?
they are all a bit diff
theres handaround
and all other variations and whatever theyre called...
who knows
and y is this thread still alive?
at first, the cheesy intro and slow music were a little bit of a turn-off. however, after i watched it several times, i didn't notice the cheese, and the slower music really worked with the spinning. heck, i have watched it many times since it was posted; plan to continue on watching it dozens more times.
prolly not?
they are all a bit diff
theres handaround
and all other variations and whatever theyre called...
who knows
and y is this thread still alive?

I didn't think it was that popular before. hardly saw people use it.