Single Member Videos / 1.5 year solo A13-X

  1. A13X
    Date: Sat, Nov 15 2008 19:14:10

    Hi everyone
    I show you my last solo video ,i was lucky for some tricks like the tumbspin.... biggrin.gif
    ( i'm sorry for the bad quality , and i haven't style at this time ^^')

    please comment and tell me what you like or don't like , that's help me ^^

  2. Sadistic
    Date: Sat, Nov 15 2008 20:30:03

    I remember your 1 year solo, i had wondered why u weren't in the pen spinning world cup for FPSB...

  3. Fluke
    Date: Sat, Nov 15 2008 20:31:49

    That was really great!!!
    Haha, I bet you were nervous to keep spinning after such a good ThumbSpin tongue.gif The combo's were really amazing though!!!

  4. SJ.
    Date: Sun, Nov 16 2008 06:10:38

    that was epic


  5. octan3
    Date: Sun, Nov 16 2008 06:29:05

    wow nice spinning, i like your style!