Naming Committee / [project][5.5] Foreign Names
Project brainstorm, requests, discussion
Date: Sat, Jun 16 2007 07:20:15
PID: 5.1
Use this thread to discuss the general concept of this project, what needs to be done (brainstorm), request new topics and consolidate topics results. This is the general thread for the whole project.
Project description: Decide how to deal with foreign names, naming standards.
Why: To possibly provide an accurate translation between names from the various foreign communities.
Project leader: (undecided)
List of topics attached to it:
Can we just get rid of all foreign names for tricks? Maybe have a list that gives a 'translation' for referance, but get them stopped being used on the board. People are using the foreign names a lot and it's getting confusing.
Can you also discourage people on the board from using them? I'll frickin die next time someone mentions tornado i swear.
Original Thread