Board Comments / Questions about Search Function
Date: Mon, Dec 15 2008 04:23:41
Well, im a newbie here, but i was wondering if something could be done to the search function. I don't know if this is possible or not, but is it possible so when you search for something, and the results show up, that you could go to the page with your keywords on it? Because like, sometimes say i wanna see a picture in the "Show off Your Pens" section, and I don't really wanna dig through 200 pages just to see what a Coloumb mod looks like. Thanks. If this has already been discussed, then I ask a mod to delete it. Thanks!
Date: Mon, Dec 15 2008 04:30:44
when you do an "advanced search', choose 'show results are posts" instead of default which is topics.
alternatively, you can go in the SOYP thread, and use the searhc in thread feature -
Date: Tue, Dec 16 2008 01:01:20
OHHH!!! thanks Yeah, the other forum that i used wasn't that sophisticated. THANKS ZOMBO!!!!!!!!!!!!