Pen Modifications / Accidents while modding?
Date: Fri, Dec 19 2008 19:28:55
Was making my RSVP MX just now and I was just smoothing off the pen clip/stub with a lighter and since it was my first time making an MX, I held the lighter for a little too long and the stub caught fire
Luckily my cap wasn't damaged and it now has a pretty clean stub
Share your incidents too! -
Date: Fri, Dec 19 2008 20:20:36
i was poking a small hole on a cap using ice pick
i stabbed myself on the flap between index and middle(left hand)
BUT it wasn't tthat deep -
Date: Fri, Dec 19 2008 20:25:44
I was reversing the inktube for my MX, but I accidently ate all the ink
Date: Fri, Dec 19 2008 20:48:46
I had ink explode one time...luckily not on me..
cut the ink tube to short, started leaking out...sucked..
and also i tried holding an RSVP cap in the air and cutting it with a dremel for my CX mod but i miscut i ruined the cap..
That's about all.. -
Date: Fri, Dec 19 2008 20:52:25
Cut the ink too short for a mod and I couldn't click the pen because it was too low in the barrel. >_>
Date: Fri, Dec 19 2008 20:59:41
Was cutting a rsvp cap for a CX. Didnt have a knife or saw or anything, so i went at it with a X-acto. Slipped and stabbed my self in the side of my pointer finger.
Was burning down the clip a MX. Stopped paying attention and dripped melted plastic on to my hand.
Uhh cutting through a profile for my Any-x and missed. Went right to my thumb
I am an accident waiting to happen. -
Date: Fri, Dec 19 2008 21:01:05QUOTE (yoonkwun @ Dec 20 2008, 03:25 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>I was reversing the inktube for my MX, but I accidently ate all the ink
lolz xD
my HGG tip was rolling off when I modded my random mod and got eaten by the vacuum cleaner lolz -
Date: Fri, Dec 19 2008 21:04:56
I usually light the stubs on fire for a little bit, Then I blow it out after 3-5 seconds. I like to see it burn, I guess. My stubs are nice and smooth, but a little blackened(only noticeable if you look for it / directly at it)
I've cut barrels wrong(on my 1st any-X). On that same any-X, my inktube exploded in class once. I wiped it all over one of my notebook papers, stuffed the back with paper, and put it away.
I've messed up some anyball grip cuts really bad before. Not terrible, bevause it is easily replaceable, but really bad. Then When I cut my first Dr.Grip grip, It was a bad cut. I had pulled on the loose parts, and I ended up messing up the grip really bad. I also lost the tip of that Dr.Grip.
I was making a Rsvp Sbvotex, and when I was putting the second front on, I did terribly. I had to superglue it on, let it dry overnight(superglue wouldn't dry), and now it looks terrible, and the cap doesn't go on very well.
And that's about it. -
Date: Fri, Dec 19 2008 21:41:23
Once i was using super glue to make a mod and some super glue spilled on my desk and i tried to wipe it off then my hand got stuck to my desk.
I was modding and my xacto knife rolled on my desk and cut my foot BUT it was only on the end of my foot it didnt hurt that much -
Date: Fri, Dec 19 2008 22:42:12QUOTE (yoonkwun @ Dec 19 2008, 12:25 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>I was reversing the inktube for my MX, but I accidently ate all the ink
Date: Fri, Dec 19 2008 22:50:17QUOTE (yoonkwun @ Dec 19 2008, 04:25 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>I was reversing the inktube for my MX, but I accidently ate all the ink
I lol'ed -
Date: Sat, Dec 20 2008 01:18:05
I've sliced myself with the x-acto SO many times..
Ink has popped inside my jean pockets many many times but after that I stopped reversing ink tubes or carrying retractable mods.
Fucking ruined my favorite jeans. Piece of shit. -
Date: Sat, Dec 20 2008 01:51:23
cut my self with a sharp knife countless times during grip-cuts
stab and slash my finger while cutting the ding-dongs off a ball-sign caps -
Date: Sat, Dec 20 2008 02:03:10
I cut myself many times with a blade.
um.. probably other things happen but can't remember. -
Date: Sat, Dec 20 2008 03:44:45
My most common injuries come from using pliers and My finger webbing gets torn up...or a burn from a recently heat up paperclip.
Something that hasn't happened is if I'm spinning my X-S mod and all of the sudden the cap flies off.....chaos would ensue (LINK IN MY SIG) -
Date: Sat, Dec 20 2008 04:57:33
not exactly when i was modding, but once, i had a gel ink, and it didn't write properly
so i tried to blow into the ink tube to push it down
accidentally sucked... ink in my mouth
it overflowed and went on my desk
tried to clean it with my shirt... it was a white one... and ink doesn't come out very well
and since it was a red pen, now it looks like a have a period stain on my shirt... and i'm a guy...
also, g2 ink spilt on me when i was modding it
that one was red as well (i like red, red doesn't like me XD)
when i tried to clean out the ink tube, i stained the bathroom sink...
i haven't stabbed myself badly... yet -
Date: Sat, Dec 20 2008 09:52:12QUOTE (yoonkwun @ Dec 20 2008, 04:25 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>I was reversing the inktube for my MX, but I accidently ate all the ink -
Date: Sat, Dec 20 2008 15:18:45
I use the saw on my leatherman to make cuts in things, I'm really safe with knives and all, but somehow I always manage to cut myself with the saw
Date: Sat, Dec 20 2008 15:23:40
i had put tape on an inktube and i put too much so when i put it in the barrel nothing happened but when i took it out the tape got stuck in the barrely but not the inktube and it was too far down to get out
Date: Sat, Dec 20 2008 16:36:27
o_O you people get hurt so easily, I have made, changed and destroyed close to about 200 mods, and have only had one accident. Was trying to clean the cuts on an anyball grip and the razor blade sliced my thumb. Left thumb luckily, and I didn't notice it until I took a shower that night and my thumb stung like a beeyotch
Date: Sat, Dec 20 2008 18:51:45
A lot has happened to me, but the worst has to be one time
I was trying to bite some extra shit off of a g2 piece, and a piece of plastic snapped and I was choking on it for like 5 seconds... -
Date: Sat, Dec 20 2008 19:16:15
Hmm...Here's my story.
Not long ago, at a birthday party/gathering at Fall's house, I injured myself badly while cutting Sailor Gel grips with a knife. Unfortunately, I didn't take a picture, but trust me, it was bad. I was trimming the Sailor Gel grips on a Namae mod and the blade slipped, and it went straight across my finger.
Instantly, blood started oozing out of the wound and got everywhere. I washed out the cut immediately, and MORE blood started coming out. I put on a bandage. No use. The blood seeped from underneath. I put on a second bandage. The blood STILL came oozing out. So I put on gauze and used medical tape to secure it. It worked...for about 3 minutes when the blood started leaking out yet AGAIN. Finally, I put on a second gaze+medical tape thing. And finally, it did hold. But the tradeoff was I couldn't practice violin for two days.
Lesson of the story? Be careful!!! Especially when you're using sharp knives like me.
Oh, and I still have a faint scar from this incident even though it was a month ago. -
Date: Sun, Dec 21 2008 11:24:22QUOTE (FrozenIce @ Dec 21 2008, 03:16 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>Hmm...Here's my story.
Not long ago, at a birthday party/gathering at Fall's house, I injured myself badly while cutting Sailor Gel grips with a knife. Unfortunately, I didn't take a picture, but trust me, it was bad. I was trimming the Sailor Gel grips on a Namae mod and the blade slipped, and it went straight across my finger.
Instantly, blood started oozing out of the wound and got everywhere. I washed out the cut immediately, and MORE blood started coming out. I put on a bandage. No use. The blood seeped from underneath. I put on a second bandage. The blood STILL came oozing out. So I put on gauze and used medical tape to secure it. It worked...for about 3 minutes when the blood started leaking out yet AGAIN. Finally, I put on a second gaze+medical tape thing. And finally, it did hold. But the tradeoff was I couldn't practice violin for two days.
Lesson of the story? Be careful!!! Especially when you're using sharp knives like me.
Oh, and I still have a faint scar from this incident even though it was a month ago.
Holy...the wound was that deep? -
Date: Sun, Dec 21 2008 11:27:25
this happened quite some time ago.
i tore skin on my thumb with pliers when modding a EBKT.
it was quite a big piece T.T -
Date: Sun, Dec 21 2008 11:36:13QUOTE (yoonkwun @ Dec 19 2008, 12:25 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>I was reversing the inktube for my MX, but I accidently ate all the ink
Wrong thread, check sig. -
Date: Tue, Dec 23 2008 01:50:04
not exactly an accident (yet) but once i was cutting the barrel of a rsvp, got frustrated, then just push down hard on my exacto knife...cling...the tip of the knife flew right across the room.....i'm just glad it wasn't in my eye lul
Date: Tue, Dec 23 2008 02:03:19QUOTE (Point @ Dec 23 2008, 09:50 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>not exactly an accident (yet) but once i was cutting the barrel of a rsvp, got frustrated, then just push down hard on my exacto knife...cling...the tip of the knife flew right across the room.....i'm just glad it wasn't in my eye lul
not really an accident but worst thing that happens to me is making outserts...maybe I re do outserts like 10x or maybe more if it's not straight or if the tape isn't evenly put or something maybe I'll just try to find metallic sticker paper similar to what Mr.LSC uses... -
Date: Tue, Dec 23 2008 15:33:04
When making a hole in backcap of rsvp i made a hole in mine thumb.
Date: Tue, Dec 23 2008 18:30:08QUOTE (Scandiacus @ Dec 21 2008, 03:24 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>Holy...the wound was that deep?
Yeah, it was pretty deep. I think the deepness of the wound might have been attributed to the fact that I was pushing down on the knife to cut the Sailor Gel grips and it slipped. The incident made me hesitate to mod for the next week or so, but by the second week, I was back to modding. -
Date: Tue, Dec 23 2008 19:01:05
Same as KhaDori... made hole in my thumb instead of rsvp cap xD
Date: Tue, Dec 23 2008 19:03:25
You guys are too accident prone.
Date: Wed, Dec 24 2008 11:37:42
i tried to cut my g2 barrel with an xacto knife, i used a sword slicing motion and it went straight in to my right index finger, i went to wash it off, then i came back to play computer. then i saw my mouse, it had blood all over it, and it was still bleeding,
LESSON : do not be a swordsman when it comes to modding pens -
Date: Thu, Dec 25 2008 18:02:11
Cutting sailor grips.. the exacto knife slipped off the rounded edge, and bam... right thro the fleshy part inbetween my thumb and index.
I tried to wash it out.. wasnt helping. I ended up have to have my parents going to the pharmacy to get some of the small bandages that hold cut together. It was pretty deep.. a couple cm at least. Anyways. i held my hand above me head for about 4 hours, i couldnt feel it for the next day. I had to sleep with it in a plastic bag (to not get blood on my bedsheets), it bled for the next day.. and i was so close to going to get stitches... i really should have..i have a large scar left there now -
Date: Thu, Dec 25 2008 18:44:41
The only really bad thing that ever happened to me was when I drilled into my thumb pretty deep.
Lol I started bleeding instantly and didn't stop for a while.
It was funny. -
Date: Fri, Dec 26 2008 11:10:08
i was making an rsvp mx..then my dad scared me and the hgg grips flew to the cat and the cat ate my grip..
Date: Fri, Dec 26 2008 11:12:40QUOTE (Antonio Garcia @ Dec 26 2008, 07:10 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>i was making an rsvp mx..then my dad scared me and the hgg grips flew to the cat and the cat ate my grip..
this shows that u havent been feeding your cat for awhile.
your cat eats grips Geez. LOL. -
Date: Fri, Dec 26 2008 13:45:22QUOTE (Antonio Garcia @ Dec 26 2008, 07:10 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>i was making an rsvp mx..then my dad scared me and the hgg grips flew to the cat and the cat ate my grip..
Did your cat feel unwell after eating the grip? -
Date: Sat, Dec 27 2008 20:25:38
I ALWAYS pinch myself with pliers. It's hurts like crazy. I end up doing one of those I-stubbed-my-toe dances around the room.
Date: Sat, Dec 27 2008 20:57:16
God you guys need to slow down or something when modding. I have never once hurt myself modding.
Date: Mon, Dec 29 2008 04:25:27
lets see
ive pinched my self with plyers so many times its not funny anymore -
Date: Mon, Dec 29 2008 18:22:28
i was cleaning the stuff on my rsvp backcap after makin a hole in it. i was using nail cutters that look like this idk wat happened next, but i heard a snap noise and sumtinh hit my eyelid. i tought "SH-T!, dam need a new backcap." then i look down the bakcap is perfect. then i look over at the cutters and one of the tip cutters thing was broken. i then stand up to find it and step on it. i go tell my bro wat happen and how i almost got blinded in one of my eyes and he says" u owe mom new cutters" ...
Date: Mon, Dec 29 2008 18:28:12
got myself with an exact knife yesterday
didn't hurt much but bleeds for way too long
over dramatic finger cut
the most painful i've ever had was a paper cut from an insert
those sting for so long -
Date: Mon, Dec 29 2008 18:34:31
I've given myself a few nicks with an Exacto knife, ripped some skin off while trying to twist something off... and that's pretty much it. No near-death encounters here.
Date: Mon, Dec 29 2008 18:50:38
i was making a mod last night bicgripvortex and i put a g2 inktube in it and i was shoving it in with a rsvp inktube and the rsvp went in the back of the g2 inktube and i pulled it out and got ink all over the place
then i didnt close it up and after i finished the mod and ink started spilling inside the barrel of the mod so i had to clean it out today and i fixed it for good( atlest i hope lol) -
Date: Thu, Jan 1 2009 12:23:53
I used a lighter to round off an RSVP clip. It was lit for a while and I guess I wasn't paying attention. My index finger made contact with the metal part of the lighter that was exposed to the flame. The blister was about the size of a dime.
I'm also usually good with putting holes in RSVP backplugs, but there are just those few times where yaand...*slip*, it's only slipped onto my thumb once though but that one was deep and painful enough to teach me a lesson to be careful next time.
I've also had a G3 inktube explode...ON me.I guess the mod was airtight and the backend of the inktube popped when I put the cap on. I had a blue shirt now it's a blue shirt with black spots.
Date: Thu, Jan 1 2009 12:48:28
How/why do the inktubes explode anyway
Date: Thu, Jan 1 2009 12:48:46QUOTE (Stevieboy7 @ Dec 26 2008, 02:02 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>Cutting sailor grips.. the exacto knife slipped off the rounded edge, and bam... right thro the fleshy part inbetween my thumb and index.
I tried to wash it out.. wasnt helping. I ended up have to have my parents going to the pharmacy to get some of the small bandages that hold cut together. It was pretty deep.. a couple cm at least. Anyways. i held my hand above me head for about 4 hours, i couldnt feel it for the next day. I had to sleep with it in a plastic bag (to not get blood on my bedsheets), it bled for the next day.. and i was so close to going to get stitches... i really should have..i have a large scar left there now
lol...that happened to me to but it was when I was opening the box of my new laptop...I was using a cutter and while I was trying to slice the tape, the tape was so tight so I put all force I got and stabbed the gap between my thumb and index finger lol....mine took maybe 2 weeks before it became a scar...damn my left hand looks fucked up now lol....haven't gotten any accidents while modding...just when making my hand drawn inserts...I thought it fitted in the rsvp but I realized it didn't fit and it was too short lol so I had to repeat -.-
here's a pic of the scar on my left hand
damn bad quality pic..btw the wound was deep -
Date: Sun, Jan 18 2009 11:03:38
Almost slashed my left thumb with the X-acto last night. Was cutting some stuff (forgotten what stuff but I was modding related) and the blade slipped off and scratched my thumbnail. If was cutting with more force my thumb was prolly sliced.
Date: Mon, Jan 26 2009 03:50:23
I decided it'd be a great idea to fuse the cap of my RSVP MX with the barrel. I held flame for two long and it melted not only the cap, not only the barrel, but the cap, barrel, and ink tube into an orgy of molten plastic. I remade the entire MX with a new RSVP and had yet another accident with my lighter as I was trying to round off the unsightly clip. thing burned for a while and warped the cap.
I made a Bictory yesterday which I had to throw away because of all the mistakes I had on it. Trying to remove the back cap destroyed the tube, cut the ink too close on BOTH tubes, cut a hole in the cap accidentally, and stepped on the tube causing it to bend. -
Date: Mon, Jan 26 2009 05:13:52
I destroyed my Dr. Grip grip when I was cutting it for my ballsign mod... Luckily I got it in a trade but still...
QUOTE (yoonkwun @ Dec 19 2008, 03:25 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>I was reversing the inktube for my MX, but I accidently ate all the ink
How did you do that...? -
Date: Wed, Jan 28 2009 04:33:45
Once I was cutting my g2 barrel with a saw and i cut my thumb
left a bad cut, never doing that again.
Date: Wed, Jan 28 2009 04:45:44
I cut off nearly half of my ring finger because I wasn't careful =(
Date: Wed, Jan 28 2009 04:56:57QUOTE (Reminant @ Jan 28 2009, 12:45 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>I cut off nearly half of my ring finger because I wasn't careful =(
Dude, that must have hurt! And not to mention how you can spin a pen now?!
Date: Fri, Jan 30 2009 04:12:49
i cut myself went spin my X-S mod here:
with this:
Spoiler: -
Date: Fri, Jan 30 2009 04:18:29
you cut yourself on your neck? dude...
Date: Fri, Jan 30 2009 04:23:12QUOTE (CPM8 @ Jan 29 2009, 08:18 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>you cut yourself on your neck? dude...
Yes i cuted myself on the neck GOD!
it flew out of my hand (THAT WHAT I CALL A NOOB) -
Date: Fri, Jan 30 2009 05:09:13
Lesson for all who spin sharp or pointy objects:
Date: Fri, Jan 30 2009 15:56:26QUOTE (Limon @ Jan 30 2009, 12:12 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>i cut myself went spin my X-S mod here:
with this:
Holy shit...luckily it didn't got your jugular. -
Date: Mon, Mar 23 2009 13:27:48
Made my thumb, index, middle finger stick together while modding a double-sided RSVP mod. I peeled the skin off and put a band aid, and it was my Bday!
Date: Thu, Mar 26 2009 01:25:21
Too many to count hahaa. I remember modding some jap G3 mod, and cutting deep into the tip of my thumb with an exacto blade... 3 times before finishing it. And by deep I mean 1/4 - 1/3 of an inch.
Also while modding a bunch of Grip Aviaire's to sell, I peeled a thick layer of skin off my index finger from putton on and pulling off g2/xlickpen grips over and over while making the mods silent -
Date: Thu, Mar 26 2009 05:25:49
I once tried modding pens, but i needed to cut the barrel, so I heated up the X-knife with fire, but Japan is a country of earthquake, and the house started shaking and I accidentally cut myself. It hurt a lot.
Here's my scar (actually not that serious): -
Date: Thu, Mar 26 2009 05:34:01
i injured my hands...well i'm not modding at that time, i was just spinning, the metal thing from the tip of the ink got in my hands and it was like sh*t!
Date: Thu, Mar 26 2009 08:24:58
lol Today I was trying to mod a BICtory at school, and accidentally drew a black line on my teacher's skirt. And I had to see principle.
Date: Sun, Mar 29 2009 17:08:24
i cut my pinky finger off ,.. jk i messed up a perfectr g-2 barrel
Date: Sun, Mar 29 2009 18:11:49
Last week I was trying to pull out a G3 inktube that I managed to get stuck in a dong-a barrel and it exploded in my mouth and on my face. The ink was sweeter than I thought it would taste XD But my teeth were blue for a while even after I washed them. My face was blue for a while also.
Date: Sun, Mar 29 2009 18:50:11
I made a SEVEN mod then i accidentally pushed the G3 body into the grips to hard and the cap area with the hyper jell clip cracked and i didn't notice for like a few hours and i was like "oh sh**"
Date: Mon, Mar 30 2009 13:52:41
OMG! Shrouded Figure spilled super glue on his hand!
Date: Thu, Apr 2 2009 00:29:21
i was making a firefly mod (first try) and i was holding the g2 body in one hand and the g3 body in the other and i dropped my superglue that was on the table.
good news is i caught it
bad news is that it was uncapped and the bottle went all over my left hand and my pinky, ring finger, and middle finger were stuck togethor REALLY tightly
i ended up using a knife and cutting away at the gllue and some of my skin to get my fingers seperated.
i had the glue stains for a week
i scrubbed my hand and washed them 29 times. it didnt work >3> -
Date: Fri, May 8 2009 01:06:20
My friend was spinning a KT and it flew into my other friends leg. It actually drew a lot of blood. o.0
Once i was spinning and then i did a Kamehameha into someone's eye. -
Date: Sun, May 10 2009 02:01:37
i remember when i was spraying wat i thought was anit-burn coating on the cap, but it was bug spray, and when i used the lighter, the whole cap burned up and i had to go 2 the hospitalman my hand was red for god knows how long
Date: Sun, May 10 2009 02:12:52
hehe, i've had the ink explode on me tons of times from making bictories
One time it got alllll over the table and all over my hand. After I thought the ink dried on my hand, my sister was stuck on some game for her DS, so i held it for a while. There was then huge ink stains on her DS and she wasn't happy. I got all of the ink stains off of everything using rubbing alcohol, though.
While cutting an m-301 end, my scissors wouldn't cut it the whole way, so i used my hand to apply pressure to the blades. I then cut it, along with both of the blades snipping in deeply near my thumb making a huge half-moon cut. Stung like a beach. -
Date: Sun, May 10 2009 02:37:11
When i was making my Kuzu mod and finished making it i got 6 cuts on my fingers :(
Date: Fri, May 15 2009 15:29:04
my finger and palm always get hurt
finger: when i m cutting the grip,, thenmy finger is leaking -__
my palm also always full of colorful ink -
Date: Sat, May 16 2009 09:13:33
hahahahahahahahahahahahahaha I lol'ed in real life
Date: Tue, May 19 2009 18:34:08
started to drill the back cap for rsvp and when finished, there was a mark on the floor =[
so when people walk into my house, they see a small black circle mark
reversed the inktube, went to wash hands, came back with ink all over my desk, started cleaning it and it got messier, someone msned me, i replied and the ink smudged onto expensive keyboard =[ went to put ink into sink to clean it up, exploded again and all over sink. later found out that ink spilled on floor and my dvds =[
1 rsvp, many MANY troubles and bad luck =[
all the mess = 5min
cleaning up mess = 30 min
forgot to sharpen the rsvp cap , started spinning, butterfinger, hit my wrist and now 3 in scar =O
Date: Thu, May 21 2009 06:13:06
ive never injured myself but when i was cutting sumthin i stabbed my couch and some stuffing came out
Date: Sat, May 23 2009 02:44:05
i found a new Razor blade but it was one that was double sided.. didnt realize that until i was cutting the grips and i was pushing down hard on the other side and it peeled a lot of skin and got a cut
Date: Sat, May 23 2009 02:51:24
i couldnt find anything in my house to make a hole in the rsvp backplug with so i heated a safety pin and started to poke a hole into it. i didnt kno how easily it would go in so i jabbed the safety pin hard and it went into my thumb along with black melted plastic from the safety pin.
but i was ok. :/
but it hurt. ALOT -
Date: Tue, Jun 9 2009 19:06:19QUOTE (Scandiacus @ Dec 19 2008, 02:28 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>Was making my RSVP MX just now and I was just smoothing off the pen clip/stub with a lighter and since it was my first time making an MX, I held the lighter for a little too long and the stub caught fire
Luckily my cap wasn't damaged and it now has a pretty clean stub
Share your incidents too!
i was making a hole in the cap of my comssa to make it a metallic comssa, but i had to stop because i had a major project due. i did a ta, and the ink from the comssa started flowing out.
got stabbed w/ a kt tip
bictory ink explodes
cracked a cheap plastic tip and i stepped on it (ouch) -
Date: Fri, Nov 13 2009 03:22:30
i messed up my zt mod the connecting peice came off so i resuper glued it but then i took outside because i was getting in my car but then it turned out it was raining and rain got on the super and it got all messed up and then the whole thing just fell apart
Date: Fri, Nov 13 2009 03:50:06
i mess up sometimes and then try to super glue the pen, but then it looks horrible with the glue and either ends up cracking or I end up breaking it... ha.
Date: Sun, Nov 15 2009 02:27:11
I was cutting a barrel in half with an x-acto knife and my finger slipped. It cut off my left arm, but I taped it back on and everything was alright.
Date: Sun, Nov 15 2009 02:45:10
uhhh ya i had a razor blade and it went through my cheap grip and ya there went bout half my finger
Date: Sun, Nov 15 2009 04:03:34
one time i cut my finger making the dumbest pencil mod eva -___-
Date: Sun, Nov 15 2009 05:26:20
i broke the rsvp body while trying to take the grip out of the rsvp cap T.T
but i put tape and eveything was back to normal
then i lost it at a cinema T___T -
Date: Sun, Nov 15 2009 15:34:12QUOTE (Scandiacus @ Dec 19 2008, 02:28 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>Was making my RSVP MX just now and I was just smoothing off the pen clip/stub with a lighter and since it was my first time making an MX, I held the lighter for a little too long and the stub caught fire
Luckily my cap wasn't damaged and it now has a pretty clean stub
Share your incidents too!
once i fell off a chair and a dr tip stabbed my foot -
Date: Tue, Nov 17 2009 16:48:58
yay exactoed through part of my finger last night -_-not much bleeding though but part of my index finger nail is gone =(
Date: Tue, Nov 17 2009 16:58:25
Yeah I think I did hurt myself once. I was trying to poke a hole through a cap with a knife and it slipped and I got a scarch out of it. Does anyone know a better way to get a hole. -
Date: Tue, Nov 17 2009 17:05:49
dremel or drill is a must for accurate easy modding.
Date: Sun, Nov 22 2009 16:33:40QUOTE (Scandiacus @ Dec 19 2008, 02:28 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>Was making my RSVP MX just now and I was just smoothing off the pen clip/stub with a lighter and since it was my first time making an MX, I held the lighter for a little too long and the stub caught fire
Luckily my cap wasn't damaged and it now has a pretty clean stub
Share your incidents too!
well i was making my dr kt and couldn't get the tip in the sailors so i pushed realllllllllly hard and well it stabbed and stayed in my hand
Date: Wed, Dec 9 2009 05:02:49
I was cutting/shortening an inktube for some mod and I got some ink on my favorite shirt (which was white). I got desperate in trying to get the ink off with all kinds of stuff and it ended up thinning the fabric. Several washes later, the shirt now has a hole where the stain used to be. =(
Other than that, no (major) physical injuries. -
Date: Wed, Dec 9 2009 05:07:34
was cuting a hgg grip for a backcap. i was trying to cut it with a razor blade, and i was pushing down, wondering why it ddnt cut.... turns out i was holding the blade backwards, i was pushing on the sharp edge with my fingers -.- cut my fingers instead of the grip! so stupid haha
Date: Wed, Dec 9 2009 06:42:49
wounds for the mods...? hmmmm
Date: Wed, Dec 9 2009 08:07:29QUOTE (Margareth @ Dec 9 2009, 02:42 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>wounds for the mods...? hmmmm
let's see...
no major accidents at me -
Date: Wed, Dec 9 2009 14:14:26
I super glued my hand to my face one time and i used rubbing alcohol toget it out and some of it got in my mouth.
Date: Wed, Dec 9 2009 18:20:28
i just got some hot glue on my hands and it ripped off a layer of skin =(
Date: Fri, Dec 11 2009 06:54:45
wow the worst thing that happened to me was slipping on a gripcut and cracking a g3 barrel and cap
Date: Sat, Dec 12 2009 22:46:22
Trying to make a crappy pencil mod... power drilled the palm of my right hand. The bad part was the drill had graphite on it so all around the injury was like pencil lead. And I couldn't wash all of it off because the soap hurt too bad.
Um, stupid me. I was testing a surgery knife (like an exacto knife but thinner and sharper, I believe) to see if it was time to change the blade. SNICK there goes about half the blood in my left index finger. Turns out the blade did not need to be changed.
And one time I was filing too rigorously and filed my right middle finger right next to the fingernail. This one hurt the most >.<
I'm so injury prone -
Date: Sat, Dec 12 2009 22:55:03
got my index finger caught in a electric sander. stabbed my hand on dr. grip tip. and accidentally cut my finger with knife. sander hurt the most.
Date: Sat, Dec 12 2009 22:55:40
ouch. Mr.Ninja
lets see what happened this week. hot glue on my left hand(ring and pinky finger), small cut on my index finger(left hand) while cutting stuff with an x-acto. -
Date: Sat, Dec 12 2009 22:55:52QUOTE (Mr. Ninja @ Dec 12 2009, 04:46 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>Trying to make a crappy pencil mod... power drilled the palm of my right hand. The bad part was the drill had graphite on it so all around the injury was like pencil lead. And I couldn't wash all of it off because the soap hurt too bad.
Um, stupid me. I was testing a surgery knife (like an exacto knife but thinner and sharper, I believe) to see if it was time to change the blade. SNICK there goes about half the blood in my left index finger. Turns out the blade did not need to be changed.
And one time I was filing too rigorously and filed my right middle finger right next to the fingernail. This one hurt the most >.<
I'm so injury prone
Wow jimmy. wow -
Date: Sat, Dec 12 2009 23:26:27
cut with a carpenter's blade while standing up in my hands and cut myself
Tried to put on a Dr. Grip Tip on my Dr.KT, slipped, and stabbed myself in the stomach with one end, and the palm with the other -
Date: Sat, Dec 12 2009 23:31:12
I was trying to cut a G3 nub once and cut my finger slightly. That is the only time ive injured myself modding.
Date: Sat, Dec 12 2009 23:32:22
hey ION change yur sig plox
Date: Sun, Dec 13 2009 00:20:39
i wus grip cutting design into lakubo
my only black lakubo
and i messed up =.="
then i moved the grip n barrel away n went to trading thread to trade 4 antoher one
i went bak to my room and forgot the exacto knife was on the tabvle n i cut my finger when i picked up my homework ='[ -
Date: Sun, Dec 13 2009 03:29:43
Was makeing new pen and steped on it and it broke and then I forgot how to make it!