Pen Modifications / Is penmawashi a good pen for spinning?

  1. Antonio Garcia
    Date: Fri, Dec 26 2008 14:34:04

    I just got a penmawashi last november 26,... and i think it suck cuz i cant really spin good with the mod...outsmash owned me in the ladder...IS penmawashi a goodpen or is it a bad pen to spin?

  2. shoeman6
    Date: Fri, Dec 26 2008 14:41:13

    will it's okay =]

    I thuink it spins better than a couple mods out there
    It's a bit heavy and large and not very good momentum.

    Ummm it spins about the same as a really heavy thick comssa
    It may be to thick for you.

    Heres a tip, take the grips off and reverse them, gives you a little more spin room and momentum ;D

  3. K4S
    Date: Sat, Dec 27 2008 08:09:17 can also ask questions like these in the shoutbox or 1-answer question thread in the general discussion section.