Trading / Buying / komas Trade Thread
Can get Japanese pens!
Date: Mon, Dec 29 2008 10:55:57
Hi guys, I'm in Japan right now and I can buy lots of pens until I go back to California on Jan 2, or until I run out of money
I'm mainly looking to sell the pens, but I'm open to trading. I may lower some prices depending on popularity.
Like it says in the topic description, I'm taking orders for the pens, but only until 5 AM on Dec 31 eastern time.
I will probably start shipping on Jan 10th, because I missed a week of school to come here and I have a lot of stuff to make up.
Li=Other colors limited
Can Get:
Hyperjells $1.75 (At least black, blue, red. Li)
Signo broad $2 (White, Li)
Signo $2 (All colors)
Signo knock type $2 (Black, red, blue)
Tapliclip $2 (All colors, quantity may be limited)
G3 $1.50 (Black, blue, red)
Japanese Dr. Grip Shaker $6.50 (one color-clear blue)
Airfit $4
Hi-Tec $2 (All colors)
Lakubo $1.75 (Black, blue, red)
Playcolor2 $2 (All colors, price may change since I'm not sure what a good price is)
Possibly namae ($1.25), Zig clean color and airblanc (I'm not sure about the price for these).
Needle point (I haven't been able to find these...)
White comssa
Regular comssa with black caps
You pay for shipping, which is probably $2 to $3 if you live in the US (first class unless you want priority).
I will accept Paypal once I set up an account. Other payment methods may be discussed, but I would prefer Paypal.
Please pm me!
edit: just to be clear, all you do right now is tell me what you want. The actual trading happens after I'm back in CA.
edit2: also, please tell me what you have on any white list w/link in your pm. Thank you!