Temporary Bin / Ideas to improve the team
tell us if you would like to improve an aspect of the team and why
Date: Thu, Jan 1 2009 07:34:22
Just a question of curiosity for everyone here including team leaders, what is the purpose of this team? What do we want to gain? We can edit this post when we have an answer. We should have some clear goal before we confirm ourselves as a team.
Date: Thu, Jan 1 2009 08:12:21
well, it all comes down to the reason the team leader made the team right? so whatever their reason may be we can build a goal from there.
my personal reasons for joining a team is to get experience (actual experience unlike on ECS as of now... so inactive) of being on a team. hopefully i can also get better in the process of pen spinning. -
Date: Thu, Jan 1 2009 08:53:55
Well, some reasons for building this team is like METAL_mp-_- said is to also can more experienced in pen spinning. That's why this team is diverse, meaning any skill level can join, so people can learn from each other, even for more experienced spinners.
However there needs to be improvement not just staying at one skill level. One main goal of this team is to show improvement no matter what skill level. Also to make a more serious team than others not pointing to any one specific. For now this is what I thoguht off the top of my head being co leader and all. Feel free to build off of this. -
Date: Thu, Jan 1 2009 09:06:20
I think the reason we made this team is to improve on penspinning. The team provides a way of communication. IF ever you get stuck for any reason, the team will be here to help. Any skill level is allowed to join, which will increase the member count by a lot. Being in a team means being involved, which is part of the reason i joined this team. (Plus, I'm friends wit VN
) Trust me, It is so much better to learn with a friend than just by yourself.
Date: Thu, Jan 1 2009 10:04:40
i'm agree with VN,we can make a collab,and show to the ppl that our team is the strongest team ever,and of course can improve our skill,,
Date: Thu, Jan 1 2009 10:36:09
This topic is about any ideas, if any comes to mind, that could help or improve the team. the ideas can be little details to big ideas. Feel free to argue against ideas.
The set up should be like so:
good Idea:
How it changes the team:
For arguments the set-up is like so:
bad Idea:
how it changes the team: -
Date: Thu, Jan 1 2009 16:16:10
do we want to reach some certain goal? i'm talking short term, long term for example: short term: get known on upsb, long term: blahblahblah impact pen spinning community and outside pen spinning community. you get what i mean? we should always have a clear focus as a team (that is if we're a serious team which is the case) because without a focus.. we're just a bunch of guys hanging out.. not exactly all that great of a team get what i mean? just keep that in your mind and.. yea..
Date: Thu, Jan 1 2009 16:22:11
idea: Build up a 'mission statement' as a team.
reason: as a team we should really build up based on a certain goal, we can't just aimlessly plan collabs, whats the point of them if we don't know where we're going?
change in the team: pretty much everything, everyone's motivation for being on the team as well as everyone becoming more united (don't take it that way i know some of you ppl...) AS A TEAM
idea: team online 'meetings'
reason: this goes for team leaders overall, pretty much meet up and organize things that are best for the team
change in the team: things are more organized, we can get things down faster, etc. -
Date: Thu, Jan 1 2009 16:51:10
Well, right now the team is primarily in the process of getting organized and set - up. Their are many things that me and VN need to discuss about the team, and all of the other members insights are helpful.
I feel that this team being a smaller group of people should be a place where we can develop our pen spinning skills together, but that's a given.
Our short term goal would be as you said, to build up a team of strong and exp spinners who can help the novice spinners and mediocre spinners improve upon their skills so that they too can compete at a high level.
That's why SVN is not an exclusive team, anyone can join if they are interested and willing to work hard to progress their skills to a higher level.
After this goal has been accomplished, we can start our first collab.
A longer goal, may be to make this team the best in UPSB, not nessicarily by skill level, but by how well organized the community is and how well it works together as a team.
This will mean more advanced spinners, should be willing to help the less skilled spinners, by providing information, or criticism on their work.
While less advanced spinners shouldn't hesitate to go to the more elite spinners if they have a question, or want help with a trick they can't get.
I would like to, in the far future after everyone gets more experience being in a team and working together, then make an impact outside the pen spinning community, trying to help pen spinning become better well known throughout America.
In order to reach all of these goals we will need the help of everyone.
Mhig, you seem to have the most knowledge of teams and how they are organized so I would be very grateful for your help in the process of reaching these goals and any ideas you have. =] -
Date: Thu, Jan 1 2009 17:11:51
Team Online 'Meetings':
Me and VN have been primarily using AIM to discuss the team,
Mhig, you have an AIM sn, and so does Santa.
We could hold an AIM conferences where members could put forth ideas and chat about how to improve the team.
If there are any web based chat room applications (perhaps someone will know of one) I think that the use of that instead of AIM could accomidate members who do not have AIM.
After chats get set up and the team will have a more scheduled approach.
Once a week conferences at a certain time, once a week video conferences on Mebeam or Skype.
A separate day and chat to discuss improvement of spinning, and then another to discuss the improvement of this team. -
Date: Thu, Jan 1 2009 17:31:35
look at my earlier post
Date: Thu, Jan 1 2009 17:35:06
pretty much if our theme here is for the experienced to help the 'newbies' that can happen. we could have the ranks nicely set up and such. however there needs to be a balance between the 2. we have to search out actual experts xDD i can help to an extent but yea.. anyways, this team is still growing and we can make this the best on upsb with some effort -
Date: Thu, Jan 1 2009 17:45:06
Haha, okay well, VN and I use AIM to discuss =]
Maybe if we included you in some of the conversations you will opinions and ideas?