Battlezone / Sadistic vs. LITS errr...SoldSoul err....Charlie?

  1. Sadistic
    Date: Mon, Jan 5 2009 02:57:20

    I feel like getting beat tongue.gif

    Theme: non-ladder
    Length: less than 20 seconds (me an my super-long combos need to stop....)
    Due Date: 17th/18th-ish?

    do u accept?

  2. Charlie
    Date: Tue, Jan 6 2009 20:48:12

    Depends. If I don't get into the WT, yes. If I do, no.

  3. Sadistic
    Date: Tue, Jan 6 2009 23:46:20

    Sounds good, hope you get in ~_~

    EDIT: canceled do to LITS/SS/Charlie's awesomenesnesnes