General Discussion / Which style do you use? Which style do you like better?
Korean , Old School, European, or Japanese ?
Date: Sat, Oct 20 2007 16:57:53
Well not much to say.
Use: Japanese/European(well at least I think so)
Like: Bonkura's(or any style that is smooth and shows flexibility and dexterity of the fingers)
So which do you use and like?
And for those of you who don't know the styles, like me before nateiskewl postedhere is his definitions of the styles
------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------QUOTEKorean style: Fast spinning, usually freestyle. Mini combo's such as Neosonic > FL TA Rev and Continuous MidBaks. Example: Cloud Traveler
"Old school" style: Slower spinning, planned out combos, more Backarounds and Sonics. Example: Kam
European style: Fast spinning, lots of arounds, mixes mini combo's from Japanese and Korean styles. Example: Fratleym
Japanese style: Combos show incredible finger flexibility, also planned out. Example: BonkuraQUOTE (Sfsr @ Oct 20 2007, 12:06 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>What you called European nate is what I rather would call French & German. Swedish style is more smooth charges, passes and shadows; like �lan, Ceedgee, Yiep and Me.
Or if your not sure or do not like to define yourself by a style, which spinners do you think you spin like and which spinners do you like.
Spin like: bonkura/s777
Liked spinners: Bonkura, s777, Fratleym, Dathroat -
Date: Sat, Oct 20 2007 17:00:39
Da Merkuury style.
But to be serious I atleast try to combine bonkura's, fratleym's and korean style.. -
Date: Sat, Oct 20 2007 17:19:13
i kinda go for some of bonkuras tricks, korean ~ Japanese style
Date: Sat, Oct 20 2007 17:27:36
Before I answer this, I have to give my definition of styles.
Korean style: Fast spinning, usually freestyle. Mini combo's such as Neosonic > FL TA Rev and Continuous MidBaks. Example: Cloud Traveler
"Old school" style: Slower spinning, planned out combos, more Backarounds and Sonics. Example: Kam
European style: Fast spinning, lots of arounds, mixes mini combo's from Japanese and Korean styles. Example: Fratleym
Japanese style: Combos show incredible finger flexibility, also planned out. Example: Bonkura
Out of those, I like European style better, because it is pretty much a mixture of all styles. Don't flame me.I don't really think I have a style that I use, I copy what I see.
Date: Sat, Oct 20 2007 17:32:36
pre-emptive warning: do not flame or stray off-topic. state your opinion and that's it.
Date: Sat, Oct 20 2007 17:34:28
Japanese style
Date: Sat, Oct 20 2007 17:36:51
I use old school with a bit of korean style in it currently(well I don't do mine fast and I do lots of sonics, backarounds and some mini combos).
I like old school combined with japanese or korean style. -
Date: Sat, Oct 20 2007 17:49:43
spinofdoom style
No but seriously...I try spinning a style that would be my use of trick combos and stuff...It's really hard to explain,but I TRY using alternative linkages -
Date: Sat, Oct 20 2007 17:55:08
I'm into korean style. but at the moment I'm to bad to call it korean style
Date: Sat, Oct 20 2007 18:06:13
However hard I try I just can't do combos in what would be called "old school". Adding a not yet done trick or linkage, not trying to get it all perfectly smooth, planning out the combo. It works fine and all, but it looks horrible. I can't understand how the combos in UPSB + PDS can look so awesome.
Anyway... I consider my "style" as a mix of Swedish and Japanese. What you called European nate is what I rather would call French & German. Swedish style is more smooth charges, passes and shadows; like Ålan, Ceedgee, Yiep and Me. -
Date: Sat, Oct 20 2007 18:38:56
Euro-Swedish Japanese Old School Korean style
I do a lot of each in my combos -
Date: Sat, Oct 20 2007 19:28:41
Use: Old School
Like: Japanese/European -
Date: Sat, Oct 20 2007 20:04:49
Same as Systematik, but I do European style a little bit more.
Date: Sat, Oct 20 2007 20:29:10
swedish style
i want to be able to spin korean, but i don't got the skills -
Date: Sat, Oct 20 2007 21:16:24
I'm a fan of a mix of japanese and koren style spinning. My spinning doesnt quite reflect it though lolz
Date: Sat, Oct 20 2007 21:36:36
Korean/Ayatori style... or I try to hahah
Date: Sat, Oct 20 2007 21:50:35
I have my own style..Not Japanese, European, or Japanese, or Korean.
I do my own stuffs.
Likes : ALL -
Date: Sat, Oct 20 2007 22:28:40
Japanese and European.
I'm trying to adapt. -
Date: Sat, Oct 20 2007 22:41:25
Huroni Remsin got it!
Think it's a little vague to categorize your spinningstyle into only 4 different styles since I believe that everyone has his/her own style.
If I have to choose I say European, but that's not 100% true. -
Date: Sun, Oct 21 2007 00:36:46
i spam
Date: Sun, Oct 21 2007 00:53:37
japanese is not finger flexibility, that's like...bonkura's own style.
fratleym is not a good example of european style.
there is no style to define a whole community, it all depends on the individual. -
Date: Sun, Oct 21 2007 01:27:06
i would say japanese style is not finger flexiblility. only bonkura does that. infact, fratleym's spinning looks quite alot like bonkura's IMO, only less palm streches/finger streches.
i like bonkura's style, but contrary to popular belief, i don't copy it blantantly. my linkages are different, and the finger movement isn't exactly the same. or so i hope. must be original too.
i also like some spinning styles of the chinese spirit collab spinners, but i can't recall their names off-hand.
in short i like a slow and smooth style, showing full control of the pen. yeah that's how i would put it. -
Date: Sun, Oct 21 2007 01:48:36
I don't like defining an entire board/country by a single "style"...I prefer to emulate specific spinners
In that case, I like to include elements from Cloud Traveler, Ayatori, and Saizen...of course Im not as good as them, but I want to have their styles -
Date: Sun, Oct 21 2007 01:50:50
I get entertained mostly by japanese spinning. What I do is CTT style beezys.
Date: Sun, Oct 21 2007 05:02:10
i have to say, I am definitely Old school+European. I aspire to David weis and Fratleym. 2 amazing spinners, just such a flow to the spinning, not just a hand and flying colors lol, no offense to anyone who likes Korean/japanese, i just prefer a smooth intricate style
Spins: Old School European
Aspires: Further European. -
Date: Sun, Oct 21 2007 05:27:39
I don't know what my style is and I haven't seen anyone else spin the way I do, so I guess I have my own style. Most of combos are usually pretty different from each other, I don't really belong more to one "defined style" than any other one, that is, if I even fit into any of these styles at all.
Ha I hope that made sense. -
Date: Sun, Oct 21 2007 05:43:07
i don'y rioly have a style, but i try to make mi fingerpasses look like binkuras
Date: Sun, Oct 21 2007 08:46:59
I have my own
Date: Sun, Oct 21 2007 16:17:34
I like Pentaenge/outsider/cheukii/bonito/morse/petbyeong/two tempers man styles.
Date: Sun, Oct 21 2007 16:42:40
I like Maniok and Kaisen's style personally...
Date: Sun, Oct 21 2007 16:54:49QUOTE (xshadowfire @ Oct 20 2007, 05:53 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>japanese is not finger flexibility, that's like...bonkura's own style.
fratleym is not a good example of european style.
there is no style to define a whole community, it all depends on the individual.
Wow, that was just my opinion, no need to flame. -
Date: Sun, Oct 21 2007 16:59:23
@nateiskewl:...that isn't really a flame. He's clearly stating his POV in a civilized manner
flaming is inserting an expletive every other word, with malicious intent to totally kill someone elses opinion
*sorry Zombo for going off topic* -
Date: Sun, Oct 21 2007 21:19:51
Alright, from the opinions of other members, I altered my list. See below.
Korean style: Fast spinning, usually freestyle. Mini combo's such as Neosonic > FL TA Rev and Continuous MidBak 1.5. Example: Cloud Traveler
"Old school" style: Slower spinning, planned out combos, more Backarounds and Sonics. Example: Kam
French style: Fast spinning, lots of arounds, mixes mini combo's from Japanese and Korean styles. Example: Fratleym
Japanese style: Similar to Korean style, but combos are usually planned out. Example: Ryo
Bonkura style: Incredible finger flexibility, innovative things such as counters. Example: not needed -
Date: Tue, Oct 23 2007 04:03:15QUOTE (nateiskewl @ Oct 21 2007, 03:19 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>Bonkura style: Incredible finger flexibility, innovative things such as counters. Example: not needed
Well is there anyone else besides bonkura that spins bonkura style? -
Date: Tue, Oct 23 2007 04:13:49
sorry i can't define myself.
im pretty much everywhere. -
Date: Tue, Oct 23 2007 09:08:20
I don't think that i use some style, i mixed all styles. But i think i prefer European style, because i'm european
Date: Tue, Oct 23 2007 10:50:12
Old school style and tohlz's style
what should I call the style useing amazing tricks (aerial, stall, etc)? example: bonkura, tohlz
I like KAM and Tohlz. ^^ -
Date: Tue, Oct 23 2007 11:38:07
filipino style same as korean lol
Date: Tue, Oct 23 2007 13:38:57
I'll use whichever style you want me to. Except Korean, to me it looks repetitive.
P.S. Kaisen rocks -
Date: Tue, Oct 23 2007 13:41:51QUOTE (PivoT @ Oct 22 2007, 09:03 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>Well is there anyone else besides bonkura that spins bonkura style?
Nova. -
Date: Tue, Oct 23 2007 13:50:57QUOTE (Tim @ Oct 23 2007, 03:38 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>Except Korean, to me it looks repetitive.
How can any style look repetitive? I fail to grasp that... -
Date: Tue, Oct 23 2007 13:52:20QUOTE (nateiskewl @ Oct 23 2007, 09:41 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>Nova.
There are actually a fair few people who try to emulate Bonkura.
EDIT:@SFSR, it doesn't look repetitive to the untrained eye. But to the trained eye, it does -
Date: Tue, Oct 23 2007 14:17:06
I meant how a style in itself could look repetitive. I would understand if the spinning of some Korean spinners looked that way, but I doubt that repetitive combos are a part of the style itself.
Date: Wed, Oct 24 2007 03:58:11
nah i doubt it's because the style in itself looks repititive, but merely because it is 'overused'. when i see the same tricks over and over again, i admit i will get bored.
but no collab would be complete without a few korean style spinners would it? if the whole collab was make up of Eriror style spinning(super hard tricks and smooth linkage), and lasted like 5 mins, i'm quite sure i would find it repititive. -
Date: Thu, Oct 25 2007 22:43:36
Nova, I find your description of Eriror style interesting
Is it not EVERY penspinner's goal to have difficult tricks linked smoothly? -
Date: Fri, Oct 26 2007 00:48:55
Well, some people just use Penspinning as a party trick, and some who haven't ever seen psing before might think repetitive is good, so yeah...some are different.
Date: Fri, Oct 26 2007 02:17:07
well. he does do alot of back palm tricks and while it's hard, the linkage is not complex. while it is entertaining to watch, especially the 2p2h, i'd rather watch fratleym spin, even though he's not as smooth.
it's just my opinion, but slow smooth combos look better than fast smooth ones to me. looks more controlled.
no offense to the Eriror, he is world number 2.
as for making combos which consist of difficult tricks linked smoothly, i prefer making combos which look good to a wide audience. combos that make an impression the first time it's seen, such that no dissection of the tricks that i'm doing is needed. this is really my goal, and although i've not been able to create one yet, i'm still practicing and hoping. -
Date: Fri, Oct 26 2007 02:36:00
labeling areas/regions with a specific style is just...wrong(?)
Every spinner develops his/her own preferences to trick selection and combo selection. For example, Eriror's style consists of many shadows and baks along with a plethora of difficult minicombos and tricks -
Date: Fri, Oct 26 2007 02:46:40QUOTElabeling areas/regions with a specific style is just...wrong(?)
i agree with you. i believe you're talking about calling something 'korean' style or 'japanese' style or whatever. i think a style should be attributed to a person, not generalising it with the country.
but how would we define style then? isn't style much based on the tricks that you do? the linkages between tricks and such. as well as the little touch you put into your combos which make them 'yours'. -
Date: Fri, Oct 26 2007 04:28:00
rather than having giant "style" lumps...I prefer to describe "styles" on a personal level. Basically, "I like including aspects of _____'s spinning in my combos" rather than bluntly stating "I spin korean/japanese"
Date: Fri, Oct 26 2007 19:45:56
On the other hand, stating that you "kind of" spin like another penspinner is taking away personallity in your style. The "styles" are labeled the way they are, because they are typical for those countries, and have also been developed there.
The "personal touch" you put in combos can also be the same for loads of people. I have for example recently started spinning with a "touch" that many consider to be kind of Japanese. The styles have those names because people associate them with those countries. -
Date: Fri, Dec 7 2007 02:47:36
i use a lot of passes, so id go with european, but with some japanese
Date: Fri, Dec 7 2007 03:40:44
Noob style, where you drop the pen a lot...
Nah, but I spin tawainese/ european style... -
Date: Fri, Dec 7 2007 11:56:19
Use : KOrean Style
Like : three others ^^! -
Date: Mon, Dec 10 2007 17:21:46
personally i think it is not the tricks that define a style. it is the presentation and the way those tricks are done/linked. because essentially everyone does the same tricks(i say this very loosely and there are always exceptions), its the way they do them that creates their style. bonkura is easy example of how one can do tricks completely differently to create a style. another more subtle way people might change their style is tempo. if you look at any leviathan combo yo will see a very unique tempo and smoother transitions between speeds.
that being said, i personally prefer smoother, controlled tempo styles. -
Date: Mon, Dec 10 2007 17:48:05
I use :euro-style (french/german)
I like most: euro style(thats why i've choosen it oO) -
Date: Tue, Dec 11 2007 03:15:28
i am: maybe... 75% korean and 25% old-school
i like: japanese -
Date: Tue, Dec 11 2007 03:41:02
I try to go more old school
Date: Mon, Dec 24 2007 06:04:02QUOTE (Nova @ Oct 20 2007, 06:27 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>i like bonkura's style, but contrary to popular belief, i don't copy it blantantly. my linkages are different, and the finger movement isn't exactly the same. or so i hope. must be original too.
i also like some spinning styles of the chinese spirit collab spinners, but i can't recall their names off-hand.
in short i like a slow and smooth style, showing full control of the pen. yeah that's how i would put it.
Nicely putThat's pretty much the way i try to spin, hah and it's kinda funny how my style is starting to look pretty darn similar to yours and bonkura's. But I've been wanting it to look like that for months
Date: Mon, Dec 24 2007 17:16:03
i like the old school style and am trying to spin that way, but i think i have korean in there too
so i'd say 40% korean and 50% old school 10% japanese (only occasionally, but i'll mention it anyway)
trying to be about 75% old school and 25% everything else
i like bonkura for his dexterity adn creativity, and kam for his smoothness (not that bonkura's style isn't smooth, it's just a different kind of smooth; i think that kam's smoothness is slower than bonkura's and i guess i like that slower motion) -
Date: Mon, Dec 24 2007 18:54:42
I guess a sort of middle ground between European and Swedish...shadow is my favorite trick so I do it a lot along with mini combos and arounds...or at least that's what I'm trying to do.
Date: Tue, Dec 25 2007 06:25:44
i use my own style(at least i think so) and i like my own style.
edit: grrr, i spin simple hybrids mostly and just made 1 combo, i'm not sure whether i can say i have my own style yet, but i'm sure i'm not going to copy anyone's style, i prefer to have my own style. -
Date: Sat, Jan 19 2008 07:21:19
Love: Japanese
sorta off topic: is it possible to spin two completly different styles on different hands at the same time? -
Date: Sat, Jan 19 2008 11:20:03
I use: European/Korean (fast, simple, with some hybrids, but I don't use cont. baks )
I like/love: Japanese -
Date: Sat, Jan 19 2008 22:24:37
I spin in something like a fast Old School style.
I'd do Korean, but my trick pool isn't large enough to really freestyle and I haven't developed the skills yet. -
Date: Sun, Jan 20 2008 04:15:13QUOTE (ArchAngel2 @ Jan 19 2008, 02:21 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>sorta off topic: is it possible to spin two completly different styles on different hands at the same time?
yeah..but i'm sure it'll be rather difficult
one could be an all around spinner and be able to spin both styles, but to do it at the same time will be rather tough
it's like rotating your index finger on one hand in a clockwise motion, but then rotating your other finger on your other hand in a counterclockwise motion
(that's really tough)
it's gonna take a lot of mental control in order to do that cause it takes a lot of effort to even think about doing two completely different styles at the same's gonna be tough for a person's mind to be able to even imagine his/her hands doing two such completely things
it'd be interesting though to see someone do korean with one hand and old school with the otherQUOTE (Ryuukohaden @ Jan 19 2008, 05:24 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>I spin in something like a fast Old School style.
isn't that sorta...contradictory o.0...? -
Date: Sun, Jan 20 2008 05:02:12QUOTE (Ryuukohaden @ Jan 19 2008, 10:24 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>I spin in something like a fast Old School style.
I'd do Korean, but my trick pool isn't large enough to really freestyle and I haven't developed the skills yet.
Do you gots an example of fast old school style?
It's perfectly possible to do 2 different styles, one in each hand, at the same time, so long as you can do at least 2 styles of spinning and spin with both hands at the same time. Easy.
However, it's probably only as difficult as doing a 2p2h combo in which hands are doing very different tricks at the same time. How about 2p1h with two different styles at the same time? Maybe one day... -
Date: Tue, Jan 22 2008 04:22:58
i like korean but i can't do korean
im a random/no style -
Date: Thu, Jan 24 2008 09:21:56QUOTE (nateiskewl @ Oct 22 2007, 05:19 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>Alright, from the opinions of other members, I altered my list. See below.
Korean style: Fast spinning, usually freestyle. Mini combo's such as Neosonic > FL TA Rev and Continuous MidBak 1.5. Example: Cloud Traveler
"Old school" style: Slower spinning, planned out combos, more Backarounds and Sonics. Example: Kam
French style: Fast spinning, lots of arounds, mixes mini combo's from Japanese and Korean styles. Example: Fratleym
Japanese style: Similar to Korean style, but combos are usually planned out. Example: Ryo
Bonkura style: Incredible finger flexibility, innovative things such as counters. Example: not needed
this is bull... bonkura is a subset of japanese...
like what xshadowfire says.. you Cannot have country styles.. it depends on the person....
so what if there is a increase of french spinners spinning with incredible finger flexibility, innovative things such as counters???
you cant have "country or region" styles. you can only have some known spinner style.. which also is kina bull.. because everyone has its own style.
if it goes by that standard, japanese style should be... Korean but with creativity....
erm... to follow with the topic...
i spin japanese style or something around there... or you can simply say
kunekunue X pens0n style? -
Date: Thu, Jan 24 2008 09:26:03
I wrote about this before.
There is no good way to name different styles. The only possible way is to name them after what people use it. The style we are referring to as "Japanese" is quick paced, planned out, smooth, and with new-thinking. A lot of people from JEB use this style, that's where it started, and that is why it is referred to as "Japanese" style. We could also call it "The Style Of A Hundred Fighting Alligators" or something, but that would make even less sense. -
Date: Thu, Jan 24 2008 10:38:51
Well then, I aspire to something like Half Eriror-ish, quarter Sfsr-ish, eighth Fratleym-ish and eighth random Japanese...ish.
With obviously a lot of my own style all over it, but in terms of breaking down what I attempt to do, that's pretty much it. -
Date: Fri, Jan 25 2008 00:15:20
I use: to early in spinning career to kno but its looking like "European/Korean?"
I love: BANZ!!! fav spinner of all time -
Date: Sat, Mar 1 2008 00:29:02
I absolutely LOVE Eriror's style.
Anybody know what category that would fit into? -
Date: Sat, Mar 1 2008 02:46:53
i think i'm slowly moving into a more european style
Date: Sun, Mar 2 2008 15:31:02QUOTE (Xero @ Mar 1 2008, 01:29 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>I absolutely LOVE Eriror's style.
Anybody know what category that would fit into?
Korean. -
Date: Sun, Mar 2 2008 16:07:04
I would say I use a more European style. I use alot of arounds and charges.
Date: Sun, Mar 2 2008 17:07:47QUOTE (Erirornal K. @ Mar 2 2008, 10:31 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>Korean.
Really? But you do a lot of Arounds. Don't see many Koreans doing that. -
Date: Sun, Mar 2 2008 17:11:35QUOTE (Xero @ Mar 2 2008, 09:07 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>Really? But you do a lot of Arounds. Don't see many Koreans doing that.
I thought his style was based off of PentaengE? -
Date: Sun, Mar 2 2008 17:57:31
90% of my combos usually consists out of common Korean mini-combos.
Date: Sun, Mar 2 2008 19:14:19QUOTE (Xero @ Mar 2 2008, 09:07 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>Really? But you do a lot of Arounds. Don't see many Koreans doing that.
Koreans are known for their super fast around combos.... Where have you been?
And I suppose I have a Korean style also although I also use a lot of spin tricks. I'm sure most people have a Korean-like style. Koreans invented a lot of great mini-combos. -
Date: Sun, Mar 2 2008 20:19:32
I think I'm obsessed with Weis Style spinning in fact thats where i get most of my mini combos from. But I also like Frat's sonic work so i guess its in between those.
Date: Tue, Mar 4 2008 23:54:48
Not sure what you mean, but Japanese style kinda.
Date: Tue, Mar 4 2008 23:58:02
Well, actually looking when I do combos, it's like Korean Style Combos, but at a slower pace
Date: Wed, Mar 5 2008 23:26:45
I guess I go with korean...but honestly, I don't really care how my spinning style is called... I spin how I spin.. lol
Date: Thu, Mar 6 2008 02:17:57
I like and use K-Style, mostly because butterflies are most effective, and once you master the Half-Step it can become quite useful.
Date: Thu, Mar 6 2008 03:29:45
i think i have beginner style. the one, you know, that everyone has the first three months.
Date: Wed, Apr 16 2008 02:24:12
I don't mind what style, as long as it does heaps of revolutions and is fast. That Japanese?
Date: Sat, Apr 19 2008 00:49:22
just spin the pen, and wait for other people to tell me how i spin. then ill tell ya
Date: Sat, Apr 19 2008 07:36:27
i wanna use Thelian's or Przemo's (from PPP) styles
they're spinning slow but very smoothly -
Date: Sat, Apr 19 2008 10:34:25
How would you describe Kunekune and Pens0n's styles?
Date: Sat, Apr 19 2008 10:50:53
I'm not sure, maybe japanese?
Date: Sat, Apr 19 2008 10:52:29
oh um btw wats old school style?
Date: Sat, Apr 19 2008 14:08:57QUOTE (random person @ Apr 19 2008, 06:52 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>oh um btw wats old school style?
isnt that like using the really old tricks? half tap etc? -
Date: Sun, Apr 20 2008 19:34:53
I use the old Ã…lan style... if... someone have heard about it
8 -) -
Date: Sun, Apr 20 2008 19:54:00
I can't quite tell which style I use right now....
But anyway I really like Erirors style, which means Korean style =] -
Date: Tue, Apr 22 2008 06:27:29
I emphasize smoothness, finger dexterity, and combos that dont really stop the spinning motion of the pen over speed.
I like japanese style more -
Date: Wed, Apr 23 2008 03:21:37QUOTE (P0RT4T0 @ Apr 22 2008, 01:27 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>I emphasize smoothness, finger dexterity, and combos that dont really stop the spinning motion of the pen over speed.
I like japanese style more
i second that -
Date: Wed, Apr 23 2008 09:14:18
Korean only !!!
I cannot spin oldschool style. -
Date: Wed, Apr 23 2008 12:43:40
Alan ya f**king funny, ok.
This is ok, now I can tell real things...
Yes, I remember; the tomato sauce! Nan, not that, what else... Claim my racism to the world? no, that is for the KKK.
Ah, I remember; my favourite style of spin is BonKura/s777. When I will be good, I am gonna spin like this.
For moments where it is hard to spin seriously, or just don't worth the weight to bring a real mod, I'd like to master a bit the David weis-style spinning, with the unsharpened pencil.
Last thing; Claim my racism to the world? no, that is for the KKK. was a joke. I am master for makes myself laughing... lol. -
Date: Thu, Apr 24 2008 01:54:12
Canadian style
Har har har -
Date: Thu, Apr 24 2008 02:27:17QUOTE (random person @ Apr 19 2008, 05:52 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>oh um btw wats old school style?
isn't that on the first post? -
Date: Thu, Apr 24 2008 02:51:36
Hmmm I spin fast, creative, and unplanned. (=freestyle)
I use many sonics and some 'own' tricks. so yeah...
Fripstyle >.> -
Date: Thu, Apr 24 2008 02:51:50
oh it wasnt there when i posted
edit: meh.. anyways
my style= tryin to do jap style while dropping pen every 5 secs. not very successful spinner -
Date: Thu, Apr 24 2008 02:52:32
I'm pretty sure it was there when you posted...
And Frip, 'own' tricks? Explain. -
Date: Thu, Apr 24 2008 03:35:19
Use: Old School
Like: Old School & Japanese -
Date: Sun, May 18 2008 11:48:40
I like all styles alot, japanese must be one of my favorites tho... All styles look as good as each other when performed correctly.
As to what style I spin, I have no idea lol -
Date: Sun, May 18 2008 11:51:19
i don't know what style i use..
Date: Sun, May 18 2008 12:29:38
I also don't know it.
Date: Sun, May 18 2008 19:59:48
i try to use a slow style, with lots of variations of sonics and tw sonic, but little passes or shadows (shadows mainly because i dont pretty much have it down yet xDD but i will use it...) i try to spin just how i like and how i best perform, and the result is not that good yet... need a lotta practice xDD
Date: Sun, May 18 2008 20:03:31
Right now...i'm trying to convert into Bonkura style.....too cool
Bonkura/DaThroat ftw -
Date: Sun, May 18 2008 20:45:22
Bonkura style is cool but when i try to spin like that, its boring because its slower than i usually go and im impatient.
I don't know what style i spin. -
Date: Tue, May 20 2008 03:05:43
i didn't know there were different styles. man i have to do research on pen spinning
Date: Tue, May 20 2008 04:06:22
i'm a noob, i guess i spin noob style lol, i like watching japanese style like bonkura
Date: Tue, May 20 2008 04:56:48
Bonkura's style is not a good representation of "japanese style." His style is unique (and DaThroat's for that matter). spinners like saizen, eban, toro, nekura, and kuzu (to name a few) are wut real japanese style is.
Date: Tue, May 20 2008 05:07:01QUOTE (Dynamik @ May 19 2008, 08:56 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>Bonkura's style is not a good representation of "japanese style." His style is unique (and DaThroat's for that matter). spinners like saizen, eban, toro, nekura, and kuzu (to name a few) are wut real japanese style is.
This has already been addressed, but the top post hasn't been updated. -
Date: Tue, May 20 2008 12:22:09
old school + Japanese style
Date: Wed, May 21 2008 03:20:01QUOTE (nateiskewl @ May 20 2008, 12:07 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>This has already been addressed, but the top post hasn't been updated.
o ok. then also ur post on the first page should be edited too. -
Date: Thu, May 22 2008 16:09:34
I don't have a style for the moment, but I aim something like Japanese.
Just wanna say, David Weis has a pretty unique (and cool) style, composed of continuous, TA, TA 1.5, Baks, Baks 1.5 and taps. All this with a pencil this is enough special to mention it here.
Ah yeah, there is also the Fratleym style that don't belong to any category... We could find it a name, dunno, for the David Weis we could say Weissen, (like aanother example: nhk9), and for Frat, who is really unique, we could say Frat style...
(I would like to tell you, in order to avoid stupid missunderstandings, that this was half a joke half serious) -
Date: Fri, May 23 2008 08:56:18
I use two styles :
with my pencil : Old School (I would like to spin like david weis)
With my mod : I think it's a mash-up -
Date: Fri, May 23 2008 13:26:11
hey, i am quite new to pen-spinning. Although i knew a few advance trick, i still have problems doing combos. I am now basically using japanese style.
Date: Fri, May 23 2008 14:27:18
I use Korean Style and like:
korean Styles: Cloud Traveller and Taeryong
Japanese Style: Bonito and key3 -
Date: Fri, May 23 2008 15:05:35
Mine is mostly Korean. But I sometimes use hybrids. I always freestyle though.
Date: Fri, May 23 2008 15:08:42
Why would using hybrids be non-korean?
Date: Fri, May 23 2008 16:56:38
Actual: Old School
Goal: European (specifically eriror's)
I love those ipba rev 2,0 linkages. -
Date: Fri, May 23 2008 18:04:55
Right now: Korean Style (IMO)
Future: Japanese Style; Bonito, and Abel -
Date: Fri, May 23 2008 19:04:37QUOTE (wizwarezx @ May 23 2008, 09:26 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>hey, i am quite new to pen-spinning. Although i knew a few advance trick, i still have problems doing combos. I am now basically using japanese style.
if ur new to pen spinning and have trouble doing combos, i dont think ur using japanese style. its probably noob style.QUOTE (Onyx-o7 @ May 23 2008, 02:04 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>Right now: Korean Style (IMO)
Future: Japanese Style; Bonito, and Abel
i agree, bonito's and abel's style is so awsome. im also trying to be like them. ive watched bonito's 2nd solo about 20 times now -
Date: Sat, May 24 2008 01:56:54
i like japanese style
i think i use korean style atm -
Date: Sat, May 24 2008 07:42:47
There's been quite some debate on styles, here's mine:
Korean: Fast spinning, not planned out, lots of continuous tricks and mini combos. eg, Nory, Erirornal Kraione
Japanese: Fast but slower than Korean spinning, a variety of tricks. eg. Bonito, Key3
Old School: Slower spinning, infinities, stalls, backarounds. eg. tohlz, Kam
Weissan: Slower spinning, backarounds, taps, TS 1.5
Bonkura Style: Slower spinning, combos show extreme finger dexterity. eg. Bonkura, DaThroat
Frat Style: Slower spinning, wipers, arounds. eg, Fratleym
Some spinners don't fit into these categories, eg x1213
Use: noob style T_T
Like: all of them, lol -
Date: Tue, May 27 2008 17:24:53
What style does scouto spin like? -
Date: Tue, May 27 2008 19:59:03
I actually think I'm a mix of korean-japanese, cause I freestyle alot but I'm not that that fast and don't do many continuous tricks even tho i'd like too lol ^^ so not fully korean with maybe a bit of japanese influence, we will see I doubt I can say what style I have at 1year and a month or two.
Date: Wed, May 28 2008 00:40:09QUOTE (Missle_Z @ Apr 24 2008, 03:52 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>I'm pretty sure it was there when you posted...
And Frip, 'own' tricks? Explain.
I know I'm a month late but...WHATEVER! XD
Well "own Tricks" not as in ownage, pwnage or something like that. I meant that I use some wierd "Tricks" (They aren't official Tricks, they're just something xD)
I can't explain..>.>
Just see for yourself:
So yeah... -
Date: Wed, Jun 4 2008 17:58:19
Hybrid Japanese/My own spin FTW!!!
Date: Fri, Sep 5 2008 17:23:24
How do I change style?
Date: Fri, Sep 5 2008 17:48:21
@Xero ^ THREAD REVIVED ??!!!!
I dunno , maybe change your hand motion a bit , and insert more arounds , hybrids , cont. depend on style you want to use
On topic
Use - Korean ( always freestyling) / European ( yup , I like arounds and a bit of hybrids ) / Noob style
Like - Korean -
Date: Fri, Sep 5 2008 18:26:02QUOTE (Xero @ Sep 5 2008, 07:23 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>How do I change style?
Look for some spinners who spin in this style (try to find as many as you can), and then look for some hand motions or tricks/ mini-combo that are being used a lot in all or most of those spinners, and try to imitate it a bit.
I guess Oo -
Date: Fri, Sep 5 2008 18:38:24
Trying to become Japanese. :/
Date: Sat, Sep 6 2008 00:51:07
well im new so i have no idea
. i spin with alot of finger dexterity but i only freestlye and i try to be smooth and fast? anyone know what my style is called??
Date: Sat, Sep 6 2008 01:31:38
does anyone know what type of style asian tim is? he is what i like to copy and what i enjoy watching.
(of course next to bonkura and pho) -
Date: Sat, Sep 6 2008 01:47:11
jp style Cir. i think. i hope so. except for the ring arounds. those are in practice lol.
Date: Sat, Sep 6 2008 02:15:38QUOTE (Santa @ Sep 5 2008, 06:31 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>does anyone know what type of style asian tim is? he is what i like to copy and what i enjoy watching.
(of course next to bonkura and pho)
Pretty much korean. -
Date: Tue, Sep 9 2008 01:49:35
korean and japanese mix.
Date: Tue, Sep 9 2008 02:00:02QUOTE (Weddamehhn @ May 28 2008, 07:40 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>I know I'm a month late but...WHATEVER! XD
Well "own Tricks" not as in ownage, pwnage or something like that. I meant that I use some wierd "Tricks" (They aren't official Tricks, they're just something xD)
I can't explain..>.>
Just see for yourself:
So yeah...
Your style looks very similar to Dongza -
Date: Tue, Sep 9 2008 02:01:26QUOTE (GSkyrunner @ Sep 8 2008, 07:00 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>Whoa...
Your style looks very similar to Dongza
ya, i second that -
Date: Tue, Sep 16 2008 01:39:58
i think
Japanese+french style would be crazy
pwnage! -
Date: Wed, Sep 17 2008 19:02:36
Eso = old school?
I've been spinning for 3 months, I don't think I've developped a style yet. If I had to, I'd say it was Korean/japanese -
Date: Fri, Sep 26 2008 08:21:59
I do a mixture of Korean and Old School.
With a heavy pen like a Dr. KT, i'll usually do old school. With something lighter like a comssa then Korean.
When I'm filming, usually Old School with a tinge of Korean regardless of the pens I use. -
Date: Sat, Sep 27 2008 03:32:26
I try to spin like him -
Date: Mon, Sep 29 2008 04:59:46QUOTE (Bigbud @ Sep 17 2008, 03:02 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>Eso = old school?
I don't know what style I am, but I do know that I'm not old school.
I prefer to say that I'm trying to imitate Morse, Outsider[JEB], Pendengi, Cheukii, Taeryong, Rainyd, and Bonito. -
Date: Mon, Sep 29 2008 05:06:13
i think i'm japanese
Date: Mon, Sep 29 2008 18:39:22
Use : Oldschool
Like : Asian -
Date: Sat, Oct 11 2008 03:27:37
that becuz im lazy though and don't feel like speeding up my spinning -
Date: Sat, Oct 11 2008 15:23:24
I spin pretty much like SEVEN, just not with his level of difficulty there..
Is my style japanese?
I just LOVE SEVEN's style. -
Date: Sat, Oct 11 2008 15:54:37
USE: I do European in Korean.
LIKE: Exactly what I'm doing right now. (Fratelym) -
Date: Sat, Oct 11 2008 16:08:43
I was told that I spin Korean, but I dun see it. =\ And I wanna be able to spin Japanese, such a cool style.
Date: Sat, Oct 11 2008 16:56:34
i hate when people say "i use/want to use japanese style."
there are so many japanese styles. there is a slow style like m-bami, turugi, and raimo. and there is a fast style like like kuzu and seven plus many styles in between -
Date: Sat, Oct 11 2008 18:21:12
I spin like Cloud Traveler and Eriror
Date: Sun, Oct 12 2008 08:27:20
Right now I'm not sure I can define my style... probably Japanese and Korean mixed with some other stuff...
my goal is to spin similar to Toro and SEVEN.... such awesome styles ^^ -
Date: Sun, Oct 12 2008 08:30:45QUOTE (Dynamik @ Oct 11 2008, 09:56 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>i hate when people say "i use/want to use japanese style."
there are so many japanese styles. there is a slow style like m-bami, turugi, and raimo. and there is a fast style like like kuzu and seven plus many styles in between
ya, there are so many styles nowadays u cant really classify just one style
theres many diff korean styles too.
so i have no clue what u guys mean when u say i spin korean.
i guess u mean old traditional krn style? -
Date: Sun, Oct 12 2008 09:14:11
Eriror style
/end -
Date: Sun, Oct 12 2008 22:00:06
I like japanese style (smooth stuff) and im trying to work my way towards it but I suck an im not too dedicated to pen spinning
Date: Wed, Oct 15 2008 21:10:57
old school! xD
Date: Wed, Oct 15 2008 21:46:09
ok well to clarify then
i aim for a mixture of bonkura, pyralux, and s777 -
Date: Wed, Oct 15 2008 22:34:39
I like mine style that is the best
Date: Sat, Oct 18 2008 00:42:23
what style am i spinning?-.-
i never really knew
Spoiler: -
Date: Sat, Oct 18 2008 01:59:46QUOTE (Xternal @ Oct 18 2008, 08:42 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>what style am i spinning?-.-
i never really knew
I think most people would classify it under noob style, I guess. And btw, wrong forum/thread. Post your combo here. -
Date: Sat, Oct 18 2008 02:21:35QUOTE (Gunblakes @ Oct 17 2008, 06:59 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>I think most people would classify it under noob style, I guess. And btw, wrong forum/thread. Post your combo here.
Being able to do a Bakfall and continue your combo would NOT be considered a noob combo.
I try to add the creativity of old school to the speed and smoothness of Korean style but my speed and smoothness sucks... -
Date: Sun, Oct 19 2008 03:04:37QUOTE (Aerials @ Oct 12 2008, 06:00 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>I like japanese style (smooth stuff) and im trying to work my way towards it but I suck an im not too dedicated to pen spinning
so only japanese spinners are smooth? -
Date: Tue, Mar 3 2009 13:06:57
What's the different between freestyle and not freestyle(is it planned then?)? Does freestyle mean that you just start spinning and when 1 trick finishes you do another and don't think it? Just some random stuff?
I have no idea what style I'm spinning. Maybe that's because I'm beginner -
Date: Tue, Mar 3 2009 14:13:09QUOTE (bry @ Oct 20 2007, 09:36 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>I use old school with a bit of korean style in it currently(well I don't do mine fast and I do lots of sonics, backarounds and some mini combos).
I like old school combined with japanese or korean style.
same here, i use old school, but mix a little korean into it.
i spin sorta mediumish speed though, not slow. -
Date: Tue, Mar 3 2009 14:50:31
i just love the style of japanese spinners
Date: Wed, Mar 4 2009 12:07:57
Definitely Bonkura's style.
Japanese ~ korean -
Date: Wed, Mar 4 2009 22:57:59
Jap style, I like Bonkuras fingerpass. Sooooo Smoooth....
Date: Thu, Mar 5 2009 02:14:39
I spin old school with some korean here and there.
I like Japanese style. -
Date: Thu, Mar 5 2009 08:54:56
japanese . XD~
Date: Thu, Mar 5 2009 09:40:13
i cant say that i spin one specific style...
more like a little bit of everything...
or else it was kinda boring when i'd only spin the same style ^^ -
Date: Thu, Mar 5 2009 10:41:02
Jap and Korean. fast and smooth.
Date: Thu, Mar 5 2009 19:42:05
Well, what would you say is the style of answer?
Date: Fri, Mar 6 2009 07:03:36
i like smoothe slow(ish) spinners
bonkura style
i'm not sure what my particular style is
i haven't been spinning for long, but i think it would develop into bonkura style i guess
but in the 2 combo's that i have planned out and done, i've mainly used alot of sonic based tricks, and some shadow
if you want to tell me what style i use, you can watch my most recent combo
k-ryder's combo -
Date: Wed, Mar 11 2009 06:49:49
I don't know about my style cause i suck but i do have a style that i like
korean old school = i cant explain it but i just heart their style when they spin their MXs!!!!! ex Fingerpass,choochun -
Date: Sat, Mar 28 2009 16:31:31
Japanese ftw!
Date: Sun, Mar 29 2009 19:59:36
i really enjoy watching japanese spinning but i dont have the finger independence or strength, i'd have to say i'm more korean/European well i'd like to think so atleast.
Date: Sun, Mar 29 2009 20:07:08
i spin more of a european style... but i'm working heavily to a japaanese style. plus i like spinning japanese pens.
Date: Sun, Mar 29 2009 20:24:07
i like Korean style best :D
Date: Sun, Mar 29 2009 20:27:17
i would like to be korean style, but my style right nwo doesnt even resemble anything much. just crap
Date: Sun, Mar 29 2009 22:55:47
I myself use Old School and European style
I like all types of spinning to watch, for me it is just how the combo is performed. -
Date: Sun, Mar 29 2009 23:36:00
I kinda use a mix of Old school style and Korean style.
50% old school and 50% Korean.
but I like Japanese style or Bonkura style the best. smoothness ftw -
Date: Sun, Mar 29 2009 23:41:59
I think my style is kind of a mix of European and Japanese style... the way I build my combos is by watching collabs, learning mini-combos and then incorporating them into my combos.
Date: Mon, Mar 30 2009 01:03:59
Hmm... most people here that say Old School are ditching the creativity part. Most of your vids are spammed korean mini combos over and over again. Seriously, old school?
Date: Mon, Mar 30 2009 02:11:46QUOTE (hoiboy @ Mar 29 2009, 09:03 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>Hmm... most people here that say Old School are ditching the creativity part. Most of your vids are spammed korean mini combos over and over again. Seriously, old school?
mhmKam spins old school, but puts his primary focus on creativity and emphasizes that aspect in his spinning...
Date: Mon, Mar 30 2009 02:16:47QUOTE (hoiboy @ Mar 29 2009, 09:03 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>Hmm... most people here that say Old School are ditching the creativity part. Most of your vids are spammed korean mini combos over and over again. Seriously, old school?
that's why I said I was mixed old school and korean... I like spinning slow.. -
Date: Mon, Mar 30 2009 02:21:41QUOTE (Wind @ Mar 29 2009, 07:16 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>that's why I said I was mixed old school and korean... I like spinning slow..
Uhh what? What does spinning slow have to do with spinning old school? And Koreans generally spin moderately fast. -
Date: Mon, Mar 30 2009 17:17:05
Use: Dunno....maybe Japanese or Korean i guess.
Like: Japanese. Like kUzu and SEVEN. -
Date: Mon, Mar 30 2009 20:17:17QUOTE (AwonW @ Mar 29 2009, 10:21 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>Uhh what? What does spinning slow have to do with spinning old school? And Koreans generally spin moderately fast.QUOTE (dust_kid @ May 24 2008, 03:42 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>There's been quite some debate on styles, here's mine:
Korean: Fast spinning, not planned out, lots of continuous tricks and mini combos. eg, Nory, Erirornal Kraione
Japanese: Fast but slower than Korean spinning, a variety of tricks. eg. Bonito, Key3
Old School: Slower spinning, infinities, stalls, backarounds. eg. tohlz, Kam
Weissan: Slower spinning, backarounds, taps, TS 1.5
Bonkura Style: Slower spinning, combos show extreme finger dexterity. eg. Bonkura, DaThroat
Frat Style: Slower spinning, wipers, arounds. eg, Fratleym
Some spinners don't fit into these categories, eg x1213
Use: noob style T_T
Like: all of them, lol
Date: Mon, Mar 30 2009 22:52:14
i really like korean...i suck at freestyling and neo sonic>FL TA rev -
Date: Wed, Apr 1 2009 23:53:40
does eso use old school?
Date: Thu, Apr 2 2009 00:49:40QUOTE (Bammer09メKT @ Apr 2 2009, 06:53 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>does eso use old school?
No, he uses korean
Before you guys got it wrong, Old-school is like focus on showing off to people and often use camera angle like thisSpinner
(Like the one on Kam's superhandz vid)
and spinning while standing. They use short and usually easy combos but impress non-spinners (Audiences) with wide-appealing tricks like Infinity release or some magic tricks but not really impressive when using on the camera angle that we use nowadays.
Examples - Kam, Le0n, Kaisen etc.
Korean all the way
PS. Lack of sleeping REALLY has effect on my grammar
PS.2. What I wrote above just IMO though -
Date: Tue, Apr 7 2009 07:45:56
what's my style? --> pick a vid =P -
Date: Tue, Apr 7 2009 10:50:19
korean/thai style...use similar mini-combos and spam busts, fl tas, IPBA rev variations xD
i wish could have an original style. too many spinners use similar styles nowadays it seems (IMO anyway....) -
Date: Thu, Jun 11 2009 06:08:34
how to develope a style?
What is sunrise's style? -
Date: Sat, Jun 13 2009 21:15:47
could someone post these styles in the wiki? It already has "old-school style" and "Korean style" on there but not the rest...
Date: Sun, Jun 14 2009 05:35:14
i would definitely love to have bonkura's style!!
but i would also like to spin in jap~korean style!!(75%bonkura,rest the other 2) -
Date: Sun, Jun 14 2009 11:33:20
I don´t like korean style and I don´t like japanese style either. Both are boring to watch. The only style i like is my own.
Date: Mon, Jun 15 2009 08:57:50
Thai... may be
With me, the difficulty is the most important:D -
Date: Mon, Jun 15 2009 13:23:24
Use: Swedish+ European
Like : Bonkura style -
Date: Tue, Jun 16 2009 01:54:59
I've been trying to get a style that looks kinda like bonkura's and now I guess I spin 50% Japanese/bonkura and 50% everything else.
Date: Tue, Jun 16 2009 13:38:29
Korean Style for me
Date: Wed, Jun 17 2009 22:16:36
I dont really know what style i am...I just spin...=_=
how do you do thai style?i really want it.
i think that you add a lot of busts in your combos but im not realy sure.
help please? :] -
Date: Sat, Dec 5 2009 04:45:58
i think i spin old school, my combos are usualy made with planned out "chains" of 3-5 tricks. and its also relatively slow.
i thinks its mainly because im still experimenting with what my abilities are.. -
Date: Mon, Feb 1 2010 01:39:34
i use lots of oldschool styles but a bit of some korean and japannese style
Date: Sun, Feb 7 2010 20:42:45
i like korean style, and thai style (yea, i kno thats so bandwagon
)....not that i can do thai