General Discussion / Online Australian Pen Spinning Tournament 2009

  1. dust_kidメMT
    Date: Sun, Jan 11 2009 12:58:20

    So most Aussies (in Ausclan) know this already, but for the ones who are not in Ausclan, neoknux_009 and I are organising a tourney for Aussies.

    Online Australian Pen Spinning Tournament - 2009

    What: Double elimination knock out.

    When: Starting February 1st

    Why: To determine the seed rankings in Australia and to improve the Australian scene.

    Who: Any Australian who wishes to participate.

    Official Judges:

    • Eriror
    • Rarka
    • Tek

    *thanks for yam for asking/attaining the judges

    • Time limit is 15 - 30 seconds.
    • A pen/pencil must be spun (e.g. not a drumstick), but other materials can also be used in the video (e.g. desk)

    Double Elimination Knock out Explanation:

    Basically, everyone will get 2 lives. If you lose a round, then you go to the secondary corner. Once the player who didn't lose is determined , the secondary corner begins.

    So now we let everyone in the secondary corner begin. However, the people who got further, upper tiers, will get to verse the people who didn't get further. That is, if a person got to the 2nd to last round in the primary corner, they will most likely verse someone who lost in the 1st round of the primary corner. Why?

    Seed rankings. We want an accurate description of the spinners in Australia. Not just 1st, but 2nd, 3rd, etc.

    I'll trust the judges to decide the ordering of the 2nd "corner". The 1st should be completely randomly generated.

    So then the person who wins in the secondary will most likely be second best. However, the person must beat the person who won in the primary corner twice, as he/she still has 2 lives.

    Simplified explanation of the battle system:
    This system allows for each player to have a second chance if they lose a first time. You are out of the tournament when you lose twice. The tourney starts off with one bracket. After round one is complete, the winners remain in the first bracket (winner's bracket), but the losers go into a new bracket (loser's bracket). After every round, the losers in the winner's bracket enter the loser's bracket and the losers in the loser's bracket are eliminated.

    Example (Blizzcon 2008 StarCraft Tourney)





    Participants (so far)
    Fire Ant
    White Fang

    Entry closes soon.


  2. neoknux_009メMT
    Date: Mon, Jan 12 2009 23:39:11

    we NEED 2 more people fro the tournament structure to work. any takers?

  3. Joshy
    Date: Mon, Jan 12 2009 23:57:11

    good luck everyone!

    Kpsa's Teambattle league is going right now too

    so many koreans in starcraft tornament

  4. dust_kidメMT
    Date: Tue, Jan 13 2009 05:31:36

    Added trailer.

    One more person left required, then entries close.

  5. WhiteFang
    Date: Wed, Jan 21 2009 08:05:44

    Time limit is 15 - 30 seconds.

    change the time limit. make it 0 - 25 second.

    + who were the spinners in the trailer. tell me in order

    Date: Wed, Jan 21 2009 08:28:22

    1st spinner : me xD
    2nd: dust_kid
    3rd: jess
    4th: pen-ninja
    5th: neoknux_009
    6th : me again

  7. Glamouraz
    Date: Wed, Jan 21 2009 09:10:40

    Oo nice.

    Good luck to all!

  8. Moon
    Date: Wed, Jan 21 2009 12:13:36

    i could join.. but im liek shit...... xD

  9. dust_kidメMT
    Date: Thu, Jan 22 2009 00:24:57

    As long as you can pull a combo together its fine.