Tutorials Pending Approval / JIMper grip

my new and only mod the JIMper grip

  1. wongaling
    Date: Sat, Oct 27 2007 05:47:50

    Hello i bought a fair few random pens from office works yesterday (im in australia btw) and i wanted to make a hgg2 and it turned out crap so i was on upsb and some guy said make my own mod so i did.

    zebra Jimnie
    Pilot super grip
    any type of tape make sure its thin!
    a spare grip ( this is used as a filler.
    a long ink tube ( i used kilometrico)
    OPTIONAL: a high/low temp glue gun

    almost perfect COG
    a large grip
    not liquid ink to it won run through/leak
    long! it's the same length as hgg2
    the best attribute of all I MADE it UP ALL BY MY SELF!!!!!!

    ok step 1: take the jimnie apart u will only need the grip and front section.

    step 2: take apart the super grip, you will only need the back part and grip.

    strep 3: get your pliers and pull the clicky part on the back of the super grip out (this is a bit hard to get out, if ur a pussy get someone else to do it XD)

    step 4: take apart ur kilometrico and get the ink tube

    Step5: take the little click part out of the super grip and put a little bit of rubber in the end ( just do it)

    step 6: put the jimnie grip on the front part of the jimnie and put the super grip on the back part of the super grip.

    step 7: put the ink tube in the front part of the jimnie and put a little tape on the threaded part of the super grip.

    step 8: put the two parts together and either sticky tape em or glue gun em or glue gun em and sticky over the glue. sorry about no pic ;(

    if u got any problems email me on [email protected] (im happy for u to add me) peace out XD
    heres the url to the finished product (if i had better tools it woulddn't have the tape on it)

  2. K4S
    Date: Sat, Oct 27 2007 05:52:30

    Tutorials with no pictures are generally frowned upon. Even if you cant make a good tutorial you should at least have a "final product" picture.

  3. wongaling
    Date: Sat, Oct 27 2007 06:07:07

    [quote name='K4S' date='Oct 27 2007, 03:52 PM' post='18451']
    ok soz but i dont know how to put a pic up

  4. iMatt
    Date: Sat, Oct 27 2007 06:36:58

    no offense, but It seems like a sloppy mod...Nice effort though, I don't wanna sound harsh, but I just personally think the mod could be done a bit smoother judging by the pictures.

  5. wtE
    Date: Sat, Oct 27 2007 06:39:48

    what matt said

  6. Aries
    Date: Sat, Oct 27 2007 07:15:06

    seems unstable and not very appealing. Nice try though

  7. wongaling
    Date: Sat, Oct 27 2007 07:58:42

    ok thanks for the feed back but could you list ways to improve it as well thanks

  8. Aries
    Date: Sat, Oct 27 2007 08:16:57

    2. not appealing
    3.instead of tape or lgue try something else
    3. u can use a tooth pick to extend the inktube
    4. try to get 1 grip on 1 end, if not 2(1 on each end)

  9. wtE
    Date: Sun, Oct 28 2007 03:12:30

    hmm give me the pens to make it and ill make it

  10. AzNwAr3oR
    Date: Sun, Oct 28 2007 03:37:16

    The best way to make a pen look appealing IMO is to actually make it look like a normal pen. The way you would do that in your case is not have two grips in a row dry.gif

  11. Dark Angel-REX
    Date: Fri, Nov 2 2007 13:12:11

    I could see ur effort. i could give a good job for that.

    but the pen looks too sloppy like the others say. it doesn't look like it would spin good.