Research Department Feedback / Rd Updates And Clarification

  1. sketching
    Date: Sat, Jun 16 2007 07:56:01


    Hello all. After reading strat and frisbee's argument, I decided some things needed to be cleared up concerning the Research Department:

    1) The RD is not superior to the rest of the board in any way and it was never our intention to pass it off as such. If we made it seem that way, we apologize for the confusion and effrontery. We are all regular members just like the rest of the you. One cannot simply join the RD to get the inside scoop on articles, because if you don't actively contribute to the pool of ideas, your membership will be revoked.

    2) Because we are all equal as members, we all deserve to be treated with the same amount of courtesy and respect. If, in your honest opinion, you feel that the conduct of a certain RD member, as it specifically applies to the previous point, is detrimental to the rest of the board, you can PM Zombo with your concerns and he will promptly look into the matter.

    3) Although we may release new naming conventions, these systems are merely proposed for acceptance and are not meant to be foisted upon you as if it was canonical law. That is, you are welcome to use whichever system you feel most comfortable with, as long as others can understand what you are referring to. The alternative conventions we release are derived only through considerable research, and we feel they are more comprehensive and wider-ranging than what is already there. Of course, this does not necessarily mean they'll be easier to get used to initially. But if we didn't feel that a particular project would have a beneficial effect in the long run, we simply would have scrapped the idea.

    4) Because there have been several concerns that the RD appears to be stagnant, I've proposed to use the rest of this post as an update thread on various projects we are working on. We cannot disclose every single project as some authors want their articles to be more of a surprise, but there are certainly many projects we can keep you updated on. RD members can PM me updates and I can edit this post or a mod can amend the status using information in the department.

    5) Any questions or concerns addressed to the RD that don't involve areas of reasrch can be posted in this thread, or you can PM Zombo or strat. Any questions regarding research material can be posted here:


  2. sketching
    Date: Sat, Sep 15 2007 21:09:02

    There was a question about point #3 that was brought to my attention:

    ...these systems are merely proposed for acceptance and are not meant to be foisted upon you as if it was canonical law.
    I believe that the above means that a released article is not set in stone upon release. The reason that the article threads are not closed is that reactions and further member input is allowed to make any possible changes to what is published.

    The above text may need to be changed if the rest of the board does not understand what is meant. Other RD members, or any other UPSB member, please respond with your thoughts on the quoted text or any other part of the statement above in this thread.

  3. Zombo
    Date: Sat, Sep 15 2007 21:13:45

    it not only means that, but it's also meant as a suggestion rather an a law.

  4. Tialys
    Date: Fri, Sep 21 2007 22:31:07

    The third point specifically addresses naming conventions because the post was elicited by squabbles over the hybrid notation scheme at the time. It depends whether the question related to nomenclature systems in particular or any released material, but if you want to generalize the quoted statement to include anything the RD releases (i.e. not only conventions), that's fine. The idea is that members should not feel forced to rigorously adhere to any article the RD releases, naming convention or otherwise. Change occurs slowly. What often happens is there's an overlap period when conflicting ideas exist, during which increasingly more spinners willingly subscribe to one concept after realizing its merits, while the other falls into obsolescence.

  5. Tim
    Date: Sat, Sep 22 2007 16:23:23

    QUOTE (Tialys)
    What often happens is there's an overlap period when conflicting ideas exist, during which increasingly more spinners willingly subscribe to one concept after realizing its merits, while the other falls into obsolescence.

    Yes, just like the move form UCPSB to UPSB.

    I'm not sure if that's 100% right but I just wanted to sound intelligent.

    I'll show Strat the misunderstanding 12 year old kids angryfire.gif

    BTW, you're Firebird right?

  6. Zombo
    Date: Wed, Feb 3 2010 06:58:18

    new article released:
