Trading / Buying / I want Dr. Grip grips (i sell hgg vs money too)

offer: Money, HGG

  1. purplet
    Date: Sun, Mar 15 2009 09:47:41


    I´m purplet from Germany and i want dr. grip grips.

    I offer HGG (pastell, k116, k118, i_think_i can get all colors)and money (+what i can get in Germany, but i think hgg is the most important)

    pm me if you want to trade with me.

    I sell HGG vs money too, prices is about 2usd wich i think is the normal price, if im mistaken tell me.

  2. G.lanz
    Date: Sun, Mar 15 2009 19:19:08

    I have: American Dr. Grip pen grip (the thin soft kind)

    I want: Black HGG

  3. purplet
    Date: Tue, Mar 17 2009 13:51:41


    Thx for the offer, but i want only the grips and i prefer japanese.

    still need more, i prefer bigger amounts for oversea trades:)

  4. q8q8qq88
    Date: Sat, Mar 28 2009 17:32:13

    PM sent.

  5. purplet
    Date: Sun, Mar 29 2009 19:34:39

    thx for the pm.

    But to make it clear: I trade shaker too, if price is good.
    But what i really want are the GRIPS, i do not need any more dr. kt mods-->no tips:)

    I still need some more, please no oversea trades with like i got 2grips, its not worth the shipping:(