Major Collaborations / Canadian Collaboration 2
we stand on guard for thee
Date: Mon, Mar 16 2009 04:02:19
for downloading
Thank You everyone for making it possible -
Date: Mon, Mar 16 2009 04:12:36
looking at my video shows how little effort I put into spinning..
Date: Mon, Mar 16 2009 04:14:50
good shit boys, it seems i'm outclassed by several of you. haha
no idea so much talent has been developing here, good stuff. -
Date: Mon, Mar 16 2009 12:51:58
holy shit, so many godly spinners in Canada
very strong collab, my video quality just
good job everyone -
Date: Mon, Mar 16 2009 13:31:23
Jamie, your original idea for this vid, was to get out there, and show how good us Canadians really are, and for achieving that goal, i thankyou.
Everyones spinning was so great!! Its fantastic the talent, which i can only assume derives from many days spent inside from snow
And everyone ignore my crappy spinning, i know iti just wanted to throw something in a collab for once. Woot First Collab!
Good Job everyone!! -
Date: Mon, Mar 16 2009 17:56:56
we did the impossible, and they saw the invisible -
Date: Mon, Mar 16 2009 21:31:38
wow that was... corny xD we just made a collab, not change the world :]
But yeah, loved jamie's and toast's combos, really nice. nice editting, jamie. -
Date: Tue, Mar 17 2009 04:20:13
lmao u mean my phrase was corny? i just took it off my personal message. lol