Serious Discussion / Thinking and Deaf people

  1. WhiteFang
    Date: Wed, Mar 18 2009 11:36:03

    You know how you think using a language your comfortable with? Like, if you think of a 'car,' don't you basically think of the word 'car' (in english or not) inside your head? What happens with a deaf person? They've never heard of a word car. They'd have a handsign to represent the word car. Would they think of alll the different handsigns when they're thinking?

    Sorry if anyone here is sensitive about this topic. I have no wish to offend anyone. I was just curious because theres a deaf student program thing in my school now. And i don't want to be rude and ask them.

  2. Zombo
    Date: Wed, Mar 18 2009 17:27:17

    yea or they see the letters car (they can still read)

  3. Pandubear
    Date: Sun, Mar 22 2009 03:37:48

    I don't really see what would be weird about thinking in sign.

    But I don't know, because I don't know any deaf people to ask.

    Oh, and I don't think in words. I'm not sure if other people do or not, because I don't really think about these things that much, but yeah.

  4. Mats
    Date: Sun, Mar 22 2009 03:52:59

    I don't think anyone thinks in words, but more in everything associated with the object. The sight, smell, touch, taste and sound of it and any emotions involved with it too, all at the same time, are felt. I don't think it would be strange at all. However, you are missing one part of the picture, which makes it not as nice?

  5. Zombo
    Date: Sun, Mar 22 2009 05:14:33

    i think he means talkign to oneself, which im sure everyone do.

  6. Josh_man
    Date: Tue, Mar 24 2009 00:43:47

    im currently learning sign languaage. And from what iv noticed Sign Language is similar to flashcards method of studying for vocabulary. Its a game of memorizing signs and you know what they mean automatically without really thinking you just know what it means. For example in class my teacher plays a game with us where she signs a particular sign[example- sister] and she gives us 2 seconds to get it. If we do not she concludes that we did not study and therefore need practise. Sign Language in a conversation is more like a puzzle because your never going to get the entire sentence because most signers are quite quick so you have to peice together things and figure out the words you missed.
    So all in all Sign Language requires little thought and at the same time it requires ALOT.

    Edit: i forgot a few things, sign language isnt only about hand signs and recolection. i forgot to add a big portion of Sign Language is facial expression and body gestures. Face expression of definately a very imporatant part of it. like if im happy.gif and know im happy, if im biglaugh.gif you can tell iv just been told something funny and so on.