Minor Collaborations / GPC + PPP
Date: Mon, Mar 30 2009 08:40:23
Hey this is the First Collaboration of GPC and PPP.
Hope you like it.
"> (youtube quali) -
Date: Mon, Mar 30 2009 11:52:21
Pumphead, really great editing, gratz. Loved the intro
And linkings between combos were good too. But there is one huge fail at the end xD I know, that Polish is really difficult language, but You should ask someone (Rarka probably) to translate. Google translator sux hard xD It should be something like 'Dzięki za oglądanie' P:
And for the combos:
I really like Rarka's concept of speedcubing and penspinning at the same combo D: That looks nice. Also Pumphead's clip is hot. Gumix's combo riminds my FratleymThat was one of the best combos. And Dercen is sick, I love that style, that fingers and that mod. Steffen is great too, with his PinkyBakSpin pop, and that cont. PinkyRingBaks (: Jopi's 2p2h is godlike, I love that. Also BigBadRoss's 1h2p is great, but with some lags ):
So, it's great european collab, I hope, that not the last collaboration with our boards ^^.