General Discussion / Most Awesome Penspinning Moments
Date: Wed, Apr 8 2009 19:33:12
What is your best real life penspinning moment? Go.
Date: Wed, Apr 8 2009 19:36:00
I did my first thumb around with a chopstick, i still remember how it felt.
Oh and once a pen went flying from my desk (pencil I beleive) and someone jsut hit the desk and it went flying, it landed on someones bookbag and did like x21 before falling off and it was even more awesome because other people saw it too xD\
Oh and I did a failed arieal wunce and it landed balanced back on my left elbow, which I didn't even like move or nething... = \ -
Date: Wed, Apr 8 2009 19:50:18
I was sitting in class trying to figure this pen spinning thing out and my pen flew out of my hand and hit the girl across from me right in the chest
And thats how I met my girlfriendxDD
Date: Wed, Apr 8 2009 23:39:50
I was spinning my pen, and i dropped it; but it hit my knee first and did a knee spin 0.5-1.0 and fell down to the floor
Date: Thu, Apr 9 2009 00:44:02
was spinning my pen in my bed
then dropped it but in an attempt to catch the pen, i sliced a piece of skin out of my hand -
Date: Thu, Apr 9 2009 04:34:25
multiple busts and cont FL TAs for the first time. Felt so good. :] First palmspin. basically any cont trick or mult spin trick for the first time. o and first pw order coming in
Date: Thu, Apr 9 2009 04:37:28
my first comssa, my first mx. very awesome moments
my first metal comssa. very awesome moment
my second mx. very very awesome moment
spinning. the most awesome moments -
Date: Thu, Apr 9 2009 04:52:58
Neo Sonic 23-T1, but I didn't catch it, then it became a Palmspin, then from there I did a release to FL TAx2.
Date: Thu, Apr 9 2009 05:39:29
When I teached my friend ( a girl that I was falling in love with
) Jeez it was really awesome haha
And my first time talking to Eriror, Kam and RYO, just like dream ... I never thought before that there'll be a moment like this for me ... -
Date: Thu, Apr 9 2009 05:43:17
1) 1st PenWish order
2) Learning Sonic Reverse
3) Any packages from other people (I love mail)
4) I was spinning in school and did a Thumbspin X4 and i went to catch it and it hit a metal bar that is connected to the desk and chair on my right side. I went to catch it and somehow it flew into the air again and I caught it between 12. People were watching too -
Date: Thu, Apr 9 2009 05:47:04
When I learn new tricks.
Date: Thu, Apr 9 2009 05:47:11
first bust x 10
and first midbak 1.5 > midbak
and watching people stare O___O' when i did ta > fl ta x 9 XD -
Date: Thu, Apr 9 2009 06:04:12
[Index Bak Riser > Pinky Bak Riser > Index Bak] Repeat x19 -
Date: Thu, Apr 9 2009 06:30:59
when Chucheon asked me to join Force Spinner
Nothing else to add... -
Date: Thu, Apr 9 2009 07:13:43
Honestly, making my first mod, the RG2T. which sucks ass but it was the greatest feeling when i made it.
Date: Thu, Apr 9 2009 07:19:43
When I first learned the basketball spin
I was so happy xD first "advanced" trick after the infinity...good times
Date: Thu, Apr 9 2009 11:04:59
When i got my first penwish order and found out that MXes are unbalanced.
When I first lost my mod
When I created alot of trouble cause of failed tricks
When my mod broke
When i stabbed myself with a Dr. KT
When i was modding and accidentally cut myself
When I was modding and my mod part broke and i had no more extra
When I dropped my clear G3 on the floor in school and it broke and I had no other pen to write with.
When my friend ruined my dr grip grips.
When my friend took my black sunburst away and never returned it.
When my fingers hurt cause of spinning.
When Eso didnt reply me on the shoutbox
When Eriror was reluctant to talk to me.
When Kam got mad at me.
When I got scammed by Amyyy.
When I got scolded for Psing.
When I ran out of money cause i bought too many pens.
When I had to go without lunch cause trading took all my money.
When I quarrel with traders and make them angry just cause i couldn't send the pens on time.
When my package didn't come.
When UPSB breaks down.
When I fail tests cause of UPSB.
When I fail tests cause i spend too much time Psing..
When a best friend made this thread!
Life's good! -
Date: Thu, Apr 9 2009 11:10:55
Best moments:
1 - my first self modded pen ever
2 - my first own modded rsvp mx
3 - my first Bakfall - probably one of my favorite moments
4 - discovering creativity in penspinning
and maybe my very first Ta extended with a pencil during a boring lesson. nothing special really, but it felt great cause the trick was pretty
hard for me to learn back then -
Date: Fri, Apr 10 2009 03:05:41
1. SoCal Gathering ftw
2. Captain Planet
3. When ThaiSpinner made me proud in this Tournament -
Date: Fri, Apr 10 2009 03:36:33
-when I first did the thumbaround. I was like "omg! I did it!!" in class and everyone stared at me
-When I I successfully taught my best friend, who I was in love with at the time (a girl for all you guys to know. No homo), thumbaround, charge and sonic. Still working on fingerpass
-When I did my first bakfall
-When I made my first ballsign last year. Still using it as my main mod
-when I went to my first pen spinning gathering. best time ever. the second one was even better -
Date: Fri, Apr 10 2009 10:50:26
when i did my first TA. made me think "wow this is possible"
Date: Fri, Apr 10 2009 18:34:07
Beating Ayatori/Cloud Traveler/bonkura in battles.
Being the first one to film BackAround 1.5 Fall. -
Date: Fri, Apr 10 2009 18:43:29QUOTE (Erirornal Kraione @ Apr 10 2009, 11:34 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>Beating Ayatori/Cloud Traveler/bonkura in battles.
Being the first one to film BackAround 1.5 Fall.
Trying to double bust then hitting my teacher with it. Only to find out that he could do a TA harmonic O_o -
Date: Fri, Apr 10 2009 19:56:14
Doing bakfall for the first time.
Seeing bonkura's fingerpass video and tearing up because of the awesome speed (not kidding).
finding pen spinning in the first place
performed perfect combos in front of certain people...
Having Fratleym responding to my copied versions of his combos (Best)
Date: Fri, Apr 10 2009 20:54:20
My best moments so far were...
When I received my HGGs from Rarka (my first trade)
When I shook hands with Kam
When I got my first PW order
and whenever I catch multiple busts, lol. -
Date: Sat, Apr 11 2009 01:35:16
When I met Dathroat for the first time.
When I met Ultimatsz and Novastrike yesterday. -
Date: Sat, Apr 11 2009 07:32:45
When I first did TA. I didn't think it was possible back then.
My first trade. I got RSVP and Commssa. -
Date: Sat, Apr 11 2009 09:28:47
hmmm let me see
1. when i got my first Dr.KT from penwish
2. when i lernt my first trick (charge)
3. when i got my first trading parcel got waterfall mod
4. lost my cap of a mod went around school to find it, and found it -
Date: Sat, Apr 11 2009 16:01:33
1) When I learned Charge(my first trick as well)
2) When I can do TA Harmonic fast
3) When I got my first mod
4) When my FP becomes fast and smooth
5) When I did Quintuple TA by luck.
6) hen I went for my first gathering(so many pros).
7) When I did Twisted Sonic Double Bust 5 times in a row.
8) Last but not least, when I learn new tricks. -
Date: Fri, Apr 17 2009 02:35:01
nor cal gathering
learning bakfall on my right
learning bakfall on my left -
Date: Fri, Apr 17 2009 03:36:23
1. Whenever i learn a new trick
2. When i finished modding my retractable comssa
3. When i saw Ultimatsz and Novastrike during the SG gathering
4. When i fling my pen too hard while doing infinity and the pen hit my teacher LOL
5. And last but nt least...when i found UPSB!! (which may be in fact the greatest thing tat has happened to me!!!) -
Date: Fri, Apr 17 2009 03:38:02
When i was waiting in line for a counseller (school) meeting in a room. I started spinning and had an audience of at least 20 people there.
Date: Sun, Apr 19 2009 18:50:16
First thumbaround.
QUOTE (000zero0000 @ Apr 16 2009, 08:38 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>When i was waiting in line for a counseller (school) meeting in a room. I started spinning and had an audience of at least 20 people there.
Lol, I'd be hella annoyed. -
Date: Sun, Apr 19 2009 21:57:02
- my first RSVP made by myself
- my first sonic!!!!!!!
- my first ballsign ( thanks to Penwish )
- my first Dr. Grip( thanks to Penwish again )
- my first bakfall -
Date: Wed, Apr 22 2009 21:16:57
noticing I have 5 people staring at me as I finish my mini-fundamental-combo and finished it with the perfect infinity. i then had 4 of those 5 come up to me and ask me how I did that.
Date: Thu, May 21 2009 05:59:33
i was spinning and playing halo at the same time and i got a noscope headshot and did my first twisted sonic bust
Date: Thu, May 21 2009 14:32:32
First Sonic
First and second Israel Gatherings (pretty much all of them lqtm) -
Date: Sun, May 24 2009 01:03:26
-Gathering with Pencell and Vkylol
Service at church:
High school girl: *Charge*
Me: Busts out MX and starts freestyling.
Gets attention
Girl:*Tries to do with combo with that weird fingerpass thing, Fails*
Girl: *Sits in silence*
Me: in my head *LOLs* -
Date: Sun, May 24 2009 01:17:54
When this box of ComSSas magically arrived at my house
When I almost hit the teacher trying to do Neosonic during Precalc ( I sit about 3 seats away )
Western Civilization. I sit in the front row, facing half the class. I love that very much. -
Date: Sat, Jun 6 2009 11:18:15
there were many awesome moments, but one was very special. i was at school and tried an palm spin like minwoo
and suddenly i got it. i did more than 10.0 spins, that was an beautiful moment. everybody=!!
Date: Sun, Nov 8 2009 08:14:03
i did a bonkura bakfall
Date: Sun, Nov 8 2009 11:43:40
When I did my first TA and discovered that gravity can be beaten
When I discovered UPSB
When I accidentally did TA > FL TA to air > Inverse ThumbSpin 3.0
When I was insulted because of crappy PSing and right after did perfect Tw. Sonic Bust 4x -
Date: Sun, Nov 22 2009 21:31:43
When I learned Sonic.
When I learned FL TA.
When I learned Backaround.
When I discovered I had two RSVPs lying around. Back then I thought they were some holy pen. Made my first 2 MXs.
When my first PW order came in. -
Date: Sun, Nov 22 2009 21:37:04
When I did a hai tua with a ballsign
QUOTE (Deutherius @ Nov 8 2009, 06:43 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>When I did my first TA and discovered that gravity can be beaten
When I discovered UPSB
When I accidentally did TA > FL TA to air > Inverse ThumbSpin 3.0
When I was insulted because of crappy PSing and right after did perfect Tw. Sonic Bust 4x
is that even possible? inverse thumbspin 3.0? -
Date: Sun, Nov 22 2009 22:18:38
Finally after practice and practice learning bak fall it felt so good.
Also when i learned all me fundamentals. -
Date: Mon, Nov 23 2009 16:33:33
The first time I taught someone else a trick.
Thumbspin 5.0 (got that twice). Feels awesome -
Date: Fri, Nov 27 2009 02:28:54
Let's see here...
Bakfall on both hands at the same time.
Triple bust on both hands at the same time.
When I got my Buster CYL from Penwish.
When I did 20x busts.
When I did 15x FL TAs.
TA > Palmspin 0.5 x3.
First triple hai tua for me.
Aerial Bust > Index Spin 2.0.
First Triple Pinky bust.
Midbak 1.5 x24.
Yupp, good times indeed. -
Date: Fri, Nov 27 2009 03:07:05
when very first i seeing PSing collab, Japen 1st.. <3 pen spinning, spinners, bgm--MintJam ~ late 2008
when i learned my first trick figure8--infinity
took a part in my 1st International collab--Volgore 1st
when i modding my personal mod, all about original mod--spending all day long in weekend
when i recording combos, editing and organizing collab(s)