AusClan Forum / Jury duty...
How would you get out of it?
Date: Sun, Apr 12 2009 04:06:52
So, I was having a discussion with my family about jury duty, and according to my father ( who has done jury duty), he says that like 93.14159265358979323846 of all the people try and get out of it with their feeble excuses.
Now I myself wont be going ( or be able ) to go on jury duty for a few years, but when the time comes I want a stockpile of excuses to throw before the...umm... "government officials", as everyone says that jury duty is really cr*p
So, post your excuses here no matter how stupid or ridiculous they are
My personal one that will DEFINITELY WORK is: As every one is so overly stereotypical these days, and think that all Asians can't speak English well, and think everything is worth "2 dollar" ( to an Asian) , I will get one of those translator things, and whenever I have to talk, will key in something in and make it say something in English (for example: Me no speak English, or something along those lines).
Well, that's enough from me, so post your excuses here K? -
Date: Sun, Apr 12 2009 04:41:28
what's so bad about jury duty anyway
Date: Sun, Apr 12 2009 04:54:51
Lol. I actually wouldn't mind being in a dury... having power to decide people's fates lol XD
Date: Sun, Apr 12 2009 05:09:30
Yeah, but trials go on for AGES, with postpones and changes of dates. Also, you get a pay of 30$ a day or something, and thats for the WHOLE DAY. A 18 year old MacDonald employee gets about that much in like... 2 and a half hours.
Date: Sun, Apr 12 2009 05:13:26
what? I thought they paid your normal working wage.
Date: Sun, Apr 12 2009 05:24:23
Nope, 30$ or so an hour...Still seem cool fireant?
edit: Ment a day, not an hour lol. -
Date: Sun, Apr 12 2009 16:19:08QUOTESo, I was having a discussion with my family about jury duty, and according to my father ( who has done jury duty), he says that like 93.14159265358979323846 of all the people try and get out of it with their feeble excuses.
93 people out of the thousands of people ever called for Jury Duty isn't that muchQUOTEAlso, you get a pay of 30$ a day or somethingQUOTENope, 30$ or so an hour...Still seem cool fireant?
Very, very big difference.
P.S I'd voluntarily do Jury Duty if they paid $30 an hour (and if I were old enough). -
Date: Mon, Apr 13 2009 00:35:59
$30 an hour?! that's like... 3 times my pay!!!
hehehe -
Date: Mon, Apr 13 2009 04:23:52 didn't check my post, no its 30$ a day.
(thats what you get when you don't check your posts.)
Anyway, its amazing how off topic ausclan can get -
Date: Mon, Apr 13 2009 04:34:36
$30 a day is better than my pay in a week xD
since i work only 2 hours a week =PP -
Date: Tue, Apr 14 2009 02:40:19
But yeah compare sitting in air con listening to people storys to... Intense lunch time rushes at McDonalds/getting raged at by boss/standing up for 9.5 hours serving customers. I know which one I'd prefer... and I'd get paid for it too.. thats a bonus!
Date: Tue, Apr 14 2009 09:38:53
hey but least your getting paid....
Date: Tue, Apr 14 2009 23:02:10
Well when you are on a full time job, 30 bucks a day is nothing.