Trading / Buying / Misery's Trade★Thread

Priority List is so zetta important!

  1. Misery
    Date: Tue, Apr 14 2009 01:30:41

    Sending / Receiving:

    - If I have more Whitelist Pts than you, then you send first.

    - If you have more whitelist points than me, then I'll send first.

    - If we both have the same amount of whitelist points, then you will send first.

    Trade Requirements:

    I will only trade expensive items such as Dr. Grips to people who have at least +5 whitelist.

    I have/can get
    - Crayola Super Tips
    - RSVP
    - G2
    - Papermate Profiles / Anyball
    - Sakura Ballsign/Gellyroll
    - Z-Grip
    - Zebra Telescopic
    - Sakura Gellyrolls / Ballsign
    - Other pens sold in America

    I'm looking for ( Bolded = Priority! )
    - Sky Blue HGG x 2
    - Sky Blue RSVP x 1
    - White HGG x 2
    - Black HGG x 1
    - Black Lakubo
    - Black Signo KnockType
    - Black Profile Grip
    - Skyblue Profile Grip
    <~ Yes, I do have Profiles available in my area, but I only need the grip; not the pen.
    - G3
    - Dong-a Computer Sign Pen
    - Japanese Dr. Grip Grips ( Clear ones )
    - HGG
    - Hyper Jell
    - Signo Tips
    - Signo Knock Type 0.7
    - Sailor Gel grips
    - ColorTwin
    - Keityo / Keicho
    - Money?

    PM me.
    If you PM'd me, post here.

  2. Misery
    Date: Sat, Apr 18 2009 23:38:21

    Updated; items I'd like to trade/trade for.

  3. Misery
    Date: Thu, Apr 23 2009 23:51:43

    Updated; in need of whole SkyBlue RSVP and SkyBlue HGG's. ;3