Minor Collaborations / Sfsrs PARTYHARD Collab!1oneoneeleveeenn1!1


  1. Sfsr
    Date: Sun, Nov 11 2007 01:10:46

    Haha. Me and some friends filmed some stuff during an evening at my place, and made a mini-collab of it the same night. Enjoy biggrin.gif

  2. neXus
    Date: Sun, Nov 11 2007 03:40:26


    Too bad.

  3. DaThroat
    Date: Sun, Nov 11 2007 06:32:58

    seemed like lots of fun stuff. laugh.gif

    it also seems that whenever there are friends around, penspinners find it hard to get something really good down on film, due to all sorts of external factors. tongue.gif

  4. Rekkuuzan
    Date: Sun, Nov 11 2007 11:01:44

    It's the Swedish Village People. D:

  5. DasIstJaStuhl
    Date: Sun, Nov 11 2007 11:26:58

    =))) very funny

    the brginning when uwere in costumes reminds me of our video we do here =)

  6. Sfsr
    Date: Sun, Nov 11 2007 12:04:49


    Those friends have just really recently started spinning ^^ And in the end, when I'm solving rubik's they had changed one piece so I couldn't solve it ;D

  7. ellusion
    Date: Sun, Nov 11 2007 14:36:43

    very funny video..i like the opening!!

  8. Kirbynator
    Date: Mon, Nov 12 2007 14:26:07

    Magic rules biggrin.gif ^^ nice vid!"

  9. Sfsr
    Date: Fri, Nov 16 2007 18:06:05

    In our little "dance", from left to right:

    Ithor, TimeFlower, Sfsr, appaz.

    : and we're not in costumes, we just have random hats on o: But thanks for all the comments anyways ;D

  10. sp3ctum
    Date: Wed, Nov 21 2007 18:14:56

    What do the final words mean? I'm curious.

  11. Sfsr
    Date: Wed, Nov 21 2007 19:10:52

    "Come on solve it!!" kinda tongue.gif

  12. pholord
    Date: Thu, Nov 22 2007 03:52:33

    Yea magic the gathering FTW! Makes me wana go out and do something with my friends right now.

  13. mhig
    Date: Thu, Nov 22 2007 04:55:45

    ooo magic!
    i suck at it lol. just like it.
    loved it when you dropped it. biggrin.gif