Board Comments / Go To Page []...
Date: Sun, May 24 2009 13:23:28
I've been having difficulty finding information within threads with a large number of pages (e.g. SOYP and a lot)
I would just like to suggest, an inputbox where you could put the page number you would want to visit, and that if the user goes over the limit of pages (e.g. thread has a total of 1024 pages and he/she put in 1025), a page loads where in he/she is trying to enter an invalid page...
I hope this won't be a burden...
Something like...
Go To Page: [____] [Go] -
Date: Sun, May 24 2009 13:27:54
this already exists
if you click on "X pages" at bottom it says "jump to page" -
Date: Sun, May 24 2009 13:29:45
I can't seem to see where it is placed... sorry...
Date: Sun, May 24 2009 13:34:31
bottom left it says X pages
Date: Sun, May 24 2009 16:35:31
look at a thread with multiple pages, be fore you click to enter the thread there will be two white square beside the page numbers you can click on, those are it.
Also I think it is in threads when you are at the bottom of the page, that should be by the page numbers as well