Forum Games / The Insane Scenario's Game!
Date: Thu, May 28 2009 21:54:19
Rules are someone posts a situation, preferably hilarious, and the next person answers it and posts one of their own
ill start:
you are trapped in a steel coffin with 1000000 ninjas and a million zombies with chain guns outside, and the only thing you have is a toothpick.
what do you do? -
Date: Thu, May 28 2009 22:04:17
wait until the zombies and ninjas kill each other, shouldn't be long. Then I open the coffin, it never said it was locked XDD
You have a rope tied tighly around your waist, you can't untie it. the rope is stretched over a pit of acid, and there is a horse on the other side pulling to into it. what do you do? -
Date: Thu, May 28 2009 22:13:35
call the horse over so it falls into the acid^^ the rope burns and dissolves and that leaves you left on the other side free^^
your a noob pen spinner and you find a store selling dr grips. you buy 10 of them hoping to get some cool pens in trades. you get home only to find out they are american dr grips. the store does not give refunds. -
Date: Thu, May 28 2009 22:26:00
Drain the ink on one of the pens and tell them that they knowingly sold me a faulty pen. Threatens them with a lawsuit untill i get a refund. ( if that doesn't work then ill just scam my cousin XD)
Your locked in a room with Chuck Norris, what do you do? -
Date: Thu, May 28 2009 22:29:14
Have him break the walls. DUH.
Ur spinning while walking and you drop ur pen onto a busy street. -
Date: Fri, May 29 2009 00:30:05
pull out my beretta (everyone on the SB knows about it XD) and fire it in the air, this makes everyone run away, and I can get my pen.
Eriror, Fratleym, Stuhl, Minwoo, Taeryong, Freeman, and other amazing spinners are all having a gathering in a building near you, what do you do? -
Date: Sun, May 31 2009 01:49:38
force them to breed and make super pen spinning babies
the problem of them all being male is solved by making eriror have a sex transplant, i have really weird fantasies... or maybe that happens when ur dying to death with a cold...
you are trapped in an endless tunnel with pigs and birds infected with bird and swine flu respectively (yes, the pigs have bird flu, the birds have pig flu), what you do? -
Date: Sun, May 31 2009 02:11:52
Captivate a pig and a bird.
Start drilling a pit to India.
Get infected with swine AND bird flu, and start infecting it.
Quickly go to China and infect the two countries.
I have no solved our population crisis of Earth.
You are in front a vending machine. A hot celebrity asks you to buy something for him/her. You realize that you do not have any money, and the celebrity suddenly has a gun to your head. There is also a dollar to the left of you about 5 feet away, but if you move towards it, the celebrity shoots you, what do you do? -
Date: Sun, May 31 2009 02:12:35
put on a gas mask a run through w/ shotgun w/ loads of ammo
your trapped in space w/ no clothes, no oxygen, and your about to explode and there are no resources near you. wat do u do? -
Date: Sun, May 31 2009 05:08:55
break out my pen and start spinning :/
it turns out UPSB is actually run by pedofiles/stalkers/rapists and one night they plan a "gathering" where they molest and rape every UPSB member.... -
Date: Sun, May 31 2009 05:55:35
I go and molest all of them.
Time stops for about an hour. There's a hot chick thank you can spend your time with, or you can hack yourself millions of dollars. What do you do? (you can do other things as well) -
Date: Sun, May 31 2009 21:56:15
I'll do some spinning. and hack myself a million dollars
you walk in to your room to find out that a robber stole your pen mods. turns out your friend was the robber (he/she left his "trademark" ), you know he/she has been your friend since the day you were born. What Do you do? -
Date: Sun, May 31 2009 22:01:40
Go to their house and steal it all back.
You're strapped to a chair, and the house is on fire. BTW, you're naked. -
Date: Sat, Jun 13 2009 04:46:22
Let the fire burn the rope run to my room get a pair of undies and hop out the window.
You and your 3 buds are in a zombie apocalypse, all you have is a flash light, the clothes on your back, and a gun with 7 bullets, FYI zombies 360 around you and the only safe haven in the world is a supermarket 50 yards away. -
Date: Sat, Jun 13 2009 06:40:30
well, since they are zombies, i'm guessing they like dead things
so, i'll try and spot a hot zombie chick and point it out to the zombie crowd
ok, now we have the male zombies out of the way for about say, 3 minutes
i'll tell the other females zombies that there the hot one called them a bitch, so that kills all of the female zombies
now, i have suffiecient time to get to the supermarket
then, i go to the pen isle, mod kt's, fine a crossbow, somehow make the crossbow to fire automatic, and then i have finally have mode an automatic dr. kt-firing crossbow and i can eliminate all the zombies
you are a pig for a day, what do you do -
Date: Sat, Jun 13 2009 11:33:24
I'd cough so the whole world will panic (of meh swine flu )
you're stuck in a room full of hot chicks. what do you do? -
Date: Sat, Jun 13 2009 11:34:32
Gotta fuck em' all, fuckamon!
you're stuck inside a room w/ gogeta 4 and he's preparing the big bang kame hame ha
Date: Sat, Jun 13 2009 11:52:01
think why I was stuck with gogeta in the first place. Then get blown up
What would you do if you broke both arms? -
Date: Thu, Jun 18 2009 15:08:02
i'd learn how to spin pens with ma FEET! (now i CAN spin pens without hands)
you're on top of a tall building (like the empire state), and people are shooting you, whilst flying rabid cats are trying to eat you
Date: Thu, Jun 18 2009 16:31:33
I'd turn into a super sayen and kill them all.
Your stuck in the desert and very thirsty you see a dr. pepper machine and rush to go get some, but you later find out that its all a mirage and the dr. pepper machine is actually an rc cola machine. Wat do you do? (family guy ftw >:]) -
Date: Fri, Jun 19 2009 08:08:19
I'd scream until my voice gets hoarse, then I'd ride the horse and get to civilisation. Leaving the Rc cola machine behind. (bad pun intended)
You are in a room with no windows, no doors and a covered ceiling. Theres a table, with pliers on top. What do you do? (no puns allowed) -
Date: Fri, Jun 19 2009 08:29:38
I will use my satellite phone that i always carry around and call the FBI to help me escape.
(I actually wanted to say that i will use the pliers to disassemble the table, and put it back together to make it whole, I'll the use that hole to escape but no puns right )
Your naked in your bathroom at a big party and you decide to take a crap. When your done you reach for the toilet paper but soon realize that there is no more and anything similar in sight. This includes wrighting paper, rags, carpet, and etc. The closest thing you find is sandpaper. What do you do? -
Date: Fri, Jun 19 2009 14:47:28
Call my "trusted" friends via phone, via any kind of communication possible and let them hand me tissue paper. otherwise, I'd wash using running water in ze faucet.
What if your stuck with a blade in a dark room with no way out?