Serious Discussion / Israel? Palestine?

  1. Webo Splash
    Date: Fri, May 29 2009 19:58:30

    Does anyone believe the conflicts between these two groups would be settled in the later future?

  2. Zombo
    Date: Sat, May 30 2009 04:46:20

    the hatred is passed from generation to generation, even if you force them to peace, what matters is the hate inside their head, you have to remove that hate to completely solve the conflict

  3. Thewave
    Date: Sat, May 30 2009 12:30:08

    I agree with Zombo- each side blindly hates the other without knowing the real reason as it has been fed propaganda by both sides.
    By teaching kids these days only half the truth the hatred grows with recent military acts coming from both sides and just escalates the situation.

  4. Sh4D3
    Date: Sat, May 30 2009 12:49:31

    I don't think so. This conflict has been going on for a very long time. You can't just stop their fighting. Intervention from other countries probably won't help. They will have to settle it themselves.

  5. TheOnion
    Date: Mon, Jun 1 2009 18:41:08

    The day will come when the muslims in the area get so modern and global, where it no longer will be possible to keep up the religous hatred to the other side, and the foundation for the conflict will disappear. It might take some time for Palestine to get there, with oil money coming from Irani and Saudi Arabian church organisations to muslim terrorist organizations operating in the area. Especially with a new spike in oil prices looming.

  6. yahu
    Date: Mon, Jun 1 2009 22:28:40

    The fact is, more individuals in the area are more desperate for peace than they've ever been. They've still got a long way to go, because the leadership has yet to catch up with the people, and until that happens, peace won't be possible. This is especially a problem on the Palestinian side, because in order to get elected, one of the qualifications that culturaly people look for is association with the military, which in the case of Palestians, means association with terrorist organizations. Therefore, only people with strong terrorist connections get elected into office, making peace impossible. Hopefully, soon the Palestinians, who are desperate for peace, will realize that the only way to get peace is to elect someone who isn't a terrorist. It doesn't look like it will happen in the next 10 years, but it could certainly happen within 50 years or so.

  7. hoiboy
    Date: Mon, Jun 1 2009 22:48:00

    Hey, I didn't know you were back.

    Uh, not really. Not until a one world religion is installed.

  8. Zombo
    Date: Tue, Jun 2 2009 14:46:06

    there are a few things ppl can do like,

    like I've seen a NBA project where they teach kids to play basketball and put kids from israel and palestine together. at first they're awkward but in the end they realize they're all the same. but this only works if parents don't reinforce teachings at home after

  9. Tialys
    Date: Tue, Jun 9 2009 21:34:10

    These types of conflicts don't tend to ever get resolved. Wars are fought on an ideological basis, with the perception that the enemy is "evil". There is no such thing as an ethical or beneficial war. This alone should lead people not to engage in combat. During the Israel/Palestine conflict, student clubs from both nations would argue back and forth in my campus newspaper. This bickering shared the same disturbing trend as failed peace talks in that both sides are always focused on the past, intent on blaming each other for wrongs, looking for justification for their participation in the conflict. Since the past cannot be changed, the aim should be on the future: how cultural/religious differences can be reconciled, how Israel and Palestine can peacefully co-exist, how tolerance or acceptance can be taught, etc. "Problems cannot be solved by the same level of thinking that created them."