Tutorials Pending Approval / Joey Mod [Signo NX MMTX]

  1. JC
    Date: Fri, Jun 5 2009 01:22:09

    Joey Mod Tutorial [Signo NX MMTX]
    Length: 19.8-20 cm
    Weight: NX MMT < Joey Mod < Ayatori Mod
    Style: Single Sided
    Estimated-Cost: $6-$8
    1) Parts Needed


    2) Prepare the following according to the measurements shown
    -Sand the clip off of the Pilot Latte cap
    -Sand the signo dx body so that the G2 barrel and front insert can be placed over it
    -Cut off the frontpiece of the other signo dx, and sand 1 cm of it down so that it can fit in the G2 barrel and under an insert


    3) Place the pieces according to the arrows


    Refer to Joey’s assembly video for assistance on this step
    Optional- You might want to empty out a signo dx inktube and remove the metal tip, and then place that inside the mod as well since Joey does that in his tutorial, but I left that part out of this tutorial because I find it unnecessary and I’m too lazy to empty out an inktube.
    4) You are finished


    Have fun modding. =]
    This mod was invented by Joey, and I take no credit for the creation of this mod. Only the tutorial was done by me.

    I realize that this is probably too short compared to most tutorials, but there really isn't too much to it. I grouped all the sanding parts in one step, and all the assembly parts in another step. It shouldn't be too hard to figure out, and I don't think a 10 step tutorial is necessary for something like this. It's not like it's a mod with a bunch of completely different steps like the F1r3fly Mod or the Impact MX. And I guess you could've figured this all out from Joey's explanation and from the video tutorials, but some people like pictures better and I think this is neater, so I hope this comes in some use to some of you guys. sleep(1).gif

  2. RH
    Date: Fri, Jun 5 2009 02:06:23

    nice mod biggrin.gif. totally gona make one soon once i get the stuff. the tut is so simple gj JC emot-woop.gifemot-woop.gif

  3. Kuro
    Date: Fri, Jun 5 2009 02:14:54

    Nice tutorial jc, btw the link for the cap and body assembly doesn't work. But theres no need cause the tutorial was good enough biggrin.gif

  4. Pentacle7
    Date: Fri, Jun 5 2009 02:18:10

    Thats one sexy mod. smile.gif

  5. JC
    Date: Fri, Jun 5 2009 02:18:11

    QUOTE (Kuro @ Jun 4 2009, 10:14 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
    Nice tutorial jc, btw the link for the cap and body assembly doesn't work. But theres no need cause the tutorial was good enough biggrin.gif

    Oh, thanks, I'll fix that. But thank you smile.gif

  6. LordKail
    Date: Fri, Jun 5 2009 07:09:40

    Is there a way to substitute a Latte cap?We have everything except the Latte ._.'

    Thanks In Advance.

  7. Kuro
    Date: Fri, Jun 5 2009 07:14:15

    Oh one of question is the pens cog=cop?

    Date: Fri, Jun 5 2009 07:26:29


    you could try G3 or jimnie.

  9. +Guitrum+
    Date: Fri, Jun 5 2009 07:29:43

    not really one of my favorites ive seen.... just doesnt seem like its quality/worth spinning

  10. dbspinner
    Date: Fri, Jun 5 2009 11:41:47

    This mod is originated from Hong Kong
    A great spinner from Taiwan called Joey invented this mod
    I don't think it should be called as 'Joey mod'
    Signo nx mmtx is better

  11. JC
    Date: Fri, Jun 5 2009 12:07:33

    QUOTE (LordKail @ Jun 5 2009, 03:09 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
    Is there a way to substitute a Latte cap?We have everything except the Latte ._.'

    Thanks In Advance.

    Use a Hyperjell cap with a hyperjell grip. Don't use a tip though, cause no tip in the back with those two parts will keep it balanced.

    QUOTE (Kuro @ Jun 5 2009, 03:14 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
    Oh one of question is the pens cog=cop?


    QUOTE (dbspinner @ Jun 5 2009, 07:41 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
    I don't think it should be called as 'Joey mod'
    Signo nx mmtx is better

    Hmm...yeah, but more people know it as 'Joey mod' so I just titled it as that. But I used the other name too.

  12. chrisPS
    Date: Sun, Jun 7 2009 02:33:30

    WTH can you get a Pilot Latte? If not for that, I could've made it already! Sexy mod wub.gif I want one! the fact that it's 19.8-20cm makes me want to have one! wub.gif

    oh nevermind, JC provided subs... (want Pilot Latte sad.gif )

  13. JC
    Date: Sun, Jun 7 2009 02:37:46

    QUOTE (chrisPS @ Jun 6 2009, 10:33 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
    WTH can you get a Pilot Latte? If not for that, I could've made it already! Sexy mod wub.gif I want one! the fact that it's 19.8-20cm makes me want to have one! wub.gif

    oh nevermind, JC provided subs... (want Pilot Latte sad.gif )

    You can trade with spinners from Hong Kong, and I think taiwan, for Pilot Lattes

  14. exiled117
    Date: Thu, Jun 11 2009 21:19:09

    looks nice ill see if it spins well

  15. dbspinner
    Date: Fri, Jun 12 2009 02:04:23

    Pilot Latte HAS subs
    A G3 cap or hyper jell cap or jimnie cap will do
    But the latte cap is still the BEST

  16. Shrouded Figure
    Date: Fri, Jun 12 2009 06:33:04

    wait, latte can be bought in Hong KONG??? Really??? Where?

    Date: Fri, Jun 12 2009 10:00:38

    do u think it would be better to use a pilot super gel cap instead of the latte

  18. dbspinner
    Date: Fri, Jun 12 2009 11:20:30

    Super Gel caps are TOO small(diameter of cap).
    Latte caps can be bought from Shrouded Figure, my friend
    I think you can ONLY buy them from Japan, Hong Kong, Taiwan or Singapore
    costs $1.5 USD
    If you REALLY want them, I can give some to Shrouded Figure

  19. Shrouded Figure
    Date: Fri, Jun 12 2009 11:25:29

    ok, gimme after exams, ok??? ^^

  20. austiny6
    Date: Thu, Jun 18 2009 14:09:38

    This is a good pen. I got seven of these from him. It's nice to spin. I think it's unbalanceness is it's adventage. Nice mod. and hmm! you can't say it as joey's mod because joey would never release his own modS he has his own secret pens materials which I can't say and I spinned his mod be4
    It's way better than seven, columb, sazien, s777 mx, lenz mod, key3 mod, and ayatoria mod which I have those.
    Anyway, this mod is good

  21. Savian
    Date: Sat, Jun 20 2009 17:02:07

    QUOTE (austiny6 @ Jun 18 2009, 10:09 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
    This is a good pen. I got seven of these from him. It's nice to spin. I think it's unbalanceness is it's adventage. Nice mod. and hmm! you can't say it as joey's mod because joey would never release his own modS he has his own secret pens materials which I can't say and I spinned his mod be4
    It's way better than seven, columb, sazien, s777 mx, lenz mod, key3 mod, and ayatoria mod which I have those.
    Anyway, this mod is good

    He did release the materials used in this pen and made a video tutorial, it's somewhere under the thread name of Signo NX MMTX or something like that...

    So yea, it can be called joey's mod because he himself released it, please get your info right before saying XD

    As for stating it's better than the other mods, it's purely opinion based (I prefer SEVEN mod)

    I can't deny that it spins quite nicely though, but IMO i prefer spinning other mods, it's all preference... I have one or two for collection purposes though ^^

  22. Chobi
    Date: Sat, Jun 20 2009 17:25:58

    Do Latte's only come in packs?