Philosophy / how long will the art of pen spinning last, forever?

  1. comicpen
    Date: Tue, Jun 9 2009 03:02:35

    How long will pen spinning really last? Years? Decades?

    or how far will it go?

  2. Elliz
    Date: Tue, Jun 9 2009 17:00:15

    As long as people use pens to write... In my case it will problably last until i finish school

  3. flumbo
    Date: Tue, Jun 9 2009 18:54:21

    i believe it will evolve just as the common technology does. who knows, maybe in 20 years, we will be spinning lazerbeams or virtual pens? it all depends on the technology used.

  4. k-ryder
    Date: Wed, Jun 10 2009 09:11:15

    deja vu
    dont we have a thread like this somewhere????

    edit: i found it
    more or less the same topic

  5. D4v3
    Date: Wed, Jun 10 2009 13:08:14

    Pen spinning will not end. It will evolve. It's just like hacking, like painting, like football... It will evolve. Also, there will always be a group of students who just like to spin pens while they are on boring classes...

  6. ninjaaa13
    Date: Wed, Jun 10 2009 23:17:59

    think about it. if any of us are still going to be pen spinning say, 15 years from now, we'd have kids and they'd be exposed to this art, they're probably going to start spinning too. (imagine, pen spinning prodigies...) Pen spinning will be around for a long time if the next generation would see their parents keeping the hobby alive.

  7. Pandubear
    Date: Wed, Jun 10 2009 23:41:27

    Probably as long as people use thin, approximately hand-length rods in their day-to-day lives.