Philosophy / Asians and Pen Spinning

  1. DespairFactor17
    Date: Tue, Nov 20 2007 03:16:49

    Okay i'm not being racist (i'm half-asian myself) but is it just me or does it seem like most of the "pro" pen spinners are asian? Even if they live in non-asian countries, they still look pretty asian to me. Kam, Bonkura, Eso... lot's of them.

    Anyone have a clue why?

    My guess is because of the heritage of doing things like twirling fans or chopsticks

  2. Zombo
    Date: Tue, Nov 20 2007 03:20:10

    warning: if this thread ends up like teh other one, it'll be locked in a matter of seconds.

  3. ChauTran
    Date: Tue, Nov 20 2007 03:20:11

    No....I'm not agree with you.....Yes...there's alot of pro spinners are asians......but why didn't you mention to Eriror, Fratleym.......

  4. DespairFactor17
    Date: Tue, Nov 20 2007 03:23:25

    QUOTE (Zombo @ Nov 19 2007, 09:20 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
    warning: if this thread ends up like teh other one, it'll be locked in a matter of seconds.

    what other one?

    QUOTE (ChauTran @ Nov 19 2007, 09:20 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
    No....I'm not agree with you.....Yes...there's alot of pro spinners are asians......but why didn't you mention to Eriror, Fratleym.......

    i really don't know them as people

  5. sketching
    Date: Tue, Nov 20 2007 03:35:10

    QUOTE (DespairFactor17 @ Nov 19 2007, 08:23 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
    what other one?
    I believe there was one on UCPSB.

    QUOTE (DespairFactor17 @ Nov 19 2007, 08:23 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
    i really don't know them as people
    huh.gif Well...Eriror is widely suspected to some kind of sexy penspinnin demon. We were hoping to send Scott over to verify his humanity, but it looks like that fell through. dry.gif

    Anyway, I do happen to be the only non-asian-y person spinning at school. Except for a few white guys who Fingerpass. I just assume those guys are under the Goldeneye influence.

  6. Zombo
    Date: Tue, Nov 20 2007 03:37:25

  7. xshadowfire
    Date: Tue, Nov 20 2007 04:59:59

    that's bs, fpsb has over 30 high level spinners. and probably a couple dozen more that i don't know about.
    granted, the asian boards have more, but....

  8. nDiZ
    Date: Tue, Nov 20 2007 05:55:01

    Ye theres a lot of good caucs in penspinning, but you have to admit that most of the pros are azn... but then again majority of all spinners are azn, so it's only natural that most of the pros are as well.

    I think the real topic here is: Blacks and Pen Spinning... Like is there even 1?!

  9. sketching
    Date: Tue, Nov 20 2007 05:58:14

    SpiN3Mz (I think)

    ...and bojo. wink.gif

  10. Rekkuuzan
    Date: Tue, Nov 20 2007 06:11:37


  11. yxTay
    Date: Tue, Nov 20 2007 06:16:57

    This stereotype may be more applicable to the past than now. That's probably because pen spinning first started out in Asia i.e. Japan (as far as record shows). Asians may be more inclined to learn pen spinning because they can more easily relate to the other people doing it (as most of them were mostly Asian initially). Whereas, non-Asians may not take it up as they don't think that that's what people around them do ('Asian stuff' thoughts maybe?). But as pen spinning spreads in the Internet, more people, Asians or not, are learning pen spinning, so we don't see as much discrimination now. We are now seeing more non-Asians pen spinning, Europeans especially.

  12. XtinE
    Date: Tue, Nov 20 2007 06:54:42

    Yeah, I believe it's more popular with the europeans if you're looking for non-asian penspinners. The US doesn't have many caucasian psers because we're too obsessed with "popularity." And penspinning could be considered one of those stereotypical "nerd" activities. Not that I have much of a problem with that, haha.

  13. Tim
    Date: Tue, Nov 20 2007 07:08:46

    I feel where you're going Sketching, and I empathize with you.

    Which brings me to my point, maybe some Asians look tired because they've been practicing too much.

    For the dumb people, asian+icon_spin.gif=boredom.gif

    Please take no offence.

  14. Scott Shaputis
    Date: Tue, Nov 20 2007 07:40:11

    huh.gif Well...Eriror is widely suspected to some kind of sexy penspinnin demon. We were hoping to send Scott over to verify his humanity, but it looks like that fell through. dry.gif

    It never fell through
    It is definitely still going to happen
    It was just going to take some time...
    I was going to go over there in Summer '08 around June
    I need the time to save up for the trip, seeing as how my mom thinks pen-spinning is "stupid, useless, and a waste of time" and won't help me pay for it at all.

  15. Erirornal K.
    Date: Tue, Nov 20 2007 07:41:16

    Even if I'm a demon, it would mean I'm not an Asian. smile.gif

    Look, I'm whiter than the most of you. tongue.gif And I know several white spinners, and a couple of mixed ones.

  16. DespairFactor17
    Date: Tue, Nov 20 2007 12:48:39

    QUOTE (XtinE @ Nov 20 2007, 12:54 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
    Yeah, I believe it's more popular with the europeans if you're looking for non-asian penspinners. The US doesn't have many caucasian psers because we're too obsessed with "popularity." And penspinning could be considered one of those stereotypical "nerd" activities. Not that I have much of a problem with that, haha.

    haha at my school if you pen spin you're popular

  17. song
    Date: Tue, Nov 20 2007 13:50:44

    lol........i dun think so...
    im a asian,but i still think that european spinners are better than asian spinners

  18. Eso
    Date: Tue, Nov 20 2007 15:02:58

    I just happen to be Asian. That's good cause I wouldn't want it any other way. thumb.gif

    XtinE pretty much hit the nail on the head. It's because most Westerners aren't accepting towards activities that are seemingly useless. Granted, that's not to say that Orientals don't feel the same way, but the youth seem to be more accepting towards "useless" activities more so than their Western counterparts. I cannot give a clear, concise reason why this is so, but it is what I have observed. Of all the people that came up to me when I spin in public, most are curious Asian students. Most Caucasians that confront me about it are apathetic or negative towards it. Again, I don't know why, but that's how it is where I live.

    It's wrong to say that Asians are more adept to pen spinning than Westerners. That's simply not true. I don't believe there is some kind of DNA code that specifically targets finger dexterity in Asians more so than Westerners. Case closed.

  19. DespairFactor17
    Date: Sat, Nov 24 2007 01:24:57

    by "westerners" who do you mean? everyone else that aren't asian?

  20. iMatt
    Date: Sat, Nov 24 2007 23:38:23

    I can understand it being more coming since japan/china, etc. use chopsticks, so they're more prone to spinning. Not to mention the amount of talent shows japan has on continuously(not making presumption, just stating)

  21. cyber penguin
    Date: Sun, Nov 25 2007 17:41:41

    In order to avoid a debate that will ultimately be meaningless, all I have to say is that pen spinning seems to have developed in Mongoloid-dominant countries before Caucasoid or Negroid-dominant countries. This is attributed to nothing more than that somebody there did it before somebody here. This has allowed more time for people in "Asian" countries to take up the hobby and develop their skills. I'm sure you'll notice the number of western country spinners increase rapidly over the next few years because they have more access.

    Note that arguing over and physical or mental differences between the two races is a useless activity as there will never be anything that can be done to change it. Even if a solution to the differences was reached, it would only make the less apt party feel inferior and would globally stunt the growth of pen spinning.

    Finally I would like to say that we all contribute in different ways so even identifying with a particular skin color is useless because you can't rely on that when you go to learn a new trick. Everything involved comes to mental will and perseverance which can be developed by anyone.

  22. smerf
    Date: Tue, Nov 27 2007 03:55:12

    Well im indian, but when I have to fill out forms I have to bubble in as asian since india is in asia. ANd I knew how to do the thumb around like 2 years ago but I had no clue there was a whole bunch of other tricks untill about last week when I found eso's vids on youtube.

  23. 11Thrasher11
    Date: Tue, Nov 27 2007 04:04:00

    Hey I'm plain ol' Caucasian and i'm very very very very goo average. But hey, I havent't been spinning that long. 2 and a half months.

  24. SpinStar
    Date: Tue, Nov 27 2007 10:37:06

    Most Asians just learn thumbspin first. And then caucasions say it's good. Then the Asians learn other tricks and pwn. The caucasions learn after them and that's what happens..I think. That is what I think.

  25. Tim
    Date: Tue, Nov 27 2007 12:44:37

    QUOTE (SpinStar @ Nov 27 2007, 06:37 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
    Most Asians just learn thumbspin first. And then caucasions say it's good. Then the Asians learn other tricks and pwn. The caucasions learn after them and that's what happens..I think. That is what I think.

    Can you please run that by me again? What are you talking about?

  26. Eso
    Date: Wed, Nov 28 2007 22:49:03

    QUOTE (iMatt @ Nov 24 2007, 06:38 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
    use chopsticks, so they're more prone to spinning

    Not true at all. Just because Asians use chopsticks, that does not automatically make them more prone at spinning things. The only difference between races would be the cultures. I'm thinking that something in the young Asian cultures promotes small, manageable hobbies.

  27. nolan
    Date: Wed, Nov 28 2007 22:59:31

    its like diarehha, it runs in their jeans.

  28. NoRice4U
    Date: Thu, Nov 29 2007 00:10:42

    Im dont see me doing these 1337 combos and awsome tricks..

  29. Neo
    Date: Thu, Nov 29 2007 00:37:16

    QUOTE (Rekkuuzan @ Nov 20 2007, 01:11 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>

    Yeah, lol, I am. I just guess most people don't have patience. Asians work hard, so do I. Therefor, I need something to waste time with. Hence, penspinning happy.gif

  30. quebes
    Date: Thu, Nov 29 2007 03:08:31

    is say that asians do not give into peer pressure as easily. also do not seem 2 care as much about appearance as much as other races so they would not mind as much if they r seen spiining a pen. i dont mean 2 b racist but (at least my skool and skools in vancouver) the white people r posers and they would b devastated if they were found to be penspinning. I aso sort of agree that asians do tend 2 b more careful and detail oriented cuz of the way most of us r brought up. Most asian parents dont want there kids 2 have many hobbies cuz they want them 2 focus on work so some might have started pen spinning 2 have a hobby that wasnt obvious or took time away from homework (this is true 4 my parents at least)

  31. Tim
    Date: Fri, Nov 30 2007 08:54:37

    QUOTE (quebes @ Nov 29 2007, 11:08 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
    the white people r posers

    I agree, even though I'm white, I know one Asian, and he's a good bloke, unlike all the other white people in my class. I guess the peer pressure thing is also right, Asians are probably less likely to want to be 'in'.

  32. QuestionMark
    Date: Sat, Dec 1 2007 18:59:36

    I belive it's only a matter of cultures. from what I see (please correct me if I'm wrong, I'm nowhere near being asian) in asian countries hobbys like pen spinning, which seem weird and "un-populer" in most of the western countries, are more welcomed, and by doing pen spinning you won't look like a "weirdo" or "geek" or w/e.

    ps. I'm sorry for any spelling or grammer mistakes, if any.

  33. -JC-
    Date: Sun, Dec 2 2007 06:50:11

    QUOTE (quebes @ Nov 28 2007, 10:08 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
    is say that asians do not give into peer pressure as easily. also do not seem 2 care as much about appearance as much as other races so they would not mind as much if they r seen spiining a pen. i dont mean 2 b racist but (at least my skool and skools in vancouver) the white people r posers and they would b devastated if they were found to be penspinning. I aso sort of agree that asians do tend 2 b more careful and detail oriented cuz of the way most of us r brought up. Most asian parents dont want there kids 2 have many hobbies cuz they want them 2 focus on work so some might have started pen spinning 2 have a hobby that wasnt obvious or took time away from homework (this is true 4 my parents at least)

    i completely agree with the not giving in to peer pressure thing cause i rarely give into peer pressure
    last year, i would tell my friends flat out "no, i'm not gonna give in to peer pressure. I'm staying in today for lunch and am going to work on my hw...and penspinning"

    i agree with the parents thign too, but pen spinning does kinda take time away since i'm online for quite some time reading ps stuff or watchign tutorials
    for me, they sorta just let my pen spin anyway (even though they probably don't like it when i do) so that when i do poorly in school, they can blame it on penspinning
    otherwise, they have nothign else to blame it on cause sometimes i'd be doing hw for 20 hours in a day wacko.gif
    and i don't go over my friend's house too often anymore, even though i used to

  34. kensai
    Date: Sun, Dec 2 2007 12:41:08

    But ye, Westerners have caught up. About time too! wink.gif

  35. Dark Angel-REX
    Date: Sun, Dec 2 2007 13:06:07

    Okay, to the real topic of this thread,

    I personally think no. i disagree. There are many good spinners that are non-asians.

    I think you are thinking that way because In Japan, pen spinning is really popular, almost everyone could do sonic and Tas, and there are many pros. out there, but there are also many pros in places other than that.

  36. WhiteFang
    Date: Sun, Dec 2 2007 13:17:20

    i reckon theres so many asian psers because asians study alot which makes them hold the pen so much..they might try TA or sonic while studying and learn it..

  37. DespairFactor17
    Date: Wed, Dec 5 2007 12:56:39


    maybe thumbaround but i can't see someone doing a sonic without even knowing what it is

  38. poporo
    Date: Thu, Dec 6 2007 20:16:11

    QUOTE (WhiteFang @ Dec 2 2007, 08:17 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
    i reckon theres so many asian psers because asians study alot which makes them hold the pen so much..they might try TA or sonic while studying and learn it..

    This has always been how i've seen it too. If you look at the education system differences in the eastern/oriental (asian) world compared to the western (US+euro mainly), then you will see a reason for asians to pick up such a hobby. In taiwan (from experience), you go to school from 7am and don't really come home until anywhere between 8-10 pm. When you're in school 12+ hours of the day, it's sort of a given you'll be taking notes, doing classwork, etc. holding a pen/pencil. Why not learn how to do something cool with them?

    An easy way to relate is looking at drummers. Why do they learn to twirl their drumsticks? If you're gonna spend the majority of your day with drumsticks (in their case, pencils), why not find something nifty to do with them in the meantime? Back when I visited friends in japan (education system more or less same as taiwan), at least every student could at least do the thumbaround [harmonic] or a sonic/charge. no biggy.

    and for other people that regaurd pen spinning as a 'nerdy' or 'geeky' type of hobby... from what i've seen if you can do the simplest combo, say hello to the females.

  39. sangara
    Date: Tue, Dec 18 2007 06:01:38

    QUOTE (poporo @ Dec 6 2007, 12:16 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
    and for other people that regaurd pen spinning as a 'nerdy' or 'geeky' type of hobby... from what i've seen if you can do the simplest combo, say hello to the females.

    I like this guy, I met my girl friend through pen-spinning. THANK YOU TA HARMONIC laugh.gif !

  40. Novastrike
    Date: Wed, Dec 19 2007 05:59:30

    QUOTE (sangara @ Dec 18 2007, 02:01 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
    I like this guy, I met my girl friend through pen-spinning. THANK YOU TA HARMONIC laugh.gif !

    LOL wish I am able to be like you too...
    But too bad, people around me can't be bothered.

  41. -JC-
    Date: Wed, Dec 19 2007 21:14:37

    QUOTE (DespairFactor17 @ Dec 5 2007, 07:56 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>

    maybe thumbaround but i can't see someone doing a sonic without even knowing what it is

    not true, i know this guy who didn't know that he was doing a thumbaround or a sonic when he was doing it wink.gif , or a korean backaround too..i think..(not sure about that one though)

  42. Fasthands12
    Date: Thu, Dec 20 2007 01:32:29

    lol i always thought like what if one day, the mmorpg i was playing or big thing i was doing at the time becames the new "popular thing like sports, i would be the best and that would be 1337

  43. loonwern93
    Date: Thu, Dec 20 2007 10:11:04

    umm... i dunno. although i live in malaysia (of course its in asia), and pen spinning is really not popular in there, but sonics, ta, ta rev, charge, fingerpass are learnt by people there although they have not see "upsb", esos tutorial...

    dunno, the tricks just "sprout" out in here. laugh.gif

  44. SilentAzn
    Date: Sun, Dec 23 2007 09:56:18

    QUOTE (DespairFactor17 @ Dec 5 2007, 11:56 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
    maybe thumbaround but i can't see someone doing a sonic without even knowing what it is

    errr... i did a sonic without even knowing what it is wink.gif

    most of my asian friends can do a TA and some of them can do a sonic. but none of my ang mor (white) friends can do any.

    but to me, i think that asians study so much with a pen (or pencil) in their hand and they end up managing to do the TA and they think "whoa... what did i just do" or they just keep on going until someone asks how they do that. maybe it comes naturally. i also think that the TA is the most common among asians. my dad can do it, my friends can do it, my brother can, and i don't know how many more other people can. and i don't think they learnt it from something or someone. (except for my brother =P)

  45. CalhounSpinner
    Date: Sun, Dec 23 2007 16:35:40

    I wonder if there will ever be a day when pen spinning becomes an "Asian stereotype".
    Like, how some people say "Oh, Asians are so good at math and science, etc." huh.gif

  46. Vall3y
    Date: Sat, Dec 29 2007 12:51:06

    my theory says asians are more skilled in their hands
    and no im not asian

  47. Fang15832
    Date: Sat, Dec 29 2007 21:38:33

    i think its just taht asian people were born in an environment where they just spun something cause they were bored in class and then it became pen spinning where we all own at spinning pens. while lots of white people created those "clique" things and were like i don't want to be called dork so i think i'll stray away from spinning my utensil for writing.

  48. Teddy
    Date: Sun, Dec 30 2007 06:22:16

    QUOTE (Fang15832 @ Dec 29 2007, 03:38 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
    i think its just taht asian people were born in an environment where they just spun something cause they were bored in class and then it became pen spinning where we all own at spinning pens. while lots of white people created those "clique" things and were like i don't want to be called dork so i think i'll stray away from spinning my utensil for writing.

    HAHAHA! You're member 666

    well the point i'm trying to make is that lots of american penspinners are asian and really good

  49. -JC-
    Date: Sun, Dec 30 2007 22:25:54

    well are american asians better or are asian asians better?

    i find that asian asians are better just cause that's part of their culture i guess
    as opposed to american asians who may just start penspinning cause 1-it's just awesome or 2-cause they wanted a connection to their culture of some sort, and get away from the american culture

  50. Teddy
    Date: Tue, Jan 1 2008 18:11:34

    QUOTE (-JC- @ Dec 30 2007, 04:25 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
    well are american asians better or are asian asians better?

    i find that asian asians are better just cause that's part of their culture i guess
    as opposed to american asians who may just start penspinning cause 1-it's just awesome or 2-cause they wanted a connection to their culture of some sort, and get away from the american culture

    i see what you mean

  51. Tofu
    Date: Wed, Jan 2 2008 18:59:05

    I would say asians are good in pen spinning because the majority of them play an instrument which builds up finger muscles/dexterity.

  52. -JC-
    Date: Wed, Jan 2 2008 20:13:12

    gahh...i dont' play an instrument, i'm never gonna be good in penspinning >.<

    well, anyway...i guess instruments may play a part in an asian's penspinning ability, but i'm not completely sure about that
    'cause not every asian plays an instrument, and is still good in penspinning (i wish i was one of them), so that i don't think is the reason for a higher skill level in penspinning in asians...

    maybe it's cause asians understand concepts faster so they can learn tricks faster
    i find that if i understnad teh trick and how the momentum needs to be used in order to make it flow into another trick, then i find it easier to learn that trick/combo
    i can't just try to follow the hand motions and copy the movements
    i need to actually "understand' the trick

    so if asians can pick up on the concepts (mentally) of each trick faster, then they'll learn it faster
    so i dunno though, just a theory tongue.gif

  53. Teddy
    Date: Fri, Jan 18 2008 21:48:31

    QUOTE (-JC- @ Jan 2 2008, 02:13 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
    gahh...i dont' play an instrument, i'm never gonna be good in penspinning >.<

    well, anyway...i guess instruments may play a part in an asian's penspinning ability, but i'm not completely sure about that
    'cause not every asian plays an instrument, and is still good in penspinning (i wish i was one of them), so that i don't think is the reason for a higher skill level in penspinning in asians...

    maybe it's cause asians understand concepts faster so they can learn tricks faster
    i find that if i understnad teh trick and how the momentum needs to be used in order to make it flow into another trick, then i find it easier to learn that trick/combo
    i can't just try to follow the hand motions and copy the movements
    i need to actually "understand' the trick

    so if asians can pick up on the concepts (mentally) of each trick faster, then they'll learn it faster
    so i dunno though, just a theory tongue.gif

    ohmy.gif best answer so far

  54. Drift
    Date: Sat, Jan 19 2008 16:33:08

    @cyber penguin

    You can calm down on all those fancy phrasings, I lost my attention at the first sentence; not necessary tongue.gif

  55. Tanimax
    Date: Sat, Jan 19 2008 17:35:12

    At my schoool, the Asians are idiots, and they call em the nerd. xD

    Well, most of them. But these are Indian people, and there's only a few Chinese poeple in are school... and I'm nto sure what other races. ? Don't know any more about pen spinners in my area.

  56. -JC-
    Date: Sun, Jan 20 2008 03:30:41

    QUOTE (Tanimax @ Jan 19 2008, 12:35 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
    At my schoool, the Asians are idiots, and they call em the nerd. xD

    Well, most of them. But these are Indian people, and there's only a few Chinese poeple in are school... and I'm nto sure what other races. ? Don't know any more about pen spinners in my area.

    well, not all indians are idiots
    many indians are actually really smart

    but for the most part, i think that we're all referencing oriental asians...i think

  57. NoRice4U
    Date: Sun, Jan 20 2008 05:22:48

    QUOTE (-JC- @ Jan 19 2008, 07:30 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
    well, not all indians are idiots
    many indians are actually really smart

    but for the most part, i think that we're all referencing oriental asians...i think

    yes, we are probably referencing asians such as Zombo and I, the oriental kind

  58. -JC-
    Date: Sun, Jan 20 2008 05:28:42

    speaking of which...are there even any indian/middle eastern/brown spinners around huh.gif

  59. NoRice4U
    Date: Sun, Jan 20 2008 05:36:05

    my friend thats around the same skill level as me is persian(iran) but he looks white cuz he never goes outside lawl, if that counts

  60. -JC-
    Date: Sun, Jan 20 2008 05:39:51

    0.0...well, how white? is it so white that you couldn't tell the difference between him and a white person? cause if that's the case...i doubt i'd consider him brown...
    it's just like how i stopped considering michael jackson black, and so i just consider him a freak

  61. Tanimax
    Date: Sun, Jan 20 2008 11:03:35

    Micheal Jackson um.... "unique". I never said indians are diiots.... just the idnians I knwo are idiots. Cept 2 of them, 1 whos intelligence rivals my own lol.

    Edit: Woot! TOTPD!

  62. NoRice4U
    Date: Sun, Jan 20 2008 16:05:47

    QUOTE (-JC- @ Jan 19 2008, 09:39 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
    0.0...well, how white? is it so white that you couldn't tell the difference between him and a white person? cause if that's the case...i doubt i'd consider him brown...
    it's just like how i stopped considering michael jackson black, and so i just consider him a freak

    a farmer's tan

  63. -JC-
    Date: Sun, Jan 20 2008 16:35:09

    well yeah, i guess that's brown enough
    yay, 1 brown person spins tongue.gif

  64. Erirornal K.
    Date: Sun, Jan 20 2008 21:16:32

    CPC, Huroni... Tialys.

  65. SLiguykyle
    Date: Mon, Jan 21 2008 09:43:02

    okay, up front... i=whiter than anyone here... can 99.8% guarantee it. okay, in defense of my race: i don't brag about being the best, i don't want to brag about being the best... i know what i can do, and i know what i can't... and that's what matters, i think... but we're certainly not slow learners, considering I've been able to grasp every trick I've tried with relative ease, and at most some need for practice, which you can never have too much of if you're PSing for the right reason, ENTERTAINMENT

    from the ?azns?=?better? perspective: i don't think being Asian, or any race for that matter really, well, matters when it comes to PS... it's just hand-eye coordination/dexterity really... anyone can have that if they practice, and anyone can also NOT have that if they don't... now see, i know a few people who are Asian, yet they cannot do TA or sonic, or ANYTHING for that matter... because they've never tried, i have actually had one of them say "dude, you're more Asian than me" (and he's 100% Japanese), so what does that say about stereotyping these days? help.gif

    i think this is how it should work: we all accept and allow every race, and everyone of every skill level, simply because there ARE people better than others... and despite what race the majority of the "pro" PSers may be, that shouldn't matter... we should all just keep the U in UPSB because we're not here to tell anyone off in a language they don't understand (like they do at my school), we're here for PSing... and the PSing community is very small in comparison to others, so let's not get into a debate of who's better for any longer than we have to happy.gif , we need friends not enemies

    i say we should do some more promoting for EVERYONE in ALL parts of the world... grin.gif

    lol, but i suppose that as long as this thread exists, it's gonna be like this box.gif .... see? it never ends? laugh.gif

    p.s. as for there not being that many different types of people into PSing, well, give it time, i think with it's growing popularity, we'll get 'em in soon enough (hopefully)

    ~ Don't use fonts for the whole post. - Zombo

  66. DasIstJaStuhl
    Date: Mon, Jan 21 2008 12:05:31

    there are more...

    there are just more of them

    they have have a bigger population, so they have more chances to get pros

  67. Sfsr
    Date: Mon, Jan 21 2008 13:47:04

    I can't be entirely blamed on them being more though. Look at Japan. JEB has ~4000+ members, and Japan about ~130mil people. USA has ~300mil people, and in total on UPSB there are only 463 US members. Also, with our 1500 members we probably have about as many as JEB had when it was as new as UPSB v3 is. Will we have as good spinners as JEB has now in a year? Do we already have that good spinners?

    I think Asian countries go further. They get more people that start penspinning and stick to it. Learn everything there is to learn and go all crazy. UPSB countries on the other hand are more busy with other things; thinking out new concepts, making new mods, having podcasts and making magazines (lol), stopping penspinning and getting back to studying...

    What if we would've had all the oldies here and active now? nhk, david, kaisen, etc. Would them staying have resulted in a the ps community growing? Asian penspinners aren't quitters, maybe that's the simple reason they've grown big and awesome much faster (I wouldn't really know though, I don't keep track of asian oldies...).

  68. DasIstJaStuhl
    Date: Wed, Jan 23 2008 11:15:31

    hm, but i think that skill isnt everything. look at all the JEB videos for example. you just the the hands. u never see their head or anything (by most, not ALL!!!!).

    they just do it for skill or tournaments. i think that's wrong

    do it for fun...

  69. NoRice4U
    Date: Thu, Jan 24 2008 01:17:31

    i think when he meant brown, he meant as in like middle eastern

  70. JinFX
    Date: Fri, Feb 8 2008 13:35:05

    I do see in the United States a preconception of pen spinning associated with "Asians" but not actually knowing anything about pen spinning they are really referring to Asian Americans and stereotypes of them bringing this huge pencil box and maybe doing a TA about ten times an hour. What you can tell them is that pen spinning is in fact well developed, albeit small and hidden, by communities that go beyond the TA that they saw "those Asians" doing, and that in all of the many pen spinning communities, it is easier to consider the underrepresented group (they might be consolidated as those who do not join the internet's less public communities) than the overrepresented groups (which as said might be studious or detail-oriented, but if you are looking at the our community compared to say a public college, race is not incredible).

  71. Viper-X
    Date: Sun, Mar 2 2008 14:11:04

    People, it isn't the instruments that build up the muscle, speed, control and reflexes of your fingers. Its the extreme gaming!! I'm viet, and well i play lots of xbox 360 and pc games and i think that helps with with pen spinning. My little bro plays that DDR for fingers on comp, that definitely builds a lot of coordination and speed of your fingers.

  72. ArchAngel2
    Date: Mon, Mar 3 2008 01:13:17

    I think the reason why asians are associated with psing is because it started in asia..... cool.gif
    that doesn't mean that asians spin better however wink.gif

  73. cluu1
    Date: Mon, Mar 3 2008 01:40:48

    see i guess it's because asains are smart
    proof is in google
    and another thign supporting is the smart people and penspinnign thread

  74. Se7en
    Date: Mon, Mar 3 2008 02:20:53

    QUOTE (cluu1 @ Mar 2 2008, 08:40 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
    see i guess it's because asains are smart
    proof is in google
    and another thign supporting is the smart people and penspinnign thread

    i second that

  75. TeddyTemptation
    Date: Mon, Mar 3 2008 13:26:00

    QUOTE (ArchAngel2 @ Mar 2 2008, 07:13 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
    I think the reason why asians are associated with psing is because it started in asia..... cool.gif
    that doesn't mean that asians spin better however wink.gif

    yes, but what about the asian spinners in non asian countries?

  76. Samson
    Date: Wed, Mar 5 2008 00:49:16

    As I was reading this something was bothering.
    Does anyone else think this topic segregates asians? sad.gif

  77. TeddyTemptation
    Date: Wed, Mar 5 2008 02:51:55

    QUOTE (Samson @ Mar 4 2008, 06:49 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
    As I was reading this something was bothering.
    Does anyone else think this topic segregates asians? sad.gif

    well it's been around this forum for almost four months and the mods never did anything about it and they're against racism...

    so no

  78. Typo
    Date: Wed, Mar 5 2008 04:41:11

    I can understand how Asians would be more interested in this kind of thing, but there are non asian pro spinners out there.

    One example would be Errior, whom I must say is so godly ! D;

    Asians like to pick up these kind of hobbies. For example, juggling, rubiks cubing, ddr, pen spinning, etc, etc.

  79. Se7en
    Date: Wed, Mar 5 2008 05:21:35

    asians have too much time on their hands like me wink.gif

  80. ArchAngel2
    Date: Wed, Mar 5 2008 06:31:35

    QUOTE (TeddyTemptation @ Mar 3 2008, 08:26 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
    yes, but what about the asian spinners in non asian countries?

    i don't think it long as they're asian......i think laugh.gif

  81. cluu1
    Date: Wed, Mar 5 2008 06:36:52

    QUOTE (Se7en @ Mar 4 2008, 09:21 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
    asians have too much time on their hands like me wink.gif

    nah i'm always feeling like i'm running out of time
    always no pen sad.gif

  82. Typo
    Date: Thu, Mar 6 2008 03:56:58

    QUOTE (Se7en @ Mar 4 2008, 09:21 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
    asians have too much time on their hands like me wink.gif

    Nah, not to be racist, but I feel Asians have less time, since they tend to pick up so many hobbies and in school, they also tend to take a pletora of AP classes.

    Asians really just find time/procrastinate and stay up late to finish up all the necessary stuff while they do the hobbies stuff like when they're supposed to be doing homework and such.

  83. hiryuukatana
    Date: Thu, Mar 6 2008 07:55:15

    QUOTE (Typo @ Mar 5 2008, 10:56 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
    Nah, not to be racist, but I feel Asians have less time, since they tend to pick up so many hobbies and in school, they also tend to take a pletora of AP classes.

    Asians really just find time/procrastinate and stay up late to finish up all the necessary stuff while they do the hobbies stuff like when they're supposed to be doing homework and such.

    you're on to us now biggrin.gif

  84. loonwern93
    Date: Thu, Mar 6 2008 12:34:56

    QUOTE (-JC- @ Jan 20 2008, 01:28 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
    speaking of which...are there even any indian/middle eastern/brown spinners around huh.gif

    does malays from malaysia count as brown?? if yes, then ellusion is brown spinner...ellusion is not indian, not middle east...
    still dont know whats the definition of so call "brown" if anyone knows or have a link of wikipedia about it, tell me........
    but i think ellusion is only malay who spin in malaysia, yet he is the best in my opinion...i salute him...

    by the way, fyi, malaysian has many races of people like chinese, india, malay, and many more, but i am proud of being a chinese and part of malaysia...
    link for demographics of malaysia.
    do i sound like promoting malaysia??haha laugh.gif

  85. Typo
    Date: Thu, Mar 6 2008 15:24:37

    QUOTE (hiryuukatana @ Mar 5 2008, 11:55 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
    you're on to us now biggrin.gif

    biggrin.gif Hayhay! I'm asian myself so I would know tongue.gif haha

  86. NapkinVII
    Date: Sun, Mar 9 2008 02:12:07

    ahh you guys need to stop thinking in theory.
    Sterotypes are here for a reason, most of them are true,
    sterotypes are made from majority observation. Yes asian are
    smart its in their genes, so i would say there is a good
    majority of asians that are good at psing, I how ever
    am not apart of the sterotype i am only decent.
    The way asians had to adapt and evolved had to be hard, for
    the genes of being whitty/smart to be past down.
    Why do you think japan is so far ahead in technology.
    yes US was winning in the war race but we Asian are
    lovers not fighters [:

    like eso and everyone said before, Its not that we dont have a "life"
    its because are life is too packed with studying that we are stuck in our rooms left
    with nothing but our pens [: so we take the little breaks from studying to spin.
    we cant have alot of hobbies we have to keep our brain smart and study
    all the time thus we ps more and develop a better understanding of the
    ways of the pen wink.gif

  87. TeddyTemptation
    Date: Thu, Mar 13 2008 04:38:45

    yeah napkin that seems to be what most people think

  88. B3ndythumbs
    Date: Sun, Mar 30 2008 19:51:00

    QUOTE (NapkinVII @ Mar 8 2008, 09:12 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
    ahh you guys need to stop thinking in theory.
    Sterotypes are here for a reason, most of them are true,
    sterotypes are made from majority observation. Yes asian are
    smart its in their genes, so i would say there is a good
    majority of asians that are good at psing, I how ever
    am not apart of the sterotype i am only decent.
    The way asians had to adapt and evolved had to be hard, for
    the genes of being whitty/smart to be past down.
    Why do you think japan is so far ahead in technology.
    yes US was winning in the war race but we Asian are
    lovers not fighters [:

    like eso and everyone said before, Its not that we dont have a "life"
    its because are life is too packed with studying that we are stuck in our rooms left
    with nothing but our pens [: so we take the little breaks from studying to spin.
    we cant have alot of hobbies we have to keep our brain smart and study
    all the time thus we ps more and develop a better understanding of the
    ways of the pen wink.gif

    Hear, hear! Napkin, r u sure you are not a philosiphoser? (cant spell XD)

  89. asian pen
    Date: Tue, Apr 1 2008 04:35:14

    just saying this, but as an asian man i cant get called a geek/nerd/etc for being able to spin pen's well. they'll just look at me for a sec and say: "pfft, asian's and their cs fingers"

  90. Kirbynator
    Date: Tue, Apr 1 2008 17:21:18

    Asian guys are born with skill biggrin.gif
    Thats all i#ve to say. They arnet only good at penspinning. Look at the Virtuoso Team in Flourishing or some yoyo guys.. i dont know but asian guys can do all biggrin.gif Thats my therie xD biggrin.gif

  91. Crusader
    Date: Wed, Apr 2 2008 10:58:40

    Anyone can become a pro pen spinner no matter what race. It's more dedication than race, as if your dedicated to become number you train heaps thus becoming better. My friend is white and he is a better spinner than me (viet) but we both suck tongue.gif Still people reckon its an asian thing to spin pens why?!!!

  92. loonwern93
    Date: Sun, Apr 6 2008 11:22:46

    because asian invented pen spinning...if not wrong is hideaki kondoh from japan 1st who make website for ps...

  93. asian pen
    Date: Mon, Apr 7 2008 03:28:29

    actually honestly i think every race has this natural born talent in them....(im not trying to be racist or steryopypical
    Black people: natural athletic ability

    Asian people: Hand manupilation and education

    White people: computers, sports

    umm i think im missing out on some people...can't remember atm but get the general idea

  94. shiness
    Date: Mon, Apr 7 2008 04:30:05

    QUOTE (asian pen @ Apr 6 2008, 08:28 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
    actually honestly i think every race has this natural born talent in them....(im not trying to be racist or steryopypical
    Black people: natural athletic ability

    Asian people: Hand manupilation and education

    White people: computers, sports

    umm i think im missing out on some people...can't remember atm but get the general idea

    your white people and computeres thing is imo incorrect
    all the white people i know don't know any thing with comps.. well i don't know many white peopel cause
    yeah vancouver... you know..
    but yeah bunch of asian people i know are pretty good at computers.

  95. Invincibleman
    Date: Tue, Apr 8 2008 03:11:13

    QUOTE (Typo @ Mar 5 2008, 11:56 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
    Asians really just find time/procrastinate and stay up late to finish up all the necessary stuff while they do the hobbies stuff like when they're supposed to be doing homework and such.

    I do that and I am not Asian I am friends with alot of them though so I guess I picked it up. Any ways its 12:00 and I have to finish my math homework.

  96. sangara
    Date: Tue, Apr 8 2008 04:37:56

    QUOTE (shiness @ Apr 6 2008, 09:30 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
    your white people and computeres thing is imo incorrect
    all the white people i know don't know any thing with comps.. well i don't know many white peopel cause
    yeah vancouver... you know..
    but yeah bunch of asian people i know are pretty good at computers.

    Then you are obviously forgetting who was inventing the first "computers". The Greeks, "white" not really but more "white" than "asian" tongue.gif . Not only was it us who invented the first computers but who came up with the first applications of lets say video games? Well it was two "white" MIT students (well not really students but researcher esk ).

    But, if we want to take this to a "smarts" level, lets look at one of the most complex and respected games of all time, Chess. Now lets look at the top twenty rankings... where do most come from? Russia, yes 6/20 of the top rated chess players are in fact Russian. Explain that.

    Going back to spinning, I have an argument that I have observed over time that I think could be proven (well.... close to proven laugh.gif ) As Eso said the reason why "asians" have these more adapt skills is because they are studying all the time and just taking short breaks and learning the way of their pen. Well, I'm not thinking that studying is in their genes, but ingrained at an early age that " This is what 'asians' do so its what I must do". Its the fact that people are letting stereotypes get to them. But, there maybe another and I think that the main culprit of this would be said persons parents. Yes, the parents. Why? Because who influences with this work ethic? Honestly I could go on forever, so I won't.

    In all truth I'm freaking tired of this stupid argument "Asians, blah blah smart blah best with technology, etc. etc."
    Theres only one race, thats the human race. So can we please finally put this to bed?

  97. BlackPack
    Date: Tue, Apr 8 2008 07:56:32

    I'm indonesian so i'm a malay.
    But i spin better than my chinese friend here in indonesia.
    This is not about DNA or something.

    For pen spinning this is about practice and how well you use your fingers.
    For athletic, i'm agree that black people (i mean african) possest natural talent for sport
    and stuff like athletic things.

    But for PS-ing, it's totally your creativity and a bunch of hardwork.

  98. CudOfCow
    Date: Tue, Apr 8 2008 18:27:43

    My good friend teaches middle school in S. Korea. She was really amazed that i even knew what pen spinning was. She said that just about every kid in her class spins and it drives her crazy but that she could get me pens for cheap from her students. smile.gif !!!!!

    I notice a lot of asians that are incredible perfectionists when it comes to certain things. In asian culture there is a lot of unsaid emphisis on becoming a "master" at whatever you find interesting no matter how small it is. There is a certain pride to be taken when you decide to master something. If you can perfect a technique, you are awesome, otherwise, you are just a noob.

  99. asian pen
    Date: Tue, Apr 8 2008 23:47:52

    im just sayin

  100. BlackPack
    Date: Wed, Apr 9 2008 06:17:29

    QUOTE (CudOfCow @ Apr 9 2008, 01:27 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
    My good friend teaches middle school in S. Korea. She was really amazed that i even knew what pen spinning was. She said that just about every kid in her class spins and it drives her crazy but that she could get me pens for cheap from her students. smile.gif !!!!!

    I notice a lot of asians that are incredible perfectionists when it comes to certain things. In asian culture there is a lot of unsaid emphisis on becoming a "master" at whatever you find interesting no matter how small it is. There is a certain pride to be taken when you decide to master something. If you can perfect a technique, you are awesome, otherwise, you are just a noob.

    I agree, just like Bushido, the way of the samurai, the way of most japanese.
    There is no number 2 or top 5 or top 10.
    There is only number 1.

  101. CudOfCow
    Date: Thu, Apr 10 2008 16:59:29

    QUOTE (shiness @ Apr 6 2008, 11:30 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
    your white people and computeres thing is imo incorrect
    all the white people i know don't know any thing with comps.. well i don't know many white peopel cause
    yeah vancouver... you know..
    but yeah bunch of asian people i know are pretty good at computers.

    I'm a white people and i'm pretty damn good with computers, always have been. This racial stereotype comparison that is being made is bogus. I'm wondering if the conversation is nature vs. nurture. If anything your ability to pen spin is cultural not racial, more than anything its personal..

    I cant think of a better sport to show off your unique personal identity.

  102. NinjaMist
    Date: Sun, May 4 2008 16:39:00

    I have only seen asian spinners in my area....rarely any other spinner of different race ph34r.gif

  103. pholord
    Date: Sun, May 4 2008 16:44:10

    QUOTE (NinjaMist @ May 4 2008, 08:39 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
    I have only seen asian spinners people in my area....rarely any other spinner people of different race ph34r.gif


  104. Icepray
    Date: Sun, May 4 2008 20:50:02

    I just like object manipulation, not all asians are into this <.< my brother isn't for one. I took it cause I liked it, now my parents being asian doesn't change or influance anything for me. I don't think it's right to give a stereotype like this but yes I would say that asians like object manipulation. I always have for one so there...

  105. Tama
    Date: Mon, May 5 2008 02:06:30

    Maybe if you view this in another way: Most Asians like pen spinning.
    That might help.

  106. Gunblakes
    Date: Mon, May 5 2008 09:44:48

    Maybe it has more of something to do with the different cultures? Esp in the U.S, where everyone is perenially in a race to the top of the social ladder. mellow.gif

  107. 4GO57O
    Date: Mon, May 5 2008 09:49:57

    i dunno...I'm Asian myself..

    but some stereotypes might make some people say..."I'm going against him!its unfair hes Asian or something" or "that Asian didn't need to work hard the *censored*. lol rolleyes.gif g

    what's the purpose of this thread anyway... mellow.gif

    yea some might be in the genes...cause my mom is an accountant and my dad is an engineering consultant..
    I'm smart at math[lazy to answer though]and I'm good in art..
    i worked for it though!! I'm not sure bout others but I don't get spoiled...I work for the expensive things i get from my parents.I get scolded when i get a mark below line of 9..if i get 98 i get some sort of praise but my errors are still parents are strict..I doubt I'd be what I am if they spoiled me..

    ^the above is mentioned cause I think it relates to other Asians like me..

    now one tell me how this compares to the general environments Americans live in....but some Americans are great too biggrin.gif

    If I'm wrong I stand my self corrected...[unless what he says is false of course D]

    now bout PSing.. I think Asians just like to manipulate stuff..

  108. iNoob
    Date: Mon, May 5 2008 11:39:27

    yea. i like to manipulate people =D

  109. Gunblakes
    Date: Mon, May 5 2008 11:46:05

    Your GF? ph34r.gif

  110. iNoob
    Date: Mon, May 5 2008 13:03:18

    u watch out. tmr i'mma stab u with my fake kt

  111. wizwarezx
    Date: Tue, May 6 2008 04:52:20

    I dunno man.....for its like i have nothing better to do in class, so i penspin and surprisingly, i can concerntrate beeter when i am penspining.

  112. Gwobbles
    Date: Mon, Jun 2 2008 00:06:13

    i totally agree that it might be a cultural difference in this issue, as people from the west (in the past) are more reluctant to try new things, but nowadays, people are starting to get curious, but i do think it is true that most pro spinners you see on the internet is Asian *im also Asian* but to what ive experienced myself, in the west having a "Life" is more important than education or ones future, in the East, education and ones future life > having a "life" at teenage, but im not sure if thats true in America, this is only waht i experience in England where drinking alcohol at 5, smoking at 7, and killing at 13 is normal and called a "Life"

  113. FireStorm
    Date: Mon, Jun 2 2008 04:16:34

    I just know that a Japanese person revolutionized it. So "Asians" probably had a head start like that. And not to be racist but I believe Asians are more flexible than others, so making their fingers a little more flexible, giving them a little more advantage. Now people might disagree with me, or have their own opinion, but this is my opnion. Not because I'm Asian myself...

  114. Missle_Z
    Date: Tue, Jun 3 2008 05:03:05

    I have a black friend, he spins. He's knows a few moves, he's not uber into it though.
    lol Huroni's not the only one tongue.gif

  115. COOL_DUDE
    Date: Tue, Jun 3 2008 06:52:43

    QUOTE (XtinE @ Nov 20 2007, 09:54 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
    Yeah, I believe it's more popular with the europeans if you're looking for non-asian penspinners. The US doesn't have many caucasian psers because we're too obsessed with "popularity." And penspinning could be considered one of those stereotypical "nerd" activities. Not that I have much of a problem with that, haha.

    Pen spinning not only for nerds but for everyone
    its kinda fun wen u don no wat to say but u say somethin anyway

  116. shimshim91
    Date: Sat, Jul 5 2008 04:17:04

    lol i find this topic funny, im korean and i consider myself "asian" and "korean" even though i never been to school at korea. all koreans know that koreans pen spin. why? i think its because the school. on an average day a korean student spends more then half of their day at school. and knowing this they have to sit through class after class for hours on end and what do they have to amuse them with? well they got a pen or pencil and paper, can't really fold paper without being noisy and pen spining is the perfect thing to past time. its just not korean ppl but chinese, japanese, its mainly the asian countries because the courses are more rigorous and they spend more time at school where as america, lets face the school system is a little lax

  117. henry5252515
    Date: Sun, Jul 6 2008 17:29:41

    ehm actually again not being racist but I think it's the boiling blood inside us Asian's vein.
    if anyone knows the competition you probably know what I mean
    Taiwan and Japan were like, Pure Ownage

    Think about manga and anime.
    I think Asian like pen spinning more, cause when we see something that we can fight for, or chase after, our blood boils, like when we watch One Piece.
    Specially when it's a easy thing like pen spinning or those arcade, in comparison to go out pick a fight.

    Of course it depends on the individual too.
    in the clickclickclick thing there were also Hungary : )

  118. Doxtu
    Date: Mon, Jul 7 2008 00:50:51

    It's a stereotype that asians are good and dedicated at everything they do

    Also pen spinning originates from Japan I believe...

  119. 000zero0000
    Date: Mon, Jul 21 2008 19:15:12


    could be korea.

    started with halftap etc.

  120. Kris
    Date: Mon, Jul 21 2008 20:50:37

    Im asian and my cousin sees alot of asians spinning at his school, but also some ppl of other races >.>

  121. wizwarezx
    Date: Sat, Jul 26 2008 00:31:04

    Wait, when u said alot of asian spinnng, do u mean that they actually did some combos or just the normal TA and TA rev?? Because, in my class, everyone can spin pens but they only know how to do charge and TA....

  122. 000zero0000
    Date: Sat, Jul 26 2008 01:40:22

    QUOTE (wizwarezx @ Jul 25 2008, 04:31 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
    Wait, when u said alot of asian spinnng, do u mean that they actually did some combos or just the normal TA and TA rev?? Because, in my class, everyone can spin pens but they only know how to do charge and TA....

    probably just TA and charges, (and in our parents generation: halftap was more common). highly unlikely that a whole class will bust out a combo

  123. Randomhero
    Date: Sun, Aug 3 2008 10:45:38

    id say like the original post sed its probably just because of some of the traditional asian dances and hobbies back in the old days, just a guess tho lol

  124. BeckWreck
    Date: Sun, Sep 28 2008 23:47:17

    I dunno. I'm Asian and I spin. I think it's being different that Asians need. Also, fitting the stereotype is fun.

  125. kazeikan
    Date: Mon, Sep 29 2008 02:23:20

    LOL!!! i just read all of it. my opinion is that its only been recent (20 years? dunno but yea) that asians started to connect through other countries such as europeans countries and america. i agree to the part of 'asians study a lot and that they have pens so they do stuff with it' and im asian as well but i dont study coz my parents aint stricked and i recently got a distinction in math problem solving. im in the top 15% in western australia for problem solving. i didnt study for this and yea and i pen spin. i think its that in asia its like alrite to pen spin coz no one is gona be rasict about but in other countries such as america where "popularity" plays in. there, pen spinning is nerdish and because of movies created an appearence where nerds are social outcasts and that you need to be "popular". this causes less pen spinners so yea, its just the social part thats affecting the pen spinning community. in australia it happens and yea i realy dont care about what they say but its like what TELEVION has created an appearance for people like

      asians = smart nerds
      black people(africans) = sport, athletic ability
      white people = sport

    just sayin guys, its my opinion which makes sense for me

  126. yani
    Date: Tue, Sep 30 2008 17:44:22

    ^ haha, I feel like I've read that before, you go on soompi?

  127. kazeikan
    Date: Wed, Oct 1 2008 12:59:35

    LMAO yani
    i dont go on soompi. but my sis does and when shes on soompi and goes somewhere i go and read stuuf on her comp
    soompi is definitely weird rofl and the fake stories

  128. quigonjinntte
    Date: Thu, Oct 23 2008 20:28:31

    I didn't read through these pages, I'm just in the mood to spam my opinion:

    I think there are not that much Asian spinners. Since there are (over) 8 times more Asians than Europeans its not much of a miracle that there are many Asian spinners -.-. And t.b.h. the the french dudes ain't bad!

  129. octan3
    Date: Thu, Oct 23 2008 23:42:45

    i didnt really read thru the whole thing, but i think that just because your asian, doesn't mean you automatically win at pen spinning, im asian, i suck. and also, there is a wholeeee lot of hella good non asian pen spinners, like eriror

  130. Sidewinder
    Date: Mon, Nov 10 2008 06:05:57

    Asians need to open their eyes.

  131. ryzaku
    Date: Mon, Nov 10 2008 07:06:37

    QUOTE (Sidewinder @ Nov 10 2008, 02:05 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
    Asians need to open their eyes.

    that was uncalled for. like this is. you're gay. now that thats over, asians+penspinning= whatever the hell happens you know? if you're good at it you're good. if not, you're not. so just leave it at that.

  132. SJ.
    Date: Mon, Nov 10 2008 18:09:50

    the way i see it is that penspinning originate in asia
    so asians are more exposed to it?
    but now its all over the world so
    its pretty irrelevant now

  133. BeckWreck
    Date: Mon, Nov 10 2008 20:12:18

    QUOTE (Sidewinder @ Nov 10 2008, 01:05 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
    Asians need to open their eyes.

    just remember Sidewinder: there's more of us then there are of you.

  134. Crazy Demon
    Date: Fri, Nov 21 2008 20:38:55

    I don't know. In my school (USA), only a couple people pen spin and all of them are Asian (including me). Perhaps its because Asians use computers more and know more about this stuff? dry.gif

  135. Fluke
    Date: Fri, Nov 21 2008 21:07:30

    QUOTE (Sidewinder @ Nov 10 2008, 01:05 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
    Asians need to open their eyes.

    WTF man.... Nice way to make enemies...... dry.gif
    PS. I'm not asian groucho.gif really, but what you said was just like a youtube spammer facepalm.gif

  136. BL4CKCR4Y0NS
    Date: Sat, Nov 22 2008 00:47:49

    QUOTE (Sidewinder @ Nov 10 2008, 05:05 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
    Asians need to open their eyes.

    What's that got to do with anything? o_O

    O_O <--- opened eyes ... opened ASIANeyes

    I'm Asian and I'm not amazingly good at spinning ...

    You know the stereotype how .. Asians are nerds 'cos they spend time studying and they get high marks?
    I think it's 'cos many of them concentrate and do their best ... same goes with penspinning..

    Maybe when an Asian wants to do something, they take it to the next level?

  137. V2D
    Date: Sat, Nov 22 2008 12:10:53

    QUOTE (BL4CKCR4Y0NS @ Nov 21 2008, 08:47 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
    What's that got to do with anything? o_O

    O_O <--- opened eyes ... opened ASIANeyes

    I'm Asian and I'm not amazingly good at spinning ...

    You know the stereotype how .. Asians are nerds 'cos they spend time studying and they get high marks?
    I think it's 'cos many of them concentrate and do their best ... same goes with penspinning..

    Maybe when an Asian wants to do something, they take it to the next level?

    Nice!!! BL4CKCR4Y0NS

  138. CaliMartinio
    Date: Sat, Nov 22 2008 22:49:55

    QUOTE (Sidewinder @ Nov 9 2008, 10:05 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
    Asians need to open their eyes.

    Our eyes are open.
    Maybe you should open YOUR eyes to see that.

  139. omega
    Date: Sun, Nov 23 2008 01:45:21

    Because a lot of asians pen spin, there is obviously a chance that more pro asians become known.

  140. BL4CKCR4Y0NS
    Date: Sun, Nov 23 2008 02:08:22

    QUOTE (omega @ Nov 23 2008, 12:45 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
    Because a lot of asians pen spin, there is obviously a chance that more pro asians become known.

    Do you know why a lot of Asians pen spin? Like ... any ideas?

  141. husong1995
    Date: Sun, Nov 23 2008 03:05:59

    I'd say that it's because the reason that lots of asians spin is because there's a lot of asians. If there's a fixed percentage of each race that spin, there's bound to be loads of asians. and i also think that asians generally are more dedicated to what they do. They also tend to not care as much about popularity as most caucasians in the US, so they would be more willing to do this kind of stuff. I've managed to get a couple kids in my class to start spinning, but i go to a gifted school, so there's not as much discrimination against "nerds."

  142. BL4CKCR4Y0NS
    Date: Sun, Nov 23 2008 03:58:17

    QUOTE (husong1995 @ Nov 23 2008, 02:05 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
    I'd say that it's because the reason that lots of asians spin is because there's a lot of asians. If there's a fixed percentage of each race that spin, there's bound to be loads of asians. and i also think that asians generally are more dedicated to what they do. They also tend to not care as much about popularity as most caucasians in the US, so they would be more willing to do this kind of stuff. I've managed to get a couple kids in my class to start spinning, but i go to a gifted school, so there's not as much discrimination against "nerds."

    Omg ... I don't know why I didn't think of that =="



  143. Scandiacus
    Date: Sat, Nov 29 2008 13:27:56

    QUOTE (BL4CKCR4Y0NS @ Nov 23 2008, 10:08 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
    Do you know why a lot of Asians pen spin? Like ... any ideas?

    Errrr, I dunno but, did PSing originated from Japan?

  144. DivineObsidian
    Date: Sat, Nov 29 2008 15:02:41

    Here are the main reasons I think
    -asians have at least 8 hours school time
    -most teachers can only lecture
    -classrooms have too many students which do not pay attention

    my point of view =/
    of course this doesnt apply to all asians

  145. loonwern93
    Date: Sat, Nov 29 2008 15:13:37

    because asians are hardworking and willing to put in effort on anything they like to do and do the best of it.

  146. Proof
    Date: Mon, Dec 1 2008 01:12:04

    i always thought Penspinning as a fad started in asia, Korea specifically( don't flame me! i'm not saying it's true... it's just what i thought!)
    ... so Asians were more likely to be exposed to it and start spinning, and it was natural that the majority of the really good pen-spinners would emerge from that larger pool of pen-spinners, and not the smaller pool of European or American pen-spinners.

    but in hindsight, i didn't really base that on any fact.. i just assumed because the majority of good spinners were from Asia, that spinning started there.... and that's why the majority of spinners were from Asia...

  147. nhat_PS
    Date: Mon, Dec 15 2008 01:14:18

    QUOTE (loonwern93 @ Nov 29 2008, 10:13 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
    because asians are hardworking and willing to put in effort on anything they like to do and do the best of it.

    im asian and you dont see me working hard and willing to put a lot of effort in any thing exept sleeping and eating but thats it
    and yes im 100% asian