General Discussion / Ambidextrous Spinners
Date: Sun, Nov 15 2009 06:40:26
I've been talking and thinking about this a lot lately. If someone is ambidextrous and they use both hands in a combo, are they judged differently? Technically it is easier for them to use both hands, so are they graded as having two dominant hands? If yes, then isn't that unfair to us mono-handed people? If no, then do I have an advantage of getting dificulty points when being judged? then again, they can lie, too.
Can somebody be ambidextrous from practice, or are you only ambidextrous from birth?
Discuss below. -
Date: Sun, Nov 15 2009 07:02:01
Ambidextrous people are people who find it easy to learn things in both hands.
The only difference between a non-ambidextrous spinner, and a ambidextrous spinner, is if they practice on one hand or both.
Any spinner can "become ambidextrous" in the sense that anyone can, with enough practice, do psing on both hands.
When starting i became bored, and started to teach myself tricks with both hands, so im "ambidextrous" up to a point, when i started to focus on harder tricks with my right hand.
Every single person, both ambidextrous, and non has a dominant and non-dominant hand. -
Date: Sun, Nov 15 2009 11:51:59
Listen to Stevie. Even if you are ambidextrous you first have to develop muscle memory for both bands so its still a little work.
And if you're doing a 2h2p vs 2h1p vs 1h1p trick it can go either direction
Example 1:
1h1p - Does hard tricks smoothly
2h1p - Does simple tricks with 1 really nice transfer
2h2p - Does simple tricks
1st - 1h1p
2nd - 2h1p
3rd - 2h2p
Example 2:
1h1p - Does hard tricks
2h1p - Does Hard tricks with impressive transfer
2h2p - Does hard tricks
1st - 2h1p
2nd - 2h2p
3rd - 1h1p
Example 3:
1h1p - Simple tricks
2h1p - Simple tricks with lame transfer
2h2p - Does simple tricks
1st - 2h1p ties with 2h2p leaning towards 2h1p
2nd - 1h1p
Just because you are born ambidextrous and didn't have to develop it doesn't really give much of an advantage it really depends how much time you're willing to put into it. now I'm going to sleep. -
Date: Sun, Nov 15 2009 14:07:45
they just need practice with there less dominate hand like when you where like 5 and trying to write or draw a picture buy the time your where like 14 you where much better so ya if you want to be like that then just practice
Date: Wed, Nov 18 2009 06:13:47
I do hard tricks on both hands, and I do a pretty decent transfer. Its easier for me to learn tricks on my left hand for some reason