Fundamental Tricks / Thumbaround Normal Thread
Date: Sun, Jul 1 2007 00:23:23
Use this thread to discuss the ThumbAround (note, ThumbAround Reverse and Harmonic have different threads).
Brief Desciption: The pen travels around the thumb in a counter-clockwise rotation (right hand, opposite for left) of 360 degrees. The trick can be broken down as a push initiated by the middle finger, a spin around the thumb (the COP starts below the thumb and ends above it), and a catch by pinching the pen between the Index, Middle and/or Thumb (catches may vary somewhat).
UCPSB V2 Thread
Video Tutorial by Eso
UPSB V3 Article
TurtleSpin Article -
Date: Mon, Sep 10 2007 02:28:32
This trick is insanely hard for me. I have gotten pretty good at Fingerpass, so I decided to move on to this, and I failed horribly. It always comes spinning back to me on my arm, or to my stomach. Does anyone have any suggestions? Is this one too hard for a second trick?
Date: Mon, Sep 10 2007 02:31:29
I would assume, first off, that you are applying too much pressure. Thumbaround does not take much to get the pen moving.
If you are pushing the pen with your Middle finger, make the finger follow along the bottom of the Thumb. If you slide your Middle finger along the Thumb during the push, the pen should naturally be directed up and around the Thumb. Use only enough pressure to get the pen moving, you shoudl feel like the Middle finger is almost "carrying" the pen aroun the Thumb. Once the pen gets over the Thumb, gravity will do the rest to bring it back down for the catch.
BTW: if the positioning does not sem correct to you, your Thumb should be parallel to the ground with your Middle finger below the Thumb. -
Date: Mon, Sep 10 2007 02:31:39
if its flying at you then you are holding it too far at the end.
Date: Mon, Sep 10 2007 02:32:40
Sounds like you just need more practice. Trying pushing with less force from your 1 or 2 finger, and moving your thumb a little bit to get more control of the pen.
Date: Mon, Sep 10 2007 02:33:25
The pushing finger should be about on the COP of the pen, or just a little above it.
Date: Mon, Sep 10 2007 02:33:40
"Hmm, maybe I should take his advice!"
*tries it again*
Woo! It worked
thanks!, now lets see if I can ever get it to work, again
EDIT: ARRRGH, catching it is like impossible. My index finger either seems to always come down to fast, to slow, or in an awkward position.
I do it 3 times, and each time I catch it weird. After that I do a short pass to get it back to my fingers, but thats not part of it. -
Date: Mon, Sep 10 2007 10:38:03
Keep practicing man. You got the around part. Thats how it was when I was beginning, just try to imitate the catches of the ones you see on youtube
Date: Mon, Sep 10 2007 12:46:34
You should hold it more at the end and do it slower. Get maybe something longer, just a pencil. You seem to be trying it too fast. Just push it slowly and then the catch is easier. Once you can do that well (doesn't take long for most people) then do it faster.
Date: Mon, Sep 10 2007 16:20:35
That is one thing many beginners do... thay go to fast, but that is usual.
One tips is to relax your shoulders and focusing only on whatyou are doing, try to do it very slowly and smoothly.
It will helps, I promise ^^
Good Luck. -
Date: Mon, Sep 10 2007 19:58:54QUOTE (yahu @ Sep 9 2007, 09:32 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>Sounds like you just need more practice. Trying pushing with less force from your 1 or 2 finger, and moving your thumb a little bit to get more control of the pen.
You shouldnt have to move your thumb, if done correctly you shouldnt need to move your thumb at all. And I suggest you dont. Dont wanna develop bad habbits. -
Date: Mon, Sep 10 2007 20:53:03
I try not to move my thumb much. I got some good catches on it today at school. I will try relaxing like you guys said...
Date: Tue, Sep 11 2007 02:29:39
Does anyone have any tips for catches? I am having a shitload of trouble with them. I cant get a in between 1 and 2 fingers catch, only weird catches
Date: Tue, Sep 11 2007 02:31:38
i suggest that right when u release, u move ur index out, and follow the pen back in to catch in 12
Date: Tue, Sep 11 2007 02:32:23
Well as long as you have the rotation around your thumb, you are pretty much well set for anything we can teach you.
Catching it in T12 will come to you with practice, that's all we can say. -
Date: Wed, Oct 31 2007 20:54:33
Erm. I think I'm actually secretly retarded, but this makes two weeks of trying to learn the simple thumbaround. I finally got it, but I seem to only be able to do it consistently if my thumb points sideways, and the pen swings down and up. If I do it the other way the pen whacks my index finger. Any suggestions on how to master it the RIGHT way?
Date: Thu, Nov 1 2007 03:49:45
Just make sure that your index finger is out of the way until you need to catch the pen:
That's an exaggerated pose, but you can move the index closer once you can do a TA without the finger getting in the way. -
Date: Thu, Nov 29 2007 03:39:57
when u do the thumb around, are u suppose to catch the pen at the very end? because everytime i do it, i always catch the pen at the tip. does it matter where u start on the pen because i start at the end of the pen to spin it, most ppl i see start in the middle.
Date: Thu, Nov 29 2007 03:43:59
If you are just doing a Thumbaround by itself, where you catch the pen does not matter. When you start linking other tricks after the Thumbaround, you should practice catching the pen at different spots to help perform the next trick. When linking tricks afterward, where you catch the pen can make a difference in what tricks are easiest to perform next.
Date: Fri, Jan 25 2008 09:43:41
This is the way through thumb around.I am beginner,so please give me some comments
First,please choose the type of pen you use.
1.Use a 15cm to 20cm pencil or pen(I use 2B pencils,you can easily buy it from any stationary shop in singapore)
2.Light for beginners but a little more heavy for experts to do combos
3.If u use a 2B pencil,it must not be sharpen,to prevent making black marks and inks on your hand,for the ones who use pens,use a cap to cover it.
Starting position
First, place the pen on your fleshy parts of your distal phalanx (of index and middle fingers ) so that the middle finger is near the COP.
Then apply moderate pressure from the top with your thumb
The spin
Now, push the middle finger towards you
(Optional: At the same time, move the thumb slightly in the opposite direction.)
The other fingers do not have to move. If you did this right, the pen will rotate. Even if it flies out of your hand, if the pen rotates, you are on the right track.
The catch:
Master the spin first. Once you get the spin right, then start practicing the catch.
Basically, if you applied WEAK to MODERATE pressure, the pen shouldn't spin out of control and stay on your hand. Allow some space in between the index finger and the thumb.
Q: Help, my pen flies away from me.
A: You are then applying too much pressure with your finger. A slight pressure is enough to make the pen spin. Also, the pen flies out of your hand because, your index finger is not near the one end of your pencil. This offsets the balance of the pen, causing it to spin outwards off your hand.
Q:My pen starts to spin then stops before doing a full rotation.
A: I'm guessing that your pen or pencil has too much friction resisting motion. If your pen has a clip, then you will need to break it off. If it has a comfort grip, you will need to find a better pen. Refer to the FAQS section for finding the right pen
Hope that my guide would help you all!!!
duplicate thread merged with existing Thumbaround thread.
sketching -
Date: Fri, Jan 25 2008 15:20:39
Here check this video - here is nice and slowly told what to do.
And the main key is: practise
I have trained my skill and now i can do it harmonic - with no looking. -
Date: Fri, Feb 1 2008 16:21:13
this is my first time posting and please tell me if i broke any of the rules. i just started learing penspinning like about 2 days ago and now i can only do the TA with my left hand( im left handed) i could do it smoothly like 5 out of 8 times now but i would like to know if i have any mistakes in praticing my TA.
1) sometimes when i do a TA, my middle finger and thumb would be like gripping the pen, slowing down the spin, sometimes the pen could even only do a 270 degrees turn.
2) is it alright to use my right hand to adjust the COP of the pen after a smooth TA? or is it recommended to only use one hand to spin throughout the whole practice.cause i wasn't very comfortable using only one hand to adjust the COP. -
Date: Fri, Feb 1 2008 16:25:48
Once your middle finger has pushed the pen, it should not touch it at all. However, it's hard to tell what you mean without a video (can you provide one?). The pen should be pushed, and then be 'on its own' going around the thumb not touching any fingers, but touching the thumb most of the way around.
On your second point, I think it is best to re-adjust the COP with the same hand. It just seems, better, to do it this way. A lot of things in pen spinning may feel uncomfortable to begin with, but they soon feel very natural. Soon you will not need to adjust the COP at all though, as the pen will land where you want it to after a TA, not just wherever the Gods decide. -
Date: Tue, Feb 5 2008 04:20:15
Hello, I am also trying to learn the thumb around. And at first I thought I had it, but then I realized that the pen was spinning in place and my thumb was retracting and then going back to catch it. For some reason, I can't get my thumb to not move. Any tips?
Date: Wed, Feb 6 2008 16:20:04QUOTE (Stomach Pulser @ Feb 5 2008, 04:20 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>Hello, I am also trying to learn the thumb around. And at first I thought I had it, but then I realized that the pen was spinning in place and my thumb was retracting and then going back to catch it. For some reason, I can't get my thumb to not move. Any tips?
as Eso would say: 'Keep ur thumb still'
that's the most common problem with begginers
and as i would say, my tip is: Practice.... -
Date: Thu, Feb 7 2008 02:52:42
You might want to try to concentrate on the push without worrying about the catch and the rest of the trick.
Try this: perform a Thumbaround push but only concentrate on pushing the pen with the middle finger, then concentrate on keeping the thumb still. Don't worry about trying to catch the pen at all. It doesn't matter right now.
Break up the trick into 2 seperate parts:
- ONLY concentrate on pushing the pen with just the finger
- then ONLY concentrate on keeping the thumb still. By adjusting the push and keeping the thumb still
Let the pen fall off of the thumb when it wants to, don't try to catch the pen. You will eventually be able to perform the entire Thumbaround with little effort. Once you can push the pen and let it spin around a completly still thumb, then you can worry about catching the pen. -
Date: Sat, Feb 9 2008 02:26:03QUOTE (sketching @ Feb 6 2008, 09:52 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>You might want to try to concentrate on the push without worrying about the catch and the rest of the trick.
Try this: perform a Thumbaround push but only concentrate on pushing the pen with the middle finger, then concentrate on keeping the thumb still. Don't worry about trying to catch the pen at all. It doesn't matter right now.
Break up the trick into 2 seperate parts:
- ONLY concentrate on pushing the pen with just the finger
- then ONLY concentrate on keeping the thumb still. By adjusting the push and keeping the thumb still
Let the pen fall off of the thumb when it wants to, don't try to catch the pen. You will eventually be able to perform the entire Thumbaround with little effort. Once you can push the pen and let it spin around a completly still thumb, then you can worry about catching the pen.
Sweet. I now focus on just pushing the pen and my thumb doesn't move. Sometimes, I even complete the TA. Thanks, this really helped me! -
Date: Thu, Feb 21 2008 23:07:18
hey, psot might be long but sorry
got really bored tonight so decided to try out a little thing and i stumbled across pen spinning,for about 5minutes( i know its very short but still) ive been trying this thumb around technique and ive look on loads of sites to give wisdom but when i do it all that happens is that it flicks off in a direction,my thumb clicks with my middle finger when i do it and my index finger slides ontop of my thumb,i know this isnt right but is there any help i can get on what to do so i wont slip into this pose? ive tried to not to but its like a tendancy. -
Date: Tue, Feb 26 2008 07:45:46
I wouldn't recommend starting learning the thumbaround with a pencil, pencils tend to be very light and beginners tend to use alot of force.
lots of force + light pencils = beginners chasing their pencils around the room.
I would recommend a long medium weight pen, something simple.
I use a stadler triplus ball (no ink , double tipped and capped) for learning new tricks
As for the trick hold the pen between 1 and 2 fifths down the pen, apply a very small pressure, open up your index (and for the first few tries don't close it at all), if you do this right ( and keep your index out and curved) you wont drop the pen , regardless of whether you close it or not.
Final tip: try to get each part of the trick right, if you can manage as far as the catch, the rest is just hand positioning.
Good luck
Crypto -
Date: Sun, Mar 2 2008 11:36:09
Hi, I'm really new to Pen spinning, and I just started learning the fundamentals. I started with thumbaround, but the pencil I use keeps spnning around my middle finger and falling instead of my thumb, and I don't know why.
Date: Sun, Mar 2 2008 13:10:31
you need to post this in the thumbaround thread, but your grip probably is too loose
Date: Sun, Mar 2 2008 14:30:47QUOTE (TeddyTemptation @ Mar 2 2008, 08:10 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>you need to post this in the thumbaround thread, but your grip probably is too loose
I think it's because I move my thumb, but I don't know if it's the only thing wrong. -
Date: Mon, Mar 3 2008 06:11:24QUOTE (Heat @ Mar 2 2008, 06:36 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>Hi, I'm really new to Pen spinning, and I just started learning the fundamentals. I started with thumbaround, but the pencil I use keeps spnning around my middle finger and falling instead of my thumb, and I don't know why.
Watch my video to get a better understanding of the positioning of the fingers. It sounds like you're not making the pen go AROUND the thumb, rather you're making the pen travel along the side, thus making the pen go around your middle finger. Put the pen in the starting position, take your other hand and trace through the steps. You do know what a ThumbAround should look like right? Well, trace that path around your thumb and ask yourself what steps you need to take in order to make that pen go around.
That's all the help I can give. -
Date: Mon, Mar 3 2008 14:00:39
Well, I guess the problem is me moving my thumb. I can't get it to not move at all
Date: Tue, Mar 4 2008 20:43:12
try to hold it with your other hand
be creative
Date: Sat, Apr 19 2008 03:35:30
I think I'm doing a trick, but not the thumb around. It's more of a thumb spin and catch. I'll try to post a video up later showing what I'm doing, but I think I'm dropping my thumb and wanted someone to clarify that. NVM my phone's video quality is too poor.... help? I've tried keeping my thumb stiff and even concentrating on keeping my thumb straight like the above, but it doesn't change...
Date: Mon, May 19 2008 09:23:48
I've just started to learn pen spinning, and have chosen to learn the ThumbAround. I've seen Eso's video and I've had a good go at it for a few days, however I can't seem to get it right. I have a small thumb, and the pen goes either to side or to the top of the thumb and slides off. I also have trouble trying to keep my thumb from moving. Any tips? -
Date: Thu, May 22 2008 04:46:20QUOTE (DaCnDKrN @ Apr 18 2008, 11:35 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>I think I'm doing a trick, but not the thumb around. It's more of a thumb spin and catch. I'll try to post a video up later showing what I'm doing, but I think I'm dropping my thumb and wanted someone to clarify that. NVM my phone's video quality is too poor.... help? I've tried keeping my thumb stiff and even concentrating on keeping my thumb straight like the above, but it doesn't change...
i think i no what you mean, happened to me too, all you need is praaaactice -
Date: Tue, Jul 15 2008 20:44:04
I've been practicing this a lot but my precision is off? I think it is my muscle memory possibly? If you drop a lot, then you have a tendency to remember it?
Date: Tue, Jul 15 2008 22:19:37
Just start over, with the correct technique, then you'll be alright.
Date: Wed, Jul 16 2008 01:23:46QUOTE (XiLeRaTe @ Jul 15 2008, 04:44 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>I've been practicing this a lot but my precision is off? I think it is my muscle memory possibly? If you drop a lot, then you have a tendency to remember it?
nooooo, keep practicing, don't give up! you'll get it soon. -
Date: Thu, Jul 17 2008 10:45:34
maybe just a little more concentration on the movement and you won't even know when it starts spinning mad lol (MAAAD I TELL YOU !!
Date: Sun, Sep 14 2008 04:53:49
hello all, i am very new to pen spinning. Its my third day of spinning with thumbaround (my first fundies). However, here is my problem:
my first problem is:
I dont think i can do this trick consistenly, sometime i can do about straight 5 with no fall, then failing and falling afterward.
my second problem is:
yeah I am practicing this trick on my bed, but whenever I stand or move to other place, seems like its getting worse than it was on my bed.
is it normal for beginner?
(lol i was already 19 years old, am I too old for this?) -
Date: Sun, Sep 14 2008 05:15:19
First, your not to old =]
Second, very normal.
Third, heres what I recommend
After you get a streak of good ones, and start haveing bad ones, tell yourself, thatll you'll do one more good one, and STOP
that gets the fustration factor out of the way, take a break, walk arround, do your school work, something, come back, and practice again =] Youll get it ;D -
Date: Thu, Sep 18 2008 20:39:36
it shouldn't be going around the *nail, try pushing it arround lower, like the knuckle
Date: Fri, Sep 19 2008 18:57:39
I finally managed a TA today
Thing is, it spins more over my down knuckle (as seen in the tap) then around the thumb. Is that supposed to be? -
Date: Fri, Sep 19 2008 19:05:54
If it doesn't look like a full tap and goes one revolution then its fine.
Date: Tue, Sep 30 2008 20:41:18
The key is to hold the pen very lightly, about 2 pressure on a scale of 1-10, I think anyones first problem is pushing it too hard, remember, it glides around the thumb, less pressure=better result.
Date: Wed, Oct 1 2008 01:40:58
Lightly is part of it but it all depends on the pen/pencil.
I find when teaching people how to do it using a heavy pen is easier because they push very hard an relative to the pen it isnt very hard so they are more sucsessful =] -
Date: Wed, Oct 1 2008 06:54:44QUOTE (Rai289 @ Sep 30 2008, 11:34 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>I can now seem to get this fundamental spinny thingy or whatever. It didn't take me long though. I have been penspinning for about half a month now but can't quite seem to get a thumbaround to figure 8 combo yet... If I do, I might put up a video. (Yeah Right)
You might want to check out Eso's tutorial on the Cardiod, which GREATLY helps: -
Date: Thu, Oct 2 2008 13:31:10
Hi guys. I'm having a problem doing a TA from 12 position. Here's a vid of me doing it.
Date: Thu, Oct 2 2008 23:45:42QUOTE (Jiinn @ Oct 2 2008, 06:31 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>Hi guys. I'm having a problem doing a TA from 12 position. Here's a vid of me doing it.
I think that you know how to do the thumbaround, you just need to practice more and you'll be able to catch it.
Nice Signo tipped MX by the way. -
Date: Fri, Oct 3 2008 02:29:43
Yeah, you're really really close. It's just a matter of having your index finger back and ready to catch it. -
Date: Wed, Nov 5 2008 19:30:27
its really really hard -.-" i always try i t in bed, but when it goes wrong is shoot trough my whole chamber... and i don't want to get out of it =P
Date: Tue, Dec 23 2008 11:54:13
I was TRYING (yes trying....) to do the Thumbaround. But whenever I do it, I send the pencil flying
Am I applying to much pressure? Or is it something else?
If so, what could I do to not send it flying again
- Judo. -
Date: Tue, Dec 23 2008 12:28:42
Do not make your middle finger move down fast (pressure).
And post here next time:;hl=thumbaround -
Date: Tue, Dec 23 2008 15:34:09
Just dont apply so much pressure. Push the pen lighter, and your TA will be better.
Date: Tue, Dec 23 2008 16:28:22
Make sure you're holding the pen near the end, not in the middle.
Date: Tue, Dec 23 2008 16:52:05QUOTE (Samir @ Dec 23 2008, 10:58 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>Make sure you're holding the pen near the end, not in the middle.
That point is really important as some beginners (no offence) fail to understand it.
Hold it near the right end and the pen wouldnt fly off. -
Date: Tue, Dec 23 2008 20:03:24
I got this from a vid:
'Make a peace form with ur fingers, put ur thumb in between the fingers. Lay the pencil in between the fingers with the eraser touching the index finger and ur middle finger towards 2/3 from the pencil.'
Is this the correct finger positioning or not?
Could help if I get this correct first.
And not to sound dumb, but what's TA?
- Judo. -
Date: Wed, Dec 24 2008 11:29:51
TA = Thumb Around
Yes, this positioning is good. -
Date: Thu, Dec 25 2008 12:10:48QUOTE (KhaDori @ Dec 24 2008, 12:29 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>TA = Thumb Around
Yes, this positioning is good.
Well it's a bit better now, I'll just practise alot
- Judo. -
Date: Sun, Jan 4 2009 02:47:58
i personally think the TA is actually the hardest fundamental...
Date: Sun, Jan 4 2009 04:24:47QUOTE (Jenny @ Jan 3 2009, 09:47 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>i personally think the TA is actually the hardest fundamental...
ahah jk
I'd say a smooth fingerpass would be the hardest fundamental, TA is probably the easiest -
Date: Sun, Jan 4 2009 07:10:26QUOTE (Jenny @ Jan 3 2009, 06:47 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>i personally think the TA is actually the hardest fundamental...
lol, for most of my friends that I teach pen spinning to TA is the easiest -
Date: Mon, Jan 12 2009 10:40:04
isnt the hardest like the sonic and charge? better yet the reverse of both?
Date: Fri, Jan 16 2009 14:07:30
If the pen spins around the fingernail part of the thumb is it still a thumb around or is it too high?
Date: Fri, Jan 16 2009 20:54:44QUOTE (Haquicah @ Jan 16 2009, 09:07 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>If the pen spins around the fingernail part of the thumb is it still a thumb around or is it too high?
If it goes around the thumb, its a thumbaround -
Date: Fri, Jan 16 2009 21:16:03
yes we all know TA euqals thumb around
Date: Sat, Jan 17 2009 00:31:24QUOTE (PoisonedV @ Sep 9 2007, 06:28 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>This trick is insanely hard for me. I have gotten pretty good at Fingerpass, so I decided to move on to this, and I failed horribly. It always comes spinning back to me on my arm, or to my stomach. Does anyone have any suggestions? Is this one too hard for a second trick?
u push to hard -
Date: Sat, Jan 17 2009 04:14:05
Practice for 1 day.
Date: Tue, Jan 20 2009 03:36:57QUOTE (KunLin @ Jan 3 2009, 11:24 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>noob
ahah jk
I'd say a smooth fingerpass would be the hardest fundamental, TA is probably the easiest
well i dunno i thought the easiest was the sonic.
TA is hard because its not like the other fundamentals ? -
Date: Thu, Jan 29 2009 12:01:12
I think Charge is the hardest lol. Though I can already do it proficiently(haha, dun dare use the word "mastered"), but yea, i think its still the hardest. Next is sonic then TA. I find Sonic easy if you don't put the COP on the last segment on your finger(when you're still learning it) then it gets really easy. as for TA, i find it pretty much easier on a mod.
Date: Thu, Jan 29 2009 14:37:22QUOTE (Metalm3 @ Jan 29 2009, 04:01 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>I think Charge is the hardest lol. Though I can already do it proficiently(haha, dun dare use the word "mastered"), but yea, i think its still the hardest. Next is sonic then TA. I find Sonic easy if you don't put the COP on the last segment on your finger(when you're still learning it) then it gets really easy. as for TA, i find it pretty much easier on a mod.
Thumbaround wasn't that hard for me.I think if you learn a charge first then it will become easier to learn a sonic because it has the same motion kinda.
Date: Fri, Jan 30 2009 03:43:31
I am getting the motion right but can't seem to get the catch it always looks off
Date: Mon, Feb 2 2009 02:44:06
FC, I can't entirely figure out what you mean, but if it's falling off or sliding off before getting back into your hand, try pushing with your middle finger "into" your thumb more as opposed to under it.
Date: Mon, Mar 2 2009 00:12:09
I only use my index finger, does this mean I'm doing it wrong? and Is there a right or wrong way to do a thumb around as long as it gets around your thumb?
Date: Mon, Mar 2 2009 02:20:15
I'm not sure, but I think the Thumbaround is normally with the middle finger, but it is possible to do a variant of it with just the index finger.
Date: Wed, Mar 4 2009 10:34:06QUOTE (Aftermath @ Mar 2 2009, 05:42 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>I only use my index finger, does this mean I'm doing it wrong? and Is there a right or wrong way to do a thumb around as long as it gets around your thumb?
You can do it with your index finger, there is nothing wrong as long as it is going around your thumb. -
Date: Tue, Mar 10 2009 03:43:08
I have taught 10 friends already how to do this trick, they get it really quick but many do not!!!
Date: Sun, Apr 19 2009 00:06:39
I think I have everything down except for the catch. I made a vid. Tell me what I am doing right/wrong. -
Date: Sun, Apr 19 2009 00:10:58QUOTE (jbthunder @ Apr 18 2009, 08:06 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>I think I have everything down except for the catch. I made a vid. Tell me what I am doing right/wrong.
well first of all u need to keep ur thumb still. dont move it at all. Also you need to slide ur thumb to the right of the cog. then u should be able to do it. -
Date: Sun, Apr 19 2009 15:08:22QUOTE (jbthunder @ Apr 19 2009, 05:36 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>I think I have everything down except for the catch. I made a vid. Tell me what I am doing right/wrong.
If that red line is your COG, then move your thumb about 1 inch. Also keep your thumb still. Don't fold or bend. Keep practicing and you will get the catch to. Remember, Rome wasn't built in a day.
PS: Better get a balanced pen. It didn't seem like its balanced. -
Date: Sun, Apr 19 2009 18:10:45
Yesterday I made a Bictory, and a m-301 X. I dont really like the m-301 X, but I love the bictory, lots of momentum and stuff, its awesome. I finally got thee TA down. Now I can do it many times consecutively with my eyes closed. Thanks guys.
Date: Fri, Apr 24 2009 00:23:42
k i've seen a few of the "help" videos for this trick and i still can't get it
i have gotten down the sonic normal and finger pass and charge normal but i can't get the tumbaround no matter how hard or long i practice (3 months this wednesday)
does anybody have ANY tips to help -
Date: Fri, Apr 24 2009 00:38:40
Could you make a video of some of your attempts? It would be easier to help you if you could make a vid.
Date: Fri, May 1 2009 00:57:46
Just get a long and slightly heavy bar(circular body). Then, place ur thumb above the COG and GENTLY push the bar with ur Middle finger and dun move ur thumb. Keep ur thumb still and there u go, a thumbaround xD
Date: Fri, May 1 2009 01:08:17QUOTE (captain5002002 @ Apr 23 2009, 08:23 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>k i've seen a few of the "help" videos for this trick and i still can't get it
i have gotten down the sonic normal and finger pass and charge normal but i can't get the tumbaround no matter how hard or long i practice (3 months this wednesday)
does anybody have ANY tips to help
You didn't really give anything specific, but here are some tips.
Position: Hold the pen with you middle thumb and index toward the right end (if you a righty).
hold it so that there is some space between the index and middle, and your thumb is in between
Now, position your thumb and make sure that it is not too far below the pen or above it. Somewhere in between, to ensure the pen will spin around the thumb, not on top of it.
Trick: Push with you middle finger down, almost like a snapping motion.
While you do that, bring your index finger up (away from you) to move it away so that it doesn't interfere with the spin.
Finally once it spins around one full revolution, around the thumb, bring back you index finger (towards you) and catch.
Moving your thumb doesn't help at all.
I always tell my friends this when they try to learn, and it is probably the most likely reason it isn't working
Good Luck -
Date: Fri, May 1 2009 15:58:27QUOTE (Metalm3 @ May 1 2009, 08:57 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>Just get a long and slightly heavy bar(circular body). Then, place ur thumb above the COG and GENTLY push the bar with ur Middle finger and dun move ur thumb. Keep ur thumb still and there u go, a thumbaround xD
exactly like wat he said.but learn hw to make the spin first before grabbing .that was hw i learnt.practice makes purfect -
Date: Mon, May 4 2009 11:29:01QUOTE (jbthunder @ Apr 19 2009, 08:06 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>I think I have everything down except for the catch. I made a vid. Tell me what I am doing right/wrong.
First, put your pen slightly to the angle of the left, because it will make your pen easier to catch.
Second, you don't need to use only the third finger to push, you can only use the third and fourth finger.
Hope this helps,
TL317QUOTE (cecil @ Apr 19 2009, 08:10 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>well first of all u need to keep ur thumb still. dont move it at all. Also you need to slide ur thumb to the right of the cog. then u should be able to do it.
You can also put the pen in slightly pointing to the right angle.
PS: hope this helps!!! -
Date: Mon, May 11 2009 06:38:15
this is the first trick ive learnd it took me 2 days and i thought i will never learn
im now learning the charge which is very hard for me
im tring to bring pen spinning to israel so my friend and others will enjoy PS too -
Date: Mon, May 11 2009 06:58:17QUOTE (TL317 @ May 4 2009, 07:29 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>First, put your pen slightly to the angle of the left, because it will make your pen easier to catch.
Second, you don't need to use only the third finger to push, you can only use the third and fourth finger.
Hope this helps,
You can also put the pen in slightly pointing to the right angle.
PS: hope this helps!!!
lol the pro of the noobs. no offence haha
@kypr0z: good job for help on the charge just ask people in the charge thread. I am pretty sure there are quite a few Israeli penspinners too.
@JSH: i'm just wondering why did bonkura move his thumb a lot when he did TAs and such? -
Date: Mon, May 11 2009 15:17:57QUOTE (Simplexã€ãƒ¾(^ã¸^)】 @ May 11 2009, 02:58 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>@JSH: i'm just wondering why did bonkura move his thumb a lot when he did TAs and such?
Isn't that his style? Lol. -
Date: Mon, May 11 2009 15:28:45
watch this. its helped me with it -
Date: Fri, May 15 2009 17:28:03
yes, eso's tuts are probaly the best tut besides a hands on tut. like if someone u know can u do it.
Date: Fri, May 15 2009 17:30:17
I learned it in about a day...
Date: Thu, Jun 4 2009 06:31:17QUOTE (Tornadopr @ May 16 2009, 01:30 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>I learned it in about a day...
well, i took 1/2 a day -
Date: Mon, Jun 22 2009 03:12:55
its funny... everyone here seems to have the finger pass down [i do but i just cant get it between my pinky and ring yet] yet this trick was the first i learned and relatively easy. i wonder if i should work on my finger passes or charge next. im planning Sonic for last
Date: Mon, Jun 22 2009 12:54:53
Keep training fingerpasses all Fingers,But remember to Master the reverse.As For Sonic,Its not really that hard,if u know the charge(which is in my opinion) a Commonsense Trick.Ya,but just KEEP practicing
Date: Sat, Jan 16 2010 04:51:57
Sorry if there is a topic for this, but i can't a topic for the thumb-index spin 1.5, the guy in the tutorial vid said its a variant of the TA, so i assume this is a good place to ask this.
when i do the thumb-index spin 1.5, i can't get my index finger to my thumb fast enough and the pen just flies off. my index finger was conditioned to be stretched out all the way when doing the TA (my fault since i thought it would help from getting in the way of the pen). any way to get my index finger in the right place for the thumb-index spin? if it helps, im trying to learn this for Kam's Loop 4 combo with an RSVP V1 (i'm using this till i get an actual mod). -
Date: Sat, Jan 16 2010 22:34:16
Oh yeah, I remember not being able to do TS 1.5.
I assume your thumb-index spin is just a thumbspin with a loop created from thumb and index fingers, and the pen spins on both.
Here's what helped me. I don't know if it will work on you, but start pushing with your index finger. I think this is better for learning because when you push with your middle finger, the pen is at a higher degree from your thumb (further from parallel), making it harder to continue spinning. If you push with your index finger, it's closer to being parallel with your thumb, which is good.
Right after you push, move your index finger back to where it was before you pushed, as if you were still holding the pen. I find this easier than actually touching your thumb and index finger together.
The hard part is not catching it after a spin. I remember I had a road trip for a couple hours so I just sat down and trained myself. Just sit down and keep doing it until your index finger doesn't open up to catch it.
When you can do that, just let it spin on your thumb/index finger for the desired amount of times, and catch it.
Hope I helped! -
Date: Sat, Jan 16 2010 23:20:05
I think that another important factor to keep in mind is to keep ur thumb flat.normally ur thumb should be pointed up so that the pen only spins once, but for ts u want to actually flatten it for the 1st rotation before lifting it again.
Date: Wed, Jan 20 2010 00:54:57
in the thumb-index1.5/ts 1.5, I have the push down (mostly), but I can't seem to get my index finger in place fast enough. Any tricks on how to get this down or a way to train my index finger to get into the right place?
Also, when should the thumb be parallel to the ground, from the very start or move it into position after pushing. Sometimes when When my RSVP v1 (using till I have time to order an mx/cyl) spins, it will fall off cause my thumb isn't parallel to the ground
thanks -
Date: Wed, Jan 20 2010 23:48:09QUOTE (L2PlayNoob @ Jan 16 2010, 05:34 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>Oh yeah, I remember not being able to do TS 1.5.
I assume your thumb-index spin is just a thumbspin with a loop created from thumb and index fingers, and the pen spins on both.
Here's what helped me. I don't know if it will work on you, but start pushing with your index finger. I think this is better for learning because when you push with your middle finger, the pen is at a higher degree from your thumb (further from parallel), making it harder to continue spinning. If you push with your index finger, it's closer to being parallel with your thumb, which is good.
Right after you push, move your index finger back to where it was before you pushed, as if you were still holding the pen. I find this easier than actually touching your thumb and index finger together.
The hard part is not catching it after a spin. I remember I had a road trip for a couple hours so I just sat down and trained myself. Just sit down and keep doing it until your index finger doesn't open up to catch it.
When you can do that, just let it spin on your thumb/index finger for the desired amount of times, and catch it. B)
Hope I helped!
learning the TS was fun, and in doing so, i also learned Ext. TA! [by accident] -
Date: Tue, Mar 2 2010 23:04:21
Date: Wed, Apr 7 2010 13:27:57
I've learned this trick a long time ago^^. So it was easy to learn the TS skills like 1.5 and reverse. I learned 1.5 just after 2 hours of trying it and reverse in a day ^^. (Not trying to brag, but failing)
Oh yeah
Hey, i've found that this trick has almost NO LIMITATIONS^^
I've tried this trick with anything i can get my hands on.
Water bottles
Badminton rackets( Really EaZy)
drumsticks (of course)
Remote controls (my parents freaked out seeing me do tis trick)
My cell phone *and my friend's*(Mom, dad, friend, friend's parents etc freaked out)
grandfather's cane (hit the tv)
My formula calculator
toothbrush (the foam keeps splattering everywhere)
Pencil boxes
It freaks my mom out, and my dad keeps scolding my mom for teaching me this trick -
Date: Wed, Apr 7 2010 16:21:12
haha yep, there have been several collabs about people doing combos with strange things
basic penspinning tricks are usually easily applied to other objects
keep learning and upload videos of spinning lots of things -
Date: Mon, Apr 12 2010 22:18:18
thumbaround took me like 2 tries when i saw someone do it in a video and it was the first trick i learned.
So now i just do thumbaround at random with random pencils at school and one time this next to me was like "OMG dude thats amazing!"