Member Introductions / I do herein confirm my existence.
My Entity.
Date: Sun, Nov 22 2009 08:02:09
Hello, fellow pen manipulators!
I've been spinning for very slightly more than two months, and don't plan on stopping soon.
I can do all fundamentals, and can reverse all of them except the FingerPass (I do 12-23-34 pass reverse and get stuck going from 34 to 23).
A history of moi:
The order I learned Infinities was: Figure-8, Extended Infinity, Extended Double, Infinity (), Double, Triple, Quadruple, Extended Triple. It always puzzles me that Extended Quadruple Infinity has 13 revolutions instead of 12.
I now return all my infinities with Sonics instead of Wipers & Pass Reverses.
Then I learned TA, then Charge, then three different ways of doing the TA Reverse (I tried using tutorials, none of which worked for me). While screwing around with 12 and 23 Charges, I linked a Charge with a Pass Reverse and accidentally reverse-engineered a Twisted Sonic.
Then I accidentally made a thumb-type trick with 1.5 revolutions (which I later found to be a TS 1.5).
Then I finally learned the Sonic (Again, unfortunately, I could not get a tutorial to work for me and had to sort of reverse-engineer it, knowing only that the pen was clipped in 13 at some point). Learning the Sonic expanded the realm of tricks at my reach exponentially; with a few derivations I learned the 34-23 Sonic (naturally, leading me to learn the Sonic Rise), Sonic Double, Tipped Sonic, and K4LC (Which actually has 5 loops). I can even do a 34-23 Sonic Bust (which is pretty fun and challenging!).
Latest thing I've learned is the Bak. I have no clue how to do MidBak, RingBak or PinkyBak, I guess I'll have to learn those in the near future.
And that's a history of my first two months of pen-spinning. My presentation can be found here. Not much, but it shows my dedication to pen spinning.
Thanks for reading!
Entity -
Date: Sun, Nov 22 2009 08:05:04
Welcome Entity. I hope you have a great time here!
Date: Sun, Nov 22 2009 09:28:12
Welcome to UPSB Entity, hope you become a great spinner and enjoy it.
Date: Sun, Nov 22 2009 15:07:14
Welcome!! Have a great time here