Forum Games / This cant kill anyone!
Date: Fri, Dec 4 2009 23:31:43
okay this is a game that i can play for hours, in person or not.
how to play:
-the object of the game is to find something(tangible or not, such as air), that cant kill you(or anyone else). it can be played with an infinite amount(of 2+) players. so players take turns naming an object(or anything else), and the next player has to counter their object with conditions where it could kill you.
acceptable game play:
players A and B are playing.
b:it could be poisoned...shirt
a:you could choke on it..grass
b:it could fly into you and cut your intestines
-there is generally going to be alot of debate on whether their object can kill some one
unacceptable play:
a:a shirt that is too small to choke you..
-no specifics
games generally do not go this way. this game is all about debating(AKA arguement) where players will take turns countering objects, and countering counter statments. which are usually really funny.
counter arguements usually involve something like:
choking(by strangling or like choking on food)
ANY way the object can be used to cut you is acceptable.
-but it this case since were on a forum, it will be formal
I'll start
paper -
Date: Sat, Dec 5 2009 00:17:29
It can paper cut your throat and slit you until you bleed to death... wind
Date: Sat, Dec 5 2009 00:23:33QUOTE (Wind @ Dec 4 2009, 07:17 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>It can paper cut your throat and slit you until you bleed to death... wind
He will beat you to death with his KT.
A hamster -
Date: Sat, Dec 5 2009 02:13:08
It can crush you to death.
A door. -
Date: Sat, Dec 5 2009 03:29:39
slam and break your head/fingers and can cause bleeding/internal bleeding
gmail... -
Date: Sat, Dec 5 2009 03:58:44
it shorts out your computer and u get electrocuted
A bottle of hair gel -
Date: Sat, Dec 5 2009 04:23:30
hair gel could cause an allergy?
the 3 lettered S word -
Date: Sat, Dec 5 2009 04:29:38
Sex can lead to AIDs, AIDs will eventually lead to death.
a cup of water. -
Date: Sat, Dec 5 2009 04:32:02
lmao, how did i not think of that?!?
a cup of water could be extremely hot, could carry disease. -
Date: Sat, Dec 12 2009 22:28:01
you didnt post a question so ill answer the previous 1.
water can cause you to choke
a patato -
Date: Sat, Dec 12 2009 22:36:18QUOTE (RH @ Dec 12 2009, 04:28 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>you didnt post a question so ill answer the previous 1.
water can cause you to choke
a patato
failed attempt at a potato clock. where you end up gettin electrictued. or getting rpeatadly shot at high speeds in the neck with a potato gun
chapstick -
Date: Sun, Dec 13 2009 04:12:13QUOTE (shakenbake @ Dec 13 2009, 06:36 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>failed attempt at a potato clock. where you end up gettin electrictued. or getting rpeatadly shot at high speeds in the neck with a potato gun
you'd die instantly since you'd turn to katy perry(?)
Date: Sun, Dec 13 2009 05:01:03
caffeine overdose
cute widdle bunny wabbit -
Date: Sun, Dec 13 2009 05:09:47
suddenly turns into a fierce widdle bunny wabbit'
and bites
atomic bomb -
Date: Sun, Dec 13 2009 07:55:52
You trip over it and perish.
A pillar in Valhalla. -
Date: Sun, Dec 13 2009 08:10:11
Die of shock!
old person -
Date: Sun, Dec 13 2009 09:21:49
the stench and look of old people gives u a heat attack.
a microscopic piece of rubber -
Date: Sun, Dec 13 2009 20:38:21
if you can't say a small shirt what on earth makes you think you can say microscopic?
Date: Sun, Dec 13 2009 21:29:57QUOTE (shakenbake @ Dec 13 2009, 04:21 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>the stench and look of old people gives u a heat attack.
a microscopic piece of rubber
uhhhh used as a condom of a microscopic guy but it breaks from the rough intercourse leading to....... anyone?..... AIDS
Date: Sun, Dec 13 2009 21:30:36QUOTE (strat1227 @ Dec 13 2009, 12:38 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>if you can't say a small shirt what on earth makes you think you can say microscopic?
you can still use specifics, just dont complain about how such a reason is impossible using specifics -
Date: Sun, Dec 13 2009 22:26:35QUOTE (TRoc @ Dec 13 2009, 03:29 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>uhhhh used as a condom of a microscopic guy but it breaks from the rough intercourse leading to....... anyone?..... AIDS
thier spinning is so epic that you try to use a doctor KT and do some crazy combo then KT flies out of your hand hits you in the eye the blinds you in one eye. later in life you beat the world champion of pictionary and he is super pissed off cuz he lost to a person who can barely see. the he makes a super long compliccated plan about how to killl you. then you order off PENIWiSH so the pisctionary guy kills penwish and puts a bomb in your package then when you open the pscksge (which you think is from Penwish but is actually from the PICTIOANRY king) it blows up and you die
a single snow flake
Date: Sun, Dec 13 2009 23:09:12QUOTE (shakenbake @ Dec 13 2009, 06:26 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>thier spinning is so epic that you try to use a doctor KT and do some crazy combo then KT flies out of your hand hits you in the eye the blinds you in one eye. later in life you beat the world champion of pictionary and he is super pissed off cuz he lost to a person who can barely see. the he makes a super long compliccated plan about how to killl you. then you order off PENIWiSH so the pisctionary guy kills penwish and puts a bomb in your package then when you open the pscksge (which you think is from Penwish but is actually from the PICTIOANRY king) it blows up and you die
a single snow flake
The snow flake gradually builds up in the atmosphere and eventually reaches a diameter of 1 ft, falls on your head, and kills you immediately.
Kam -
Date: Sun, Dec 13 2009 23:10:54
Shanks you with a KT, and then spin over your head so much the oxygen around your head is gone and you suffocate
A cloud -
Date: Sun, Dec 13 2009 23:16:49
Pulls out his buster sword and cleaves you in two.
Note card -
Date: Tue, Dec 15 2009 01:48:30
you burn the paper then put the burning ashes in thir eyes then take abother note cut ans paper cut their throat 1,00000000000 times
Date: Tue, Dec 15 2009 02:38:04
shakenbake didn't post one so uhhh...
the 2nd law of thermodynamics -
Date: Tue, Dec 15 2009 02:43:20
my bad.
and it made me think to hard cuz i dont know wut it is so i am thinking to hard about it and it gave me a heart attack (sorry for dumb answer)
immortality -
Date: Tue, Dec 15 2009 02:45:36
No outside force moves you, thus you can't exist
*cough* evolution *cough*
What about a hat? -
Date: Tue, Dec 15 2009 02:48:34
The wind pulls your hat down and it covers your eyes o you cant see. You get runover by a bus.....
Dust Bunnies ^^ -
Date: Wed, Dec 16 2009 01:21:48
you inhale them and cant breathe
Pizza -
Date: Wed, Dec 16 2009 04:38:14
choke on a slice
mudkips -
Date: Wed, Dec 16 2009 10:13:52
what are mudkips?
if it's the pokemon, small kids snatch your mudkips away
then you kick their ass
then their parents stuff a basketball into your mouth
a smiley eg. -
Date: Wed, Dec 16 2009 23:59:56
someone shovesthere dick down your open smiling mouth and u choke.
easter egg -
Date: Thu, Dec 17 2009 05:41:45
left there and forget about it
3 years later eat it puke and die
me? -
Date: Thu, Dec 17 2009 06:49:56
Computer couldn't load the spam on the page,
Fan stopped working
Computer overheated
Computer exploded
Shrapnel enters neck
bubble wrap -
Date: Thu, Dec 17 2009 21:00:50
Explodes after you eat it.
The internet -
Date: Thu, Dec 17 2009 22:49:16
dont these have to be phsical objecTs?
Date: Thu, Dec 17 2009 22:56:08QUOTE (Nation @ Dec 17 2009, 04:00 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>The internet
you piss off /b/, and they attack your ass.
my grandmother. -
Date: Thu, Dec 17 2009 23:08:21
forogt to use a condom and she gave me super herpes then when i went to the doctor to cure me a evil fat guy died in the waiting so all the nurses ran toward him and i got trampled in the head and wud crushed to death
small paper gum wrapper -
Date: Fri, Dec 18 2009 05:07:52
eat it and gets stuck in your throat
a small harmless insignificant amoeba -
Date: Sat, Dec 19 2009 16:54:31
reproduces until they take over the world
a one inch by one inch peice of paper -
Date: Sat, Dec 19 2009 20:43:50
paper cut and you just happen to have hemophilia causing you to bleed to death
Date: Sun, Dec 20 2009 00:25:40
you need to add somthin nvm i will
xbox controller -
Date: Sun, Dec 20 2009 08:35:18
You hit it with your head and you can get amnesia o_O
Pencil case -
Date: Sun, Dec 20 2009 10:48:09
you could get your dick caught in the zipper, stumble around in pain and fall into a fire and die.
the color blue (sorry jc) -
Date: Sun, Dec 20 2009 11:51:44
it'll make you feel blue, and you make wrong decisions in life, ending in suicide.
slippers -
Date: Sun, Dec 20 2009 14:27:12
hiding inside the warm fuzzy wool in the slippers are retard mutant super ants these ants can kill u in one bite then all 20 them climbed in your mouth and bit you then eating you from the inside out
one stick of .5 mm graphite (mech pencil lead) -
Date: Sun, Dec 20 2009 18:38:52
Get it stuck in your eye and die of an infected wound.
a big truck -
Date: Sun, Dec 20 2009 19:02:12
Rushes at you at 70 MPH, brakes right before it hits you, and then you choke while inhaling a feather that happens to be passing by.
Date: Sun, Dec 20 2009 19:54:44
nation didnt put one so
a gun -
Date: Sun, Dec 20 2009 21:39:20
My bad.
You rape yourself with it, and then The said truck from before dumps shit all over you, and it smells so bad that you pass out, and as shit is added, your bones are crushed by the massive amount of shit.
C4. -
Date: Sun, Dec 20 2009 23:11:35
it blows you up (clever answer)
invisable cloak -
Date: Sun, Dec 20 2009 23:22:42QUOTE (Shakenbake @ Dec 20 2009, 05:11 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>it blows you up (clever answer)
invisable cloak
Since the cloak is so invisible you don't see it come up behind you and wrap its threads of doom around your neck which eventually choke you. -
Date: Sun, Dec 20 2009 23:57:42
you didnt post anything so
a terrorist (this is a tough one) -
Date: Mon, Dec 21 2009 01:03:54
he takes you out to dinner. he brings you back to ur apartment and u guys get busy. next day he has to leave for a suicide mission u become depressed and starve.
mac -
Date: Mon, Dec 21 2009 01:11:22
makes you go insane cuz it isn't a PC
hydroxyl ions -
Date: Mon, Dec 21 2009 08:02:18
You inhale them, writhe uncontrollably and die.
What about a piece of aluminum foil? -
Date: Mon, Dec 21 2009 22:35:34
you melt it then shove the burning liquid metal down your throat till it fills up your whole stomach so you cant eat and u starve to death.
silly putty -
Date: Mon, Dec 21 2009 22:36:42
someone wraps it around ur head and u suffocate.
a waffle -
Date: Mon, Dec 21 2009 23:00:57
you choke
Date: Tue, Dec 22 2009 08:42:19
you catch them and die
non poisonous air -
Date: Tue, Dec 22 2009 11:47:31
Someone can put poison then you still end up being poisoned
A computer -
Date: Tue, Dec 22 2009 21:26:21
The pr0nz shocks you so much that you have a heart attack and die.
Racism. -
Date: Sun, Feb 21 2010 00:18:00
You die from getting lynched.
PoV's jew-fro -
Date: Sun, Feb 21 2010 00:39:16
you could sniff it, it have jizz in it, it gets in your eye and you run into a car
Date: Mon, Feb 22 2010 02:22:38
LOL, you will die eventually... styrofoam cup
Date: Mon, Feb 22 2010 06:46:09QUOTE (JumpMan23 @ Feb 21 2010, 09:22 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>LOL, you will die eventually... styrofoam cup
you could choke on it
upsb -
Date: Mon, Feb 22 2010 06:52:14
your addicted to upsb and you wont eat till the end of your holy crap life.
spider web -
Date: Sat, Feb 27 2010 04:12:56
you recieve a allergic reaction and die
A math test -
Date: Sun, Feb 28 2010 01:56:05
You study for weeks you fail you then slip into depression and cut your wrists vertically,
this is a good one, GOD -
Date: Sun, Feb 28 2010 02:07:45
Zeus hits you with his thunderbolt!! and holy crap! your dead!
painting -
Date: Sun, Mar 7 2010 06:06:19
an earthquake happens and you choke on ur paintbrush
um.... lolcat? -
Date: Sun, Mar 7 2010 07:04:00
a cat can have rabies and bite u... or become a catzombiewoman
A: eraser? -
Date: Sun, Mar 7 2010 12:19:08
choking FTW
rubik's cube -
Date: Mon, Mar 8 2010 03:17:33
you break off a piece and you choke on it
Date: Mon, Mar 8 2010 03:28:08
it could come to life and kill you
Date: Mon, Mar 29 2010 03:03:36
it burns you...?