I. What is the 'Book-spinning'? II. Usefulness III. With what spinner? IV. How? V. What tricks? VI. Mods / outsert VII. Extras
I. What is the 'Book-spinning'? The 'Book-spinning', as its name implies ( "turn his book into English") and the fact of turning a book on his hand or a finger instead. This practice is not official. She did not point out in particular and is a hobby, which compared to pen-spinning is for me a true discipline.
II. Usefulness As often in the pen-spinning, spinning, the book takes place in classrooms, but in this case, it shows a new use after being confiscated his mod! Take your course binder, inconfiscable for the success of your work.
At the pen-spinning, it can serve as an intro into the combos, it's always stylish.
III. With what spinner? You tell me that just a book? But again we may have preferences. The shit 21x.29.7 are really nice, the textbooks are often too heavy. For my part I have a 24x32 cut to give a square of 24x24. The weight is distributed better! Protects a notebook can help too.
IV. How? The question here is really nice, but how to turn her music on her finger? It must first ask his notebook or book his his finger in the center of gravity. To start, take a book corner with the other hand is run your hand (huh?) To put in rotation, it should fit on your finger at that moment. We must now continue to this rotation, this requires drawing a small circle with his finger supporting the book, the book turns! Although the technique is not achieved in 1 day, it takes time and training to run it for ever ... Moreover, we can add that the major is most often used because it is the strongest of the five.
V. What tricks? Again, variants may appear in this type of spin. Here which have been invented by me (I had no reference to any write ac). Thus there are: Normal Spin: Spins his book in the direction of rotation clockwise. Of course you can vary the finger to increase the difficulty ... Ex: Normal Spin 4 Reverse Spin: Same as Normal but in the other direction ... Ex: 1 Reverse Spin The Spin Pop and Pop Reverse Spin: During rotation (normal or reverse), giving a boost to Schoolmistress the book, make up for it in the center of gravity and go to Spinner. Ex: Reverse Spin Pop T The Pass and Pass Reverse: During the spin, change of finger. Ex: Pass 12 The Fall Pass: the pass Enchaine 12,23,34. The Rise Pass: the pass Enchaine 43,32,21 The Fall Harmonic Pass: the pass Enchaine 12,23,34,43,32,21 The Bone Spin: Spinner on the first phalanx in Palmdown, fist closed. Pop Pass: Pass with a jump of the book. Pass Jump: Getting the book from a hand to the other!
Well I'll stop there for now, I can also quote the Pass Snap, Snap reverse pass, perhaps the Palmspin ...
VI. Mods / outsert Yes, it is also fun to modder! But hey, its just more limited. For example you can post a picture of a vortex glued to your book, or a vortex, which turn gives an impression of 'screwing'! Not bad! Here's what I stuck to mine:
If you have quite a post!
Here are others:
VII. Extras & Videos:
Two really nice video by this guy crazy about this practice and its variants: ">" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" wmode="transparent" width="425" height="350">