Off-topic / Snowstorm

  1. Zombo
    Date: Wed, Dec 9 2009 22:33:41

    The first snowstorm of the winter has arrived! I took some pictures while shoveling:

    outside my entrance:

    one of our cars partially desnowed:

    this supposed to be the street curb:

    neighbors home, they havent plowed yet

    my house:

    other car:

    took these pictures at around 5PM in the afternoon, yes it's already dark.

  2. unicorndog
    Date: Wed, Dec 9 2009 22:37:13

    Wow yay first post and nice pic zombo and nice house tpp smile.gif

  3. Wind
    Date: Wed, Dec 9 2009 22:58:01


  4. lobster
    Date: Wed, Dec 9 2009 23:02:18

    we just got hit yesterday, last night, this morning, and today (SNOW DAY)
    we got 14.1 inches

  5. XYZakiメAM
    Date: Thu, Dec 10 2009 00:35:34

    Thats what it looks like when it snows?

    Thats so cute :3

  6. strat1227
    Date: Thu, Dec 10 2009 00:36:57

    I wore basketball shorts and a tshirt today and still sweated sad.gif