This is a private forum for premium members only. Besides them, the UPSB staff also has access to this forum. People can post unreleased content here, although we would prefer that only content that will eventually be made public is posted here. The reason is that we don't want anything exclusive to be here is so that the quality of the content of the main board doesn't decrease. By keeping the content of this forum non-crucial, Premium Members still have the benefit of seeing things earlier, while other members won't be excluded from anything essential to their PS skills. If the content is not vital and can be considered "bonus" (such as inserts), you could keep it inside the Vault.

Now, here are some rules/guidelines:

1. Since this is a restricted forum, any content and links posted here should be kept to yourself. Please don't release or post information contained here anywhere else unless the content itself has been made public.

2. If someone in the board asks you about The Vault, feel free to tell them about its existence, and its purpose ("a private forum for Premium Members"). But be sure to mention that all content here is eventually released to the public, and if it's not, it means that it's not crucial to know. We just want to make sure that the regular members are not worried too much about what's going on in here.

Breach of these rules will result in removal of premium rights and possible ban from the board.

That's all I can think for right now. If there are more rules, I'll update this. But basically, this is a place for you to enjoy some extra bonuses. Enjoy wink.gif

* based on kam's original post for the Vault.

The Vault is a great place to post "pre-releases" of collabs, mods, projects and get some feedback before public announcement. You can also use this place to post "bonus" content which is not essential to the public, like inserts.