General Discussion / PS Weekly- HK Event, Peem, PMWT, Tonnam (1/15/10)
Date: Fri, Dec 18 2009 08:15:42
NOTE: If the video doesn't work for you, try using a different browser.
Ep. 6 is out ^^. Next week's show will be the last show of the season.
Past Episodes:
Ep. 4
Ep. 3
Ep.1 -
Date: Fri, Dec 18 2009 08:45:41
This is a really cool idea you decided to do =] I cant' wait to see the weekly news that you make now
Couple things that you might wanna work on though, but this isnt' bad considering it's your first one
-a lot of the video cuts that you did were pretty unnecessary; when you cut it to look up and thank penwish, that was probably appropriate, but cutting it every couple words i think was overkill
-add some music during video clips (i find clips to be kinda dry without some music =\ but that's just me)
I thought it was nice that you used your pen expertise to let us know about the current news on jimnies and dr. grips though =P good to hear it from a reliable source
And it was nice that you made it pretty 1/2 and 1/2 between spinning and modding (although i did sorta feel a bit more emphasis on modding, but can't blame ya)
Next time, maybe add a bit more than jsut spinning/modding even though those are the most important parts. But upsb has a lot more to it =) how d'you feel about donation status, off topic/spammer bin stuff, penwish's moderator status, shoutbox news?, getting rid of upsb's video section?, etc.. i dunno lol, be creative haha
But once again, good job -
Date: Fri, Dec 18 2009 10:04:09
I definitely approve of this message.
Great idea. Besides general news I think it would be kind of nice to see a few things (just a few ideas)
- Mod of the Week or RANDOM tips or tricks of the trade
- Highlights on major collaborations
Things to improve on:
- Add a few transitions/introduction
- Add a bit of music?
- Less quick cut-aways, but more than positive you already know that
Keep it up -
Date: Fri, Dec 18 2009 10:42:23
Content is great but get rid of the transitions. All of it should be filmed at one go, even if its frickin' hard
Date: Fri, Dec 18 2009 10:53:06
"But, what do I know about pen modding" Ahahahaa!!!
But very great! Hope to see more!
Maybe you can add an intro and ending too, something like what peter chao has, except he doesn't have an intro, but that's fine.
Reminds me of KevJumba for some reason. -
Date: Fri, Dec 18 2009 14:17:05
that was really good tek. but i thought editing could be improved, like a news style.
Date: Fri, Dec 18 2009 14:23:37QUOTE (chogoling @ Dec 18 2009, 05:42 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>Content is great but get rid of the transitions. All of it should be filmed at one go, even if its frickin' hard
dun think that's a good ideathe transitions made the vid really interesting
and please TEK, talk more slowly xD it's hard for us foreigners can hear you clearly xD I have to pause and replay for about 3 times to listen again in some parts xD -
Date: Fri, Dec 18 2009 15:12:26
hey guys, thanks a lot for all the great feedback!
All the cuts is actually a style of editing with video blogers and wut not. It also helps a lot because i slur my words a lot = =.
But i'll try harder next time and when i get more comfortable talking to the camera.
Great ideas, i'll try to add in some of those topics next time.
as for the music, ive used so many in my past videos (spinning vids) and all of them have a copyright warning on them. I dont want these
next shows to be muted or anything. I will try to add in an intro tho if i come up with a good one.
I know the english was going to be a problem considering a lot of spinners aren't english spoken or dont speek the language very well.
And they say, usually Californians speak really fast lol.... If i talk slower, it might add in more to the dryness because there is no music. I'll see what i can
do. -
Date: Fri, Dec 18 2009 15:48:29
LOL i listened to the beginning before you said "today is a very special day" three times and I still didn't get it.
It's okay though, the important stuff was after that.
But anyway, much appreciation for this video..I was thinking of how I could catch up on PS news. Well I found my answer
Don't stop making these, big boy.
Oh yeah, what pen did vic use? It looks to me kind a buster?
Oh yeah, and this totally reminded me of sxephil -
Date: Fri, Dec 18 2009 16:31:36QUOTE (Mr. Ninja @ Dec 18 2009, 11:48 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>LOL i listened to the beginning before you said "today is a very special day" three times and I still didn't get it.
"It's Friday, December the 18th, 2009, and today is a very special day."
Things are lookin good jimmy.
Can't wait for next week! -
Date: Fri, Dec 18 2009 16:51:32
hey nice idea TEK, keep it up!
some comments:
- maybe some intro music or something and more editing, i don't really know how this kind of show works though.
- you cut the video a little bit too much and it disrupts the flow of conversation, it's hard to follow sometimes.
-> about the prizes:
we always supplemented our prizes with pens. it's obvious that a PS competition has a pen prize. in the WC08, the rings were bundled up with some pens by Penwish. so we don't even think about pens included in the prizes anymore, we try to add something more original to it. last time we came up with rings. but pens are always always included, it's like an afterthought now.
I don't know if there's enough going on in the PS world to have a weekly show, but I guess we'll see.
and the winner of PMWT is gonna be KAAAAAAAAAAAAAAM
-> if ppl say you speak too fast, add subtitles or editing that shows what the current topic is. -
Date: Fri, Dec 18 2009 17:02:37
this was awesome. i really enjoyed it^^ i think it will definitely help me and other spinners learn about the psing world! ty
Date: Fri, Dec 18 2009 17:18:24
dont listen to them!! this vid was amazing, and the cuts and edits while talking make it much more entertaining and interesting, and make the video really good. and yeah i loved ittt, cant wait for the next ones, and yeah this will help us alll understand ps'ing world more
Date: Sat, Dec 19 2009 02:27:49QUOTE (TEK @ Dec 18 2009, 11:12 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>hey guys, thanks a lot for all the great feedback!
All the cuts is actually a style of editing with video blogers and wut not. It also helps a lot because i slur my words a lot = =.
But i'll try harder next time and when i get more comfortable talking to the camera.
Great ideas, i'll try to add in some of those topics next time.
as for the music, ive used so many in my past videos (spinning vids) and all of them have a copyright warning on them. I dont want these
next shows to be muted or anything. I will try to add in an intro tho if i come up with a good one.
I know the english was going to be a problem considering a lot of spinners aren't english spoken or dont speek the language very well.
And they say, usually Californians speak really fast lol.... If i talk slower, it might add in more to the dryness because there is no music. I'll see what i can
i know that vloggers do this, even youtube celebs like fred do it. but if ur thinking of news , yea i thought should be more news style.
take a look at fingerboard TV:
an intro would be good as well. maybe use a microphone to add to the realism, (even if u plan to use it as a prop)
you can still be fun and informal without removing that style. and if that is ur first try, i would say you are alrd really confident about speaking in front of the camera face to face. u just need abit of practice and it will be all good. i totally enjoyed it, the timelength was perfect. its weird because i really hate talkshows but u made it really interesting and good. -
Date: Sun, Dec 20 2009 01:07:10
nice video
but if you are going to cut alot, make it seem overly deliberate
ie. change your position between cuts
you did some of that, and that was much better than the other cuts where you just stayed in the same position on screen
that kinda makes it look like bad editing, where as the other method (although it may become annoying to some viewers) will seem more deliberate, and not look like dodgy editing
ideally, doing it all (or most) in one take is the best, but if not, the above method can work
a mix of both maybe -
Date: Mon, Dec 21 2009 10:59:57QUOTE (chogoling @ Dec 18 2009, 02:42 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>Content is great but get rid of the transitions. All of it should be filmed at one go, even if its frickin' hard
wtf? hopefully youre being sarcastic.
havin some cuts is actually better than not havin any imo
it seems a bit boring if its just a one go vid
thats why a lot of youtube stars have a lot of cuts in their vids
anyway, nice vid TEK!
I like this idea. pretty refreshing.
I agree with most of the people above.
add some bgm. no excessive cuts. and i think you should have more of an attitude so its more exciting
let go of yourself lol -
Date: Mon, Dec 21 2009 11:42:50
I think this is a really cool idea and I like the effort you put on it. I think a couple like
weekly bits could be in order where you solve some modding conundrum on cam like getting
of g2 grips or sanding techniques or something. or maybe like a trick tips sections where
you break down a difficult trick or something. This was really refreshing though and I enjoyed
it alot
Tek = -
Date: Tue, Dec 22 2009 04:27:45QUOTE (Zombo @ Dec 18 2009, 08:51 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>and the winner of PMWT is gonna be KAAAAAAAAAAAAAAM
-> if ppl say you speak too fast, add subtitles or editing that shows what the current topic is.
I agree with both statements. Subtitles would be nice and so would an intro. Also, some music during the combo of the week would be nice. Something suspenseful and epic would fit in well. You could also add in some more ideas for the show like trying to get in touch with spinners through youtube/aim and have them guest star, could be nice if done right. Oh, and show off your mods, tek. We'd like that.
A trick of the week would also be nice and maybe some more news upsb oriented.
Imo, pretty nice for a first episode. I enjoyed it. -
Date: Tue, Dec 22 2009 04:47:11
lol i loved it! but you spoke a little fast. nervous much
. I think ima subcribe
Date: Tue, Dec 22 2009 05:04:27QUOTE (k-ryder @ Dec 19 2009, 08:07 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>that kinda makes it look like bad editing, where as the other method (although it may become annoying to some viewers) will seem more deliberate, and not look like dodgy editing
Clearly, it seems that no one has seen a video blog or anything of the sort before.
TEK, I liked the style you used, and it kept my attention.
It seems like this could be a pretty neat project to unfurl if you make it look like an actual news broadcast:
Examples:- Bottom scrolling news info
- cut to a different person giving info on another specific topic
Date: Tue, Dec 22 2009 17:06:49
I know that it's a style of video (not one that I particularly like), but even in the kinda 'pro' bloggers that use it, it's used sparingly. In this video there was literally 3 segments for 1 sentence at one point, which is a little overkill. In the end it's up to you to decide how you want to do your video.
Overall though, definitely very nice, keep making them. -
Date: Tue, Dec 22 2009 17:36:48QUOTE (iMatt @ Dec 18 2009, 05:04 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>- Highlights on major collaborations
Things to improve on:
- Add a few transitions/introduction
- Add a bit of music?
I definitly agreed with that, if i could give some idea, online interview with pen spinner might be good -
Date: Fri, Dec 25 2009 08:16:29
Ths, I think it's great. But I don't understand some words
Can somebody write the text/subs? Reading is more easy.
Date: Fri, Dec 25 2009 09:17:30
Second one is up. Merry Xmas guys.
Date: Fri, Dec 25 2009 09:24:25
yea second one was way better
my tip, have some sort of elevator music in the backgroung barely there (livelavalive does that and it helps alot) -
Date: Sat, Dec 26 2009 02:40:55
we have an intro this time
the audio level went down when you sat back from the screen (obviously, since the mic is further away) but it interfered with the consistant audio level
the mic idea that was posted sometime earlier in the thread can help
and background music helps
even the music you used for the intro, turned down might work -
Date: Sat, Dec 26 2009 02:58:32
nice one tek
the intro was vcool
the talking part can get a little dry so maybe some laid back bgm?
and an outro would be cool too
Date: Sat, Dec 26 2009 03:36:12
hey that's pretty cool ^^
gogo Neptune for the finale -
Date: Sat, Dec 26 2009 04:13:24
getting alot better=D nice hair tek!
Date: Sun, Dec 27 2009 00:13:54
Thanks to you, I just bought one of spinnerpeems busters
Can't wait to recieve it!
Date: Sun, Dec 27 2009 00:15:17QUOTE (Tushix @ Dec 26 2009, 04:13 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>Thanks to you, I just bought one of spinnerpeems busters
Can't wait to recieve it!
WTF? Seriously? -
Date: Sun, Dec 27 2009 03:45:54QUOTE (Colin @ Dec 26 2009, 07:15 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>WTF? Seriously?
Yea seriously xD -
Date: Sun, Dec 27 2009 04:43:12
very nice tek. keep it up, just maybe put consistent intro that ur gonna use for each ep, n maybe some quiet bg music,
n shit, im on my ipod n accidently thanked Simplex's post by accident LOL.. eh well free thx there haha. -
Date: Mon, Dec 28 2009 04:44:41QUOTE (VeN @ Dec 25 2009, 06:16 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>Ths, I think it's great. But I don't understand some words
Can somebody write the text/subs? Reading is more easy.
+1 Please, write the text. I'm bad in English. It is easy me to read text -
Date: Wed, Dec 30 2009 03:50:20
3rd show is up
Date: Wed, Dec 30 2009 04:23:51
background music this time
santana's ... samba pati
anyway, nice gossip section XD -
Date: Wed, Dec 30 2009 04:42:12
Lotuswing ... in the UK?
Lol, a little wrong on your info there, but overall pretty good show. -
Date: Wed, Dec 30 2009 04:46:35QUOTE (strat1227 @ Dec 30 2009, 12:42 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>Lotuswing ... in the UK?
Lol, a little wrong on your info there, but overall pretty good show.
lol i could have sworn it was the uk
anyways, i added a lot of annotations to fix the mistakes. ^^ -
Date: Wed, Dec 30 2009 05:10:55
you forgot sunrise as a old spinner
anyways great vid as usual!good improvements
Date: Wed, Dec 30 2009 10:02:01
Date: Wed, Dec 30 2009 23:12:26
lol, great show tek
eh..i have crash on my msn, but i can't c his icon.. -
Date: Fri, Jan 8 2010 05:01:10
hope you guys like it.
Date: Fri, Jan 8 2010 05:19:14
I love this show.
I've been looking forward to it every Friday since the first show was released, I'm hoping that it doesn't fizzle out. (I'm sure it won't)
Keep up the great work TEK -
Date: Sat, Jan 9 2010 03:48:46
added friday show ^^
Date: Sat, Jan 9 2010 04:08:30
Cool vid, good as always.
Another error though, there IS judging in the team battle. It's stated very clearly that the poll it just for show, ultimate decision is up to judges.
Results will be posted tonight or tomorrow. -
Date: Sat, Jan 9 2010 04:16:54
nice show TEK, it was entertaining and just long enough. Good job
also thanks for CK mod reveiw i was on the fence about wether or not to make it and this vid helped me make my decision -
Date: Sat, Jan 9 2010 04:22:59
Like this show. keep it up.
QUOTE (strat1227 @ Jan 8 2010, 11:08 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>Cool vid, good as always.
Another error though, there IS judging in the team battle. It's stated very clearly that the poll it just for show, ultimate decision is up to judges.
Results will be posted tonight or tomorrow.
haha someone didn't read the final line on the first post xD -
Date: Fri, Jan 15 2010 15:34:36
6th show!
Date: Fri, Jan 15 2010 16:11:47QUOTE (TEK @ Jan 15 2010, 11:34 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>6th show!
wow thank you very much TEK
i saw my video's on it XD
but just to tell you
i've reuploaded it cause i've asked peem today and he allowed me to added something which 100%ly will amaze everyone
so maybe you can change the link on the side bar
go check out my channel now,it should be up there already ^ ^
asked me any questions through msn if you want ^ ^ -
Date: Sat, Jan 16 2010 00:03:23
hey, you bringing anything good to the gathering ^^?
Date: Sat, Jan 16 2010 01:01:30QUOTE (Eugene @ Jan 15 2010, 11:11 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>wow thank you very much TEK
i saw my video's on it XD
but just to tell you
i've reuploaded it cause i've asked peem today and he allowed me to added something which 100%ly will amaze everyone
so maybe you can change the link on the side bar
go check out my channel now,it should be up there already ^ ^
asked me any questions through msn if you want ^ ^
lol, u talking about the last part of the video? haha, i have the same one as peem!!!lol, but i think mine's bigger -
Date: Sat, Jan 16 2010 01:05:43QUOTE (AyySoLo @ Jan 15 2010, 08:01 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>lol, but i think mine's bigger
you're comparing yourself to a 15yo kid. there's nothing to brag about. -
Date: Sat, Jan 16 2010 02:12:34QUOTE (Zombo @ Jan 15 2010, 07:05 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>you're comparing yourself to a 15yo kid. there's nothing to brag about.
peem's 15? yes I'm younger than him -
Date: Sat, Jan 16 2010 15:38:09
another video about the Hong Kong penspinning event
great editing by oRc from HKPSA
thx a lot
plz comment and spread it among all your friends ^ ^ -
Date: Sun, Jan 24 2010 01:02:54
last PS Weekly for the season
Date: Sun, Jan 24 2010 01:12:32
last? D:
also, mini tek is so cute =O -
Date: Sun, Jan 24 2010 01:17:18
lmao he's so cute xD
Date: Sun, Jan 24 2010 02:11:52
Get mini tek to read the news until ur free!!!
I'm sure that ur gonna get more hits that way XD
great show, looking forward to it's return.
Now I need to find a way to know wats going on in the psing world... -
Date: Tue, Jan 26 2010 03:34:44
he says if we enjoy him talking he might make more vids. So everyone tell him how much we enjoy him talkingg
gotta keep the show alive