Philosophy / If pen-spinning were as popular as.....
Date: Wed, Nov 28 2007 04:22:12
Let me just pick a random thing.
Such as guitar.
Well, this is not just a random thing this has been brought up by my brother countless times.
He, along with everyone else in my family argues that my spinning is not good and that placing in a tournament or winning a battle means nothing because if pen-spinning were as famous as guitar I would never be able to do those things.
He says that if the popularity level increased so would the level of skill because there would be more people with more dedication, devotion, and no lives.
My spinning sucks because there isn't a large enough amount of people for me to compare it to in order for me to get a good enough perspective.
Is basically what he tells me.
What do you think? -
Date: Wed, Nov 28 2007 04:24:41
Totally true, just look at the Rubik's Cube. As soon as it re-hit mainstream,.. just fill in the rest.
Date: Wed, Nov 28 2007 04:26:41
Yeah I know he is right...
Look at stuff like
Cup Stacking
Basically any skill sport that has recently blown up. -
Date: Wed, Nov 28 2007 04:28:15
ok this is not entirely true,
in some sense yes, if you claim to be the best spinner in the world, and there's only 2 spinners in the world, then there's not much to say...
but just because an art is more popular doesn't mean it's more difficult,
boxing takes a lot more fitness than soccer, but soccer is way more popular, but to be at the top of the boxing world, you need to work a lot harder than the top soccer player in the world. -
Date: Wed, Nov 28 2007 08:42:38
I think yoyo is some popular stuff.
But I personally feels that pen spinning is way more cool then spinning yoyo.
Somehow I was hoping that pen spinning can be popular, then I can have a lot pen spinning friends around me =D -
Date: Wed, Nov 28 2007 08:47:03
yo-yo is sort of popular, but most people just think it's a kid's toy. stupid stereotype crap.
if the popularity increase, there will be more people with more ideas, and therefore probably more tricks and combos will be created.
and yes, i wish there were more spinners so that i at least have some friends who spin at some standard so we can sit around a table and jam or something. much more fun to spin in groups, though not as much progress. -
Date: Wed, Nov 28 2007 12:57:15
Few years ago, I used to spin yoyo. But I find like you cnt do it anywhere you like. And I not much time to spend for yoyo. But as for pen spinning. I find that the tricks is way cooler! And I can spin anywhere I go.
I think its cooler for another reason, everybody uses pen to only write, but we can do something special with it. That makes us special from other ppl too.
As for yoyo, yea, I have ppl commenting that its dangerous to swing that thing around.
And for pen spinning, I got ppl askng me that can pen spinning earn money? Can you stop wasting your time?
Whatever I spin with, there will be a lot negative comments =.= -
Date: Wed, Nov 28 2007 13:29:55
Nova did you even read the topic, because you're not on it.
Date: Wed, Nov 28 2007 15:06:54QUOTE (Scott Shaputis @ Nov 27 2007, 10:22 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>He, along with everyone else in my family argues that my spinning is not good and that placing in a tournament or winning a battle means nothing because if pen-spinning were as famous as guitar I would never be able to do those things.
I agree with the opinion that if there were more people spinning then the overall skill level would rise making it harder to win tournaments and battles.
For now your spinning is good.
And if people spin twice as good as you does not mean that your spinning sucks, it can still be considered good once it reaches a certain level which I think you have reached. -
Date: Wed, Nov 28 2007 17:54:35
Meh. You can't say it like that. Skill level would increase, and you with it. If penspinning had been as popular as Guitar, but only existed as long as it has now, you would still be in the top after this time. Did that make any sense? That's how it is imo atleast.
Date: Thu, Nov 29 2007 04:34:44
I think its not as popular because the fags think its just flicking a pen around and its "easy" *cough* all they can do is fingerpass
Date: Sat, Dec 1 2007 05:39:41
Your brother sounds like a **** if he'd say that to you. Maybe half of the reason people don't try pen spinning is because they have and can't do it. Think of all the people who try once to do a fingerpass and then give up. I'd include those people as well. In reality, pen spinning is a global activity that takes precision and more mental work than physical. That makes it hard for some lumbering jock (no offense, just making a point) or even skilled musician to break into the pen spinning world. They just don't have the determination.
Date: Sun, Dec 2 2007 19:17:58
If pen spinning became as popular as other mainstream "idle hobbies," for a good while during the rise of it we would be considered masters to our disciples. They would look at us like gods!
After a while... everyone and their grandmother would be spinning... and I think personally I would get sick of seeing it. -
Date: Mon, Dec 3 2007 05:52:47
not 100% true. look at the asians for instance. pen spinning is extremely popular to them.. but you can still beat some of them in a battle can't you? i reckon you can.. i agree with Sfsr that if there were more people psing the overall spinning level would go up and our skills would go up with it
Date: Mon, Dec 3 2007 22:55:19
I suppose our skills would go up with it.
Eventually... it would require new tricks, outrageous combos, etc etc...
If that day comes... I'll be ready. -
Date: Sun, Mar 30 2008 19:57:49
i think penspinning will eventually get more popular...say in 30 years. Then 90 percent of the kids will be doing shadows and baks. but then again, some ppl just arent paitent enough to penspin at all. however, we shall see.
Date: Mon, Jul 21 2008 23:40:47
I have thought about this actually, and i think you are right....perhaps not on the bords or worldwide....but if lots more people can spin,,even a little bit, then you or me being able to spin really well will be less impressive in person.
for example, in the classroom, if only one person can spin at all, a decent fingerpass is pretty impressive. but if lots of people can do the fingerpass a little, your decent fingerpass just isn't imressive any more. so then you have to get a little better to show off. i think the same thing would happen on the world stage.
that said it is very unlikely that every tom,dick, and harry will start...more likely is a slow, moderate increse...which can be nothing but good for PS as a whole. as more people with more of a pool of ideas start. -
Date: Tue, Jul 22 2008 00:47:51
since there is not many pen spinners around atm we can just work on being a decent spinner.
and say 5 years into the future ps becomes way popular, then we got a head start and will be considered 'pros' to those to start. eh? eh? -
Date: Tue, Jul 22 2008 10:23:51
i don't know, but i just hope that the new people arn't so violent >.>
Date: Wed, Jul 23 2008 01:36:12
Hmm well the overall skill of the elite people is governed only by the amount they practice not by how many people do the skill.
If more people do the art there is that higher chance of finding dedicated people. However, if someone now was practiced pen spinning for several hours each day everyday and continued to do this for at least several years. Then if pen spinning became really popular this person would still be world class.
So yeah making something more popular only increases the chances of finding those dedicated few but if you want to be one of the best no matter how many people are doing the skill it requires always the same thing, several hours of practice a day for a number of years and then continued practiced for a few hours a day indefinately after this. -
Date: Wed, Jul 23 2008 14:32:56
It'd be nice if PS = Oldskool
Date: Wed, Jul 23 2008 19:27:46
@mats so...your sayin that to be 'elite' you gotta practice? thats all?
Date: Wed, Jul 23 2008 19:38:45QUOTE (000zero0000 @ Jul 23 2008, 03:27 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>@mats so...your sayin that to be 'elite' you gotta practice? thats all?
that's a whole other debate, discussed here:;hl=practice -
Date: Wed, Jul 23 2008 20:22:24
good 'ol zombo...
anyways, i still think my thought on spinning now would be good cuz later when much more people (if) join, we'll all be pro's ...ahahahaha -
Date: Wed, Jul 23 2008 21:50:26
No, if A LOT people would suddenly start spinning a good amount of them would probably surpass a good number of us in no time (relatively).
Date: Fri, Jul 25 2008 05:54:09
even if we had a 2 year head start?