Serious Discussion / the problem with "God exist or not" discussion

this is not a God exist or not discussion.

  1. Dark Angel-REX
    Date: Sat, Dec 26 2009 02:03:03

    I see in some other forums of whether God exist or not, and I seem to find several fatal problem in those kinda discussion.

    First problem:
    The definition of "Exist". For example, some people call "physically existent", "exist". But some other people consider "mentally existent", "exist" (so if "you believe in God, God exist in your mind, therefore it exist" sort of position). Some other people consider "existing for everyone", "exist". This has to do much more with ontology.
    When people say something exists, they often mean "exist for everyone and everything". But some people consider otherwise. Therefore, this ontological factors become a problem.

    Second problem:
    The definition of "God". For example, when people say God, they probably refer to Yahweh, Vishnu, Allah or Gods like that in religious sense (Religious God). However, for some people, when they say God, might refer to Gods that are non-emotional not restricted to humanity but as a whole universe (Non-Religious God).
    Therefore, this definition factors become a problem.

    Third problem:
    Limits in words. We use words to discuss, but these words might sometimes be "inappropriate". Words like "real" for example: When people say "real God", what do they mean? And as said before the word "exist" itself has a problem.

    overall, there might be other problem, but these are the ones that I could think of for now.

  2. Sadistic
    Date: Sat, Dec 26 2009 20:47:34

    This is why methodological naturalism simplifies everything so nicely.