General Discussion / Trick Difficulty Ratings--Entity
A new thingy...
Date: Wed, Dec 30 2009 06:09:53
I was doing something somewhere about something when I came up with this random idea: why not assign difficulties to tricks so that newcomers know where to start learning?
I know, the last time I tried to post something "revolutionary" (pardon the pun) it wound up being something old, and the time before that, only two other people bothered to care. But it doesn't hurt to try.
Since no trick can be rated on its difficulty using one index, I decided to split it up into multiple categories to better calibrate for all tricks.
Finger Dexterity (FD): This index would rate how difficult it is to bend the fingers into the patterns involved in the trick. Calibration: 1/10 ~= ThumbAround, 10/10 ~= Flush Sonic.
Center-of-Pen Dependency (COPD): This index would rate how important the balance point of the pen is in the trick. Calibration: 1/10 ~= Infinity, 10/10 ~= BasketBall Spin.
Timing Precision: This index would rate how carefully the push and/or catch must be timed. Calibration: 1/10 ~= Charge Normal, 10/10 ~= Continuous Infinity Release.
So, anybody care to join in? My personal opinions:
Sonic: FD 4, COPD 3, TP 4.
ThumbAround: FD 1, COPD 3, TP 4.
(Weis) BackAround: FD 7, COPD 5, TP 5.
ThumbSpin 1.5: FD 2, COPD 6, TP 5.
Twisted Sonic: FD 3, COPD 3, TP 2.
Charge: FD 2, COPD 3, TP 1.
Shadow Still: FD 5, COPD 5, TP 5.
IndexAround: FD 6, COPD 4, TP 6.
Infinity: FD 2, COPD 1, TP 2.
Sonic Clip: FD 7, COPD 4, TP 4.
FingerPass: FD 4, COPD 3, TP 2.
Opinions? Suggestions? If you have a trick to add or a revision to suggest, again, please do.
Ent. -
Date: Wed, Dec 30 2009 06:11:44
Too many numbers and letters imo. Cluttered. But a nice idea.
Date: Wed, Dec 30 2009 06:14:45
I believe this has been proposed before. It's not a very good idea because there are not yet standards of difficulty in pen spinning. Tricks vary significantly in how difficult they are to learn from person to person so rating every trick is meaningless. There are already a set of fundamentals which newcomers are encouraged to learn, this really isn't needed.
Date: Wed, Dec 30 2009 06:51:55
It can always be based off the average pen spinner.
Date: Wed, Dec 30 2009 07:37:12
twisted sonic bust
finger dexterity or wutever=2/10
COP thing=8/10 -
Date: Wed, Dec 30 2009 07:42:04
So since I need post count for my custom member title like the person above me, I'm gonna suggest one based on my opinion.
Hai Tua
FD: 1/10
COPD: 1/10
TP: 1/10 -
Date: Wed, Dec 30 2009 07:46:39
i can see how this can be helpful...
but i can also see thats its pretty complicated
all i can say is, its much cleaner to say: trick- fd/copd/tp
ie. twisted sonic- 4/7/4 or whatever -
Date: Wed, Dec 30 2009 14:57:34
Maybe you should apply to be in the Research Department if you're interested in things like this. That's where this type of thing is developed, a single member can't release something like this and expect it to be followed, nobody really cares unless the RD does it, and even then people tend to ignore it, so your best bet is the RD
Date: Thu, Dec 31 2009 10:00:59
How does one apply for the RD? I am interested...but of course they won't accept some 14-year-old who lost his mind arguing about Sonic, will they?
Date: Thu, Dec 31 2009 14:06:22
I think that whilst being a good idea it's just another barrier for new spinners
I find, for the most part new spinners get interested because they want to learn THAT trick, not because they are hard core spinners trying to classify tricks...
You could make it simple by posting VIDEOS of single tricks under labels like Beginner, Intermediate, and Advanced. Whilst bringing them into the community and showing them how the tricks are related. I just think this would be a waste of time, put off many new spinners ( I looked over it and kind of got it? not really...) I think there are many resources for new spinners to find some beginner tricks, however. I think the "video" trick list would be exponentially more helpful than a list of tricks and there "ratings".
After giving it a more thorough read through, I still stand by what I said. I don't see this really being as helpful for new spinners than as a project and a gathering of information. While it may be a useful resource, so would an ordinary trick list in which a spinner said, hey that looks cool I'm going to learn it. I don't think there is really a need to "gauge" people down and categorize further. May just be me, but I really like penspinning for it's freedom, not that this restricts it, however I believe this being very relative as well, it may have a harder time.
One suggestion I WOULD have however, is that isntead of 1-10 it was an Easy Medium or Hard scaling, as this is much easier to understand and less prone to being "messed up" as numbers and values for certain tricks could be argued over. (regarding iamk34n3's post)
For example, Flush Sonic could be
FD Hard
TP Medium
A labeling like that, I believe would be more widely approved as accurate.
I SUPPOSE something more simple like that could help in terms of the organization and further classification of tricks, however I still cant really see the difference from this and someone going "Hey man, you need to have a lot of dexterity for this trick". And in cases like the Flush Sonic in which COPD matters 0 percent it's jsut kind of sitting there and not HELPING at all... them more I think about it, the less attractive this idea sounds. If you want to work on anything I believe it should be a complete tricks and common hybrids list along with videos.
My 2 cents -
Date: Thu, Dec 31 2009 14:44:31QUOTE (Entity @ Dec 31 2009, 05:00 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>How does one apply for the RD? I am interested...but of course they won't accept some 14-year-old who lost his mind arguing about Sonic, will they?
That's all they accept xD
I dunno, PM Zombo and ask. -
Date: Thu, Dec 31 2009 21:49:30QUOTE (Entity @ Dec 31 2009, 05:00 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>How does one apply for the RD? I am interested...but of course they won't accept some 14-year-old who lost his mind arguing about Sonic, will they?
You definately aren't RD material.
R stands for research, and considering you just found out a sonic consists of a charge and pass, and thought you were the first to come to this conclusion,
shows that you have absolutely no research skills, nevermind any notation or trick knowledge. -
Date: Thu, Dec 31 2009 21:56:41
I agree with AwonW on this. Every trick is different for every spinner. A high difficulty rating labeled on a trick would probably intimidate some spinners from learning that trick when in fact he/she can easily master that trick in a matter of minutes.
Date: Thu, Dec 31 2009 23:01:14
I think this will detract from ingenuity....This will lead people to think that tricks with the highest/hardest ratings are the best and they will focus on those tricks rather than what tricks they personally like the best.....This is a wiper killer lolz....
Date: Fri, Jan 1 2010 03:16:29
I believe it's of personal preference.
Date: Fri, Jan 1 2010 07:25:19QUOTE (Entity @ Dec 31 2009, 02:00 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>How does one apply for the RD? I am interested...but of course they won't accept some 14-year-old who lost his mind arguing about Sonic, will they?QUOTE (Stevieboy7 @ Dec 31 2009, 01:49 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>You definately aren't RD material.
R stands for research, and considering you just found out a sonic consists of a charge and pass, and thought you were the first to come to this conclusion,
shows that you have absolutely no research skills, nevermind any notation or trick knowledge.
do it anyways. It's worth the try, and you've mastered notation from what I've seen.
There's more to RD then just Naming Committee: -
Date: Fri, Jan 1 2010 08:17:23
Perhaps wait a bit before applying? Couldn't help but notice your join date. Nothing personal but I've generally regarded the Research group as rather prestigious (ha, ha,) and that generally tends to have a tacit "long-timer" requisite for acceptance. I hope you get what I'm trying to say here.
And there's nowhere to go but up.. Right? [unless you just start bashing]
and yes, that's where the Research group comes in, because they have "power" whereas one member, sadly enough, doesn't.
I noted a while ago that the neosonic has been deprecated, but no one is going to be bothered to refer to it as that x-finger-around ##-tf, but this may actually be a resource that people would refer to - it could help them in the learning process, especially if they find themselves lacking in certain areas, some of which that you've listed.