General Discussion / Mebeam Competitions
Date: Thu, Dec 31 2009 03:16:06
I'm not exactly sure how this could work, because I'm not exactly sure of the extent of mebeam's abilities; however, I've been thinking that with all of these live pen spinning competitions that I've been seeing from gatherings and such online, that there could be online live tournaments.
I'm thinking that x(2?) spinners and x(3?) judges are in the conference, and the rest could be random viewers ( I read somewhere mebeam had a 10 person limit, but may be inaccurate)
I would assume these would be done like the live competitions would be done.
-everyone is there
-lag? (not sure if this is a problem on mebeam)
-see the spinning once (unless it could be recorded and then a x amount of time was given to judge)
-more pressure with the whole 1 shot at doing well and you're
Hmm, its an idea. Not exactly sure how feasible it is, however its something to ponder.
Sorry if this was brought up before, I searched but came up empty. -
Date: Thu, Dec 31 2009 03:19:20
It's been discussed before, (similar ideas) I just don't see this happening.
... its not implausible however there are so many better choices than mebeam to do something like this aka live webcam competition.
Date: Thu, Dec 31 2009 03:24:16
yeah, i guess it didn't have to be mebeam, I just used that because it seems to be the most popular among pen spinners in the shoutbox
Date: Thu, Dec 31 2009 03:26:25
I don't think this would work out.
Date: Thu, Dec 31 2009 03:49:29
I can't see this ever happening on a major scale, but I bet if you just hop onto mebeam when it's busy and say "who wants to battle?" you could do impromptu battles.
Cool idea -
Date: Thu, Dec 31 2009 04:02:51
Ive seen a mebeam tak-on battle before. It was Pe/PDR vs some other guy i forgot.
Date: Thu, Dec 31 2009 05:06:53
mm i had a tack on with JC and ~L~
Date: Thu, Dec 31 2009 05:19:09
Google Wave Video Conference Battle?
Date: Thu, Dec 31 2009 05:21:17
Doesn't mebeam kill video quality like crazy?
Date: Thu, Dec 31 2009 05:33:30
its easier to just give random numbers to ppl live, then they have for example 5 or 10 mins to upload their video which must display the random number given to verify its live.
Date: Thu, Dec 31 2009 05:48:03
mebeam lag is RIDICULOUS, idk how this could be expected to work for anyone
even skype would have trouble distinguishing a full combo -
Date: Thu, Dec 31 2009 06:13:16
mm it really depends on the quality tho i mean sometimes its very good no lag and then sometimes its completely useless