Hi. I'm Sobol and I'm from PPP.
At the moment I have +6 on PPP White List and -0 on Black List. smile.gif
I speak English and Polish. tongue.gif

I have / I can get:
White PPP Wristband (brand-new)
Pari's "Żółty" Mod with BLACK SPOKOs grips + addictional body and caps! (Almost new, see the pic.)
SPOKOs (Yellow, Green, Orange, Gray, Blue, Skyblue, BLACK). Used by NEPTUNE for gripcuts in PMWT. I can get stacks of them.
Duraflash (propably all excluding blue and violet)
Super Pirat
Grip Matic
HGG (black)
Fibracolor (Pari mod body, silver only)
Uni Signo
Uni Lakubo
Uni Lacknock
Pilot G2
Hi-Tec C
Ask... smile.gif