General Discussion / Choosing a Spinning Style
Date: Sun, Jan 10 2010 17:50:05
Hey spinners, I have been trying to come up with cool styles for my spinning but I can't . Anyone who has any tips or guidelines please reply thanks
Date: Sun, Jan 10 2010 18:40:52
I don't have everyone's favorite "style" really, so maybe I'm not the best person to answer, but in my opinion style shouldn't be something you force, just do your own thing and you'll develop your own style
Date: Sun, Jan 10 2010 19:44:35QUOTE (strat1227 @ Jan 11 2010, 02:40 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>I don't have everyone's favorite "style" really, so maybe I'm not the best person to answer, but in my opinion style shouldn't be something you force, just do your own thing and you'll develop your own style
The thing is that its been 2 years and my spinning is still the same style-less so i'm now stuck with no style in spinning -
Date: Sun, Jan 10 2010 19:47:59
That doesn't mean you have no style. It means that you have a style that is different from everyone else's. =)
Date: Sun, Jan 10 2010 19:53:43
How long have you been spinning?
After a while, you'll start to develop your own style.
Style doesn't come easily, you gotta work on it. -
Date: Sun, Jan 10 2010 20:01:59QUOTE (SJ @ Jan 10 2010, 01:53 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>How long have you been spinning?
After a while, you'll start to develop your own style.
Style doesn't come easily, you gotta work on it.
my style is just how i learned my tricks. and i havent compared it to anyone elses style. when you say it doesnt come easy and you have to work at it, do you mean to change your style from your original style? -
Date: Sun, Jan 10 2010 20:08:11QUOTE (Kirby @ Jan 10 2010, 12:01 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>my style is just how i learned my tricks. and i havent compared it to anyone elses style. when you say it doesnt come easy and you have to work at it, do you mean to change your style from your original style?
Not necessarily change it. If you don't like your style at all, you can experiment with different styles and go from there.
Otherwise, try to fully develop your style so that it looks more complete if you know what I mean.
I just happen to like developed styles but that's just me. Some people prefer underdeveloped styles.
Date: Sun, Jan 10 2010 20:20:08
my style is too inherently korean
Date: Sun, Jan 10 2010 20:37:50
I'll post my first video soon hope you guys can check it out and comment on my "style"
Date: Sun, Jan 10 2010 20:38:29
Sometimes you actually have to work to be "styleless" from there you can have an "empty slate" of sorts to develop your tricks.
The best thing to do would be to work on finger dexterity and flexibility that way you can do the trick however you want and change it up however you wish =]. -
Date: Sun, Jan 10 2010 22:47:56
The way that everyone spins is a style. Even if you're styleless, well thats still a style. So just relax, be natural, and do your best
Date: Sun, Jan 10 2010 22:51:58QUOTE (SJ @ Jan 10 2010, 11:53 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>After a while, you'll start to develop your own style.
Style doesn't come easily, you gotta work on it.
Is it just me or do these two statements conflict?
Anyway, usually style is something that develops by itself. -
Date: Sun, Jan 10 2010 22:58:26
i dont think you can actually choose a style, rather it develops.
Date: Mon, Jan 11 2010 03:50:18
After reading through all the comments, I think the million dollar question should be how to change your style because when I first started spinning, I wanted to spin in a certain style but could never achieve it. I wonder if UPSB or anyone ever classified the different styles. I think if there was a categorization of styles, it'll help some people achieve the style they desire.
Date: Mon, Jan 11 2010 03:52:59QUOTE (Hippo2626 @ Jan 10 2010, 09:50 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>After reading through all the comments, I think the million dollar question should be how to change your style because when I first started spinning, I wanted to spin in a certain style but could never achieve it. I wonder if UPSB or anyone ever classified the different styles. I think if there was a categorization of styles, it'll help some people achieve the style they desire.
there already is Thai style, Korean style, and Jap style. -
Date: Mon, Jan 11 2010 03:56:10
Well, if you want a similar style ( I wouldn't suggest it but you can)
watch someones videos and watch the subtleties of there actions, and as I said before finger independence will LET you do what you want so you can do a trick a certain way that resembles how you want to do it in your head.
If you know what you want to do but your hand wont do it, it's not very useful just watching videos ;]. -
Date: Mon, Jan 11 2010 04:06:40QUOTE (Kirby @ Jan 11 2010, 11:52 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>there already is Thai style, Korean style, and Jap style.
Actually I was thinking maybe a more distinctive categorization because I can't don't understand what Korean, Japanese and Thai styles look like. Is it possible to requests to UPSB to help us with this? -
Date: Mon, Jan 11 2010 04:42:21
i gotta disagree with everyone in this thread. if you WANT a particular style, you can achieve it. i can clearly exhibit this by spinning in the old style i had before bonkura, pyralux, and s777 convinced me to switch
Date: Mon, Jan 11 2010 04:56:35QUOTE (Shadowserpant @ Jan 10 2010, 11:42 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>i gotta disagree with everyone in this thread. if you WANT a particular style, you can achieve it. i can clearly exhibit this by spinning in the old style i had before bonkura, pyralux, and s777 convinced me to switch
you're not the only person who said that lol ...
i just said i don't think you should force a style -
Date: Mon, Jan 11 2010 05:07:39
i know i just mean in general, alot of people seem to think it's not possible to choose a style, or even that you shouldn't, but i highly disagree
Date: Mon, Jan 11 2010 06:12:17
When i say "shouldn't", i don't mean that there's anything philosophically wrong with it, it's just that most people can agree that doing tricks in a style different than your own is difficult, and i think that logically it's easier to perfect your natural style than adapt a new one and try to perfect that.
if your style is really hideous (read: mine xD), maybe you should try to fix it. But i honestly just don't care enough xD -
Date: Mon, Jan 11 2010 06:56:15
Most people try to base their style around other spinners' styles that they find appealing, right? I for one love hybrids, but I also enjoys metallic comssa combos along with wiper/infinity combos with the MX. Being a newcomer into pen spinning, I used a Buster and my mind was all "Thai, Thai, Thai." After lurking here and on other boards, I found that there were many other styles. I have found a "hybrid style" if you will, split among many boards. For me, I just find certain moves that catch my attention, yet not overly impossible at my level of spinning to actually learn. Take this for example. I just found/learned Inverse sonic reverse 12-23 > Shadow reverse 23-12 today because I liked how easily it flowed in my combos, and I'm still trying to figure out Gollumsk8's hybrid that he does, just because it's one of those unique tricks that really suits his style. In a way, I'm taking bits and pieces of things that I am learning to attempt and meld all of this together? I think that anyone can alter their styles if they put enough effort into it
Imagine Peem switching to an MX o-o
ps: just wanted to share this :'D -
Date: Mon, Jan 11 2010 07:18:47
inverse sonic reverse 12-13 ~ shadow reverse 13-12
Date: Mon, Jan 11 2010 08:22:30
So if wanted to change style how would I do so?
Date: Mon, Jan 11 2010 08:47:12
as other people have said, look for videos of spinners you enjoy the styles of, and try to mimic their manner of doing tricks.
at a certain point of experience, you should begin to branch off, and form your own opinions as to how you should do your tricks -
Date: Fri, Apr 2 2010 08:30:56
Okay since the last time I posted on this thread to now I still can't see a difference in my style so I decided to regurgitate my thoughts about my style now. I realised that I've never used a single mod to train my spinning for more than 1 week. I've been alternating between light, heave and long mods a lot. I've seen many people using only 1 mod to train in their initial stages of spinning so could that be a reason for being style-less? Perhaps style is also defined by linkages. I dunno, I've been practicing mainly tricks not combos so many simple linkages are difficult for me to do like the neobak to midbak. Though I've been coming up with some interesting and hard linkages (some new I'll release a video of it once I can get a good webcam.) my fundamentals are not there so does that affect style? Any advise or opinions?
Date: Fri, Apr 2 2010 08:44:55
Be Creative You Think Of Somthing