General Discussion / Important Aspects of Penspinning
Date: Fri, Jan 22 2010 23:19:27
I'm trying to make a type of penspinning promo depicting several different aspects of penspinning. I plan on using this as like an introductory video for people who have never seen penspinning.
The idea is to go over several categories and show clips depicting each aspect:
--RSVP MX: (Asiain Tim) ...
--Comssa: ...
--Buster: (Vic)....
--Thai: (Supawit)(Spinnerpeem)
--Korean: ...
--Fast: (Dongza) ...
--Slow: (Shadowserpant) ...
--Technical: (Eriror) ...
--JEB: ....
--UPSB: (Eriror)(Vic)...
--THPSC: (Supawit)(Spinnerpeem)
The idea isn't to show EVERY board/style/pen, just major/basic ones, to show the variety that exists inside of penspinning.
Every "..." represents places where I need suggestions. I want at least 2 or 3 vids for each aspect. Also, I'm open to adding new aspects to each category, or even a new category if someone suggests a good one.
Anyway, thanks for your help guys -
Date: Fri, Jan 22 2010 23:31:18
Jw, you should also make it so each topic is updated annually or like every 2 years, that way topics don't get out dated, not like replaced but like added onto with something new... that way you can also help document the history of penspinning as time goes by and don't end up with completely outdated styles or wtvr. if things become obsolete or wtvr as well they can become red or something...
(with new videos)
Just an idea. =]
really like the idea of a video "archive" though. -
Date: Fri, Jan 22 2010 23:43:57
hmm maybe you could include some fpsb ppl cuz they have some really unique styles (s777, pyralux)
idk if ur gonna get them to film something just for this though, unless ur using old vids
and by comssa, you mean a plain, double capped comssa w/ no grips/tips right strat? -
Date: Fri, Jan 22 2010 23:50:43
rsvp mx: kUzu?
Korean: KTH, Crew?
Fast: KKKentei/å…µå’
Slow: Stuhl
Technical: Bonkura? -
Date: Sat, Jan 23 2010 00:30:49
Hmm, maybe I can add a "creative" style to counterpart "technical", and bonkura would surely fit into that.
haha no, i meant metallic comssas
Thanks for the suggestions wind
EDIT: btw, nah, it'd be waay too massive of an undertaking to try to organize everyone filming, I want to use classic/current videos to show what PSing is about
EDIT 2: How about "Tricks"? To show off certain trick varaities, eg. Aerials, stalls, arounds, etc. Good? Bad? -
Date: Sat, Jan 23 2010 01:40:26
comssa: kuzu
korean: kth, taeryong
fast: kentei
slow: 777
jeb: nekura, toro -
Date: Sat, Jan 23 2010 02:13:58
comssa: XIEN, Cloud Traveller
Date: Sat, Jan 23 2010 02:19:09
kUzu's G3 mod: REX?
Date: Sat, Jan 23 2010 04:47:42
maybe you'ld like to add a section for dexerty
or maybe that goes under creativity
and tricks seems a good idea, which might actually be better than promoting a style, especially if its for people who have never seen pen spinning
just a tip on order, here's my view of it
1. intro combos (impressive combos which catch their attention
2. tricks (from fundies to the advanced) <- to intro pen spinning
3. pens <- if the tricks part doesn't "interest" (ie. OH MY EFFING GOD! i wanna do that) maybe mods will
4. boards <- this leads them onto something if they are planning to find out more
as always, links in vids and sidebar will be nice -
Date: Sat, Jan 23 2010 04:54:36
comssa: Morse
MX: kin
JEB: raimo
technical: pontoku?
Edit: Wow, did not read the posts carefullyMorse doesn't work since he spins non-metallic comssa
Date: Sat, Jan 23 2010 05:31:16
Ever, no biggie, as long as it's still a comssa variation, remember, this is for non-psers
also, i'm thinking I won't put names, maybe just a credit roll at the end, non-psers don't really care in my experience, so i'll keep it simple and leave those out -
Date: Sat, Jan 23 2010 05:32:09
No one spins metal comssas anyway. And vic doesn't spin a buster nowadays. He has his own mod.
Date: Sat, Jan 23 2010 08:02:04
Very rough draft, clearly unfinished, this is what I was thinking of making it look like.
Feedback welcome. -
Date: Sat, Jan 23 2010 10:02:02
note: the following is constructive critisism
the pacing overall is very slow, and its not helped by the music
if i were completely new to pen spinning, i wouldn't sit through that video, even at the draft length, it was pretty stretched out
fast paced music (techno, drum and bass) and quick progressions through the combos = attention grabbing
also, flash to white on transitions also gives a pacey effect
ok, so upon reviewing your first post, you said this is an introductory video for "i've never seen pen spinning before" people
and therefore, you'ld want them to get into pen spinning after they've watched the video right?
i think, first of all, acronyms for the boards really doesn't do anything, unless its expanded
secondly, as i said in my previous post, boards can wait til later
i think they need to see what pen spinning is about, know what a few tricks and mods look like, and then look into boards
onto layout...
i can see what you're trying to do, but the pen spinning screen is way too small, and it looks rather bland
again, i think special effects, on titles and around the screen will do a better job at grabbing and retaining attention
think JEB collab level graphics and SFX, and crank it up about 14 notches
overkill is fine, we aren't gonna watch it, its the newbies who will
make them think "RAWR! THIS IS AWESOME! I WANT INS!"
in summary:
+ faster pace
+ review order
+ keep their attention
one last thing: probably again with pacing, i think the combos you chose are either too long, or just need to be cut down
they (newbies) dont need to see full combos, just know a jist
sorry, this is the last thing:
dont speed up any clips
escpecially the jeb clip
who's clip was that again? -
Date: Sat, Jan 23 2010 17:31:30
Right, all reactions I kinda expected from penspinners, I'll go through and kinda explain my thought process for each part
QUOTE (k-ryder @ Jan 23 2010, 05:02 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>fast paced music (techno, drum and bass) and quick progressions through the combos = attention grabbing
well my thoughts are, there are plenty of flashy/adhd penspinning videos out there that are basically for shock value (like you say "OMG I WANT THIS!!" That's not what i'm going for, i'm going for simplicity, "This is what penspinning is all about.", and openness.QUOTEalso, flash to white on transitions also gives a pacey effect
notreally sure what this meansQUOTEsecondly, as i said in my previous post, boards can wait til later
yeah, i guess this is a fair argumentQUOTEagain, i think special effects, on titles and around the screen will do a better job at grabbing and retaining attention
think JEB collab level graphics and SFX, and crank it up about 14 notchesoverkill is fine, we aren't gonna watch it, its the newbies who will make them think "RAWR! THIS IS AWESOME! I WANT INS!"
haha, maybe I'm the only one, but a JEB collab was the first thing I ever watched, and I thought it was really cool, asside from all the absurd editing ... it looked like they were hiding something/needed to compensate for the spinning with completely unnecessary effects. Again, i'm just trying a more simple approach, something I rarely see, and maybe it'll be more effective. or maybe not, who knows.QUOTEone last thing: probably again with pacing, i think the combos you chose are either too long, or just need to be cut down
they (newbies) dont need to see full combos, just know a jist
I need to cut spinnerpeems combo, I see that now, but the rest of them are between less than 20 seconds lolQUOTEdont speed up any clips
escpecially the jeb clip
who's clip was that again?
Erm, I didn't speed up any of the clips? also, which one, there are 3 jeb spinners ...
In any case, I'm definitely open to discussion, but keep in mind I'm trying to get a relaxed, simplistic feel to it
EDIT: Damn, I was hoping I wouldn't have to mess with changing the music, but I watched it once muted, and once with the music, and the one w/ music did seem MUCH longer .... try watchng it muted and see what you think -
Date: Sat, Jan 23 2010 17:46:28
Nice video But Just some critique from me
Like other people said bigger screen.
Secondly, non-psers really dont care about the board or know what the letters UPSB or TSHPC (Prob spelled Thaispinner wrong) even mean. you should give them a video to TO GET THEM INTO SPINNING then once there into it, then they might care more about the board but not now.
One Thing I think would hold their attention is one very creative spinner. Like maybe put a combo with bonkura I-sonic (not because he is amazing) but I think his creativity will hold there attention
Lastly, I know you were trying to cover all aspects of PS but to non-psers they would much rather see alot of super kick ass buster combos then some decent comssa combos because they dont know the difference.
Sorry if any of this has been previously stated but thats just my 2 cents -
Date: Sat, Jan 23 2010 19:13:09
My Feedback, sorry if my points are already posted,
I like the video but to Non-PSers they would probably get really bored. They would rather see aerial/fast combos with maybe a Stik mod like Buster or KT.
Also the music, kinda boring and since it was looped it didnt help with getting people amazed at the video. Probably something Techno or Maybe Metal. Just not like Death Metal or something.
Also, I agree with Kirby when he says that most people won't care about the board names etc. Maybe have 2 quick fast combos under Boards and just list all the names quickly.
Also under Pens, which you haven't done yet obviously, maybe do Pens that Non-PSers would never think of. Like the longer ones that resemble sticks like KT or something like that. I remember before I was spinning, I would go to PoV's house and he would show me all of his pens, and I liked the ones that didnt resemble normal pens.
Just my 2 cents.
Nice for a Rough Draft tho! -
Date: Sat, Jan 23 2010 19:58:18
All these classifications (besides the pen ones) are based on opinion.
Date: Sat, Jan 23 2010 20:20:17QUOTE (nateiskewl @ Jan 23 2010, 02:58 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>All these classifications (besides the pen ones) are based on opinion.
of course they are. (though i don't see how board is either?)
that only leaves style, and that's just to get a feel, not to define -
Date: Sat, Jan 23 2010 20:56:25
video is too long
promo you should only show the best of what ps has to offer in one minute or less
typical structure involves showing basic tricks up to the best
then last screen is address and thats it -
Date: Sat, Jan 23 2010 21:00:18
Very good point about the at the end
Date: Sat, Jan 23 2010 21:32:45
tricks used [difficulty]
how often a trick is used in 1 combo
uhhh.. the color of the pen and background [for video's]
and also the vid quality lol -
Date: Sat, Jan 23 2010 22:40:52QUOTE (pReTTysMooTh @ Jan 23 2010, 04:32 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>linkage
tricks used [difficulty]
how often a trick is used in 1 combo
uhhh.. the color of the pen and background [for video's]
and also the vid quality lol
dude did you even pretend to read the topic? or did you just see the title and think you knew what it was about?