AusClan Forum / A Real AusPS Forum
Date: Mon, Jan 25 2010 05:50:11
For quite some time, people in AusClan have been wanting to become independent from UPSB. Not bc UPSB is a bad board but rather to encourage the Australian scene to grow and become more mature. Staying on UPSB can make us lazy, we tend to alright with posting only a few times a day as the rest of UPSB will always overshadow us. While UPSB is a gold mine of content and activity, having an independant board will let others in the World know we exist, and that we are hoping to impact the psning world in someway. (K IM OUT OF SPEECH MATERIAL HERE xD)
Plans for Australia include taking the initiative in creating a new tournament concept that will be "Commonwealth Games"
, and having more competitions and gatherings within Australia.
Chogoling has been able to find someone who would provide a us with some help:
"I've got a mate who is willing to host a forum for us on his local server or his other server (1.2 TB/month, 20GB disk space), and he is also willing to custom write the software for us. All he asks is that he receives some donations."
we'll need ur support in being active, and giving ideas for this to become a reality. thoughts thankyou. -
Date: Mon, Jan 25 2010 05:53:03
Date: Mon, Jan 25 2010 07:12:52
i'll take the liberty in continuing neo's speech
By splitting away from UPSB, with such diversity and sheer numbers of pen spinners, it can also allow Australian spinners to be more recognised and participate more in tornaments. Like other European communities, such as BPSC, it allows the spinners to not be included in a UPSB team, they will be able to participate as "Belgian" spinners, increasing both the chance of representation for their community, and also new participants.
Although this may seem like a thinning of spinners over more communities, it will no doubt increase the amount of spinners, not only membership wise, but participation wise. With such a large community, as that of UPSB, many members will sign up, but a large percentage will be overwelmed by the vastness of the community, and cease to participate after the first few days. Creating another community will enable to nurture new spinners, through better participation in the board.
Ofcourse, UPSB does provide a vast and rich source of information, especially to new spinners. And this information can be utilised to its full extent in a new board and community, by providing links to UPSB forum topics, such as pen modding and trick threads. The vice versa can also be implemented, new ideas for tricks and mods can be fed back into UPSB through the community's members posting on UPSB.
The implementation and formation of a new community for Australian pen spinners will no doubt not only encourage the growth of pen spinning in the country, but will also assist the expansion of pen spinning itself
ok, i'm tapping out
if anyone wants to take over, fire away
and in regards to chogo's post:
i like this idea, most of what i like about it is written in my block-o-text -
Date: Mon, Jan 25 2010 09:55:06
In addition to the WC/WT issue, as australia will not probably not have a good enough team for maybe 2-3 years, the elite of australia can always participate on the upsb team.
A new forum will also allow us to have detailed posts on issues concerning australians, e.g. where to find pens inplace. -
Date: Mon, Jan 25 2010 10:22:17
sounds like it might work. when are you guys looking at getting this board established???
Date: Mon, Jan 25 2010 12:28:46
id also like to add the possibility of fusing with the NZ people. its a double edged sword here, while we then wont have our own
"Australian" board AUS and NZ are very close (ive met a bunch of them ^^) and i feel that the joining should give more food for thought.
with a fused community, we will then have enough ability maybe even participate in the WT and WC as a joined team. NZ has some very skilled, active, and growing spinners. -
Date: Mon, Jan 25 2010 12:45:29
grrr, the NZ idea was mine
Date: Mon, Jan 25 2010 21:47:59
This is a really good idea. But i saw another penspinning foum the other day .__.
Australian Penspinning Asscoiation
Pretty gay though....
and dead -
Date: Mon, Jan 25 2010 23:12:45
yeah well i tried pming what active people left on that board to rejoin this board. Id really like to get Yam and spinstar back in the game. We'll see whats going to happen.
Date: Mon, Jan 25 2010 23:20:02
that forum was atrocious
Date: Mon, Jan 25 2010 23:22:55
The forum was 'atrocious' cause you joined
Date: Mon, Jan 25 2010 23:43:45
wtf, I joined that?
Date: Tue, Jan 26 2010 05:28:17
I don't really think that a seperate board is a bad idea, but if it isn't done right then it probably won't last.
There will not be a great deal of active members so contributions to posts won't be incredibly high, at least not as high as on UPSB. If there aren't many posts being made there won't be much momentum and I fear that motivation/morale would decline and the board would be dead.
Also, to encourage using an Australian Pen Spinning board, members should have an easy-a-ride as possible. Asking them for donations is just going to piss them off and probably make them not want to come back (let's be honest, until we get a lot of members they won't be missing much by foregoing using the board).
I personally think that going for an IRC server might be a better option. All Australian members are within 3 hours of each other (4 hours for AUS/NZ) so it should be fairly active at certain times (weeknights and such), while still having UPSB as the main board. Not to mention that an IRC server should be undoubtedly easier to do than a forum, and so should not require (m)any donations.
I personally don't mind which it is, just please make sure that it is well thought out before you do anything. There isn't much point in creating something that is doomed from the start. Yes, it's probably harder for the Australian community to grow while a part of UPSB, but we are still are pretty young community. Three years ago there was probably less than five active Australian Spinners. -
Date: Tue, Jan 26 2010 11:21:48
Hey guys, not many people know me... im a newb ass spinner... anyways. i like the idea of our own board.. and uh... yeeaaaahhh anyways. i dunno what to say but hmm.... i like the idea anyways im out. peace
ps. i like dots o.o .... -
Date: Wed, Jan 27 2010 02:55:07
i like dots too lol
on topic... do we really need a board? its not like people are going to find us in australia coz they googled "australian pen spinning board" before just "pen spinning board"... i say if we cfan get a free board then thats good... if not theres not enough reason -
Date: Wed, Feb 3 2010 00:03:14
we should have a vote.
Date: Thu, Feb 4 2010 10:47:14
a jolly good idea chap
but i dont think it'll go anywhere anytime soon
chogo's gonna hide in his little hole, i'm planning on doing the same (maybe coming out to play every so often)
i'm sure others in their final year of school would like that as well
so, i think if it is going to be implemented anytime in the future, it would be after schoolies week
i say yes, if we can find a few more spinners and near the end of this year
recruitment for each state??? -
Date: Thu, Feb 4 2010 19:06:03
yay recruitment. I'll recruit possibly next year march when I'm in an asian university lol. I should be studying why am I here >: ( argh.
oh yeah I came up with this though its probably been thought up of already
AuNZS (Australian and New Zealand Spinners)
NZAuS (New Zealand and Australian Spinners)
AuTNZS (Australia, Tasmania, and New Zealand Spinners) < lol
lool im so gay XD. NZAuS looks best out of all of them sadly >: ( -
Date: Thu, Feb 4 2010 20:03:37
2nd one is bad cause Australia is last
3rd one is stupid -
Date: Thu, Feb 4 2010 21:48:13QUOTE (chogoling @ Feb 5 2010, 06:03 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>2nd one is bad cause Australia is last
Date: Fri, Feb 5 2010 01:20:35
o_O who r u?
Date: Fri, Feb 5 2010 05:09:05
lol eccentric ninja'd his name
Date: Fri, Feb 5 2010 08:04:11
that looks stupid
doesn't talk about pen spinning
... weird -
Date: Fri, Feb 5 2010 10:19:36QUOTE (k-ryder @ Feb 5 2010, 07:04 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>ANZPSB?
that looks stupid
doesn't talk about pen spinning
... weird
SCPSC? (Southern Cross Pen Spinning Community) -
Date: Fri, Feb 5 2010 10:20:35
SDU ftw (Spinners Down Under)
Date: Fri, Feb 5 2010 15:20:34
Long name: Pen Spinning Australia
Short name: P Aus => similar to P S
Long name: Pen Spinning Oceania
Short name: PSO -
Date: Fri, Feb 5 2010 15:23:31
lol, isn't there an organisation in Japan called the Pen Spinning Organisation (PSO) or something?
Date: Fri, Feb 5 2010 15:52:00
Date: Fri, Feb 5 2010 16:38:33
Oh ok. I don't know why PSO sounds so damn familiar then.
Date: Fri, Feb 5 2010 16:59:41
phantasy star online
Date: Fri, Feb 5 2010 17:31:21
go zombo go!
Date: Fri, Feb 5 2010 22:13:14
omg zombo is a genius Pee-ess-Aunz! -
Date: Fri, Feb 5 2010 22:16:14QUOTE (Chakkar @ Feb 6 2010, 08:13 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>I SAID OCEANIA TO CHOGO AND HE STABBED ME WITH A GJH >: (
omg zombo is a genius Pee-ess-Aunz!
Me like!
And Chog's SDU, spinners down under -
Date: Sat, Feb 6 2010 00:16:44
I don't mind Oceania, its just that outside of Aus and NZ there isn't any other spinners in Oceania. And I didn't stab him.
Date: Sat, Feb 6 2010 00:41:38
This is harder than i thought .__.
Date: Sat, Feb 6 2010 00:41:48
Date: Sat, Feb 6 2010 00:45:08
LOL you wish xD
Date: Sat, Feb 6 2010 01:45:31
SDU is pretty cool
whats important in a name:
the initials sounds good, dont make it generic like *PSB or *PSC or *PSA
if possible avoid the letters P and S altogether
i also like communities there's not only initial but a nickname
example: THPSC (initials), ThaiSpinner (nicknamE), Thailand Pen Spinning Community (real name) -
Date: Sat, Feb 6 2010 03:04:27
Smart Mr. Zumbo =)
Date: Sat, Feb 6 2010 03:39:48
problem with SDU is that it has a connotation being from Hong Kong
Date: Sat, Feb 6 2010 03:45:01
The Special Duties Unit (Abbreviation: SDU; Chinese: 特別任務連, nicknamed Flying Tigers 飛虎隊) is an elite paramilitary police unit of the Hong Kong Police.
thats fucking awesome
why yo would not be elite police squad -
Date: Sat, Feb 6 2010 04:06:36
I know what it is, but they might think we're HK.
Date: Sat, Feb 6 2010 04:29:36
Still trying to think of something else =P -
Date: Thu, Feb 11 2010 04:44:12
Australian Twig Spinners! -
Date: Fri, Feb 19 2010 04:39:46
Australian Penspinning Community
Australian Society Of Pen Spinners -
Date: Fri, Feb 19 2010 06:16:55
society is a nice word
how about
Australian Soul Society
Date: Fri, Feb 19 2010 06:34:14
Lol oh your that funny...
Talk about not creative, Zombo ~hmpt~ -
Date: Fri, Feb 19 2010 08:13:10
Pen Ninja: lol Bleach reference
Date: Fri, Feb 19 2010 08:24:53
omg can this be the third pen spinning girl in australia O:
Date: Fri, Feb 19 2010 08:49:48
its penja's gf
and weren't there moar girls?
or did they just die/become inactive all of a sudden??? -
Date: Sat, Feb 20 2010 07:57:04
i dont remember any other aussie girls... nd yeah shes mah girl, i love her
Date: Sat, Feb 20 2010 08:50:35QUOTE (Zombo @ Feb 19 2010, 05:16 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>society is a nice word
how about
Australian Soul Society
ASSI like that one =D -
Date: Sat, Feb 20 2010 09:03:39
chummy disappeared a long time ago. im trying to get as many people back as possible.
Date: Sat, Feb 20 2010 09:16:41
how about AuSpinners?
so apprev would be AuS lol... -
Date: Sat, Feb 20 2010 22:14:44
uhh scratch my last definition
its obviously
Australian Spin Society
Date: Sun, Feb 21 2010 00:38:26
I swear that could work.
Australian Spin Society 8D
or SAS => Society of Australian Spinners lulz -
Date: Sun, Feb 21 2010 01:43:00
Australian Special Air Service (GTFO Brits) -
Date: Sun, Feb 21 2010 04:43:10QUOTE (chogoling @ Feb 21 2010, 09:43 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>OMG PERFECT ASS
but SAS will cause trouble if we get media attention
"next week, the SAS are having a gathering at Sydney" -
Date: Sun, Feb 21 2010 06:20:21
how is that a fix, the Australian is dropped from the SAS
Date: Thu, Feb 25 2010 13:15:42QUOTEi dont remember any other aussie girls... nd yeah shes mah girl, i love her yey
Yay! i feel loved...dunno if i used quote properly o.O lol i suck xp
are there really only three aussie girls here?? o.O woah
oh yeah btw Love you too Luke XP -
Date: Fri, Feb 26 2010 07:27:30
you, jess and kari chan
they are the active ones -
Date: Fri, Feb 26 2010 08:07:28
yeah but i don't really post =P
Date: Fri, Feb 26 2010 08:42:06
i cant really be called a pen spinner >.>''' cant even do combos yet -.-
just think of me as a fan-girl xD -
Date: Fri, Feb 26 2010 10:41:07
kari, you spin dont you?
and yes, you are penja's fanbo.. girl -
Date: Fri, Feb 26 2010 19:23:20
that's a definition of active spinner? O.o
ok then i'm an active spinner! ^^ XD -
Date: Sat, Feb 27 2010 02:39:39
if ur posting in this thread, you're reading it, and giving (constructive) feedback
therefore, you are aware of what is happening in this board and we are aware that you are aware
hence, you are active -
Date: Sat, Feb 27 2010 04:17:36
... i don't usually give feedback at all though... =\
Date: Sat, Feb 27 2010 05:16:50
I see
Date: Sat, Feb 27 2010 08:47:28
but it wouldnt just be us. remember im also planning on fusing with the NZ spinners, and they are very active and skill is high.
Date: Sat, Feb 27 2010 10:23:12
stop spamming in this important thread
Date: Sat, Feb 27 2010 13:25:12
XDD i set my gender to Male on here coz i hated the pink icon thingy, blue is better
lol which means UPSB says Pen Ninja is gay...for me! lol -
Date: Sun, Feb 28 2010 21:05:50QUOTE (MeiTenshi @ Feb 26 2010, 07:42 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>i cant really be called a pen spinner >.>''' cant even do combos yet -.-
just think of me as a fan-girl xD
(the cant do combos: can do tricks, not "fan-girl") -
Date: Mon, Mar 1 2010 13:40:24
who R u?
Date: Mon, Mar 1 2010 14:15:16QUOTE (neoknux_009メMT @ Mar 1 2010, 10:40 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>who R u?
chakkar? -
Date: Tue, Mar 2 2010 04:19:51QUOTE (chogoling @ Feb 27 2010, 09:23 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>stop spamming in this important thread
why the fuck does no one ever listen to me -
Date: Tue, Mar 2 2010 04:46:42QUOTE (chogoling @ Mar 2 2010, 03:19 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>why the fuck does no one ever listen to me
I did... And I think it's because they're expecting you to split the thread.... Or something... Like that... -
Date: Tue, Mar 2 2010 04:48:21
for some reason I don't have any mod powers right now otherwise I would.
Date: Tue, Mar 2 2010 06:02:09
okay... well anyway, my opinion on ausclan forum is... not yet... we're too small =)
Date: Wed, Mar 3 2010 03:53:55QUOTE (Kari-Chan @ Mar 2 2010, 05:02 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>okay... well anyway, my opinion on ausclan forum is... not yet... we're too small =)
Yeah but we can expand? -
Date: Wed, Mar 3 2010 05:07:10QUOTE (impetuous @ Mar 3 2010, 02:53 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>Yeah but we can expand?
Read the posts before, One of chog's friends can create a website for us for our own forum -
Date: Thu, Mar 4 2010 16:10:21QUOTE (Krispy Kreme @ Mar 3 2010, 04:07 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>Read the posts before, One of chog's friends can create a website for us for our own forum
yeah I know, thats what i meant XDD
Proper website = better than a tiny hidden forum group within UPSB -
Date: Mon, May 3 2010 03:53:15
Anymore news on this?
Has something been settled? Or we just left this idea to die .... -
Date: Mon, May 3 2010 07:46:42
we need to test the waters with the other nzers. please be active in the aus/nz team.
Date: Mon, May 3 2010 07:58:48
only vets allowed in anznz atm
Date: Mon, May 3 2010 09:09:53
so whats that make me? im still waiting on a reply
Date: Mon, May 3 2010 09:12:55
what seems to be the issue?
Date: Mon, May 3 2010 09:46:54
why don't we post this on the Aus/NZ forum?
Date: Mon, May 3 2010 21:47:20
I would post in Aus/Nz forum if i was in it
Date: Tue, May 4 2010 06:30:57
that would make things worse
Date: Wed, May 12 2010 16:50:43
err...i think AusClan forum is dead...T.T nuuuuuu!
Date: Thu, May 13 2010 00:05:33
revive it! =D
we still need to do ausclan 2nd as in the pros =P -
Date: Thu, May 13 2010 09:06:30
You mean ausclan 1st.
Date: Thu, May 13 2010 09:13:48
ah yes
Date: Sat, May 15 2010 03:21:51
waht? we are still doing a pro version? it really wouldbt be too much different.
Date: Sat, May 15 2010 03:53:14
no plans of yet, but there will be one in the future
Date: Wed, Jun 2 2010 10:59:20
Alrite, my pet scan today was ober boring and i thought up some more names
AusNZ? Wait.. i think someone already mentioned it o.o
Yeah yeah?