Off-topic / J.D. Salinger

  1. jaychou
    Date: Fri, Jan 29 2010 05:42:24

    I'll miss you, Holden, and the Catcher in the Rye.

  2. strat1227
    Date: Fri, Jan 29 2010 05:47:01

    RIP, I respect him, but Catcher in the Rye was one of my least favorite books ever dry.gif

  3. XYZakiメAM
    Date: Fri, Jan 29 2010 05:47:40

    QUOTE (strat1227 @ Jan 28 2010, 09:47 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
    Catcher in the Rye was one of my least favorite books ever dry.gif


  4. jaychou
    Date: Fri, Jan 29 2010 05:53:26

    I hate all of you.

  5. xSpin
    Date: Fri, Jan 29 2010 06:00:05

    Who the fuck is this?

  6. strat1227
    Date: Fri, Jan 29 2010 06:27:01

    QUOTE (xSpin @ Jan 29 2010, 02:00 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
    Who the fuck is this?

    QUOTE (xSpin Profile)
    Group: Members
    Age: 15 years old

    You should know. Read a book.

  7. Zombo
    Date: Fri, Jan 29 2010 14:31:56

    RIP, but the catcher in the rye sucks

  8. strat1227
    Date: Fri, Jan 29 2010 17:39:12

  9. xSpin
    Date: Fri, Jan 29 2010 19:17:34

    I don't read....*sigh*

  10. Loanshark
    Date: Fri, Jan 29 2010 19:36:59

    wtf? I loved Catcher in the Rye, one of my favorite books ever

  11. strat1227
    Date: Fri, Jan 29 2010 20:08:39

    It's fad fiction, like 1984.

  12. Mike
    Date: Fri, Jan 29 2010 20:11:12

    I loved Catcher in the Rye.

  13. jaychou
    Date: Fri, Jan 29 2010 20:38:54

    wow you people are weird, you don't like catcher in the rye and you don't like 1984...what about A Brave New World or On The Road?

  14. Look Into the Sun
    Date: Fri, Jan 29 2010 21:09:01

    Not everyone has your taste in books. I also think The Catcher in the Rye sucks.

  15. Zombo
    Date: Sat, Jan 30 2010 00:26:53

    QUOTE (jaychou @ Jan 29 2010, 03:38 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
    wow you people are weird, you don't like catcher in the rye and you don't like 1984...what about A Brave New World or On The Road?

    you mean Brave New World? hated that book, pure boredom

  16. jaychou
    Date: Sat, Jan 30 2010 01:12:52

    *dies a little inside*

  17. strat1227
    Date: Sat, Jan 30 2010 02:41:07

    So basically you listed the 4 most overrated books in all of literature already. Hype, fad fiction.

  18. jaychou
    Date: Sat, Jan 30 2010 03:47:10

    no, all the most overrated books would be taken by charles dickens, that guy fucking sucks

  19. Eso
    Date: Sat, Jan 30 2010 05:55:33

    Actually, a lot of the books they assign you to read in high school suck. "The Great Gatsby," "How To Kill A Mockingbird," "Of Mice And Men"... blah.

    I just read the synopsis of "The Catcher in the Rye." Damn that sounds boring.

  20. k-ryder
    Date: Sat, Jan 30 2010 06:16:32

    anyone understand heart of darkness???

    read brave new world 2 years ago.... not great, but i read the whole thing, which is an achievement, seeing as i stop reading after about 4 pages
    to kill a mockingbird also understood and read the whole thing

    although my judgement in a good book is whether i can finish the thing

  21. Mike
    Date: Sat, Jan 30 2010 07:01:41

    1984 was really good too.

  22. jaychou
    Date: Sat, Jan 30 2010 20:08:01

    man you guys have been drinking too much haterade; just bashing every book that people seem to like

  23. strat1227
    Date: Sat, Jan 30 2010 23:52:38

    QUOTE (jaychou @ Jan 30 2010, 04:08 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
    man you guys have been drinking too much haterade; just bashing every book that people seem to like

    nope, read all of them, disliked all of them

  24. jaychou
    Date: Sun, Jan 31 2010 06:58:23

    i'm now very curious what you count as a "good book"

  25. strat1227
    Date: Sun, Jan 31 2010 13:54:13

    Catch-22 is my favorite book, and the first one that comes to mind

  26. Erirornal Kraione
    Date: Sun, Jan 31 2010 14:06:22

    Wow, you guys are so open to other people's opinions! It's wonderful!

  27. jaychou
    Date: Sun, Jan 31 2010 22:05:45

    @Eriror smile.gif

    anyways i know some good books "Where's Waldo?" and all the Dr. Seuss books

  28. strat1227
    Date: Mon, Feb 1 2010 04:56:56

    QUOTE (jaychou @ Jan 31 2010, 06:05 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
    anyways i know some good books "Where's Waldo?" and all the Dr. Seuss books

    lol i hope that was meant to be a tautology to bring us together, and not to be patronizing.

    either way, i agree biggrin.gif

  29. jaychou
    Date: Mon, Feb 1 2010 05:24:21

    well the Where's Waldo is a little questionable

    but i'm serious on the Dr. Seuss books; those are great

  30. Retro-Spectre
    Date: Wed, Feb 3 2010 10:48:12

    lol, Eso "reads the synopsis" of Catcher in the Rye and thinks it's boring. That just goes to show what an ignorant fucktard you are.

    The Catcher in the Rye is amazing novel, and if you read it (especially you lonely fuckers here on UPSB) and think it's "boring", then you need to learn to read beyond face-value.

  31. Erirornal Kraione
    Date: Wed, Feb 3 2010 10:50:31

    Or just accept not everyone has the same opinion about writing styles.

  32. TRoc
    Date: Wed, Feb 3 2010 12:39:44

    Eh, I loved Catcher in the Rye. A good book will always be a good book.

  33. strat1227
    Date: Wed, Feb 3 2010 13:05:47

    Lol Retros shock value act got boring a long time ago

    I didn't think it was boring, it was just bad.

  34. jaychou
    Date: Wed, Feb 3 2010 22:26:26

    i think the one thing we should all agree on is:

    Dr. Seuss = awesome

    Charles Dickens = needs to die in a fire