Serious Discussion / Purpose of Life Theory


  1. iMatt
    Date: Fri, Feb 5 2010 22:39:37

    I've been doing a bit of research and some serious thinking for a short story that I'm developing.

    The core of story is focused around the actuality of purpose in realistic terms; more specifically, the purpose of life as a whole. Not an individual's pursuit of happiness or personal goals, but that of life itself.

    Now I want to point out that I am not a scholar or expert on theology/metaphysics or anything else in the realm. These ideas are purely of my own intellectual limits and can be subject to change upon being proven wrong or incorrect.

    A few theories regarding what I've considered:

    1.) The purpose of finding a purpose is to give life a purpose.

    - For the theory of Life's purpose is to end is a counter-productive statement. If life is to end for why is it there in the first place.
    - To counter-act that, The only reason we have a need to understand why we're here is for life to continue on.

    2.) Humans specifically are confined by the limits of our current logic and reasoning system, therefore in our current state we cannot actively understand the current dilemma of "How can something be created from nothing."

    -Our current logic and reasoning ability does not allow for matter to be created from nothing. (Law of Matter: Matter Cannot be created nor Destroyed).
    -The human mind cannot logically compensate for the impossible. (Things such as a human being able to fly through mind and body alone.)
    -Under these conditions the human mind will never be able to understand a factual and reasoned basis for life's purpose.

    These are just a few ideas I've thought about and feel pretty safe about. What I would like from the people reading this is for some feed-back, agree/disagree, and flaws within my statements.

    I ask that all Religious Arguments be disregarded. ( I am an atheist and organized religion has already been proven falsifiable through our logic and reasoning system. However spirituality is more than welcome into the argument if it pertains relevance to statement.)


  2. strat1227
    Date: Fri, Feb 5 2010 22:51:16

    I've never understood why this discussion is always considered so complicated ...

    If you look at it objectively, it's like asking "what is the purpose of that chimpanzee?" ... Well, nothing. It doesn't have a purpose. If you want to give your own life meaning, I think that's great, I think everyone should assign their own life a reason.

    But do we have some inherent "purpose"? Outside of religion, of course not.

    That being said, if you think we were put here by some greater power, then I think it's safe to assume that that greater power did it for some purpose. In THAT case, this discussion has merit.

    Outside of religion though, I don't understand how this conversation even makes sense.

  3. Zombo
    Date: Fri, Feb 5 2010 22:53:38

    from the biological point of view, the purpose of life is to make the race survive

    i cant say much more than that.

  4. strat1227
    Date: Fri, Feb 5 2010 23:03:28

    well even from a biological point of view, yes we're "hard-wired" to, we do it because it's instintual, but does that mean it's our "purpose"? Not really, we do it because our DNA tells us to

  5. Dark Angel-REX
    Date: Sat, Feb 6 2010 06:36:42

    I'm with Strat.

    More like purpose of life as what people say is, although might not be the correct word and for lack of words, illusion. It's something we make up in our minds. People very very long time ago didn't even need to think about purpose of life. They just had to try to live.

  6. kensai
    Date: Sat, Feb 6 2010 17:36:17

    Go read up on existentialism.

    But really, what strat said.